A/N: What the heck are you doing, Sapphire!?

I'm re-writing the story! What do you think I was doing? Baking a cake? JK, I can't bake.

I'll be going through this story and fixing all the spelling, grammar, and name changes. The story won't change that much other than me placing a word or two in. I would like to keep it as original as possible since this was the first story I wrote.

Oh boy...well here we go again!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Warning! Please read if you are new to my stories. I'm only going to say this once.

OOC? Probably. I will try to keep them in character, but no promises.

I have no rules what so ever when it comes to content. What happens in this story happens. Don't expect sunshine, rainbows, and all that other jazz.

This story will contain dark moments, that's how I write. There will be moments where you will hate what happens and moments when you will be in love with this story. I do not promise characters canon-like or even pleasant. I can make one scary antagonist.

If you can't handle stuff like this then exit out. You'll only be mad at me later.

And to those who are continuing, please fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a long ride.

Chapter One

The Lady in the Night

These bright, blue days were what Saphira cherished the most.

Her large wings flapped through the air with speed. Small sparrows circled her body, dancing with her through the clouds. Colours of green and blue filled her vision as she zoom into a small, clearing below. Saphira's rider, Eragon, had been training a new rider called Yalkin. The short, slender young boy was often shy and never conversed with other people. However, she had a strong feeling Yalkin could be a very powerful rider and even surpass Eragon one day.

They'd been training the new rider ever since they arrived in Lyra, a small town by Ravenwood Lake in the land of Shyr. Surrounding Ravenwood was a luscious forest full of deer and other wild creatures. South of Lyra, the Zo River flowed, giving aid to farm land around.

Eragon and Saphira's journey east lasted for two week. They ended up docking by a small trading post fifty miles south of Lyra. They didn't know where they were until an old farm man greeted them and welcomed them to Shyr. He was a bit surprised to see a dragon and a rider, saying he had heard stories about them when he was a boy, but never thought they were real.

He explained later, a town north lived a small boy who found a suspicious stone a few weeks earlier. It had spread over the lands and everyone was very curious about what it was. When they officially met Yalkin, the boy, Eragon explained the silver stone was actually a dragon's egg.

It hatched a week later.

Years have passed since then, and Eragon and Saphira watched both dragon and rider grow.

"Brisingr!" Yalkin yell, as a small fire shoot out of his palm.

Saphira circled around the clearing watching Eragon below dodge the fire. "Good aim, Yalkin," he chuckled at the boy. "But try and concentrate more on the flame itself, and less on hitting me.

"Yes, Ebrithil," he responded, shyly.

Eragon chuckled again, patting him on the back. "That's enough for today. Go and rest, we'll continue tomorrow morning."

Yalkin bowed, walking away, leaving Eragon alone in the clearing. Saphira descended to the ground as Eragon sat down on a small boulder, sighing. He looked stressed, and she knew why.

Are you alright, little one? Saphira asked, landing gently beside him.

These new riders are so exhausting. I don't know how Brom did it, he commented, his voice brushing softly against my conscious.

Saphira moved her long neck so she was facing him. Her eyes locking on his tired expression, she could feel her own heartbeat slowly increase when he looked at her. His hand touched her nose and smiled, making her every nerve tingle with excitement.

For the past year, Saphira had begun to get these strange...sensations. She didn't understand them and was too nervous to speak to Eragon about it. She started to feel weird around him, and whenever she looked at him; her heart would begin to beat as fast as a humming bird's wings. Plus, even speaking to him started to get difficult. Saphira would say the wrong things and end up embarrassing herself in front of him.

She was a dragon; she wasn't supposed to be acting this way! It was at one point when she got this idea about being with him. She didn't even think it was even possible for a dragon and rider to be together, but the more Saphira thought of it, the more Saphira wanted it. And whenever she saw couples around the village, Saphira would start feeling envious. But not once did Saphira tell Eragon.

The whole time, Saphira shield the feelings away from him, hiding it in a locked box in her mind. Perhaps she was scared. But of what? –His rejection, maybe. She didn't quite know, or understand these…human feelings. All she knew was this…problem would not go away so easily.

She moved her neck away from him stepping a few feet in front, glancing at the sky. He kind of reminds me of you little one, when you were training with Brom.

He chuckled. "Aye, those were the good days."

She turned to him. These are good days too, Eragon! She huffed, blowing smoke toward him.

I guess.

Saphira sighed. So shall we go have dinner together?

