Eternal Shadows.

Disclaimer: I do not own any elements in this story, except for original content.

Naruto walked around Shadowhaunt as usual. He then decided to go visit Anca's shop again to get some new materials for his puppets and weapons and opened a portal.

The City.

Naruto walked towards Anca's shop, only to find soldiers in front of it. He cursed as he ran towards the shop. The soldiers saw him and drew their weapons, before they were impaled by several blades of dark energy that Naruto shot at them. He ran into the shop and saw several soldiers ripping off Anca's clothes. Naruto's eyes turned red with a black four bladed pinwheel and a dark aura appeared around him. The soldiers froze as the first was snatched up by a ghostly skeletal hand and crushed to a paste. The other soldiers looked back and saw Naruto standing there with a ghostly ribcage with a single arm around him.

"You have lost the right to live." He said as the rib cage grew into a ghostly warrior covered in armor with a shield and gourd (Itachi's Susanoo). Suddenly the figure opened the gourd and created a flowing sword and killed the soldiers in 5 seconds flat. The figure disappeared and Naruto ran towards Anca. "You okay?" He asked as he picked her up when he saw she had passed out and she coughed up some blood. He cursed and created a few clones of darkness and gave them several scrolls. "Gather everything and return to Shadowhaunt." He ordered as he disappeared with Anca.


Anca woke up and saw Naruto looking at her with a smile. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded.

"You came just in time. But my shop is ruined. They came after me when they found out I supplied you with weapons and materials." She said. Naruto smiled.

"I gathered everything and installed it here." He said. "Ask the others if you need anything. I need to take care of some assholes." He said as he blurred away. Anca giggled.

"Those guys won't know what hit them." She said.

The HQ of the Soldiers.

The Soldiers were wondering where their colleagues were, when the front of the base suddenly exploded and a wave of black flames washed in. "You pieces of scum dared touch what is mine. For that you shall pay." Naruto snarled as he launched several fireballs at the soldiers. The soldiers dodged and ran outside, desperate to get out of the tight space of their HQ. As Naruto walked outside, he saw that more soldiers had shown up and a large crowd had formed. He looked into the crowd and saw the Winx and Specialists stand there. He just looked back to the soldiers and smirked.

"You should've never tried to harm Anca. No one, and I repeat no one, touches what is mine." He said as he floated into the air, making the Winx stare in horror.

"Descend upon wings of Darkness." He chanted as he began his own transformation. The Winx backed away as he turned into the form he used to fight them in the last battle. Naruto smirked as he looked at the soldiers. "Twin Dragon Inferno!" He yelled as his wings turned into two dragons of energy and tore into the soldiers. He then reformed his wings and flew at the soldiers. "DIE!" He yelled as he tore one of the soldiers in half with his bare hands, before tearing through the rest, before once again flying into the sky and dodging shots from several ships the soldiers had brought as backup. He smirked, before three dragons of fire raced towards him, forcing him to dodge. He looked and saw his mother and sisters.

"Why don't you die already, monster?" Kushina demanded. Naruto chuckled.

"So my pathetic excuse for a mother shows her face again." He said, shocking the Winx. Hinata looked from the background. She agreed with Kushina on her view of Naruto. He was a monster and she couldn't understand that Bloom and Stella couldn't see that. Flora was just scared to death of him and Techna, Musa and Layla didn't know what to think.

"And this time I will make sure you die." Kushina said. Naruto just laughed.

"You could barely defeat me in my Darkness Form's First Stage. And you think you can beat me when I am like this? Even Faragonda, Saladin and Griffin combined couldn't stop me. The Winx only stopped me because the Pale Eyed Bitch used Forbidden Magic." He then smirked as he disappeared and appeared in the middle of the soldiers again. "Hellfire Tornado." He said coldly as a tornado of black flames engulfed almost half of the soldiers and their ships. Kushina bristled with anger and nodded at her daughters.

