Hey, everyone. Yes, I'm still alive, and still updating this story! I wanted to have this one up earlier, but IRL stuff and writer's block has kept me busy. And, for those curious, I am thrilled about korrasami, so I needed to write fic for it. :P If you're interested, check out my fic "Living Spaces", which is a korrasami domestic fic set a few months after the finale. However, just because I love korrasami doesn't mean I don't still love borra! I also love this fic too much to abandon it, and I have too many ideas.

However, I do think it is important to mention just how, well, important korrasami being canon is. I'm bisexual, and I cried when I watched it. I can't imagine what it means to all the bisexual (and gay!) kids out there. So, after it became canon, it did kind of feel weird to keep writing this. After all, I started it partly because only Makorra was canon at the time (I mean, I wouldn't have done the fic if it weren't for my dislike of lots of other plot details, so it's not like this was ever just about shipping, but still). So, while I can tell you guys that this story will always have borra - and that I'm not likely to break them up on any kind of permanent basis - if I ever do some of the sequels I have in mind there may be OT3s with Asami going on. But, I may never get to those sequels, so we'll see. :P

I hope to update again soon, but as always I have to focus on my original work first (my goal is to have my book ready to be published this year!) before doing fanfiction.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and thanks for all the comments and favorites!

Chapter Ten:

And the Winner Is…

Korra feinted to the left, and then with a grin threw the ball hard to her right.

It hit Mako in the stomach with enough force to send him back a few steps, his arms curling around the ball even as he bent over, wheezing.

"Nice one!" Bolin said, laughing. "You okay, bro?"

"Yeah," Mako grunted, standing straight and giving Korra a slight glare. She made a face at him, and he rolled his eyes, but he was smiling a little. "Hit that well in the match and we'll win for sure," he added dryly.

Korra laughed, and then stretched her arms above her head. They'd been practicing for a while. Earlier, they'd even practiced by taking out different images of Tahno with their bending: Mako had burned his to a crisp, Korra had blasted one with a jet of water, and Bolin had cut one cleanly in half with an earth disc.

In some ways, it was like the whole mess a week ago hadn't even happened. It was even easy for Korra to pretend that she hadn't kissed Mako, hadn't made such a mess of things. Honestly, it was so much easier to be around Mako in general, as well as Asami. It was strange that something that had seemed so important to her before – supposedly being in love with Mako – could mean so little now. Aside from the residual shame and embarrassment, she felt like she had pretty much gotten over it all.

Well. Except hurting Bolin. She wasn't over that. She didn't think Bolin was quite over it either; over the past week he would sometimes get kind of quiet, and wouldn't really meet her eyes. Other times he'd be uncharacteristically snappish, even a little rude. She really couldn't blame him.

The music on the radio faded out, and the announcer took over, taking Korra out of her thoughts.

"You're listening to 'The Music Hour', brought to you by Cabbage Corp," the announcer said cheerfully. "Republic City's trusted name in technology for over fifty years." With that, music began to play again.

"I know we're the underdogs," Korra said suddenly, and Mako and Bolin looked over at her in surprise. "But I think we have a real chance of taking out those Wolfbat assholes."

Mako snorted, smiling a little, and Bolin grinned outright.

"It's going to be a tough match," Mako said, turning his helmet over and over in his hands. "But I think you're right."

"Hell yeah!" Bolin cheered, putting his arm over Mako's shoulders. He deepened his voice a little, imitating Shiro Shinobi, the announcer at the matches:

"Introducing the your new champions, the fantastic Fire Ferrets!"

They all laughed at that, but suddenly loud static came from the radio – interrupting the upbeat music – and they stood frozen in place.

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon."

Korra hated the way it felt like a hand had squeezed around her heart, the way she couldn't breathe hearing his voice. As always, it was like he was standing right next to her, his words reverberating through her body. She forced herself to inhale and exhale, to listen.

"…it is time for this city to stop worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena, and cancel the tournament – and probending – permanently."

Korra exchanged glances with the brothers; Bolin looked horrified, Mako worried.

"If this is not accomplished, there will be severe consequences." Static cut in on the radio again, and then there was silence.

Korra's hands clenched. What was Amon going to do now? Who else would he hurt to get what he wanted?

Bolin was the one to break the silence. "That guy's got some nerve," he said, frowning a little. He was holding Pabu close, rubbing his tiny head.

Mako was frowning too, his eyebrows drawn together. "Do you think the council will give in?"

Korra straightened her shoulders. "I don't know, but I'm not waiting to find out." She turned and headed for the door, pausing for a second and looking back at them. "You guys coming?" She asked.

Bolin and Mako exchanged a glance – Bolin, she noted with mild irritation, waiting for permission like always - and then Mako nodded, and they followed her out.


By the time they got to City Hall, the council meeting was well underway. Korra threw open the doors, ignoring the scandalized council page that tried to stop her from going in. She was the Avatar – she had a right to sit in on council meetings. Though she suspected Aang usually hadn't entered in such a dramatic fashion.

The council members all stood as she entered, with Mako and Bolin just behind her. She'd met some of them briefly before, but she didn't focus on them, instead looking right at Tenzin as she approached.

"Korra!" Tenzin said, staring at her. "You shouldn't be here; this is a closed meeting."

Korra crossed her arms. "As the Avatar and a pro-bender, I have a right to be here, Tenzin." She stopped in front of the council table. "You can't cancel the finals."

Tenzin sighed. "I know winning the championship means a lot to you Korra, and I regret that we have to do this, but as far as I'm concerned we need to shut the arena down."

Korra looked at the rest of the council members, particularly Tarrlok.

"Well," she said, gesturing to him. "What about the rest of you? Tarrlok, you can't be willing to back down from Amon, right?"

Tarrlok started shaking his head before she even finished. "Actually, Tenzin and I are in agreement, Korra," he said seriously.

"The council is unanimous," Tenzin added. "We are closing the arena."

