DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the rights to Pokémon (Nintendo), nor intend to project that impression. If I did, I'd be a lot richer :)

Don't judge the book based on the 1st chapter. I promise it gets better. Also, If you want a pokemon book cover making like mine, PM me. I 3D model them for free if you give a concept design :)

Life Like latios

Chapter 1: A Short Introduction.

It was quiet in the garden. Not totally, mind, but quiet enough to hear the sound of breathing. The light of the sun, slightly unreal, started to coax its way through the tree leaves, eventually casting its rays on the odd couple laid there...

I wake, slowly. Everything was as it was when I left it, albeit rotated 90°. To correct this, I tilt my head the right way up, seeing properly: to my left, a few trees, directly infront of me, a very nice looking pond/fountain combo and to my right, immediately next to me, my sister. She's a Latias, alright. Tail to snout about 1.7 Meters, wingspan 3 meters total, white neck, blue triangle on a red chest covered in feathers. She looks almost like me, but smaller, and red where I am otherwise blue. I'm also much bigger. She's laid on the grass, head on my right wing, ears drooped down over her neck, wings splayed out.

She looks happy. Not really happy. Just happy. Content.

Looking at the sky, I'd say its around 8 o'clock. Actually, its coming winter. Make it 9 o'clock. Bianca will be here in another half hour. Bianca - the most confusing person I've ever met, other than perhaps my sister. She doesn't go to school, even though she looks like a schoolgirl. Instead, she paints. Applies a brush or pencil to some paper (she calls it 'canvas') and paints pictures. If they don't look right she screws them up and yells a lot about how useless she is.
I agree, not that I'd ever let her know. Painting IS useless, even when its good. What good is a 'Picasso' to anyone, except for possibly saying "I'm richer and more important than you, so take a seat and let me show you how poor you are in comparison"

My mental rant is cut short by a quaint sound from my right. Latias (Since there is only one of each of us, we call each other by our species) is rolling over, briefly freeing my wing from her underside. Briefly being the key word. Having rolled to be facing my wing instead of on top of it, she grabs it, probably thinking its some kind of stuffed toy like Bianca sometimes has.

I yelp, my seagull-like voice ripping through the previously calm air, startling Latias, and making her wake up and grab tighter, inflicting more pain. The thing about being part dragon (which most people forget) is that our claws are really, REALLY sharp. Think of a razor blade, Then make it 8 times sharper, Then surround that with razor blades and sharpen them with more razor blades. It's about 100 times less sharp than that. Bianca sometimes asks us to cut the canvas with them if her scissors are blunt. So it's no surprise that Latias has now managed to draw a substantial amount of blood from my wing, which is bleeding profusely.

Instantly she's up, confused: "Why are you bleeding? Why is their blood on my claw? Did I cut you? Are you all right?". All very dumb questions, given the circumstances. "What do you think?" Is my sarcastic reply, and sarcasm in dragon is really something. I attempt to grab my wing, but my arms are too short, and my wing is too rigid. It's not like a Pidgy wing which can flex round to the body - My wings only articulate at the body, meaning the cut which is on the end of my wing - roughly a meter away - is just out of reach of both my arms (on reflection this is a good thing, as all my claws would do is cut them more).

Latias, meanwhile, starts to hover, giggling the entire time, chuckling at the spectacle that is me trying to reach my wing. In the end, I give up, its starting to clot anyways. Latias looks at me, but I'm terrible with emotions and am confused as to what her face means. It looks like a mixture of worry and happiness, which conflicts so badly I give up and lay flat on the floor, whimpering. This gets the response I want from Latias, who darts off, presumably to fetch Bianca and a first aid kit.
The garden is quiet again, the only sound being the wind chimes slowing to a stop after Latias flew past them.

I reflect upon my injury; At least my neck can rotate enough for me to see it. It looks quite deep, but not serious. Opposite to to popular belief, Lati wings are next to useless. We hover and propel ourselves with psychic, and the wings are only there the stabilize this process - so long as their both the same length, we can fly fine with them injured.

That is not to say they don't contain nerves. This fact comes to me as a stab of pain reverberates down my spine, making me whip my head back round, letting me see Bianca rushing towards me with a first aid kit. She looks concerned, which isn't normal. She generally looks angry or neutral. "Look at you!" she exclaims, in human speech, which I understand. I coo. Not any specific words, just make a noise that in her mind equates to "I'm hurt, help?". This prompts treatment. As much of a grump Bianca is, she cares about things. She swiftly dresses my wound in a waterproof bandage, feeds me some foul-tasting medication (Do the manufacturers even know what a pecha berry tastes like?) And then asks me to get up so she can check i'm fine. I comply, raising from my dry spot on the ground to around twice Bianca's height. She claps and squeaks, completely out of character.
"Good, you're fine! Lets go for some food hmm?" And with that she skips off, up a flight of stairs and through a wide archway.

