Okay so the first three chapters are pretty bad. I dont' like them. So if you appreciate better writing I would go to chapter 4 and on. Not sure how many Hart of Dixie fans there are out there, but I loved the show! I also really appreciated the relationship between Zoe and Rose, so I decided to write a story about them. I hope you like it!


Goerge's POV:
I hear a phone ringing in my dream, but I slowly wake up and realize it's Zoe's phone. Oh no, someone must be hurt, that's the only reason a doctor would get a phone call at this time. I decide to pick up since Zoe seems dead asleep

. In a sleepy voice, "uhh Hello"

"Zoe!? It's Rose, my parents are hurt please come, NOW!"

"whoah! calm down Rose, it's George. She'll be on her way though, don't worry. Is there a doctor there?"

"No!, you don't get it! Give me Zoe!, I want Zoe!" She cries

"Zoe! Babe wake up."

"What? What's wrong George?"

Zoe looked confused and worried all at the same time.

"It's Rose, her parents are in the hospital."

She snatches the phone from me in an instant

Zoe's POV

The moment I heard those words come from George's mouth, I felt an indescribable urge come over me. I wanted to run to Rose, but the best I could do was snatch the phone away from George.

"Rose, what's going on?!"

"Zoe! My parents are in the hospital, they got in a real bad car accident. I'm at home, please take me to the hospital Zoe please! I need you"

"I'm on my way Rose, don't worry everything will be fine."

I hear Rose sob and the phone click. I jumped from bed, threw on some clothes and grabbed my purse. I needed to be there for Rose. Honestly, I had no idea if everything was going to be OK.

"George, please get up. I need you to drive me to Rose's and then the hospital in Mobil."

"Are her parents OK?"

"I'll tell you on the way, but please we have to go now!"

Ten of the longest minutes later and we make it to Rose's house. I get out the car, and I see Rose blast out of her door and run straight towards me. I envelope her in a hug, and she begins to sob.

"Zoe, are they going to be ok?"

She sounds so innocent and childish, I just pet her hair and maneuver her into the car, but she refuses to let go of me.

"Rose, look at me. Everything will be fine."

"I don't care if everything is going to be fine, I want to know if they're going to be ok!"

George looks at me through the rearview mirror, and I nod signaling him to head out to the hospital.

We finally make it and Rose runs to the receptionist.

She sounds exasperated and tired, on the verge of crying as she begins to talk.

"Hi, my name is Rose Hattenbarger, my parents are in the hospital. Thy got into a real bad accident on their way back from some show they went to go see."

I jump in before Rose breaks down again.

"Hi. I'm Zoe Hart. I'm a doctor can we please go see Anne and David Hattenbarger."

Receptionist: "They are currently in emergency surgery"

I hear Rose gasp and turn to George when she hears this. Luckily, George is thoughtful enough to go towards the waiting room and sit with Rose.

Receptionist: "I need you to wait here, we'll come back with the news."

"Wait, what do you mean news. Can I talk to someone who actually understands medicine? I need to know what's going on, NOW!"

Receptionist: "ma'am there is no need to be rude! Nurse Jackson, can you explain to this lady over here the condition of the Hattenbargers."

A woman comes towards me. She seems to be in her early 30's and has a soft face, and a warm ambience about her.

"Miss Hart, the Hattenbargers are in extremely critical condition. They got into a car accident with a semi-truck, apparently the driver was drunk. They both have suffered…"

Her voice trails off in my head, because I notice something about her voice, I know that voice. I made that same voice plenty of times when I was a doctor in New York. It's a voice with the intonations of extreme sympathy and loss of hope. It's grave because as a medical practitioner you believe your patient isn't going to make it…Nurse Jackson didn't think the Hattenbarger's were going to make it.

When I realize she's done talking I smile and nod.

"Thank you for the update."

"You're welcome, I suggest you prepare their daughter for anything."

I walk towards George and Rose, how am I supposed to explain this to Rose, a 14 year old girl.

I sit by Rose and place my hand on her leg. She lifts her head from George's shirt.

"What'd the nurse say!? Are they going to be OK?"

I braved myself for what was to come.

"Umm Rose, it seems that the accident was really bad. It was a semi-truck that hit them, the driver was drunk. The doctor's don't know if they're going to make it."

She stands to her feet and starts to plead and yell

"NO! You have to go in there! You have to save them, you're the best doctor! I know you can save them Zoe, go in there right NOW"

Rose begins to cry. The waiting room becomes dead silent at Rose's outburst.

"Rose, sweetie, you have to calm down." I say in my calmest voice possible.

"No, don't you get it, WHAT IF THEY DIE!?"

I sit her down and just hug her as tight as possible. She lets me embrace her, but gives me nothing in return. She just stays limp.

The doctor comes in, his face is downcast and glazed with sadness. I know that look far too well.

"Family of the Hattenbargers?"

"Me! I'm their daughter, are they ok? When can I see them?"

I stand and give Rose m hand.

"It pains me to say this, but they didn't make it through surgery. There was far too much internal bleeding, the organs began to shut down."

She lets go of my hand


"I'm fine, just leave me alone."

She sits on the farthest chair away from me and George. She places her knees up and buries her face in them.

"uhh thank you doctor"

"Once again, I'm sorry, there was only so much we could do by the time they got to us."

I smile, "I understand"

I walk up to Rose, but she hides herself deeper into her arms.

George: "Babe, she doesn't want to talk right now, let her grieve"

"Grieving involves talking, she can't just grieve all alone!"

"Zoe, it just happened a minute ago."

"I know, you're right. I'm sorry"

I wasn't sure what was going to happen now. I'm a doctor, I know that death is natural, but the emotions that come with the death of someone are just too much to handle. I was anxious, what is going to happen to Rose now?

Please review :] I need to know if it's a good one or not!