Authors Notes: Originally titled 'Livin On A Prayer' and was a fic created with my friend, but I've rewritten it. This is as if Bobby had nieces and were brought into the season three storyline and continue up to the end of season five.

I do not own Supernatural. Wish I did, but I don't. I only own Liz, Gabrielle, Robby, Mark and other random characters that I make up myself as the fic goes on who were never featured in the show before. Oh, and I admit I'm not the best grammar freak around and this isn't beta'd so any mistakes are my fault and I'm sorry! xD

Darkness crept around the house, it was quiet and there was no light except for what shined through the windows from the street light out front on the sidewalk. A girl, probably around the age of four slept peacefully in her bed, dreaming of who knows what. Suddenly, the cries of a baby broke the silence through the quiet house. The girl woke up startled, wiping the sleepers out of her eyes, she pulled the covers over her and got out of bed. Luckily, her mother had left the door open, the little girl was still scared of monsters and her mother left the door at a creek, so she would be able to go to her parents room down the hall if she had a nightmare since she was still quite small to reach up and open the door herself.

Her parents door was all the way open, the girl could barely see, but she knew where she was going, "Mommy, daddy, Gabby is crying." The girl said as she stood at the door entrance. Her parents still didn't wake up hearing her, so she walked in and over to the bed, she shook her father a bit, "Daddy, Gabby is crying." She was annoyed about her parents not waking up and going to check on her little sister.

The little girl knew something was wrong, her father didn't wake, when usually he did if she shook him the way she had. She reached over to the lamp and turned it on, she looked over and eyes widened. There in front of her were her parents, laying in fresh blood. They had been murdered and it was a horrible sight. The girl let out a scream, piercing it through the night.

Elizabeth Corvelle-Walker, or Liz, quickly shot up from the nightmare she just had. Though, it wasn't just a nightmare, it was a memory of when her parents had been slaughtered by a demon. She breathed heavily, wondering why she had just dreamed of that night so many years ago. She put her hand on her forehead and then ran her hand back through her hair. Her husband who laid next to her was awakened by her startle, he slightly sat up and held Liz's hand, "Beth, you okay?" He asked her in concern.

Beth, that was her name now. That's what she went by ever since she met Mark, ever since she quit hunting, faked her death and changed her name to Beth Singer, taking the last name of her Uncle Bobby that had raised her ever since her parents death. Only her Uncle and younger sister by four years, Gabrielle, knew about how she had faked her death.

Liz gave Mark a reassuring smile, "Yeah, I just had a nightmare. That's all." She assured him, "You can go back to sleep, I think I'm gonna be up for a while." Mark just gave her a smile then turned back around and dug his face into his pillow and fell back asleep. Liz sighed, getting out of the bed her mother instants were bothering her and she felt like she had to check on her son, Robert Johnathon Walker.

Liz closed the door to her bedroom, turning the light on in the hallway and walked down to her sons room. She walked up to his crib to see the boy sleeping soundly and curled up in his blanket. He was only eight months old, and he was Liz's pride and joy. She smiled, thinking of her younger sister since her son reminded her of her sister when she was a baby.

Liz leaned down and gave Robby a kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry Robby, I'll always be here to protect you. No demon will ever set foot in this house and lay a hand on you, I'll make sure of it." She whispered to him and it was a cold hard promise.

Liz turned around and walked out of the room, stopping at the entrance of the room and turning around once again and smiling then turned back around and walked out. She debated on going back to her room and going to sleep, but she just couldn't so she turned the hallway light off and walked downstairs.

She didn't know why she was so worried and wanted to check on everything. She'd been retired from hunting for four years now, she wanted to settle down and move on from that life. Though, she never really wanted to retire, she had loved hunting, but after she met Mark she thought it'd be best if she settled down.

Liz walked into the kitchen and turned the light on, going over to the counter and opening the cabinet grabbing a glass then poured herself of glass of water. She walked over to the table and sat down and took a drink, she sighed putting the glass down on the table and ran a hand through her hair wondering what was bothering her so much and why exactly after all this time did she just suddenly dream the night of her parents death?

Part of her thought it was because she missed hunting, she really did miss it. Sure, she had Mark and Robby now, a family, but she wasn't really happy. Whenever she thought of being happy, it was when she was a hunter and hunted with her Uncle, Gabrielle, and also the Winchesters. She half laughed thinking of John, Dean, and Sam. She wondered how they were doing, she never really asked Bobby about them, then again she had told him not to mention her around them. She couldn't have Dean crawl back onto her doorstep.