"What? No!" Mako said to her left.

"You can't!" Bolin protested on her right.

For a second all Korra could do was gape at them. Couldn't they see how important this was? They couldn't close the arena – that was like surrendering!

"I – I don't understand," Korra said, still looking at Tarrlok. "I thought you of all people would take a stand against Amon."

Tarrlok looked regretful. "I am still committed to bringing Amon to justice, but I will not do it by putting innocent lives at stake." His voice was full of resolve, and she saw his hand was clenched tightly at his side. He was looking past her, like he wasn't actually talking to her at all. "I won't do it," he repeated. "Especially not so that you and your friends can play a game."

Korra drew an outraged breath. Pro-bending was more than that! It was important! It was what had helped her actually make progress in learning airbending, it was how she had met Mako and Bolin, it was a place where people cheered her name instead of wishing for her downfall.

"Pro-bending may be just a game to you," Mako said, "but think of what it means to the city! Benders and non-benders can gather in peace to – " he hesitated. "To watch, um, benders – "

"Beat each other up!" Bolin finished passionately, (and even in the frustrating situation Korra had to fight the urge to smile). Bolin paused, seeming to realize how that sounded. "In peace!" He added. "People who are rich or poor can come and watch – it's the only place like that in the whole city, where everyone can come!"

Tarrlok snorted. "I appreciate your naïve idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation."

Korra scowled. "The reality of the situation is that if you close the arena, you're letting Amon win!"

"Yes!" Bolin agreed, pointing at her, and Korra felt a rush of warmth in her chest. "Exactly that, yes!"

Tenzin held up a hand. "I'm sorry, but – "

"Hold on, Tenzin." The Fire Nation representative – an old woman – said. She was square-jawed, and a little on the heavier side, with her grey hair up in a bun. She wore traditional Fire Nation clothing, and gold-frame glasses. She was standing straight and tall, and a sense of calmness, of command, radiated from her that kind of reminded Korra of Katara.

Tenzin looked at her in surprise. "Councilwoman Aki, surely you agree that we can't risk innocent lives for the sake of pro-bending."

Councilwoman Aki raised her eyebrows at him. "In case you've forgotten, Tenzin, I voted in agreement with you. However, I believe there is more to this issue that we need to discuss. Perhaps, after all, this would be the best time to announce the change to Pro-Bending coming next year, allowing non-benders to compete."

"Wait, what?" Bolin asked in surprise.

"You're going to put non-benders in Pro-Bending?" Korra asked, honestly surprised as well. Why hadn't Tenzin mentioned that to her? Then she brightened.

"Yes!" She said, pointing toward Aki. "She's got the right idea! Announce that, and all the non-benders will see that we want to help, that we don't want to oppress them! And it'll make it seem like Amon doesn't have as much of a leg to stand on!"

"Essentially, yes," Aki agreed with a slight smile. "It's not a perfect fix, by any means, but it is something that Amon and his Equalists – as well as the other citizens – won't be expecting, and it is a good change that could help non-benders as well."

"I couldn't agree more," came a voice from behind them, and they all whirled around to see chief Lin Bei Fong standing in the still-open doorway.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," she went on as she walked further into the room, "But I agree with the Avatar."

Korra scowled, but Lin didn't seem to notice.

"I'd expect this kind of cut-and-run response from you, Tenzin," Lin said with a scowl of her own, "But I'm surprised about the rest of you. Councilwoman Aki and Avatar Korra are making sense. Show some backbone, for crying out loud!"

The other council members exchanged glances at that, the Earth Kingdom and Southern Water Tribe representatives puffing up indignantly.

"It is time for the benders and non-benders of this city to show a united front against Amon," Lin went on, hitting her fist into her palm.

Tarrlok turned to Aki. "Councilwoman, you were against my plans for a task force, but you will go along with this?"

Aki straightened her glasses, and regarded Tarrlok coolly. "I did not support you going out and capturing non-benders because it makes our citizens feel threatened. It is an offensive move that risks alienating other non-benders like myself."

Korra shifted uncomfortably. She really felt that way? She didn't want her or other non-benders to feel threatened. But they had to catch Amon before he hurt more people! Not that they'd had any luck with that so far…and he'd probably hurt more people already…She was shaken out of her thoughts as Aki went on.

Aki looked at the other council members. "I agree that this carries risk, but it is an alternate possibility that we should consider as a way to make non-benders feel included, and to show Amon's notion of equality for the lie that it is."

"I appreciate what you are saying, Councilwoman Aki," Tenzin said. "But we cannot allow this conflict to escalate into an all-out war! The council is not changing its mind."

"And I suppose that's wholly up to you?" Lin asked dryly, and Tenzin actually flushed.

Korra saw with delight that the remaining members of the council looked like they were considering the idea. Tarrlok was frowning thoughtfully, a little furrow between his eyebrows, while the other two were nodding.

"Suppose we did this," Tarrlok said slowly. "Showing solidarity with non-bender citizens would be a beneficial move," he added, almost to himself. "…it still is not worth the risk of the spectators or the pro-benders getting hurt or worse."

Lin nodded. "I would agree with you. However, if you keep the arena open, my officers and I will provide extra security during the championship match. There's no one better for the task; I can outfit all of the officers with the armor my metalbender force wears. It's impervious to the Equalist's attacks."

"Then you are taking responsibility for the safety of everyone in that arena?" Tarrlok asked, lightly weighing the gavel in his hands.

Lin nodded. "I guarantee it."

Tarrlok nodded to himself, and then looked up. "Very well. If she is confident that her elite officers can protect the people, she has my support. I'm changing my vote." He turned to the other council members. "Who is with me?"

Aki raised her hand, as did the other two council members.

Tarrlok turned forward again. "Well then," he said, smiling a little at Korra, "The arena stays open. Good luck at the match."

