The only sound Rachel hears is the clattering of raindrops on her black umbrella. Of course it's raining; it's a funeral so there has to be rain. It's the way it's supposed to be, isn't it?

The priest is speaking but she's not paying attention to what he's saying. She watches the casket being lowered into the ground and she sobs quietly.

All she can think about is Quinn. What would have happened if things were different? She wasted so much time after Quinn had told her she's a killer. They never should have broken up. Rachel never stopped loving Quinn, maybe she wanted to but it wasn't possible, her heart was set on Quinn.

She knows now that Quinn would have never hurt her and her fear – because she had been scared at first – had been so misplaced.

Strong arms wrap around her from behind and she leans back against the warm body, revelling in the feeling of safety that comes with being in Quinn's embrace.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asks, her lips grazing Rachel's ear as she speaks quietly.

Rachel nods and places her free hand on top of Quinn's. "I'm just relieved, I think," she replies.

"Yeah, me too. Come on, let's go home."

They take one last look at the grave that is now being closed and then turn around. Behind them a tombstone is being put into place. The name neatly engraved in the grey stone reads 'Russell Simon Fabray.'

They're lying in Quinn's bed; Rachel snuggled up against Quinn's side, careful not to put any pressure on her still-healing wounds. Quinn is lazily dragging her hand up and down Rachel's back, enjoying the comfort the other girl is offering her.

"What's going to happen now?" Rachel asks after a while.


"I killed someone," she replies quietly, still unable to wrap her mind around it.

"It was self-defence, Rachel."

"I know that, I just meant... How am I supposed to deal with it? I-I don't feel guilty, I don't, he was going to kill you and I did what I had to in order to stop that but..."

"You took someone's life," Quinn finishes. "I don't think I'm the right person to talk to about this. Didn't your psychologist make you talk about it?"

"Yes, she did, but she doesn't know what it feels like. You do."

Quinn stills her hand and sighs. She nudges Rachel so she can sit upright, her back resting against the headboard. Rachel follows suit and looks at her.

"Russell was a bad guy, Rachel. He killed two of the people I loved the most and took away my chance at a normal life. Now he got to you, too. I don't think I've ever felt this powerless in my life. I wish I had paid more attention, I should have killed him the second he was on the floor, I just wanted you out of there and, god, I'm so sorry." She feels a few tears make their way down her face and she hastily wipes them away. Whatever happened to not crying, she wonders briefly before Rachel takes hold of her hand and demands her attention.

"I don't know what to say, Quinn. I can't begin to imagine how you feel but he didn't get to me, okay? I'm glad I was able to protect you from him and, yes, I'm upset about what happened and I'll probably never be okay with it but I'm not going to turn into..."

"Me." Rachel opens her mouth but Quinn continues. "It's okay, Rachel. I know you didn't mean it like that but you're right. You're not going to turn into me. I wish I could say that I understand how you feel but I can't. You're better of talking to someone who thinks killing a person is dreadful. I think that, I mean, I feel horrible about the fact that you lost that innocence and I never wanted you to experience that but I can't walk you through this. I can't be the one to tell you how to make it better. I know why you asked me, I really do, and I so wish I could help you with this, but I'm sorry. I'll be here for you in whatever way you need me but I can't do this for you."

"It's okay," Rachel says quietly. "I understand. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

Rachel's eyes flit over Quinn's face and she waits patiently until she's done studying her. She shimmies down the mattress and motions for Quinn to do the same so that they can resume their cuddling. Quinn chuckles lightly and moves down. Rachel immediately latches on to her and releases a sigh.

"What's going to happen between us now?"

"I don't know. What do you want?"

It was pretty much Rachel's call; it had been from the start. Quinn loves Rachel and she wants to be with her, but she's not certain Rachel wants to be with her. She knows that Rachel loves her but she doesn't what that means in terms of their relationship.

"I know that I came far too close to losing you and that I love you more than I ever loved anyone. I want to be with you, so badly, but I don't know if I can be okay with you going out every few weeks to kill someone."

"Yeah." It's all she can say. She can't promise Rachel she won't kill anymore because it's not a promise she can keep. "I wish could change for you, be the person you deserve, but I can't."

"You're the love of my life, Quinn."

"Same," Quinn mumbles as she leans forward and places a kiss on the corner of Rachel's mouth. It's been a while since they've kissed and they haven't figured out how to make this work between them and she really shouldn't make things worse for the both of them but she needs this and when Rachel inhales softly before turning her head slightly so that their lips are barely touching she knows that Rachel needs it too.

Their lips meet in a passionate kiss and both Rachel and Quinn sigh in relief. Quinn repositions herself onto her side, now facing Rachel, and draws the smaller girl closer until their bodies are touching. She feels Rachel slip her leg in between hers and she moans at the welcome invasion.

They continue their heated make-out session until Rachel's wandering hand accidentally grazes Quinn's stomach wound. Quinn stiffens and inhales sharply and Rachel immediately jumps back and goes into concerned-maybe-girlfriend mode. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just don't do that again," Quinn says, smiling lightly to let Rachel know that she really is okay.

Rachel groans and drops her head onto Quinn's shoulder. "It's probably good that we stopped."

"Yeah, probably."

"I can't stay away from you, Quinn. I've tried but I can't."

"Then don't." Quinn shifts a little, making Rachel remove her head from her shoulder. "I don't have a solution for this but, maybe, if you want to give us another try we could figure it out, together."

"But what about the killing?"

"I don't know. If you don't know about it, would that help?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'll make sure you don't know when I do it. You'll never know, Rachel."

Rachel is quiet for a moment but then she nods, hesitantly. "Maybe that could work."

"It isn't perfect, I know. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away but, for now..."

"Okay. Let's do it," Rachel says.


"Yes. I don't want to let you go."

Quinn is aware that it's not a solution at all and Rachel might be okay with it now but it won't last. Until then, though, she has time to figure things out. Maybe she can stop with Rachel's help. Maybe they are just not meant to be. Whatever it is, they'll figure it out together and, for now, that's enough for the both of them.

A/N: Here it is, the last chapter. I really hope you guys like it and I can't thank you enough for the response to this story. It has certainly motivated me to write more and to try and get better at it. There are a few stories that I'm working on right now so, well, expect something new in the near future. :D

To the guest who asked why Quinn didn't kill Russell while he was on the floor: yes, you have a point. She wouldn't have left him, she would have gone back to finish him once Rachel was out of harm's way, which was her main priority at the time. But you're right, it was inconsistent and I apologise. Thank you for your feedback, it's much appreciated.

Also, this story comes with a playlist, woot! If anyone wants me to upload it, let me know and I'll post the link on my tumblr (quinned dot tumblr dot com).