I sit down in the mud clutching his body close to me in my arms. Looking into my brother's eyes i see his pain. The suffering he's going through right now. I feel tears threatening to fall from my own eyes. Clearing my throat, i blink them away. I know i have to be strong right now, he needs me to be strong. I owe him that much.

''You're gonna be okay bro. The ambulance is coming.'' I assure him. I try to sound calm and confident but on the inside i'm terrified. He probably knows that.

His hand moves to hold the side of my jacket. ''Sammy..'' His voice is weak. ''I..'' He trails off.

''Dean you're fine. You're not gonna die okay? You cant die.'' Tears stream down my face now. ''You promised me. You promised you wouldn't leave me.'' I look again at the huge gash in his stomach, pushing the blood soaked cloths down on it harder.

''I'm sorry Sammy..'' Dean whispers to me, his voice broken.

My heart shatters right there. He always feels like he's responsible for me. Even now, as he's lying in the dirt dying, he still only thinks about me. His eyelids begin to droop. Blinks lasting longer and longer each time he closes them. ''Dean no, you gotta keep your eyes on me okay?''

He tries to give me a smile but i can tell he's in too much pain. ''I'm tired Sammy.''

''Dean come on, you have to hold on. I need you.''

He shakes his head at me slowly. ''You're strong. You'll be okay.''

''No. Dean you've always been the strong one. You have to be strong now. You cant just give up. Help's coming.''

''It's too late Sam..'' His voice is getting quieter and quieter everytime he speaks. ''I..'' His breath catches in his throat. His tight grip on my jacket loosens.

''You what Dean?'' He doesn't answer me. ''Dean?'' I shout, shaking his body but he doesn't respond.

He's dead. My brother, my hero, the guy who i've looked up to my whole life is gone. He's the only thing that keeps me going. The only reason i have to get up in the mornings. I look into his eyes. They're not the usual bright green, playful eyes i know. No longer are they glinting with mischeif. Now they're dark. Lifeless. Why did this have to happen to him? It's always him.

I can't breath anymore. I feel as though i'm going to be sick. I want to scream but i cant seem to make a sound. I think back to when we were younger, a time when we were happier. I cry harder. I blink through my tears and listen to something off in the distance. Sirens. The ambulance. Two minutes earlier they might have saved him. ''They might have saved both of us..'' I say to myself quietly. My eyes move from Dean's face to the spot where his gun lays, right beside him. I pick it up and hold it to the side of my head.

''I'd have done anything for this to be different Dean. I'm so sorry.'' I choke on my own tears. ''I love you bro.'' Then everything goes black.