Saphira watched him blink. "Uh…sorry, Saphira, I kind of already made plans with someone tonight. She asked me this morning and I accepted."

Why didn't you tell me? She asked.

He got up and walked to her. "You already left so… Sorry, next time I'll make sure I tell you," he said rubbing my nose with his own.

She moved away, huffing again.

He frowned, sighing quietly. "Don't wait up for me, okay? You don't need to worry."

Then he walked away, leaving her feeling not only worried, but hurt.


Saphira stayed up and waited for Eragon's return. He would always get himself into trouble when she wasn't around. She had tried to contact him several times, but she had a feeling he was ignoring me.

The fool. Why can't I be the… Saphira shook her head. Come on

Saphira, get a hold of yourself. Eragon is human (kind of) and you're a dragon. You can never really be with him that way.

"This is it," a familiar voice sounded near the trees.

Saphira got up from my spot on the ground just as Eragon appeared from the treeline a hundred meters away; towing a girl she'd never seen before. He then stopped and turned to the girl, embracing her body. Saphira growled, watching the girl kiss him on the cheek before looking over towards Saphira. Eragon turned too, smiling that bright smile of his at her.

"Oh Saphira, I thought you had fallen asleep, well I'm glad you're awake," he said, walking over. "I want you to meet Mya."

Saphira didn't know how to feel. Perhaps betrayed was the right word. So all she did was glare at him with fire in her eyes, filling his mind with raging emotions. But what confused her were his bright smile, and the happy expression, that never left his face. She expected him to give her at least a worried look, mentally asking what was wrong, but now, there was nothing. No words, no worried look, just this smile. Also, his eyes never left the girls face. It was the way he looked at her that pissed Saphira off the most.

The girl faced Saphira, bowing. "I am honored to meet such an amazing and beautiful creature. Eragon has told me all about your incredible adventures."

You told her everything? She asked nobody. Eragon…why?

Saphira started to study this girl closely, seeing what she could be doing. There was something strange about her. Saphira didn't know what, but she gave her the chills. Was it the way she looked at Eragon? Her smile wasn't right, and her eyes did hide something fierce. Saphira decided she would need to test this theory.

Then her hand rubbed his chest in circles, pissing me off even more. This girl was asking for it!

"Hey how about we go for a ride, Mya. Would you like that?" Eragon suddenly suggested.

No way in hell! Saphira thought.

The girl squealed. "Can we? Wow that would be so romantic, just you and me, flying under the stars."

"Saphira, do you mind?" Eragon asked, smiling at me.

Saphira's heart raced, but her anger didn't drop. And just as he was about to lift her onto my back, Saphira snapped, making him pulled back from her jaws. I growled in warning, making sure Eragon got the message.

Saphira, come on, don't be like that. His voice echoed in her head like an order.

She growl only grew as he attempted again.

Saphira…He warned.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea, Eragon," the girl said, stepping away.

"Nonsense, Saphira loves people." Don't you, Saphira.

At least the girl hasn't ruined my only way of communicating to him, I told myself.

He was right, Saphira did love people. But she hated her.

His attempts were getting rather irritating, and Saphira began to notice he was trying to sneak the girl onto her back without her noticing. This was enough for me to let out a fierce roar, making the girl cover her ears in shock.

"SAPHIRA!" Eragon snapped, pulling Mya back in time as sharp teeth snatched air.

Fool me once, Eragon, shame on you!

She could feel the girl trembling with fear in Eragon's arms. "Um… I just remembered, Eragon, I have to go do something."

The girl pulled away from Eragon, quickly running off into the forest, and looking back at the last second to only glare at Saphira with ice in her eyes.

When she finally disappeared into the shadows, Eragon looked at me with wide eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped.

She felt it then, the guilt.

II didn't like the way that she smelled. Saphira lied.

You didn't…"That's not the point! I really liked her and now she probably hates my guts."

He was taking her side!? Seriously? Fine!

Good! Saphira sneered.

"Good! How is any of that good? I have never gone out with a girl, and now that I do you act like this."

She looked away, embarrassed. There was no way she could look at his eyes…it was too painful.

Eragon, she…didn't seem right. I kept getting these nasty sensations from her. I don't even think she's human.

"Of course she a human," he argued, trying to make me look at him. "Saphira, can you please look at me?"

She couldn't do it, and it was because of these damn emotions.

He growled, and Saphira snapped her head back to him, taken by his noise.