It'd been eight years since she last spoke to Dean and Sam, four years since she last talked to John. He had actually helped her and Gabrielle on their last hunt. Unlike losing contact with Dean and Sam, she still kept in contact with John, he had always been like a father to her, luckily he was good at keeping secrets and never told Dean where she was. She sighed thinking about Dean, she had loved him, a part of her still did even if she wouldn't admit to herself.

Though, she was married now, Dean was the last guy she'd ever want to come back into her life. He was apart of the past she had left and she'd make sure that it stayed that way. Liz gulped down the rest of her drink and then put the glass in the sink, walking out of the kitchen she turned off the light and then headed back upstairs to try to get some sleep.


The next morning Liz walked down the stairs and yawning as she buttoned her grey flannel over her white shirt. She hadn't got much sleep after her dream, only about an extra hour, which meant she'd have to jack herself up on caffeine the rest of the day.

Taking a smell of the air as she heard the sound of bacon sizzling in the kitchen and her stomach growled at the sent of the bacon, one of her favorite foods. She turned after her feet landed on the floor after walking down the steps and she made her way into the kitchen. Robby sat on his high chair he squealed and held out his hands trying to mouth 'mommy' as he did, Liz smiled and walked over to her son and giving him a kiss on the forehead and messing with his black hair.

Mark looked up and turned around from paying attention to the food and Liz walked up to him and he gave her a kiss, "You feeling any better after last night?" He asked her.

Liz gave him a soft smile and nodded, "Yeah, I just had a nightmare, it was no big." She walked over and leaned her back against the counter next to the stove, taking another smell of the delicious bacon cooking.

"No big? Beth, you barely got any sleep after it."

Liz sighed, "I just remembered the night of my parents death, I don't even know why so don't ask why." Mark shook his head and then looked down and took the fork on the side and flipped the pieces of bacon. He had two plates with eggs and toast ready, he was just finishing up the bacon.

"You know, you can talk to me about it."

"When I'll tell you, I will. Right now, I still just find it hard to talk about it."

Mark sighed, "Well, alright then." Mark then leaned against the handle bar of the oven and crossed his arms, "So, what's up at the garage tonight?" He asked.

"I just got a few cars to fix up, one needs tire change, two need oil and tires changed then one needs a paint job." Mark slightly laughed, Liz looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "What?"

"Just the fact that I married a girl who works on cars." He gave her a smile, Liz smiled and walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him and stared up into his brown eyes.

"And I married a doctor, how do you think I feel?" She joked back then the two kissed, Robby squealed and the two pulled apart and laughed. Liz walked over to Robby and played peek-a-boo with him as Mark turned off the stove and put the bacon onto the plate they both were brought to the attention of the house phone ringing.

Mark walked over to the table with the two plates in his hands and raised an eyebrow, "Now, who could that be?"

Liz shrugged, turning around and walked up to the counter next to the stove where the phone was in the corner next to the wall and she looked at the caller ID to see it was her sister Gabrielle calling, she huffed, "It's Gabby."

"Your sister?" Mark asked as he sat down.

Liz nodded, "Yeah, wonder why she's calling." She hadn't talked to her sister in a while, about five months to be exact. Her sister was away at Stanford, she couldn't remember what she was studying for, but her sister had gotten a full ride to Stanford after the two retired from hunting. She picked up the phone and answered it while she turned around and crossed her arm over her as she leaned against the counter, "Hey, Gabby, what's up?"

"Liz, oh thank god you're alright!" Liz raised an eyebrow at the relief in Gabrielle's voice on the other line.

"Uh, yeah...I'm just fine. Why would you think I wasn't?"

"This might sound crazy, but...I had a vision."

Liz's eyes widened and then she turned to Mark, "Um, I gotta talk to my sister in private. I'll be right back." She told him before walking fast out of the kitchen, past the stairwell, and then into the living room, "Gabby, what do you mean by visions?" Liz whispered, making sure Mark couldn't hear.

"See, that's the thing. I don't know. I've been having these visions...or nightmares, really; though they're so vivid and the past few nights. The last five nights I've had one of you, Mark, and Robby."

"This is crazy, you can't just start having visions out of the blue."

"But, I have!" Gabrielle paused, "Last week I had a vision...Sam and Dean were in it. Sam had been stabbed in the back." Gabrielle's voice got a little emotional and stuttered, "I-I saw Sam die in Deans arms."

Liz's heart felt like it dropped to her stomach, she put her hand up to her mouth and tried to force back tears, she shook her head, "No. There's no way, Gabby. You couldn't have visioned something like that. And why would you just suddenly dream of Sam and Dean anyways? We haven't seen them in eight years!"

"That's the thing, I don't know why. But, they're so vivid and I feel like I'm actually there watching it happen, but I can't do anything to stop it."

Liz sighed, "Did you call Bobby?"

