Hi all. Welcome to my new story 'Keep Holding On', a bit of a naff name I know, but I couldn't think of anything else haha.

It's a short fic that definitely WILL NOT exceed 20 chapters; well it shouldn't do anyway! I'm trying to get it finished a little before 20.

Just a quick few things to let you know- Ruby does not exist in this story. Angelo's is actually called Black Magic in this and it's a restaurant, run by Charlie's ex- Stephen, but soon taken over by Brax.

Some of you will recognise parts of this first chapter because I actually used it for how Charlie and Brax met in the Unwanted Return flashback in Chapter 31. However, the two stories aren't connected; I just wanted to explore a bit more with what I could do with that meeting.

So that's it with the babbling- I hope you enjoy Chapter 1 and remember to leave a review and let me know what you think!

Chapter 1.

"Mate, I think coming here was a bad idea." Sam grumbled as he, Brax and Heath sat at a booth in Angelo's on one of the single's nights, no attractive girls were to be seen.

"Give it time, man, you never know; your future wife could walk in soon." Brax laughed, little did he know, one of the women that were about to walk through the door would turn out to be one of the most important women in his life.

"Shit, Brax look." Sam grinned excitedly as he pointed to the door, where Charlie, Bianca and Laila made their entrance, each looking fierce, Charlie in a black dress, Bianca in a red and Laila in a blue.

"Black's mine." Brax answered as he glared at Charlie.

"Red's mine." Heath got in second.

"Blue is definitely mine." Sam smirked, the three boys staring after the three girls as they made their way over to the bar.

"Fuck, she's hot." Brax mumbled as he checked Charlie out.

"Sam, get up and tell them to get over here." Heath ordered and before Sam knew it, he was making his way towards the bar.

Charlie watched as a tanned, average height blonde male with his hair tied up approached. She couldn't help but laugh as Laila blushed when he glared at her, "Yes?" Charlie asked.

"Oh um- me and my friends were wondering if you girls wanted to join us?" Sam asked Charlie after finding his voice.

"That depends, who are your friends?" Bianca asked, Sam pointed over to the table, whose eyes instantly were drawn to Heath, "I'm game." She nodded.

"Charlie?" Laila asked.

"Mm- yeah maybe later." Charlie smiled, "You two go." She watched as her friends walked over to the table, she found herself fascinated by one of the men's striking green eyes but she didn't want to go over just yet, there's something she found mysterious about him, and she found it a little unsettling.

"What's an attractive lady like yourself doing at a singles night?" Brax asked Charlie as he perched himself up on the stool beside her.

"Trying to find someone decent to take me home and give me a good fuck, you?" Charlie asked, looking an astounded Brax dead in the eye.

"Wow, so forward." Brax chuckled, displaying his dimples which were one of the main things Charlie would learn to love about him, "And probably the same as you," he added honestly.

"So, have you seen anyone that tickles your fancy yet?" Charlie asked, draining her drink as she glanced at Brax.

"Someone might just have caught my attention," Brax smirked at her, "What about yourself?"

"Maybe." Charlie smiled seductively at him. "I'm Charlie, by the way, Charlotte by birth but Charlie to you."

Brax chuckled, "Nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm Darryl, but Brax to you." Brax grinned as he shook her hand.

"So, um... can I get you a drink?" Brax asked.

"Sure." Charlie smiled.

"What's your poison?" Brax asked as he beckoned over the barman.

"Surprise me." Charlie winked, biting her lip as she got off her stool and made her way over to the booth where the other four were sitting.


Brax had decided to take a gamble and get Charlie a vodka orange, which she said suited her just fine.

As the night wore on, it became very clear that each of the couples were getting along well with each other, and had branched off into their own private conversations:

Heath and Bianca.

Sam and Laila.

Brax and Charlie.

Charlie had excused herself from the group and gone to the toilet, walking out of the restrooms she was startled when Brax stood opposite the entrance to the ladies, "Some might find that creepy." She laughed as she walked closer to him.

"Do you?" Brax asked, leaning against the wall.

"Strangely, no." Charlie shook her head, just as Brax pulled her into his arms.

"Is it just me or has there been so much sexual tension between us all night?" he asked, moving his head closer to hers.

"It's just you." Charlie mumbled a reply before Brax's lips crashed forcefully on top of hers. Before she knew it, Brax had swivelled around, pushing her back against the wall, he pressed his body against hers as their tongues collided with each other, fighting for dominance. Feeling like she was about to collapse due to no oxygen getting into her lungs, Charlie breathlessly pushed him away, resting her forehead against his.

"Tell me, Charlie. Have you found someone you want to take you home yet?" Brax questioned teasingly.

"Maybe." Charlie answered, with the equal, teasing tone to her voice.

"What's he like?" Brax asked as he began kissing her neck, making her moan.

"Oh, well he's muscular, and very toned. He's got the most amazing green eyes that have some insane story behind them which I don't know yet, he's got a gorgeous smile and the cutest dimples, he's strong, funny, charming and he's wearing a very sexy red and grey check shirt." Charlie bit her lip as she drew her neck away from Brax's lips, her arms still dangling around his neck, "How about you, Darryl? Find anyone you want to take home?"

"She's so fit." Brax got straight to the point, "She's a dark brunette with the most stunning, striking blue eyes and I get the feeling she's a pretty amazing person too. She's got these sexy, long, tanned legs, she's wearing the most amazing, short black lace dress I have ever seen, with a killer pair of red stilettos. She looks so fucking sexy, and I think she knows it."

Charlie couldn't help but smile at Brax's words. She bit her lip as she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "You should see what's underneath," she muttered seductively before planting a soft kiss on his lips and stepping out of his arms, "We should get back to the others."


After sitting back down at the booth with the others, Charlie and Brax couldn't stop stealing glances at one another as they sat beside each other. Charlie placed her hand on Brax's inner knee as Bianca turned her attention to the two of them, "So Charlie, what's he like?" she asked, pointing to Brax.

"He's alright." Charlie shrugged her shoulders, grinning as she saw Brax's eyes widen out of the corner of her eye. She tried to fight her smile as she felt Brax's large hand engulf hers, his fingers entwining with her own.

Brax couldn't believe what he was doing- he was actually holding a girl's hand under the table, so much for coming to the singles night for a quick fuck then heading home, he somehow knew Charlie was more to him, just like she did with him. Somehow knowing it felt right, Charlie tilted her head and rested it against Brax's shoulder as she slightly curled into his side, watching as the other four engaged in conversation.

Brax gulped as Charlie lifted his hand and placed it on her inner thigh, he watched briefly as she guided his hand up her dress and towards her entrance, leaving it there for a minute, Brax took a deep breath as he could feel she was wearing a very little amount of underwear. Charlie bit her lip as she turned her head and whispered in his ear, "Take me home." Brax swallowed hard as he removed his hand and stood up, Charlie slid out of the booth and stood beside him, "I um- Brax is gonna walk me home." Charlie blushed slightly as the four pair of eyes fell upon her.

Charlie and Brax quickly scurried out of the restaurant, followed by an array of chuckles, giggling and whistling.


So there goes the first chapter. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

If you liked it and you want me to continue with this story; review or PM me to let me know. :)