
Author's Note: And so we end Rebellion. I hope you guys enjoyed it because I totally did! Don't be sad. I have so much more blackfrost coming up. Maybe a blackfrost piratevengers...? Hopefully this wasn't too OOC.

oliviathecf, no one said you were hating. Just saying. And thanks!

Maria, your question has been answered in this chapter. I am all for stony, but the alternative is good too. And Clint's got a friend-possibly-more friend. And I ship blackfrost so bad.

Thanks for all your reviews, follows and favourites!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Marvel's.

Rated [T] for now.

No One Needs to Say Goodbye

Fast forward one year, where Loki and Natasha were now in grade 11. Natasha's mother was back for her work trip and was shocked to see her daughter with a cast. Natasha had simply said it was a gymnastics accident. It was fine, until Mrs. Romanoff pointed out three simple words in beautiful green calligraphy.

I love you. It said.

"Mom, I have a boyfriend. His name is Loki." Natasha had said. Her mother had nodded proudly and went upstairs.

Present Day

"Excuse me?" A feminine voice asked Natasha. She turned around to see a girl with golden yellow hair and bright, blue eyes holding a stack of paper.

"Can I help you?" Natasha asked.

"Hi, I'm Bobbi Morse. Do you know where the archery range is?" Bobbie asked.

"Natasha Romanoff. And yes, I do. It's down the hall, take a left, across the right, take the stairs, turn a right and there you go." She asked.

"If it's not too much trouble, could you actually take me there?"

"Sure, I've got time." Natasha checked her watch. She could still be back in time to meet Loki.

"Thanks. I'm in twelfth grade. Pretty late to be starting new, but my parents just had to move me here." Bobbi sighed.

"Oh, cool. I moved here when I was fifteen, so it's not so bad. The people here are really nice."

"I hope so. It's hard making new friends."

"Tell me about it." An idea popped into Natasha's head. Clint would be there, practicing his archery. Maybe he and Bobbi could meet…

"Clint?" Natasha called out as they reached the archery range.

"Nat?" He turned around.

"I have a new recruit for you." Bobbi stepped forward. Clint's face lit up. He hadn't looked at anyone like that ever since last year, when he met Natasha.

"Hi, Bobbi Morse. Is it too late to join?" She asked.

"N-no, not at all." Clint stuttered.

"I'll leave you two alone." Natasha whispered, waving goodbye.

"Thanks, Natasha!" Bobbi called out.

Natasha snuck up stealthily behind Loki, who was getting something out of his locker. She wrapped her arms around him and tiptoed to kiss his cheek.

"There are not many people who can sneak up on me." Loki grinned, turning around.

"But you figured I'd come."

"Of course."

"So today, are you taking me to your house? Not the apartment."

"Yes. Mother and Grandma have been requesting your presence ever since they found out about us." Loki sighed.

"I like your family."

"You are talking about the people who raised me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, silly. Now, we have to get to class. Oh, guess what? I played matchmaker today~" Natasha couldn't keep the grin off her face.

"To who?" Their friends were all dating someone.

"Clint and a new girl who's also into archery."

"Well, congratulations to Barton." Loki still called them all by their last names; it was a habit he couldn't break.

"How long have you lived here, and you still talk like Shakespeare in the park?" Natasha asked.

"I was born this way." Loki shrugged.

"I'll see you later, Loki." Natasha kissed him quickly on the lips before going to her first class of the day.

At lunch, almost everyone was there, except for Clint. Bruce was talking to his girlfriend, Betty Ross, who he finally worked up the courage to ask. She was smart, just like him and could calm down one of his rare angry moments. Steve was with Peggy Carter, a brave girl who wore red lipstick a lot. Tony played matchmaker for that relationship.

"Where's Clint?" Natasha asked, sitting down next to Loki.

"Hey, guys." The man in question appeared, now with a Bobbi Morse by his side.

"Who's the arm candy?" Tony asked, peering through his sunglasses.

"Bobbi Morse." Bobbi said. A round of hellos was exchanged and another was added to their table of friends.

"Congratulations, Clint." Natasha whispered.

"Thanks, Nat." Clint smiled.

After school, Loki and Natasha drove up to the Odinson Household. Extracting the key from under the mat, Loki unlocked the door and was greeted with his mother embracing the two.

"Loki! Natasha! You made it!" Frigga smiled brightly.

"Hi, Mrs. Odinson." Natasha said.

"Hello, mother." Loki said.

"Call me Frigga. We're almost family." She winked, to which Natasha blushed.

"Mother! Don't embarrass me." He whispered. "I'm going to take Natasha upstairs now."

"Be responsible." Frigga grinned as she went to the living room.

Loki and Natasha both flushed a deep red. They reached Loki's room, which was very different from his apartment. It was covered in random posters with a desk sitting in the corner. Loki's bed was covered in a dark blue and clothes littered the floor from his last visit. Natasha sat down at the end of his bed and curled a finger, inviting Loki to join her.

"In my childhood bed, really?" Loki raised an eyebrow.

"But I've missed you…" Natasha stuck out her bottom lip.

"What part?" Loki smirked, sitting down next to her.

"You're such a tease." Natasha slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "All of you, of course."

They both leaned in and fell back on the bed. They hadn't done it yet and they certainly weren't going to on Loki's childhood bed. Finally, a knock on the door diverted their attention and they quickly pulled apart. Not a second later, Frigga came in.

"Do you want a snack or anything?" She asked.

"Pudding?" Loki's eyes shined. When he was little, every day after school, he would have two cups of pudding with his mother and Thor.

"Yes, my dear boy. Just like we used to." Frigga smiled calmly.

Instantly, the sixteen year-old Loki had reverted to a six year-old Loki, who had pudding with his mom every day. Tightly grasping Natasha's arm, he dragged her downstairs and into the kitchen. There were cups of pudding laid out, chocolate, the entire family's favourite.

They both ate in silence, with tears appearing at the corners of Loki's eyes once or twice as he ate pudding with his mother and girlfriend.

"Frigga!" A familiar voice called.

"I'll go get her." She excused herself.

"Thank you, mother." Loki said, before she was all the way upstairs.

"Anything for you, son." Mrs. Odinson nodded.

Loki bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from tearing up.

"See? People do care." Natasha placed her hand atop his.

"Y-yes. I know." He choked a bit.

"It's okay, let it out."

"I'm okay." Loki's eyes were dry again.

Gertrude came down the stairs, took one look at Loki and Natasha and shrieked, "I knew it!" Natasha's hand was still on Loki's.

"Yes, grandmother, you were right. We are perfect for each other, even if it sounds clichéd." Loki said, kissing Natasha's cheek.

"Gertrude's never wrong." She cackled.

Frigga went inside to start dinner; Thor was going to be at Jane's house, so it would just be Frigga, Natasha, Loki and Gertrude. Odin was always away.

The dinner was light-hearted, with a few laughs and Loki joining into the conversation more. At the end of the night, Loki went to take Natasha home. But before she left, Gertrude pulled her aside.

"Take care of him." Gertrude smiled.

"Always." Natasha smiled back, walked towards to motorbike.

"Loki, I love you."

"I love you too, Tasha."

They kissed deeply, putting all their feelings into it. It was a great way to end the night.

Author's Note: I'm sad to end this, but there will be more to come! I really hope you guys liked this!

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