
The team followed Callen into the hospital room, falling into somewhat of a line, as they trudge in, Hetty tailing the back. Nell is placed directly to the back of the room, her eyes tired and hair wild, but she smiles at Callen's entrance, and crains her neck to look at her friends, as they made their appearance. In her arms, is a blue cloth blanket, and Callen slowly removes the baby from her arms without breaking eye-contact from her, swiftly kissing her on the lips once, figuring at a time like this, it was okay to show a bit of affection, and turned the baby towards the group.

"I would like you all to meet Isaac Samuel Callen."

Kensi is the first one there, her arms naturally curving into the baby's body, and Callen is a bit resistant to giving him up, but once Kensi has the baby securely, he sighs a sigh of relief.

"He has the most beautiful hazel eyes ever," Kensi coos, unlike her usual demeanor. "Nell, my kids better be as cute as yours someday."

Nell flashes a tired grin, and Callen chuckles lowly. "Quick hogging the baby, Kens. The rest want to see him today."

Her lip turned into a pout, but unwillingly she turns and placed the baby delicately in Deeks arms, who seemed to have the same natural instinct as Kensi. "Hi Isaac, just you wait, someday Uncle Marty is going to teach you to surf."

"Probably not," Callen retorted, but his smile gave him away, and Nell shakes her head, a grin on her face too.

"Just wait until he can walk, Marty."

"Aye Aye Nell." Deeks replied, turning to the next in line. Eric took the baby, surprising Nell at his ease. While his comfterbility wasn't as high as Kensi or Deeks, he still rocked the baby easily, grinning at the baby. "And I'll teach you how to hack every computer in the state. You know, I did break the internet once."

Sam's next, and the larger man takes the baby as if it was second nature, which after two young daughters, it probably was. Rocking the baby in his small arms, he flashes his grin at Callen. "Let's just hope he doesn't act or look like you,"

For Callen, that was the best thing anybody had ever said to him. Isaac was his, and there was no disagreement about it.

Last, the old women held her arms out, and Sam placed the baby gently in her arms. Wrapping her arm around the baby, she looked at Callen and Nell, her eyes teary.

"You know, I never had any children, Ms. Jones and Mr. Callen. My advice to you, is to treasure this, treasure each other."

Callen placed a hand on the older women, before glancing back at Nell. "We wanted to know if you wanted to be his Godmother. Sam is obviously the Godfather," Sam clapped a hand on Callen's back at these words, and Callen took his free hand, shaking his hand in a tight grip, before looking back at Hetty. "Truthfully Hetty, you have been like a mother to me, and I don't know where I would be without you. Will you be Isaac's Godmother?"

The old women paused a second before shifting the baby to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand. "I would like nothing better, Mr. Callen."

"Good," Nell's voice finally piped up. Because we could imagine nothing better."


The hall lights are dim as the time as become late as he comes down the hall, a cup of coffee in his hand. In the doorway, he watches at Nell hugs first Sharon Granger and then Owen, as the three of them stand in the glow of the light, Isaac in Nell's arms. Unwanting to intrude, Callen backs out of the doorway to find Nell something to drink. Some demons are better to be handled alone, he knows and as much as he loves Nell, this was something she had to do, without him. Clutching his coffee mug, he turns back down the hall, the dim light playing with his shadow.


He watches the man pull into his driveway before entering the car, double-checking to make sure the car is locked before heading into the house. His shadow reflects off the walls as lights are flicked on through the house. A women, probably his wife, comes down the steps with a bedroom robe flung around her with two young girls following, their greetings happy. Their laugher is evident on their faces as the man swings his daughters around, a grin on his wife's face as she watches the scene. Glancing down at the newspaper clipping from where he sat across the street, he examined the name and the face, the name and the face of the man across the street from him right now, the name and the face of the man who ruined his life. Sam Hanna ruined his life once, and this time, he was going to make sure the man paid.

There you go! There is the wrap up and then here is the prologue to the next series. It may be a while for the ideas to start flowing with that one, but I thinks Nell and Callen had enough issues on them, right? (: Look for more Densi in the next one, Eric and his girlfriend, and of course Nell, Callen, Isaac, and a wedding? Love you all, leave me some reviews/ideas/love. I love them.