Son of Hades

A/N: Okay thanks to all who reviewed and favourited and followed. On with the story!

Percy's PoV (Outside his cabin 5:30 am)

I stood outside my cabin wondering what time the rest of the camp usually woke up at. I noticed two people walking out a plain cabin.

"… I know he's Hades kid Connor but we are the pranksters of the camp! If we don't prank him then that means no-one will!" the taller silhouette exclaimed.

"Dude still, I'd rather not become a zombie or something because of a prank," the smaller one said. I grinned at that.

"Okay here's what we'll do. I will sneak in there and will replace all his dark clothes with bright coloured clothes. You will follow me and put rainbows all along the room. Got it?" the taller one said pulling two bags behind him.

"Fine but I die and you don't I swear I'll haunt you Travis," the smaller one said.

I grinned and left the door slightly ajar as I went back inside.

"Dude score! He left his door open," the taller one exclaimed as they crept inside.

"Oh. My. Gods!" they exclaimed. I grinned. 'They must have seen the TV and games and stuff,' I thought.

"Dude we have to take this stuff!" the smaller one exclaimed.

Okay now this is too far, they can make me wear bright clothes, they can put rainbows but the one thing I will not let go by is people stealing my stuff!

Just as the smaller one was about to grab the PS3, I shadow travelled behind him and picked him up by the back of his T-shirt.

"TRAVIS!" he screamed trying to punch me.

"Conner don't worry I'll be gone!" he yelled trying to run out the door.

I just shadow travelled behind him and grabbed his T-shirt too.

"So what should I do with you boys? I'm thinking a nice little snack for my dog," I said.

I walked outside and saw the whole camp up and out their cabins. I spotted Thalia and grinned at her. She grinned back.

"Okay so, you want to see my dog?" I asked them.

"Ummmm as long as we don't get feed to it," the smaller one said.

"Names," I said, getting tired of not knowing what they were called.

"Travis Stoll," the taller one said, just hanging limply.

"Connor Stoll," the smaller one said, still trying to wriggle free of my grasp.

"Percy Jackson and I'd like you to meet my dog," I said whistling loudly.

Nothing happened for a few minutes. The Stolls started sniggering quietly.

Then a huge mound of dark fur popped out the ground right in front of me.

"AHHHHHHH!" the Stolls yelled trying to break free of my grasp.

"Now, now boys I'd like you to meet my dog; he is the largest hellhound in existence as Cerberus is not a hell hound," I said. They just whimpered and nodded their heads.

"Here's the deal, you try to prank my cabin or steal from it again and I swear that I will feed you to my dog. Got it?" I said dropping the two of them on the ground.

"Yeah man, don't worry about it. We swear we won't do anything like that to you ever again," the Stoll brothers said, practically pissing themselves because by now Skyli, my dog had begun trotting up to them.

"No, Skyli they are not food!" I shouted at him. He just looked at me like 'Oh please I just want a bit'.

"No go on, get inside your kennel," I said pointing to the new kennel that had appeared beside my cabin.

"What are you all staring at," I said to the crowd of campers who were staring at me in shock and awe.

I looked around a bit but couldn't see Thalia anywhere in the crowd. I shrugged and walked over to her cabin.

"Thalia?" I asked knocking on the door. No answer. "Thalia?!" I said a bit louder knocking on the door. I just got fed up and opened the door to see the room was empty.

"What the Hades," I said looking around the room. Then I heard a shout.

I ran towards it to hear Thalia screaming at some people. "…. You guys don't get it Percy is so sweet maybe if you didn't keep acting like he is bellow you then you could actually see that," Thalia screamed at who I identified as Annabeth and Nico.

"Thals don't you see, he is a son of Hades. He is a freak!" Annabeth shouted.

"Annabeth maybe we should give the guy a chance I mean it won't hurt," Nico said. 'Wow that guy might actually be decent,' I thought.

"Nico what the Hades are you talking about," Annabeth screeched turning on Nico.

"Come on Annabeth would you like to be judged before someone got to know you?" Nico asked.

"No, but he's Hades freaking son!" she yelled at him. Nico just rolled his eyes at her.

"You know Annabeth I think that you just can't see that he is a good guy," Thalia said, glaring at Annabeth.

"Hey Thals," I said shadow travelling over to her. Annabeth paled at seeing me and Nico just grinned sheepishly.

"Hey Percy I was wondering … we got off on the wrong foot so could we … like … start again?" he asked hesitantly.

