Okay, you guys. Right where we left off: Too much sexual tension between our favorite duo! Their friends want to help…. Whats going to happen now? XDDD LOL
"What do you want?" Soul asked, watching Maka try to decide between an entire row of candy. "Maka. We. Will. Miss. The. Movie."
"Oh, uh…" Maka nodded at the small red box on the top shelf. "Pocky, please." The man behind the counter picked up the box of strawberry pocky, and Soul stared at Maka as she took the box and smiled at it. She loved strawberrys… She usually tasted like it too….
Pulling his mind from the gutter, Soul shook his head and met the tsubaki and blackstar in the theater. Obviously, he sat next to Maka. He wasn't really paying attention to those behind him, but he really should have been. Little did he know that Liz and Patty sat behind them, holding a box of insence sticks. Which also happened to be sexual mood enhancers. LOL
"What are we watching?" Maka leaned over so Tsubaki could hear her. Already, Maka was afraid she knew the answer when a thick fog appeared on the screen. Tsubaki gave her a devilish smile, mouthing the words Something Scary. Maka fell back into seat with a loud gasp.
"Whats wrong, Maka?" Soul asked, leaning to press his mouth to her ear. It sent a shudder through her body. "Tsubaki brought us to a scary movie, Soul…" Maka informed him, trying to sound calm. If Soul knew ANYTHING about Maka, it was that she could handle horror. Unless, they happened to be books.
"Its okay," He tried to calm her down, curing at Tsubaki in head. "Just lay in my chest." Maka nodded, and lamely slumped over into Soul's side, immediately feeling at home. He wrapped an arm around her, and covered her far ear so none of the loud sounds would scare her.
A little while passed, and things were going smoothly. Tsubaki and Blackstar were nearly asleep, showing no signs of fear whatsoever. Behind Soul and Maka, who were tightly snuggling, Liz and Patty began waving the scented sticks. Before it took effect, Soul looked down at Maka. "You smell really good." He told her, arching an eyebrow. "Is that you?"
Maka pulled from him a little, and he noticed she was crinkling her nose. "No, that's a new smell. It's nice, though." Patty and Liz held in intense urges of laughter. "But your strawberry breath smells amazing." Soul told Maka, suddenly wanting to taste her. Trying to control himself, he pathetically laughed.
Maka gave him a rare smirk, and planted her hands in his soft hair. She pulled him down to her lips, slowly stripping every small piece of self-control he had. Soul pulled away in a desperate gasp for air. "Uh, do you need to go to the bathroom? I need to go to the bathroom." He tried to put it simply.
Maka nodded, and they both stood and began making their way through the crowd, hand in hand. As they left, Tsubaki reached back to receive a well-deserved high five from the Thompson sisters.
Soul and Maka were thankful to the family bathroom right outside of their theater number. Soul lifted maka up against the door, using her back to push it open. It swung open surprisingly fast, causing them to lose balance and crash to the floor. Soul landed on Maka, and she let out a faint cry.
"S-sorry!" Soul yelped, lifting her up next to him, then turned around to lock the door. "I didn't mean to hurt you!" Maka giggled in surprise. "You didn't. I just don't like it when you stop kissing me."
Soul took a moment to process these words. He gave her a dumb smile before leaping back to her. She moaned into Soul's wet mouth, releasing the taste of strawberry into his mouth. "I fucking knew it." He slightly pulled away to say before he found joy buried in her neck. He bit her collarbone, earning a sweet cry from his meister. She blushed, but let Soul continue his ministrations on her neck. Maka allowed herself to be taken in his arms and sat up on the sink, even though it didn't make much sense to her.
"why am I up here?" She asked curiously, trying to momentarily distract herself from the wetness between her legs. Maka's eyes locked onto Souls, and his beautiful red orbs began to bore into hers. Maka bit her lip nervously, understanding that he had a plan. Kneeling, Soul took her by the knees separated her legs. "So I can do THIS." He answered.
