Update! Hope you like this leave a review. Thanks

Disclaimer: I don't own CM

Reid pushed himself into a sitting position on his bed, back against the frame, and turned on the laptop in front of him. While the computer was starting up, he took the time to turn his phone off, just in case his dad called so he didn't hear it ringing.

Beside Hodge, no one else would be calling him at this time of night, and it was highly unlikely that he would be calling, after they just came back from a case. So turning the phone off didn't bother him very much.

He pulled the laptop onto his lap, and plugged in the little flash drive his dad had given him, into the computer. A few seconds later, the message popped on the screen that it was ready to be used.

The flash drive only had one folder on it, named Mari's Case. When he clicked on the folder a password screen opened up, his dad didn't tell him there was a password. Basing on what he know about his father, which wasn't much, he knew it would have to do something with his personal life, which didn't help what so ever.

In his head he eliminated the possibility of anything with birthdays, family name and places. Those were too common, his father would never be dumb enough to put that down as a password. Reid figured, he could easily call William and ask him the. But what kind of profiler does that?

He only had one chance. Anytime he was dealing with passwords he always, thought in his mind that there was only one chance. Unless, of course, it was specifically noted how many chances there was. In this case, however, there was no chance count, he assume that there is only one try.

The password would be something, that someone in William Reid's personal life wouldn't know. It wouldn't be something important. It has to be something so far off that no one would think of it. Something he would rather forget but couldn't. Reid thought for a moment, then slowly typed in the password, 'Spencer', it took a second then, access granted.

The folder took a second to load. Inside the folder was a video footage and another folder. This folder wasn't the regular computerized one thought, it was brown and shut closed, the front cover bare, besides the name Marilyn Chapelle splayed across the it.

Reid took his mouse, and clicked on the folder, it sprang open to the first page. The first thing he noticed about the virtual file was that it looked like a complete replica of the one that would be at the police department.
The first page contained the victims basic information, name, date and place of birth, family information and occupation.- Registered Nurse. The same page also had a picture of Mari clipped to it. She was an average looking woman; narrow face, long nose, and straight brown hair styled into a bob, with bangs that covered forehead. She was smiling, it reached her coffee-colored eyes, which reflected the flash of the camera.

Reid studied the picture of the woman, for a while before clicking on the file again to see the next page. The Los Angeles Police department was typed in bold letters atop the page, with the departments badge pictured on the right upper corner of the page..

Below the departments name was a series of nine numbers, to the right of those numbers was the words DEADLY HIT AND RUN. An officer or detective, had started to write some of the information down, but Reid could see that it wasn't much.

Chapelle's blue Mercedes was struck by a red SUV Sunday July 26 at approximately 00:56. The impact of the collision sent Chapelle's vehicle spiraling out of control and into a nearby light pole.

Chapelle later died d of head injury at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where Chapelle had worked as a registered nurse. Work logs points to the fact that, Chapelle was returning from her job at the medical center when the accident occurred.

On the side of the nicely typed up report was a few lines scrawled in with blue ink.

No arrests have been made
No primary suspects
No evidence besides car damage (which had a line through it)

Video of accident recovered from street camera.

So that's what the video in the beginning contained. Reid closed the file down and returned to the main screen of the flash drive where the video was and clicked it open.

The video was a typical, street camera, with a blurry image. It showed a nearly empty three-way street, Reid located the blue Mercedes, but couldn't find the red SUV. When the light turned green the Mercedes went to move forward, at the same time, a red SUV, that was awaiting the turn in the opposite direction hit Mari's car on the left side.

The SUV didn't even try to stop, despite the fact it just took a red light, and hit a car. Mari's vehicle went spiraling out of control, leaving tire tracks on the road. The car stopped only when it struck a light post, head on. The cars hood popped up the engine started to smoke. Even this far Reid could see the faint trace of the inflated airbag.

Reid fast forward the video a bit, a couple of minutes later it showed the firemen ripping the car to get her out. Than the paramedics put Mari in a stretcher and loaded her into the ambulance. The tape ended as the ambulance pulled away.

Reid wondered if his father had watched the tape, and couldn't help but feel bad for him if he had, it was a disturbing thing to watch. Reid replayed the video over again this time looking for any clues to help him. He found one, and stopped the tape right when the SUV was turning, exposing its back to the camera.

He zoomed in as much as he could without, distorting the image. He could see the tag. AU6-14, he couldn't see the last number that well, was that a 3 or an 8?

It was one of them that he was sure. Tomorrow he'll have Garcia look up the two tag numbers, and start from there.

******* I added this to the chapter because of not updating for so long its a BONUS!*******

Garcia questioned, why I needed the tag numbers, and I told her it was personal.

"I can't help you, if I don't know why honey bear," she said, spinning her chair to look at me.

"Its for my dad," I said shortly.

"Oh, about his ex-wife's death?" she asked.

"How did you-? Morgan."

"You calling me?" asked Morgan who happened to hear me say his name.

I glared at him. He looked from me to Garcia, and his eyes grew wide with recognition.

"What had happen was-" he tried to explain.

"I beat it out of him,?" interceded Garcia, calmly. She had turned away from the two of us and was typing the numbers into the computer. " He was acting like he knew, why you were acting so weird."

"Did you tell anyone else," I asked him.

"No baby girl." said Morgan.

" Cuz I'm special," smiled Garcia. To someone from the outside this would look like, they had something for each other but I knew them. Garcia was in a relationship with her boyfriend Kevin and Morgan was a happy bachelor, who the word 'commitment' couldn't be any further away from his head.

"Alright I have your tag number information right here," said Garcia.

"Is it the number to the suspects car? asked Morgan looking at the screen.

"Yeah," I said, "One of them is, I'm one hundred percent sure about that. There was just a slight confusion between the last number being a 3 or an 8."

I scanned the information provided for both tag numbers, and frowned when I finished.

"What's wrong?" Asked Garcia who saw my expression change.

I didn't answer for a second and re-read the information again, surely I was mistaken, but I wasn't.

"Nothing," I answered, "Just that neither of these tags are registered to a red SUV."

Again I apologize for the long wait. I promise to update faster next time, not sure how fast but faster. Please review, and check the poll on my profile, and my other Criminal Minds FIC.

thank you! :)