New Fanfic based off one of my favorite songs by Rin and Len. Remote Control! If you haven't heard it, listen to it. So here we go... Remote Control!

Disclaimer- I don't own Vocaloid or the song Remote Control. I only own the story.

Rin's POV

- OrangeTsundere signing on -

I gripped my old, worn controller tightly in my hands, waiting for the game to start. A picture popped on screen. Quickly pressing enter, the screen changed, turning into a forest landscape. Pushing the control pad, I traveled through my current location, the Unknown Forest, searching for a battle.

- A wild band of Trolls appears -

Here we go! Fight time! I watched as onscreen about 5 trolls holding clubs walked my way. I ran towards them, swinging my Level 40 Fire Sword at the first troll that tried to attack me. As soon as my sword made contact with the troll, it disappeared in an instant. Too easy! 2 more trolls, slightly bigger than the last, charged toward me, as if they were trying to avenge their dead brother. Using my Speed of Wind ability, I quickly ran behind the 2 trolls. They looked confused for a moment. They wondered where their pray had gone. That's when I swung my sword, and the 2 trolls died just as easily as the first.

Now where were the other 2 trolls? Turning behind me, I saw them, and they looked upset. An angry opponent makes the fight much more fun. Smiling, I sheathed my sword, and pulled out a power-up, I found while searching the forest yesterday. It was small, but should still destroy my low level opponent.

I pulled Poison Gas Ball from my backpack, and threw it at the trolls. I quickly covered my avatar's mouth, so she wouldn't inhale the poison. I watched as the trolls fell to their knees, holding their necks. Yes, the Poison Gas Ball prevents the enemy from breathing, therefore killing them by suffocation. I watched my opponents writhe on the ground in pain. Then they both stopped moving and disappeared.

Where their bodies had once been, appeared a small bag of coins and a Flaming Arrow power up. I grabbed them, and stuck them in my backpack. I was about to leave to wander another area of the forest, when I heard a strange growling noise through my headset. What the heck? My avatar turned around to see a giant 10 foot troll, looming over her, with a giant spiked club coming towards her face.

I tried to pull my sword from my backpack, but I couldn't do it quick enough. The troll was gonna get me for sure, and there is no way even my Level 60 Warrior Knight could survive that. I braced myself for impact. There goes all my coins and items. I'll have to start the game back at Level 1. All that hard work for nothing. I waited for the club to hit me, and game over to flash on screen, but it never did.

Looking back up at the troll, I noticed it had disappeared. In its place was a Warrior Knight in shining golden armor, holding a giant sword.

- Shotaboy entering battle -

Shotaboy? What kind of lame username is that? I guess I have to be grateful though. He did save my avatar. I watched as Shotaboy collected the coins that had emerged from the dead troll's body. "Thanks man," I said into my headset, in a deep voice. Shotaboy's avatar turned towards me. "Don't mention it," he said. His voice sounded kinda funny, like a high-pitched teenager.

"Rin, dinner is ready!" I heard my mom call me from downstairs in the kitchen. Man, time for dinner already? "See ya," I said to Shotaboy, while quickly adding him to my Allies List. Sighing I took of my headset, and turned off the game.

Oh! I guess I never introduced myself. I'm Rin Kagamine, otherwise known as OrangeTsundere. I'm 15 years old and I hate dresses, soup, boys, homework, reading… you know what? I hate to many things to list. How about I tell you what I like. I like oranges, singing, and above all video games. In case you didn't notice, I'm a pretty hardcore gamer. My favorite game in the entire world is Crypton, the game I was just playing. It has to be the best game in the entire world!

I also have to say I'm awesome at it. I have at least 50 allies already. The only thing is that most of them think I'm a guy. I mean being a girl is great and all (well kinda), it's just that girls aren't taken seriously in the video game world, because of the stereotype that all girls suck at videogames. So if I pretend to be a guy, I get more respect and allies. That's why my avatar, who is actually a girl, looks like a guy. Her orange tinted armor covers anything that would make her appear to be feminine. I also have to talk in a deep voice over the headset, otherwise people will get suspicious. But my fighting skills dispel any doubts anyone has about my true identity.

"Rin! Dinner!" my mom called again. "Coming!" I called back, setting down my controller on my bed. I quickly ran downstairs and sat down at the table. "Rin, were you playing that game again?" my mom asked, setting my plate down on the table. It was pork chops, gross. Then my mom set down a bowl full of oranges. Dinner just became worth eating. "Rin, were you playing that game?" my mom asked again. "Yes," I told her, my mouth completely stuffed full of oranges. My mom sighed, as she sat down next to me. "You know I think that game is extremely violent and not appropriate for someone your age."

"Mom," I groaned. "It's not that bad. It doesn't even show any blood like that one game that Rinto plays…"

"Rin, we are eating!" my mom cut me off. I quickly turned back to stuffing oranges in my face. "Rinto!" My mom yelled. I could hear loud, clumsy footsteps run through the hallway. My brother, Rinto, appeared and when he saw the food, his face lit up. Rinto is 17 and the only thing he cares about is food. He quickly sat down on the other side of the table.

I turned back to my mom, who was eating her pork chop neatly. "Mom, when's dad gonna be home?" I asked, noticing that dad wasn't home. "He should be home in a few minutes," Mom replied, looking up at the dining room clock.

As if on cue, I heard the door to the garage open. "Lily! Rin! Rinto! I'm home!" Dad said, walking into the dining room. He was dressed in a nice shirt and pants. He must have had an important meeting today. Dad works for a big company called Kagamine Ent. (A coincidence, I know), but usually he doesn't have to dress up nice.