Korra cheered, jumping up and down, and saw Mako pumping his fist. Impulsively, she hugged Bolin tightly and he hugged her back, actually lifting her up and spinning her in the air. She laughed aloud, meeting his eyes for a few seconds that left her breathless, and then he set her down and looked away from her.

Korra bit her lip, wanting to reach out to him, her stomach twisting. Seeing Tenzin sit down heavily in his chair, leaning his face in his hands, distracted her.

She felt a brief flicker of guilt and worry at the sight, but she pushed it away. Even if she didn't like her, there was no denying how good of an officer Lin Bei Fong was. Her and her other officers would be able to keep the spectators safe, and Korra knew she and Bolin and Mako could help. It would be fine, and then Amon would know that things weren't going to be quite so easy for him. She smiled at the thought.

As they made their way out of the hall again, Korra's smile faded a little as she noticed Bolin wasn't joining in with her and Mako's excitement. He wasn't really saying anything, and wasn't looking at either of them.

"C'mon," Mako said, actually grinning – grinning! – "We should celebrate, right? Before we get in more practice, I mean." He slung an arm around Bolin's shoulder, but Bolin stepped out of it, offering a weak smile.

"Nah," he said, his voice a little too casual, still looking anywhere but at Korra. "I gotta rest my arm up some more – don't want to hurt it before the match. I'll see you guys later."

Mako frowned. "You sure, Bo?"

"Yeah." Bolin shrugged a little. "I see you guys back at the arena, okay?" He turned away.

"Wait, Bo – " Korra began, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder, but he pulled it roughly out of her grip.

"I said I'll see you later!" He told her irritably, still not looking at her.

Korra didn't quite know what to say, her hand frozen in mid-air.

Bolin seemed to sag a little, letting out a long breath. "I just…I'll see you later." With that he walked off. Korra watched him go, her heart sinking, once again cursing herself. If she hadn't been so stupid, she wouldn't have hurt Bolin like this.

Mako was watching Bolin was well, frowning a little. "Probably should rain check that celebration, huh?" he asked.

"Probably," Korra agreed. She tried to focus on the positive: "Let's just do it after we win, huh?"

Mako laughed a little. "Sounds good. See you at the arena!" He started to walk off as well, either to catch up to Bolin or go visit Asami, she assumed.

Raised voices caught her attention, and she turned to see Tenzin and Chief Bei Fong arguing by the entrance to the council chambers. Korra jogged over to them. She wanted to thank Chief Bei Fong before she left. Maybe they could actually start to get along better now.

"Hey," she said, coming up between them. "Sorry to interrupt, but Chief I really just wanted to say thank you, it – " she trailed off as the chief simply walked away without looking at her. Well, so much for that idea. She glared at Lin's retreating back, and then turned to Tenzin.

"What is her problem with me, anyway? Even when she's on my side, she's against me!" She asked, frustrated.

Tenzin sighed. "I've known Lin since we were children, and she's always been…one to hold grudges."

"What, did your father do something to her to make her hate the Avatar?" Korra asked, honestly curious if maybe there was someone that wouldn't constantly sing his praises.

Tenzin shook his head. "Oh no, she got along wonderfully with my father."

Of course. "So, what, it's just me then?"

"Well." Tenzin hesitated. "Well, as I said, she's the kind of person that holds grudges. Once she forms an opinion about someone, it is very difficult for her to change her mind. She's very…set…in what she believes and thinks. And, since your arrival to this city resulted in a lot of property damage, and you two didn't exactly start out on the best foot…"

"That's why she hates me?" Korra asked in disbelief.

"She doesn't hate you," Tenzin corrected, and to Korra's astonishment he looked slightly…embarrassed? "And anyway," he went on, "In this case I think her anger is more about me than you."

Korra frowned. It was true. Much as Bei Fong clearly disliked her, she also clearly disliked Tenzin. If they'd known each other since they were kids, what could have happened to make them –

It all slid into place. Korra could remember Pema's words before her own disastrous actions during the tournament: Tenzin was in love with someone else before, you know.

"Wait," she said slowly, a smile starting to form on her face. "It was you! And Bei Fong! Bei Fong and you!" She clapped her hands together. "You two were a couple!"

Tenzin gaped at her, rapidly turning red. "What – that's – how did – "

Korra laughed. "Your wife told me."

Tenzin muttered something under his breath, looking around while he did so, hunching over slightly.

Korra couldn't help but grin at his discomfort, crossing her arms a little smugly. "So, Pema stole you from her? I'm surprised the chief didn't try to get her arrested."

Tenzin actually rolled his eyes at this. "Don't be ridiculous. Lin and Pema get along well, actually, better than Lin and I ever do these days. And Pema didn't 'steal' me, Lin and I had been growing apart for some time, and she blames me for it, not Pema, since I was the one who ultimately – " he cut himself off, standing straighter, red to the tips of his ears. "Wait, why am I telling you this? That- that's none of your business! It all happened a long time ago and we've moved passed it!"

With that, he turned on his heel and marched in the other direction, still muttering darkly under his breath.

Korra couldn't resist one more comment. Waving teasingly at him, she called at his retreating back: "See you at home, Mr. Heartbreaker!"

Tenzin walked away even faster, leaving Korra on the steps of City Hall, still laughing.


Senna stood in her daughter's doorway, watching Korra in her slightly fitful sleep. Senna held onto the doorframe, leaning her head against it, as Korra frowned and mumbled something incoherent before turning over on her stomach.

It wasn't a surprise, really. The moment that Senna and Tonraq had heard Amon's announcement on the radio, she had known that Korra would do everything she could to still play in the championship. And it wasn't as if she was completely against her daughter's reasons – if they could start to get more citizens to see Korra and the council in a better light, it could really help – but she also knew how much Korra loved to win, and she was worried that Korra's insistence on keeping the arena open was more about that than anything else. She wasn't sure that Korra understood just how dangerous it all was.

She knew Lin Bei Fong and the other officers were more than capable, and that they would do everything they could. She knew that Korra could largely take care of herself. She knew how important it was for them to take some kind of stand against Amon. She knew that she couldn't really stop Korra from competing.