"Ugh, sometimes I don't even know who you are. I wish I could know what you're hiding from me."

You would never understand! She snapped.

Saphira couldn't be in his presence anymore. She was a failure as a dragon, and could face my rider without breaking down. So without hesitation, she flew into the sky, hearing his calls fade in her mind.

She flew as fast and as far as she could until landing on a small cliff ten kilometers away. In the distance, she could see small lights from the town and the dark forest beyond. What was she doing? Saphira felt like her heart had been ripped apart, leaving nothing behind.

I knew it. He does have feelings for her.

Saphira's body began to shake uncontrollably. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't know why she felt these feelings towards Eragon.

If this was going to hurt so much I wish…I wish he was never my rider! My eyes widened at my epiphany. What…no…what am I saying? I don't wish for that at all. I paused. That explains it…I must…I must be in love with him.

Then she understood it.

But we can never be together. We may be one, but it's impossible for dragon and rider to truly be as one, to be in love. Only if there was a way…a way for me to become… human.

"Young one do you wish to become human?"

The female voice startled her. Saphira had no idea anyone else was around. She turned my head to scare the newcomer off and found a small, elderly lady, wearing a long green clock, and standing just a few hundred yards away.

Saphirea narrowed her sapphire eyes, studying the figure closely. She couldn't feel any magic around her, but the woman still seemed suspicious. She tried to get inside her mind, but was it was blocked by a brick wall. Who was she?

"Do not be afraid. I will not harm you."

What do you want? Saphira asked.

"To make your dreams come true of course. I overheard you say you are in love your rider and wish to be with him."

How did she enter my mind without making me aware of her presence? Was this woman truly that powerful? Did she have the ability to hide her aura?

What can you do? she asked, suspiciously.

"I can make you human," she said simply, "and then you can finally tell your rider how you really feel."

Saphira growled. How do I know I can trust you?

"Here's the thing, only you can decide whether or not you want to trust me. I just promised to make you human. What else can I do to prove myself?"

Okay what's the catch?

She pulled out a small scroll from her sleeve. "No catch, you just need to sign at the dotted line. Then all you have to do is get Eragon to kiss you before the sun sets on the 3rd day, and you can stay human forever."

And what happens if I don't kiss him at the end of the 3rd day?

"Nothing, of course. You will just return to your dragon form, and go on with your merry life."

Saphira thought about it carefully. If there was a chance to become human, it could be her only chance to confess to Eragon.

Alright, I agree.

The old lady smiled, chanting a foreign language Saphira was unaware of. Then she felt as if her own soul was being twisted around. Her bones starting to break and crack and her inside began to burning up. Saphira cried out in pain, but instead of a roar, it was a wail. A human wail. Her vision began to blur, and colours started to shift and change. My head grew light and she couldn't take the pain any longer.

Saphira landed hard on the ground as everything went back.


She woke up on the grass, confused. It was still dark out.

She tried to stand up but fell immediately back down. Everything felt wrong and my whole body felt out of place. Then she saw the change. Her blue armour was replaced by light tan skin, soft to the touch. Her claws were replaced by hands and feet. And she had hair, long and dark. Saphira's wings and tail...they were gone. Plus, there were these two round bumps coming out of my chest. These must've been what humans called 'breast'. It was all so strange. I'm no longer a dragon. I'm…human.

Saphira glanced up at the woman standing before me. "Thank you so much!" she squeaked aloud.

She immediately covered her mouth upon hearing herself speak. How strange.

The woman giggled. "Of course, my dear. Now all you have to do is sign and you will begin your new life."

Saphira nodded as she struggled to stand. The woman helped her, pulling her by the arm and onto her feet. She handed Saphira a pen and she tried to scribble her name onto the paper. It looked more like a random lines then a name, but it was done.

The woman grinned. "Have a wonderful new life, Saphira," she said, as she started to walk away. "And remember you only have three days to kiss your one true love or you'll become a dragon again."

"Oh right you never told me your name!" Saphira called back.

She stopped and turned her head slightly. "Of course child, call me Risa."

"Risa, I'll remember that," she muttered,

Saphira watched her disappear into the shadows, then left shortly after. The woman turned when Saphira was out of hearing and chuckle softly. "Just three more days. She muttered low,"Then I will own your soul."

She laughed and disappeared into the night.

A/N: If you have a moment, please review! ^^

Sapphire!Edit: January 28, 2015

Original post: August 2, 2012