"Let's do this." She said as their Magical Auras flared. Naruto looked at them with a frown. "Sacred Dragon Heavenly Blaze!" They yelled as a large dragon of Golden Flames was launched at Naruto, who flew up into the air, only for the dragon to follow him. The dragon hit and a large explosion rocked the city. Kushina smirked. "There is no way he survived that." She said. Stella and Bloom shook their heads, which she noticed. "Why do you disagree?" She asked.

"You need three people for that spell, while Naruto can cast it's dark variant on his own." Stella said. Kushina scoffed, while the remaining soldiers walked over to her, which was still about a few dozen. They didn't even say a word, before a dark chuckle sounded from the smoke cloud in the air. The cloud cleared and revealed Naruto. But what was revealed shocked them all. Naruto's chest was badly burned, his armor blown to pieces and blood flowed from his head. But what shocked them the most was that his entire right arm was gone.

"To think you actually hurt me." He said with a chuckle as dark energy seeped from his body. "You will not get away with this." He said as the energy seeped into the corpses of the soldiers. "Witness the power of a Necromancer." He said as the corpses struggled up, reanimated by Naruto's magic. Kushina actually backed away.

"You found it." She whispered. "You were the one that raided the Temple of The Dead." She said. Naruto chuckled.

"Yes. And now I want something from you." He said.

"You will not have our power." Kushina snarled. Naruto just laughed.

"I don't want your power. I want knowledge." He said. "Our family were the last remaining Guardians of the knowledge of the Forgotten Kingdom of Eldoras." He said. "What I want, is the location of the long lost capital of the Chaos Elves." He said with a wicked smirk. Kushina's eyes widened, while Naruto smirked as the corpses fell down, the magic Naruto used and their residual life force flowing back to Naruto, healing him and even restoring his arm, clothes and armor.

"I will never give you the location." Kushina sneered, while Naruto laughed.

"Can you still say that when the life of your daughter is on the line?" He began as he disappeared and reappeared, but now with Karin in his hands, one arm around neck and the other around her waist, pinning her arms against his body. Kushina's eyes widened, before she sneered.

"You wouldn't dare anyway. Even you don't have the guts to kill your own family." She said. Naruto just chuckled.

"Maybe I won't kill her, but she has other uses." He said as he squeezed Karin's breast with one of his hands, making her moan.

"Alright. The map to the location is in the ruin of The Hidden Whirlpool Village." Kushina said. Naruto smirked as he threw Karin at Kushina, who caught her.

"I am a man of my word, so here is your daughter." He said as he rose further into the air. "Now if you excuse me, I have a map to find." He said as he disappeared in a black portal. "Goodbye." He said as the portal closed, leaving the crowd to tend to the wounded.

The Ruins of Whirlpool.

Naruto appeared, still in his Dark Angel Form, as he dubbed it now. He instinctively knew where to get the map and walked to the location. When he entered the fault, he saw the map. Seeing as he was still of Uzumaki blood, the traps didn't activate. He smirked as he took the map, and the rest of the items in the vault, including Scrolls, Artifacts and other stuff. He then opened a portal and left for the location of Eldoras.


When Naruto walked out of the portal, he was immediately bombarded by Bolts from so called Raven Bolt Throwers and arrows from the Archers. "Calm down, I am not here to fight!" He yelled. They instantly stopped when a black haired woman walked forward. This was the Queen of the Chaos Elves Titania.

"So you are the Dark Angel? Even we have heard from you. Tell me why you are here?" She said.

"To gain help for my revenge." He said, before explaining his story. Titania nodded.

"Follow me. We will discuss the alliance." She said as they walked to her palace, Naruto deactivating his Dark Angel Form.

As they sat down in her room, she closed the door and locked it. "Now for the negotiations." She said with a purr as she sauntered over to him. "There aren't any worthy men in this kingdom, mainly because we are almost all female. The only reason we survived is because of our lifespan and that we stayed hidden." She said as she sat in Naruto's lap. "So, give me a good time and we are yours." She said. Naruto smirked, before he threw her on the bed, ripping her clothes off and kissing her deeply.