But she couldn't help but think about what it had been like before, at the compound. It had been horrible. Yrak had hurt Korra, in ways that Senna still probably didn't completely know or understand, but Korra had been safe there. She'd been far away from men in masks that wanted to torment her, to tear her down.

Senna wondered, sometimes, if she had known exactly what awaited them in Republic City, if she would have been so desperate for Korra to get there. If she would have even wanted her to.

She shook her head, wiping at the tears that slipped down her cheeks. No. She knew they'd made the right choice. She just hoped with every fiber of her being that it would be worth it, that after tomorrow and after everything that was coming, Korra would be sleeping in that bed again, would still be breathing.

Senna heard the floor creak a few seconds before she felt Tonraq put his warm arms around her.

"Hey," He said softly, kissing the side of her neck.

"Hi," she responded, the gentleness and understanding even in his one simple word filling her eyes with tears again.

He rested his head on top of hers, and for a few moments they just watched Korra as she slept. She kicked her legs a little, and turned over on her side as they watched, and Senna wondered if she was having more of those dreams about Avatar Aang. Korra hadn't always been such a restless sleeper, though she had sometimes been known for kicking and constantly stole the blankets, at least when she was little.

Tonraq rubbed his hands up and down Senna's arms. "I'm scared," he said finally.

Senna nodded. "Me too."

"We have to trust her," he went on.

"I know." Senna's voice was even quieter, but she knew that he could hear her. She reached up and grabbed onto his arms that were around her shoulders. "That doesn't make it any less terrifying," she continued.

He snorted quietly. "No, it doesn't." He let out a slightly shaky breath. "For the rest of her life she's going to be facing shit like this. For the rest of her life there are going to be people that want to hurt her and kill her, and I just – " he cut himself off with another long exhale.

"I know," Senna said again. She twisted in his arms and kissed him. "I know," she repeated when they broke apart.

For a second they just stood there, foreheads touching, and then Tonraq pulled back.

"Come to bed," he said.

She knew that neither of them would likely get any sleep, but nodded anyway. She gently slid Korra's door shut, and hand in hand walked back to their bedroom with her husband.

"I love you," she told him as they entered the room and shut their own door.

Tonraq leaned forward and kissed her again, deeper this time. "I love you, too," he said, and she could tell by the sound of his voice that he was either close to crying or already was. "You and Korra mean everything to me, and I don't know what – "

This time Senna kissed him, while her hands worked on slipping off his sleeping trousers. She slid them down, and he stepped out of them, pulling his underwear down as well.

She gave him a gentle push, and he fell back against the bed, gazing up at her as she lifted her shirt over head and took off her own pants and underwear. With deft hands she unbraided her hair and shook it out, and then climbed on the bed, placing her knees on either side of his legs and putting a hand on his chest, pinning him. His hands went to her hips, resting on them, his thumbs ghosting along her skin, making her shiver a little.

"I love you," Senna said again. "And Korra is always going to be in danger." She leaned closer to him, her hair brushing his chest. "But as long as we're around, we're going to help her. You're right – we need to trust her, and we need to trust that we'll get through this too."

For a moment he just looked up at her with an expression she knew well – he'd worn it the first moment he really noticed her all those years ago, and many times since – an expression full of something like wonder. Then he smiled.

"Together," he vowed.

"Always," Senna agreed with a smile of her own. She kissed him again, pressing her body closer to his as his arms wrapped more tightly around her.

Senna took comfort in the familiarity of it, even as she delighted that his touch could still make her gasp, and that hers did the same to him. She replayed their words over and over in her mind as he kissed down her body.

Together. They would do it together, and keep Korra safe, and everything would be okay in the end. They had to be.


Korra patted Naga's head, and Naga licked her face in response. They were standing outside of the stadium. Soon Korra would have to go in to get ready for the championship, and she was more nervous than she would have admitted. So standing with Naga, just getting to pet her, was both delaying her entrance and serving as a comfort.

Her parents were already inside, along with Tenzin, Lin, and the police she'd gathered to help protect the stadium. Originally, Pema and the kids had been going to come along, but after Amon's announcement Pema and Tenzin had decided they should stay home, just in case. The kids probably would have tried to sneak to the match anyway, if Pema hadn't stayed to keep an eye on them.

Before they'd gone inside her parents had hugged her tightly and wished her luck. She knew they were worried about Amon's threat, worried about her, but with all the police out among the stands, and Lin Bei Fong herself there, Korra felt pretty confident they could handle whatever the Equalists threw at them.

People were filing in so that they could get god seats, and some of them cheered her name or booed at her as they passed. For the most part she ignored them, and just focused on Naga.

"What do you think, girl?" Korra asked in a low voice. "Think we'll win?"

Naga barked in what felt like affirmation, and then licked her face again, wagging her tail enthusiastically.

Korra laughed. "I hope so, too."

"So do I," said a familiar voice from behind her, and Korra jumped a little, turning around to see Nanuq standing a few feet away from her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he said, walking closer, an apologetic smile on his face. He was dressed more casually than he had been at Tarrlok's party, though the clothes were still more on the traditional side like her own.

"It's okay," she assured him, smiling a little as well. "You here for that announcement the council is making?"

He nodded. "Yes. The council asked me if I wanted to do it, and I agreed. I was going to be here anyway," he added with a wider grin. "I do rather enjoy pro-bending myself, and I'm hoping that adding non-benders into the mix will make the matches even more exciting."

"Me too!" Korra agreed. "I mean, I didn't know that it was going to happen, but I'm really happy that non-benders will be able to compete next year."

"I know you are," Nanuq replied sincerely, and Korra didn't know how to respond to that. "I know you are serious when you say you want to help non-benders," he finished.

"I am," she said, looking him in the eyes. "I want to help them, and I want to stop Amon from terrorizing the city."

