She will die. She knows that now.

Morning come, it will all be over.

And like the morning dew

Death will be over

And life begin anew.

Oh, to see upon that wanton face

A smile in the most unhappy place

If you were on her to spy

Would you see a sorry child

Doomed to die?

Or a thoughtful girl

With hopes and fears

A rose facing the garden shears.

She dances

She dances for Death

Lest when she take her final breath

She cries "I want to dance again."

Lo and behold

So many stories yet untold

So many pens waiting to tell

That safety is here, and all will be well.

But until that glorious day

With no Chosen One to light the way

She must dance.

She takes her place

Upon the floor

Just an empty space

With a locked door

But it will do

For some dances must be done

And some battles must be won.

She dances

She dances for Death

Lest when she take her final breath

She cries "I want to dance again."

It's the last dance in the ballet

It's the final scene in the final play

And perhaps now she is wise

Sees love in life and truth from lies

She is the foam on ocean waves

She is water from the seaside caves

She is the last light of the sky

She is the girl doomed to die

No more food, no more water

No more father, no more daughter

Just the dance.

She dances

She dances for Death

Lest when she take her final breath

She cries "I want to dance again."

You don't need four walls to trap someone.

At last she can dance no more

And death is waiting outside the door

She takes a curtsey, and for good measure a bow

Because death comes any moment now.

They bring her out

A lamb for the knife

And the end of her life

And for the last time;

She dances

She dances for Death

Lest when she take her final breath

She cries "I want to dance again."