"Very well my queen." He said as they went at it for the entire night, effectively preventing the servants from getting any sleep, with some of them, wishing they could join in.

3 days later.

Naruto was flying around Magix again, riding on one of his dragons. It was white and black and about 2,5 meters long, showing it was young. They landed in a forest clearing and Naruto petted the dragon's head. "Thanks Obsidia." He said as the dragon nuzzled his hand and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Naruto then began walking, until he came across a woman with long black hair, red eyes and pale skin stood there, wearing black robes and carrying a large black scythe.

"So you are Naruto Uzumaki?" The woman said with a fanged smirk, which Naruto mirrored.

"And you must be Noah Shinigami, the Goddess of Death." He said with a mirthful look in his eyes. Then, in a flash, Noah had her scythe at Naruto's throat, while Naruto had the Ebony Blade at her throat. "So what do we do now?" He said with a grin, which Noah returned.

"Well, we could fight. Or we could join up." She said, which Naruto smirked at.

"I choose the last one. I am only biding my time until Darkar finally let's his guard down." He said they both removed their weapons from each other's throat. Noah then smirked as she kissed him on lips, which Naruto just returned. They broke apart and both smirked as they disappeared to their respective locations.


Naruto appeared once more and was immediately tackled to the ground by Darcy, who immediately kissed him, while Naruto just let his hands roam her body. They broke apart and went to his room.

3 days later in the Human World (Bloom's World).

Naruto walked around in an Ancient part of the Amazon Rainforest where no one ever entered. It was called the Forest of No Return, seeing as everyone who entered, disappeared. He smirked as he found an ancient Castle that seemed to be shrouded in a permanent Illusion to keep people from finding it. From the air that is. The tree were high enough to completely hide even the highest tower. He smirked as he walked in and called a single black bladed, serrated, katana to his hand.

As soon as he entered, a horde of Chaos Warhounds jumped at him, only to be swiftly cut down as Naruto flashed past them. "Annoying." He said coldly as he heard a chuckle. Out of the shadows walked a man with pitch black hair, pale skin and sickly golden eyes, wearing black robes.

"So you are the brat who entered my domain?" He said. "It doesn't matter. You will die here." He said, until he heard Naruto laughing insanely.

"You kill me?" He said with a laugh as a pitch black aura surrounded him and grew to such an intensity that the ground began to buckle and crack under the pressure, the air around him distorted and the castle was shaking on its foundation. "You won't even touch me." He said.

"Why not?" The man demanded, until he found Naruto behind him, with his katana piercing the man's heart.

"Because you are already dead, you just didn't realize it yet." He said as he ripped out the sword and stored it away, before leaving for the treasury, which he collected. He then left the castle with a haunting laughter as black flames engulfed the entire structure and reduced it to ashes, miraculously leaving the surrounding forest untouched.

And that makes that. The 6th chapter is done.

As for the Naruto/Fairy Tail crossover, mentioned in chapter 4, I almost have the first true chapter done after a few ideas from a friend.

Now, for a preview for a new project. The preview is done slightly in the style that Darthemius uses for his previews. Read his stories, they are fucking awesome, and send him cola.

They thought they could control me.

Lelouch, you will serve Britannia as a Prince once more.

They thought I was gone.

Zero is gone, he won't come back.

But they were wrong.

Revenge is coming, Emperor. And none shall escape my hand.

They gave me an army that they thought was loyal to them. But they are wrong.

We are the Death Guard, and we serve only our master.

Now, I am free.

None shall control me. No one will control death.

And they will pay.

You fool! You will pay for your crimes, Suzaku!

They thought me loyal to them.

Remember your loyalties, Lelouch.

Remember your ambition, Zero.

But I am only loyal to myself.

Lelouch is dead.

Zero is gone.

In the end, all that will be left, is death.

I am the reaper. I am death.

I, am Mortarion.

Code Geass: Shadow of the Reaper.

Coming soon.

A nice day and pleasant reading.

And please review, or I will send Khorne after you.