I'm perplexed by her behavior, Why is she so cheery? I decide to ignore this and concentrate on the important things, important things being "food". I rear up in flight, folding my arms so they slot into my body. I love this next bit. I almost immediately accelerate to 200mph, flying directly towards the archway. The air tugs at my ears and the end of my wings, making them vibrate. As I enter the archway, The air becomes harder to move through, due to the closed walls, enhancing the whole 'fly-fast' effect. In under a second I'm out the other side and in Bianca's garden. I fly up to slow down an avoid hitting the house, then glide in circles until i'm at the door.

Its closed. I try the handle, having to make two attempts, my claws not gripping it properly. Eventually the door is open and I try to glide through, but my wings yet again provide a set-back. In my haste to get in, I'd not pulled them all the way back, and so I was told wide to fit through. I sigh, and, fold them behind me and try again, with more success.

Over the threshold, things get slightly easier. The house has wide corridors and therefore plenty of turning room. I'm in the kitchen, where Bianca should be if she was making breakfast, but she's not. I hear her shout, from the living room. "Have you made it though the door yet?" she enquires, referring to the daily struggle I have with the back door. In response, I float into the living room and glare at her, prompting another giggle.

Latias (who is smaller than me and could fit through all the doors fine) is doing her party trick of not being Latias, but Bianca instead. The only difference is that the real Bianca is wearing a beret (Even indoors, another confusing thing). The real Bianca is sat on the sofa, apparently having a discussion with Latias, who is sat on the opposite sofa, with a laptop on her mock-human knee, using that to communicate in English with Bianca. That was my idea, though I never use it myself. We were watching a history documentary on TV and this scientist in a wheelchair rolled on to a stage and started lecturing, but the wheelchair spoke for him, albeit in a terribly robotic tone. That's where I got the idea of using the laptop to let us talk to people. We understand English, so we just type in what we want to say and the machine says it.

Right on cue, Latias taps out a question: "DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING ABOUT BREAKFAST, BIANCA?". Bianca looks at me, and I nod in confirmation. We both give her puppy-dog eyes. Bianca rolls her eyes, "Seriously, Do you guys only think about food?". Me and Latias both nod our heads rapidly, making Bianca sigh. "What kind, Pokemon or Human?" She asks us, as if that's a choice. She knows we prefer human food. Latias responds. "PANCAKES".

At that moment, Lorenzo appears through the doorway "Bianca dear! If you're putting some pancakes on make some for me too, hmm?". Suddenly, Bianca snaps and starts ranting at Lorenzo, which seems not only unprovoked but also a bit harsh on the 60-year-old - "WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO COOK? IN A NORMAL HOUSEHOLD THE OLDER PERSON LOOKS AFTER THE YOUNGER PERSON!". Lorenzo sighs, and tries to calm her down - "Bianca dearest, firstly, does this look like a normal household" and with that he waves his hand to me and Latias. "... Secondly" he continues "If anyone's the oldest here, its Latios.". There is silence.
He's right. I AM the oldest, but only by about 100 years. I'm still a baby in legendary speak, though I don't know exactly when I was born. I was very young at the time, after all. The earliest thing I can remember is waking up in the garden, about half the size I am now.

"RIGHT" Bianca snaps. "Latios can make pancakes". I start, surely they'd realise this mistake. I can't even use the laptop (My claws just scratch everything and it breaks), or open a door. How on earth does she expect me to hold a frying pan? While I mull over how to present my objections, the others are staring at me. It's not worth trying to argue, since their all in favor of me cooking.

I sigh and float through to the moderately sized kitchen. As I'm leaving, Bianca speaks to me, her voice a lot calmer. "Latios? I've told Latias, but you were struggling with the door. After breakfast we're going to watch the Tour de Alto Mare"

Hi all, what did you think to the intro to my first story? Imma' put some background info here for the confused among you.

This story is based on (more like a recollection of some hallucinations that were during) my own childhood experience - I had an operation when I was small, around the same time Pokemon Heroes was released. I'd reacted badly to the anesthetic and the net result was extreme confusion and vivid dreams, all based around pokemon, but chiefly, all from Latios's POV. Autism *apparently* didn't help, but they say that to everyone these days :)

As a result, the plot takes a while to form, this story concentrates more on what daily life is like for the legendary pokemon Latios than on a specific plot, but there IS one, even if it takes a while to emerge.

This is my first fanfic, so please don't be *too* harsh when you write your review. I'm writing this out and uploading on my phone in times of boredom (car/train journeys, hospital waiting rooms etc...), so expect updates to be at irregular intervals - I must also warn that I'm still slightly autistic, so words may be in the incorrect order or be slightly incorrect. If you do notice that PLEASE inform me in a review as I don't take it badly and it improves the quality a lot!

So, Chapter 1 Done, quite short, but this seems as good a place as any for a break. The next chapter is longer! Other than that i'm not sure what I think of it. In effect I'm writing down my memories, but I may start adding other things that weren't in my dreams. Perhaps a romance. Oo-la-laa.

Please read and review, Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated. Until next time, Thanks!