"Yeah, that was the first thing I did, but I had trouble getting a hold of him, then when I finally did and asked him if Sam and Dean were alright, he told me that they were just in a mess right now and he'd get back to me."

"Look, I'm sure everything is fine with them. You probably just miss the life and have been having strange dreams; you know Dean would never let something happen like that to Sam."

"I'm just...worried."

Liz then remembered Gabrielle saying about the vision she had of her, Mark, and Robby, "Gab, what was the vision you had about Mark, Robby, and I?" There was silence for a moment, though Liz could still her Gabrielle breathing, "Gabby, you alright?"

"I-I visioned that you guys were slaughtered by a demon."

Liz shook her head quickly, "Gab, you're crazy! See, they're nightmares! You're just having nightmares, that's all." She sighed, "Look, I have to get back to Mark."

"Please, be safe."

"I will. I can assure you that no demon will lay a hand on myself or my family."

Liz said her goodbyes to Gabrielle before hanging up the phone and walking back into the kitchen, but before she did she jumped when she bumped into Mark. He held her and noticed something was off, "You alright?"

Liz nodded and gave him a fake smile, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Mark let go of Liz and crossed his arms, "So, what was Elle calling for?"

"Family matters, nothing you should worry about."

Mark gave Liz a serious face and put his finger under her chin and she looked up at him, "Did you not forget we're married, I'm apart of this as well."

Liz took Mark's hand and put it down, "She just wanted to talk, okay? I told you, it's nothing you should worry about." Mark sighed, deciding he wouldn't ask anymore questions and the two walked back into the kitchen to finish breakfast.

-With Gabrielle-

Gabrielle ran her hand through her hair, putting the phone down she sighed. She felt better knowing her older sister and family were okay. She didn't know why she'd been having all these visions. She decided she would finally get ready for her classes. She hadn't been doing well lately since her friend Jess died a while ago, but at least she was about to finally get her bachelor's in psychology. Now, if she could just get her masters, then she'd be much happier. Well, in all actuality the only way she'd ever be truly happy is if her and Liz went back to hunting, she missed those days so much.

Unlike Liz, who had retired, she kept it in secrecy. Liz thought her sister was still just in college, she had no clue Gabrielle was still hunting now and then when there wasn't much going on in Stanford. She knew if Liz ever found out about that, she'd have a foot up her ass. Though, mostly Gabrielle did research to help their Uncle Bobby, who had raised them since their parents murder. She didn't have her own car, she was trying to save up for one though. She didn't mind doing research though, it gave her an excuse to use her bachelor's in demonology. She snickered, knowing she'd be dead if Liz ever found out about all of this.

Gabrielle was soon pulled out of her deep thoughts as her phone alarm went off, she had to get to one of her classes in a bit. She grabbed her messenger bag, a piece of toast in hand, and rushed off to her first class of the day. She made it just in time and set up her laptop and a tape recorder, preparing to take extensive notes, knowing it was going to be a long day.

After all her classes were over for the day, Gabrielle finally made it back to the dorm. She was quite tired, but she had some work to do, so she made herself some coffee and put as much caffeine as she could to keep her up. She felt her phone vibrate, so she pulled it out of her pocket to see she got a text from her Uncle Bobby.

Winchester disaster! Need help with research!

She sighed, she would make sure to call him later. As of right now she had to get her journal, demonology texts and a few various others, not knowing what she'd need, just that she knew she'd better be ready for anything. When she finally called Bobby, he told her what all had happened, finding out her vision had actually been true, but also she found out of Dean's deal to keep Sam alive. She did a few researching for a while until she finally crashed. Though, she had that 'dream' of Mark, Robby, and her sister again. It was just as vivid as last time.

Liz walked into her house after a long day at work, setting down her keys she also put up her jacket. She walked to the kitchen to get washed up, since her hands were a little dirty after working on cars all day. She walked into the kitchen and screamed. There on the floor was her husband, dead and in a puddle of blood. Above him stood a man, smirking wickedly. Liz narrowed her eyes. "Christo." She hissed. The man looked up with black eyes and lunged for her. Liz was prepared though, splashing holy water in his face. Smoke rose and the man screamed in pain. "Get out of my house." She screamed, clutching her flask angrily, about to attack.

The demon grinned at her. "Is mommy mad? I would be too. I'm going to make you miserable. I already killed your husband and son. Now, I'm going to kill your sister. Maybe I'll send you her head." With that he left, laughing insanely leaving Liz alone. She dropped to the floor, pulling her husband close and sobbing.

Gabrielle woke up with a scream, tears flowed down her face. She looked over at the clock to see it was six in the morning. She had to call Liz, she had to. She picked up her phone and dialed Liz's number. Knowing the dream had changed, she only hoped she could stop it in time.