"Wh-what?" Maka cried as soul placed a finger on her most intimate spot. "Awwww," He teased. "It feels like you were about to cream your pants."
"SHUT UP!" Maka whispered angrily. Soul laughed as he took the sides of her underwear and tugged them downwards. Maka shut her legs instantly, making Soul laugh again. "You're getting nervous now?" Pathetically, Maka nodded. "Unlike you, this is my first time." She croaked.
Soul gawked in surprise. "Unlike me?" He repeated. "I've never touched another girl. Not since I met you." Maka wasn't sure if this was true. "Blair?" She asked, bringing a goofy look on Souk's face.
"Hell no!" He chuckled. "She may be hot, but why would I even DARE with a much better lady like you right across the hall. And, I don't love Blair, do I?" Maka grinned, deciding to believe him. Before she could say something, Soul dove into her skirt.
"Ah!" She cried, Soul's tongue coming in contact with her sensitive flesh. "Ahhh… S-Soul?" Maka sounded like she was begging, but she wasn't sure what for. She could feel his toothy grin grow and the sharp edges of his teeth rubbing the outside of her pussy. Soul never let his tongue slow down, savoring the new taste. This did NOT taste like strawberrys. It tasted like MAKA. And he loved it.
Maka was to focused on her pleasure, and incredible embarrassment to notice her first orgasm riding on the line. Suddenly, she threw her head back and began to buck her hips, throwing Soul's mouth away, and making her fall into the sink before she could orgasm.
"Uhhgn…" She groaned, pulling her hair back behind her ears. Soul eyed her curiously. "Did you…?"
Maka shook her head. "Not yet… I fell away before I could…" Soul smiled at her. "Then that leaves it to me!" He announced. Maka rolled her eyes, but there was no way in hell she didn't want it. Soul's hands took her from under the shoulders, and he lifted her gently from the sink and onto the floor. He lay her down carefully, locking lips with hers once again. Maka tasted herself in his mouth, and pulled away to make a strange face. "Ick! Sorry!" Soul laughed. "I liked it!"
Maka giggled. "You like anything I put on your plate." She told him, as-a-matter-of-factly. Soul smirked at her, and she waited for his clever reply. "Will that be on the menu more often?"
"Oh, yeah." Maka reassured him, her fingers finding his zipper. She wrestled angrily with the small silver piece, yanking it downwards many times before finally giving up. Soul laughed and reached down to undo the pants. "Maka," He said cautiously. "Are you ready?" She bit her lip nervously, but nodded to him as he guided his swollen member to her entrence.
"Here goes nothing." With a deep breath, Soul slowly pushed into Maka. "Oh my death!" She gasped, her nails digging into his back. "Hurry and start moving!" She yelled, frustrated. Soul nodded, picking up her left leg and placing it on his hip. He slowly pulled out, and they both shared a gasp. A little faster, Soul pushed back in.
"Soul…" Maka cried, lifting her other leg up onto him as well. "Faster…" She whined, placing her head in the crook of Soul's neck. She lightly played with the distinctive bones on his neck, trying to hold in her shrieks as Soul's thrusts became faster and harder with each one.
Finally, Soul was pounding into Maka, the sweet 'Ahs' And 'Ughhhns' filling the bathroom air. Each moan grew louder than the one before, and each groan driving Soul to go faster. "I-I cant hold it much longer!" Soul groaned in her ear, hips never ceasing or slowing. Maka nodded, and began to try and mimic the same movments his hips were making.
Maka let out a scream, slapping her hand up to her mouth to try and mute the noise. She felt her insides burst, and she tightend on Soul. He cried and with one last buck of his sips, released his seed.
"M..maka…" He gasped, trying to find air for his lungs. The entire moment seemed so surreal, every tiny part of their bodys became weak with exhaustion.
Explaining this to their friends and the theater manager wouldn't be so easy.