"Sure thing water boy," I said grinning.

"My names Percy Jackson, son of Hades and the boyfriend of Thalia Grace," I said holding my hand out. He just looked at me open mouthed.

"You and Thals are … going out," he stammered looking back and forth between us.

"Thalia, why are you going out with this creep?" Annabeth demanded glaring at me

"Well blonde, me and Thalia are going out with each other because we have lots of things in common," I said, saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Who asked you, freak," she snarled at me. I narrowed my eyes and summoned Skyli.

"Hey bitch I think you might like to meet my dog," I said grinning.

"Ha! You think a little doggy is going to hurt me!" she exclaimed.

"I don't think it's a little doggy Annabeth," I smirked as Skyli appeared.

"Ahhh! What the hell is that!" she screamed jumping back. Thalia frowned a bit at me. I grinned and waved my hand towards Skyli.

"People meet Skyli, largest hell hound in existence, Skyli meet people," I said smiling. Nico was just stared at it, Annabeth was trying not to wet herself and Thalia was just looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Dog, you named your dog in dog in Greek," she said incredulously. I just smirked as Nico held his hand out for a high five.

"Awesome dude!" he yelled as we smacked our palms together. I turned around and watched as Skyli began advancing on Annabeth, whilst Annabeth was trying to crawl away but was backed up to a tree.

"Skyli, here boy," I whistled and he came trotting over.

"Can he do tricks?" Nico asked grinning at me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, he can, have you heard of the trick 'he's a fucking hell hound not a show dog' yet," I said sarcastically. He just raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hey Skyli show Nico what tricks you can do," I told him and he nodded and vanished.

"Where did he go?" Nico asked looking around. Annabeth had climbed up a tree and was clinging to a branch like it was her life line.

"Hey blonde, how's the weather up there?" I shouted up to Annabeth. She just raised a middle finger at me and shouted some choice swear words (A/N: Use your own damn imagination coz I'm too tired to think up some good swear words!)

"Ohhhhh damn blonde do you eat with that dirty mouth of yours," I taunted.

"Piss off Jackson!" she shouted back. I grinned up at her and made a 'I can't hear you gesture'.

"Come down here and say that, if you're not scared," I taunted. She leapt off the branch she was trying to choke. She landed a few feet in front of me and glared at me.

"I want to see if you can act so tough with my knife down your throat," she snarled at me pulling out her knife.

"Hey didn't you know?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I know everything!" she screamed. I grinned at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"So you want to get tossed into the air by my dog?" I asked grinning. Her eyes widened and she turned around slowly.

"Annabeth you've already met Skyli, Skyli flip her like a pancake," I said nodding at Skyli. The latter gave me a doggy grin and grabbed Annabeth around the waist with his jaws and threw her into the air.

"AHHHHHHHH!" she screamed as she flew higher and higher. I grinned at Nico who was looking at it in fascination.

"How's that for a trick?" I asked smirking at him. He grinned back and we spent the whole day just watching Skyli flip Annabeth like a pancake.

At the end of her ordeal Annabeth's top had been ripped in several places. She was completely red and her hair was slick with hell hound drool.

"I-I'm telling Chiron about this!" she spluttered, still exhausted from all the screaming she had done.

"Oh Annie we can just say you tried to threaten Percy and Skyli leapt to his masters defence," Nico said, shaking his head.

"Nico, Thalia we're friends," she said tears welling up in her eyes. I looked at Thalia and noticed her looking at me lovingly. I smiled at her and took her hand.

"Nico get yourself a date because I don't want to see you all lonely when we all go out tomorrow," I told him as we left Annabeth standing there looking at Thalia and Nico.

"Yeah fine whatever Perce," he said as he left to go over to his cabin.

"And you Thalia, you are needed to look as beautiful as possible, like just now," I said smiling at her.

"Oh and what will you be doing tomorrow Mr Jackson?" she asked.

"I, my dear, am going to have to get my badass clothes and my baseball bat to keep guys off you," I said grinning.

"Well, it sounds like a plan dead head," she said grinning as she ran inside before I could tell her not to call me that.

"I'll get you tomorrow Thalia!" I said through the door and I walked towards my cabin and sat down on my sofa. I flipped on the TV and watched pointless shows until I drifted off into sleep.

I dreamed of my beautiful girlfriend and my new best friend. I smiled in my sleep.

A/N: HAHA second chapter is down people, and I know exactly what's happening next (but you don't =P)