"I have faith that you will, Avatar Korra." Nanuq said.

Korra stared at him. Before she really thought about it, she asked: "Why? What makes you so sure? You don't even know me."

He looked a little surprised at the question, and shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I suppose I'm not sure, not really. No one knows what the future holds – not even the Avatar – " he added with a slight smile. "You're right," he went on. "I don't know you very well, but what I have seen of you tells me that you really want to help people, and that you want to do the right thing. That's more than a lot of people, especially those in positions of power, ever want to do. So that makes me think that you'll succeed."

Korra didn't know what to say, and she felt tears prick at her eyes. She blinked them back, focusing on Naga, rubbing rhythmic circles in the fur on her chest.

"You said you wanted to meet my polar bear dog, right?" She asked, thankful that her voice was steady.

If Nanuq was thrown by the change in subject, he didn't show it. He chuckled. "I'll admit, that was definitely part of why I came over to talk to you. May I?" He asked, lifting a hand and nodding toward Naga.

"Go ahead," Korra said, stepping back a little. "If she doesn't want you to pet her, she'll let you know herself pretty quickly."

Nanuq snorted. "I can imagine." He held out his hand to Naga, who sniffed at his fingers for a few seconds, and then licked the back of his hand. Nanuq's smile widened, and he patted her neck. "She's magnificent," he breathed in wonder.

Korra couldn't help smiling too. "She's amazing," she agreed.

"And I heard you trained her yourself?" Nanuq asked, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

Korra nodded, feelings of pride bubbling up in her chest. "Yep. When I was fourteen. My dad found her abandoned out on the tundra – he thinks other hunters probably killed her mom – and brought her back to nurse her to health. He'd planned on releasing her once she was able to survive on her own, but by then we'd kinda become inseparable, so…" She laughed, scratching behind Naga's ears.

Nanuq opened his mouth to say something else, when a man came out on the steps and announced: "The doors will be closing soon! If you haven't gotten your seats, do so now!"

"Oh, I've gotta go." Korra bowed at Nanuq. "It was nice talking with you. Come on, girl." She gestured for Naga to follow her inside, where she'd wait (usually in the gym) for the match to be over.

"Of course." Nanuq bowed back at her. "I look forward to working with you in the future, Avatar Korra. And good luck!"

Korra waved back at him as she headed inside. "Thank you!"

Feeling a little less nervous, she dropped Naga off at the gym, and headed up to the changing rooms. Once she was in her uniform, she met with Bolin and Mako by their lockers.

"Korra!" Bolin greeted her brightly.

"Hey guys," Korra said, relief washing through her. Bolin didn't seem to be mad at her anymore.

"Hey," Mako replied, raising an eyebrow at her. "You took your time."

Korra scowled a little. "I was just outside with Naga. There's still plenty of time left to go."

"Well, you should be here earlier," Mako said, crossing his arms. "I thought you'd learned that by now."

Mako always turns into "Captain Asshole" when he's stressed about a match, Korra thought in mild irritation. "Yeah, well, after this there aren't any more matches in the season, so I guess it doesn't matter."

Mako snorted. "Whatever."

"Now, now," Bolin said, coming between them, his hands raised in a peaceful gesture. "Come on, you guys. You know we can't fight like this before the match. We need to be on the same page."

Korra deflated a little, and felt her irritation leave her. "Yeah, you're right Bo. Sorry," she said, directing the apology toward Mako

Mako let out a long sigh, but nodded, and his shoulders relaxed. "I'm sorry too." He looked out at the crowd. "I just…really don't want to loose to those Wolfbat assholes."

Korra laughed. "We won't!" He pumped her fist, confidence filling her again just like it always did right before a match. "We'll defeat them, and be the new reigning champs!"

"Hell yeah!" Bolin agreed, pumping his fist up and placing it next to hers.

Korra looked over at him, smiling, and for a second his eyes met hers and she felt a swooping sensation in her stomach, like when she jumped off a ledge into the water; it was scary and exhilarating at the same time, and she didn't want it to stop.

Then Mako's fist bumped against theirs as well, and she was shaken out of the feeling.

"Let's do this," Mako said, and together they drew their fists down and up for a cheer.

"FIRE FERRETS!" They shouted together, and they heard a bell ring throughout the stadium.

The match was about to begin.


The Lieutenant waited.

He smiled at passers by, pretending to be excited about the bender's display of superiority.

He met the eyes of a few of his brothers and sisters, waiting in the crowd as the benders – including the Avatar – took their places on the platform to begin the match.

He smiled again, this time to himself. They were ready. As usual, Amon had planned for everything. Tonight, they would show the benders just what the Equalists were capable of. They were the snake in the grass, coiled, ready to attack.

He was shaken out of his thoughts by the sight of someone familiar. He didn't get a good look – just a peek through moving faces in the stands – but it had looked like…

The Lieutenant's eyes narrowed. She was here! Her father was supposed to keep her at the mansion, she could get hurt at the arena tonight, and she could recognize him, neither of which were desirable outcomes. He'd have to keep an eye out from her, and stay as hidden as possible when it all started.

He shook his head and focused on the game on the platform, waiting for the signal to strike.


Tenzin walked up to Lin just as she was waving an officer back toward his post after his report.

"Security sweep going well?" Tenzin asked as he came to stand beside her.

"Fine," she said curtly, not even glancing at him.

"They've checked underneath the stands?" Tenzin went on.

"Yes," Lin said, still deliberately calm.

"And – "

Lin's eyes narrowed. Tenzin stopped mid-sentence.

"I have the skies, the bay, and every nook and cranny of this place covered," Lin said, crossing her arms and glaring at him for a second before turning back toward the match, watching it impassively.

Tenzin let out a sigh. He probably deserved that. For a moment he just watched the match, seeing Bolin ricochet an earth disk off of the ropes and into his opponent, knocking him backward.

"Lin…" he began quietly.

"What?" Lin asked flatly, not turning around.