"Leon," My mom said, standing up to give Dad a kiss. Gross. Dad and Mom both sat down and starte to eat their dinners. "Leon, I was just telling Rin that she shouldn't play that violent video game anymore," Mom explained to Dad. Dad started to laugh. "You think Crypton is violent? Have you seen Rinto's games?" My mom didn't find that very funny, because she frowned at Dad. He became quiet very fast. "Rin, I think you should go spend time with friends. Like that nice girl Miku who just moved in down the street," Mom told me. "Friends," I scowled. "Who needs them?"

I'm not the most social person in the world. Besides who needs friends when I have Allies in Crypton. But I guess I sometimes I do get a little lonely at school. Maybe I will talk to that Miku girl, just to see what she's like. Who knows? She could even be a gamer like me?

"You won't get anywhere in life with that kind of attitude," Rinto smirked. Rinto was Mr. Popular in his grade, so he thought he knew everything. But he still didn't have a girlfriend. "If you're such hot stuff," I taunted Rinto. "Show me that girlfriend of yours!" Rinto glared at me, and was about to rebuttal, but my mom stopped him. "We do not argue at the dinner table," she said sternly. "Sorry," Rinto and I said in unison.

I quickly finished off my oranges and then the pork chops. As soon as I finished, I asked to be excused. "May I please be excused?" I asked Mom, in my most politest voice. "Not yet, we have something to talk about," she told me. "Huh?" I'm confused.

"We are going on a family vacation to America!" Mom said happily. America? "Do they have Crypton there?" I asked. "You can bring the game along," my Mom sighed. Great, now I'm aboard. "So what are we doing on this trip to America?" Rinto asked.

"Well, I don't know. Let's just see where the wind takes us," Mom said smiling. Ah good ol' mom. She tries to be organized and plan things, but she's really bad at it. She probably thinks it'll save a lot of trouble, just playing it by ear. "Fine by me," I agreed with her. Dad and Rinto also nodded in agreement.

"Wonderful!" Mom cheered. "The trip is in about 2 weeks, when the American children return to school. It'll be perfect timing!"

"May I be excused NOW? I asked Mom, now that her announcement was over. "Sure," she said. "Just make sure to put your dishes in the dishwasher." Quickly I got up, and threw my dishes in the dishwasher. Then I ran upstairs, and turned Crypton back on.

Len's POV

I wandered through the Unknown Forest, wondering if that avatar I just met, OrangeTsundere or something would return. I added him as an Ally, because he seemed to be pretty good in battle. I watched him fend off those trolls. Maybe he would come back. I wanted to talk to him, since seemed that no other players were on at the moment.

- OrangeTsundere signing on -

He's back. A Warrior Knight dressed in orange armor appeared before me. "Hey Shotaboy!" The voice of OrangeTsundere said. It sounded like he was trying to make fun of my nickname. I have to admit though, it is pretty lame. My mom came up with it because she thought it was funny.

By the way, I'm Len Kagamine. Son of the incredibly wealthy Oliver Kagamine of Kagamine Ent. I am extremely popular and well-liked by the ladies, despite my shotaness, which Mom says I get from my Dad. I also am an avid video gamer, but don't tell anyone. Gamers are frowned upon at school, so that's why I keep my video game love a secret. If anyone found out, I'd be done for.

"Hey OrangeTsundere," I replied back. "What's up?"

"The sky," OrangeTsundere laughed. So he's a smartass. Suddenly I heard something in the forest. I turned my avatar around, and zoomed in on the forest. "Did you hear that?" OrangeTsundere asked, unsheathing his sword. I nodded, and pulled out my sword as well. I zoomed in a little closer, and saw something big and red moving through the forest. I watched as it stepped towards us, and opened its mouth.

"Look out!" I yelled into my headset, as I made my avatar duck. A long column of flames shot out of the mouth of the creature, and right over my head. To my relief, it went over OrangeTsudere's too. "It's a Dragon!" OrangeTsundere exclaimed. I rummaged through my backpack looking for a spell I had found yesterday.

"Here it is!" I yelled, pulling 2 bottles from my bag. "Fireproof, and I have 2 bottles!" I said, handing one to OrangeTsundere. He grabbed it, and we activated the spell. Now we were both Fireproof. The two of us raced towards the Dragon. "Aim for the heart!" I instructed OrangeTsundere. "I'll distract it!"

I moved my avatar in front of the Dragon. "Yeah Ugly!" I yelled, throwing a rock at the Dragon's head. That certainly got his attention. The Dragon turned to me, and breathed another column of fire. But this time I was ready. The fire touched me harmlessly. The Dragon tried again to burn me, but that was his mistake. At that moment, OrangeTsundere stabbed the Dragon in the heart. I watched as it disappeared into nothingness.

"Nice job," I called to OrangeTsundere. "We make a good team."

"We sure do!" OrangeTsundere called back. Looking away from the game, I checked the clock on my bedside table. Crap, 9:00 already!

"I got to go!" I told OrangeTsundere before signing off. "Bye," OrangeTsundere replied waving.

- Shotaboy signing off -

I threw my controller on my nightstand. It was pretty new, but I had lost the directions to it. It still works though. I turned to a pile of papers sitting on my desk. Uggh homework. I still haven't finished any of it. Did I mention that it's Monday night and I have school tomorrow?

I searched through the papers to see what kind of homework I had. Math, English, History, all the fun stuff. Can't Wait.

How was it? Was it good? Don't worry the romance will come, because our characters have school tomorrow. Wonder what that'll have in store? :)

Please Review!