Hey, so this is my second try at a Zutara fanfic. You may or may not remember my first one with the exact same first chapter as this one called, "Zutara: The Untold Story". I thought I could write this better than I did the last time, and maybe not get as stuck. This story is a bit different than ZTUS, but the changes, in my opinion, make it better. Enjoy!

-Symphonic Madness


I watch her. The way she bends water fascinates me to no witnessed end. I would kill to touch her, hold her, keep her warm on this cold, dark night. But then she would know I was watching her, and would turn away from me. But for some reason, I feel my feet walking to her. She's in the water, in her underbindings, probably so her clothes won't get wet.

I'm shirtless, still in my sleeping clothes. It's not like Katara has never seen me without a shirt on. It's not like the entire group hasn't seen me without a shirt on at least once before. I clear my throat, alerting her of my presence.

She drops the water she's bending and gasps.

"I… uh… couldn't sleep," I say.

That's true, but it's only half of the reason why I'm out here.

"Neither could I," Katara says.

I go into the water. I have to resist touching her beautiful dark skin. She turns to look at me. Her blue orbs that she calls eyes twinkle at mine. She touches my arms and I inhale sharply.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asks, quickly withdrawing her hands.

"No. It just surprised me how right it felt," I admit to her.

She replaces her hands on my skin, but not on my arms, but instead, her arms intertwine around my neck. Our lips are so close to touching it's unbearable.

"Does this feel right?" Katara murmurs, her hot breath searing my lips in a way no fire ever could.

"A little too right," I whisper.

Katara does what I'd wanted her to do this entire night, if not since I met the girl. She closes the space between our lips and kisses me. Her lips are so soft and wonderful. I can't even put into words how amazing it feels to be kissing her. Her. Katara. The girl of my dreams.

I pull away and whisper, "Katara, if and when we win this war, I want you to do something for me."

"What?" she whispers in response.

"I want you to marry me," I say.

She looks at me with the hint of tears in her eyes. But she smiles.

"Zuko, I want nothing more," my beautiful Katara whispers.

I just stand there, holding her, until I feel her shaking. I break us out of our trance.

"Katara, you're shaking," I say.

"I'm cold," she whispers. "Follow me. I'll warm you up."

I lead her out of the water, drying my pants with my bending skills once I do so. I then take her to my tent, light a lantern, warm up my robe, and wrap her up in it.

"Lie down with me," I tell her in the dim lighting.

She does as I say. I join her, and I wrap her in my arms.

"Wait, I need my clothes," she says, suddenly alarmed. "I can't bear the thought of Aang thinking we did more than we did."

"I'll be right back," I tell her.

I make my way into her tent, and retrieve her clothes, warming them up on the way. When I let her put them on, she sighs contentedly.

"So warm," she says. "Thank you."

"It's no problem, Katara. Now get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up," I say.

With Katara in my arms, I sleep better than I have in a long time.