Tenzin hesitated. "Lin, whatever is between us, I hope that we can help each other out tonight. There's too much at stake. We need to be able to work together."

For several seconds she didn't say anything, and then her shoulders relaxed. "Just like old times?" She asked, looking at him with a hint of a smile, and Tenzin felt a wistful twist in his gut at the sight of the smile of the girl he'd loved.

He did not regret, and never would regret, the path that life had led him on. He did not regret his family, and he loved Pema in a way that was both similar and very different to how he had loved Lin. He didn't still love her that way – it had ended long ago – but he often did feel regret for hurting Lin as much as he had. He missed her, too, because more than anything else she had been one of his best friends.

Tenzin smiled back at her. "Just like old times," he agreed.

For a while they stood in fairly comfortable silence, broken only by Tenzin's increased angry muttering about the refs – they were very blatantly not calling fouls!

"Oh come on!" Tenzin finally shouted, waving his arms as the ref once again declared that the Wolfbats hadn't fouled. "That was clearly against the rules!"

Lin raised an eyebrow at him, smirking a little. "Didn't realize you were such a big pro-bending fan, Tenzin."

Tenzin lowered his arms, feeling his face heating. "I…that is – I've seen a lot of it now, with – with Korra playing, and I just…I know the rules."

"Uh-huh." Lin said, both her eyebrows raised now. She opened her mouth to add something else, but the roar of the crowd cut her off.

Tenzin looked at the arena to see Korra facing off one-on-one against Tahno in the tie-breaker section. They settled back in their stances, and started to circle each other slowly.

Then, almost faster than Tenzin could see, Korra took Tahno out with two different streams of water; one aimed straight at him that Tahno easily dodged, but the second caught him under the chin, sending his helmet flying off, and him tumbling off the edge of the tie-breaker platform.

For a second Tenzin could only gape with the rest of the crowd, and then he heard a loud cheer somewhere to the right that was definitely Tonraq, and soon they were all cheering for Korra.

Tenzin didn't care that Lin was giving him more teasing looks; he shouted Korra's name with the rest of the crowd, his chest feeling as though it were about to burst with pride as Shiro Shinobi announced that round two went to the Fire Ferrets, tying them with the Wolfbats. There was only one more round to go.

Lin let out a low whistle, watching Korra descend the platform to rejoin the others. "I can't believe your sweet father was reincarnated into that girl," She observed mildly. "She's tough as nails."

Tenzin chuckled. "That's putting it lightly."

For a second Tenzin just watched Korra as she embraced her teammates. She hugged both Mako and Bolin together first, and then threw her arms around Bolin in a hug that nearly tacked him to the ground. Mako stepped back from them, leaning over with what looked like laughter at the sight.

"You know," Tenzin said thoughtfully, glancing at Lin, "She rather reminds me of someone else I knew at that age."

Lin snorted. "Very subtle, Tenzin."

He shrugged. "It's the truth, Lin. I know Korra has made mistakes, but I think you would get along if you got to know her."

Lin didn't say anything. Then she nodded, very slightly, and Tenzin smiled.


Asami cheered with the rest of the crowd as Korra knocked Tahno out of the ring. There was something extremely satisfying about watching a sopping wet Tahno glare at the Fire Ferrets.

Serves him right, Asami thought. She hadn't had much to do with him personally, but from what Mako and Bolin had told her he was a big jerk. And him and his teammates had been cheating the entire match – and had obviously paid off the ref as well.

She noticed that her headscarf had slipped down a little and adjusted it, glancing around to make sure no one had recognized her. Her father had insisted that she stay home in light of Amon's threats to the arena – and though she hated lying to him, she wanted to be there to support Mako and the others. It wasn't the first time she'd snuck out when he'd told her not to, and she doubted it would be the last. Besides, the police were there, and she could take care of herself. With luck, she'd be back home before he even noticed she was gone.

Thankfully her face wasn't quite as well-known as her father's, and with her sitting by herself in the midst of other people, she doubted anyone would really notice her.

Asami focused her attention on the match as the Fire Ferrets and the Wolfbats took up their positions again. She leaned forward in her seat in anticipation.

The bell rang, and both teams charged.

Tahno fired a stream of water that Bolin dodged, while the other two Wolfbats – Asami couldn't remember their names – blocked water and fire blasts from Korra and Mako respectively.

"Go Fire Ferrets!" Asami shouted, waving her arm in the air, though she knew they probably couldn't see or hear her.

So much was happening so quickly it was hard to keep track, though it seemed like the teams were fairly evenly matched. With every shot of water or fire or earth disc, the other team would doge or block. It was hard to keep up, but it was breathtaking to watch – not the least of which because all of the Fire Ferrets are very good-looking, Asami thought with a smirk. She felt that way less about Bolin – who was rapidly becoming like a brother to her – but Mako and Korra were both very attractive, and watching them perform complex bending maneuvers was nothing short of breathtaking.

Asami gasped as Mako did a twist in the air, shooting out several rapid blasts of fire, one of which hit the Wolfbats' firebender, knocking him off balance, but Asami barely had time to clap before Tahno gathered a ball of water behind his back, while the Wolfbat's earthbender filled the water ball with a crumbled earth disc.

Asami sucked in an outraged breath, standing up to shout as Tahno blasted the water at Mako, Bolin, and Korra, sending all three flying into the water.

The stands erupted with furious shouting, Asami shouting with them. Even Shiro Shinobi was calling out the ref, but the Wolfbats met in the middle of the arena, waving at the divided crowd.

"That was an illegal head shot!" Asami shouted, though she knew the ref couldn't hear her. "There were rocks in that water!"

"Well, it's a controversial call," Shiro Shinobi's voice boomed over the crowd as the referee held up Tahno's hand in victory. "But it looks like the Wolfbats win for the fourth year in a row!"

For several seconds, everything seemed to slow down.

Asami saw other spectators get to their feet, cheering for the Wolfbats or booing the unfair call. She saw Mako, Korra, and Bolin pop out of the water. People around her were moving, shouting, she couldn't hear anything but the indistinct roar of the crowd –

Something blue flashed to her left, and her head whipped around, seeing a man pull a mask over his face, a glove on his hand dancing with electricity.

Asami shot to her feet, sprinting past the other people around her, focusing on the man as he reached forward to shock the police officer walking past him. The officer went down, but Asami was on the Equalist seconds later, tackling him from behind, pushing his face hard into the stairs.

Keeping him pinned to the ground, Asami pulled off his electrocution glove and slipped it on her own hand. It was a little big on her, but - she pressed it to his back, electrocuting him – it would work.

Her head snapped up, and she stood, looking around for more Equalists. Most of the crowd still didn't seem to know what was going on – people were looking around in confusion, and Asami's eyes caught on at least three – no, four – Equalists donning their masks.

She ran up the stairs. They would try to take out all the cops first – she had to let the police know what was happening, had to help them, and had to get to Mako and the others before –

Her eyes caught movement, and she saw Lin Bei Fong – standing next to a man in orange and yellow robes she vaguely recognized – go down in a heap, the man in robes collapsing a moment later, two Equalists standing above them, electricity dancing in their palms.

So much for that plan, then.

The crowd was starting to scream now; people were running in all directions, trying to get out, but Equalists were standing guard at all the doors.

Asami tried to melt back into the crowd, hoping that the other Equalists wouldn't notice her glove in the confusion, or would just assume she was one of them. She made her way to Lin Bei Fong's unconscious body, kneeling down next to her.

"Come on, you have to wake up!" Asami hissed, shaking her, her eyes flicking around, trying to see if anyone had noticed what she was doing.

The chief didn't respond.

Okay, Asami. Think! She had to help Mako and the others – but she also had to help the people in here too! First things first – where were Mako, Korra, and Bolin?

Asami sprinted to the railing, leaning over it and peering out into the water – where she saw a man dragging Korra, and then Mako and Bolin (they were just unconscious, they had to be just unconscious) out of the water. Then they were out of her line of sight, under the platform.

Asami stepped back, trying to melt into the crowd, her mind whirling. She didn't know how she could get to them without anyone noticing. She could swim to them – but no, that was a bad idea. If the Equalists saw her coming, they could electrocute the water. She tried to think of other ways to get there, to save them, but she knew it wouldn't work.

Mako will be okay. They'll all be okay, she told herself. They were strong. They would get out of there. She felt tears prick at her eyes, but she blinked them back. No. They would be fine. She had to have faith in them, and do her best for everyone else in the meantime.

A chill went down her spine as she saw Amon walk onto the pro-bending platform. She didn't want to watch what was going to happen, but she couldn't tear her eyes away. Tahno and the other Wolfbats shot water and fire and earth at him, but he dodged it all like it was nothing. He moved like he knew exactly what they were going to do before they did it, and within seconds he was in front of Tahno, and the other Equalists with him were holding him down and Amon reached for him –

- and Tahno screamed.

He slumped to the ground. Amon took the bending from his teammates as well, and then the Equalists pushed them off the platform and into the water like they were trash. An Equalist banner unfolded off the platform, fluttering down and revealing Amon's face, seeming to be staring at all of them.

On the platform, Amon faced the crowd, one arm raised, but Asami didn't want to hear it. He wanted an audience, huh? Well, Asami was going to do everything she could to take that from him, and to keep more people from getting hurt.

Asami glanced around quickly. The Equalists were pressing closer to the crowd, standing by in case any of them tried to run. She would have to be very fast, and she would have to be as close to the doors as possible for this to work. Her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears she almost couldn't hear anything else as she worked her way up through the crowd, getting closer and closer to the doors. She could see them now, if she could just –

"Hey, you! Stop!"

Asami ran, not bothering to look behind her.

She made it a few more feet before two Equalists stopped in front of her. She leapt to the right, landing up onto the stair railing and jumping off of it again, dodging around the Equalists before they realized what was happening, but she knew they would be right behind her, and more were coming at her –

She whirled around, slamming her hand into the chest of one Equalist; he dropped to the ground with a gasp. She just managed to duck as the other Equalist came at her, and she spun, knocking his legs over, sending him tumbling backwards.

Hands grabbed her from behind, and for a split second she felt searing pain as electricity flashed through her body; her eyes rolled up and her vision swam, but then the feeling was gone.

Panting, Asami shook her head, turning around and seeing a Water Tribe man facing off against the other Equalists. She shook herself again and climbed to her feet, running toward them, taking down another Equalist before they could swarm the man that had helped her.

"We have to get the doors open!" Asami shouted at him as she electrocuted another Equalist.

"Got it!" The man called back, kneeing his opponent hard in the gut.

A loud crash startled them, and then the floor shook as an explosion went off. Asami steadied herself on the wall. She could see that the glass above the stadium was broken, revealing a gigantic airship hovering above them. Long black cables descended into the arena, and Amon grabbed onto one, several other Equalists grabbing onto others as the cables pulled them up toward the airship.

Then a figure rose out of the water, higher and higher, coming up with Amon and toward the airship, and Asami smiled, relief filling her. Korra was okay, and that meant Mako and Bolin probably were too.

Asami tore her eyes away from the fight brewing in the skies, and gestured for the man to follow her. "Come on!"

They ran down the hall, right towards the small group of Equalists waiting for them.

"I don't think – " the man began, ducking a punch, "That we've been – " he grunted a little, blocking a kick – "properly introduced!" he finished, throwing his opponent into the wall; the Equalist fell to the ground, unconscious.

"I'm – " Asami caught the Equalist's wrist in her hand, turning it around and pressing his own electrocution glove to his chest, making him slump to the floor. She spun around, jumping over the next Equalist's kick, catching him in the shoulder with her own glove, and he, too, fell to the ground.

Asami straightened, her hair flipping out a little, headscarf long since lost, and finished: "Asami Sato."

"Nanuq," the man replied with a little bow.

She nodded at him, and together they pushed open the large doors. Asami glanced back and saw that most of the Equalists were making their way toward the airship.

"Run on ahead and open the front door," she told Nanuq, and he nodded once before doing as she asked.

Asami ran out toward the stairs above the crowd. "This way!" She called, waving her arms above her head. "The doors over here are open! This way!" She dashed back toward the door as masses of people swarmed toward her. She pressed herself back from the crowd, standing next to the open door, trying to keep an eye out for more Equalists, but all the ones she saw were running for the platform, and the cables that would take them to the airship.

The floor shook, and the screaming became louder as people ran through the door, pushing and shoving each other in their desire to escape. Asami caught herself on the wall, and peered through the doorway to see that Nanuq had gotten the far doors open; everyone was getting out safely.

Good. Asami turned and headed further into the arena. Now that she knew everyone else was safe, she could go help Mako and the others.

She spotted them from the top of the stairs that cut through the rows of seats. Mako and Bolin were running along the pathway at the bottom of the seats, and her heart leapt into her chest at the sight of them alive and safe.

"Mako!" She called, sprinting toward him.

Mako's head snapped toward her, and he actually stopped in surprise. "Asami!" Shock and then relief flashed across his face, and he opened his arms just as she threw herself at him, nearly sending him crashing to the floor.

She held him tightly, and pulled back, but before she could say anything Mako kissed her deeply. She stiffened in surprise – Mako almost never initiated kisses, and definitely not ones like that – but she wasn't going to complain. She kissed him back, but pulled away again so that she could give Bolin a hug as well.

He embraced her tightly, but quickly, and smiled at her as well, before looking up at the broken ceiling, his eyes flicking around – probably looking for Korra, Asami thought.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay," she told them, and she saw Mako look questioningly at the electrocution glove on her hand.

She shrugged in answer to his silent question. "I borrowed it off an Equalist. Came in handy," she added with a grin.

Mako chuckled. "I'll bet." He smiled at her with something like pride, and warmth washed through her.

Bolin's horrified gasp startled both of them, and Asami saw he was looking up at the ceiling, his eyes huge in his face, before he darted forward, bracing himself on the railing, as though he were ready to jump right over it.

"Korra!" He shouted, and Asami whirled around to see Korra falling through the opening in the ceiling.

She could only stare in shock as Korra fell, the seconds she watched feeling like hours, when all of a sudden Lin Bei Fong appeared, swinging on one of her metalbending cables. She launched one of the cables at Korra, who caught it, and swung to the ground with Lin on the other side of the arena.

Bolin was already running over there, and Asami and Mako followed not far behind him.


Korra stared up through the broken ceiling, watching the airship fly away.

"You all right?" Chief Bei Fong asked.

Korra nodded. "Yeah, thanks to you."

The Chief snorted, and gave a slight smile. "Don't mention it, kid." Her expression turned grave as she also looked up through the ceiling. Amon's airship had faded from sight, and all around them the arena was crumbling.

"Looks like we lost this one," she went on.

Korra looked down at the water below, unable to say anything at all.

"Korra!" Bolin's voice shouted.

Korra looked to her left, and saw Bolin, Mako, and Asami jogging toward her, Bolin in the lead. He reached her a second later and embraced her tightly, lifting her off her feet a little. He didn't say anything, just held her close, his face pressed into her neck.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Mako said, as he threw his arms around both of them. He let them go a second later, and Bolin did the same, though she stayed close to her. For a second, Korra had the urge to reach out and grab his hand, but she didn't.

"Korra! Korra!" Korra turned around and saw her parents hurrying down the steps, Tenzin not far behind them. Korra met them halfway, and soon she found herself in her parents arms as well.

Her mom was crying a little, and they both looked slightly beat up. There was a shallow cut on the side of Senna's face, while Tonraq's eye was bruised.

"What happened?" Korra demanded, looking them over for other injures. "Are you guys okay?"

"Got knocked out," Tonraq replied sourly. "They shocked us when we fought back."

"They were everywhere in the crowd," Senna added, her brow furrowed. "They all managed to hide their weapons."

"Speaking of weapons," Chief Bei Fong interjected, and Korra looked around to see that the Chief was addressing Asami. "Think you could let us have that glove of yours? If we can learn more about how it works, maybe we can find ways to fight against it."

"Of course," Asami handed the glove over. "And if you need any help studying it, I'm sure my father would be happy to help."

The Chief nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, Miss Sato."

Tenzin walked between them, stopping just in front of the railing, staring out at the wreckage.

"I can't believe this happened," he said softly. "I played right into Amon's hands."

"He played all of us," The Chief added, moving to stand next to him.

Korra stood next to her as well, remembering the fight up above. Both Amon and that other man had fought unlike anyone Korra had ever fought with before. The way they moved…sometimes it was as if they knew everything she was going to do before she did it.

"Republic City is at war," Chief Bei Fong finished, and Korra felt a chill run through her at the words, her gut twisting.

She was running out of time, and Amon was getting more and more powerful, gaining more and more followers. If she didn't fix things, she really would be a failure of an Avatar.

Her hands tightened on the railing until her knuckles were white. I have to stop Amon, she thought. I have to stop him before he hurts anyone else.

Aaaaand scene. ;P

First time writing Asami's POV - hope I did it okay. I thought looking at the match through her eyes - as well as having her help and meet Nanuq - would be interesting. I also hope you all enjoyed the extra long chapter, but I will definitely try to keep them a little shorter than this from now on, because this was exhausting, haha.

Again, any reviews are welcome, and I hope you liked it!

Next Chapter Preview:

Chapter Eleven: Blood and Water: Mako and Bolin move in with Asami, while Korra gets closer to her as well. Things barely settle down before there's another run-in with the Equalists - this time with devastating losses.