No battery power remains. Please Connect IPod to power

Shit. There was no way that Blaine could survive the rest of the car journey in silence with the occasional snide remark from his father of course. The traffic on the highway was at a complete standstill, it had been for a couple of minutes now. Blaine could feel the tension thickening in the car, his father was a strict and short tempered man who detested being late. They were going to be at least an hour late to their very important family dinner so Blaine hesitated to say anything just in case his father lashed out at him.

He pulled out a small notepad from the seat pocket in front of him and started doodling with the pen he had been fiddling with earlier. Blaine had always loved art; it was an escape from reality, and an escape from his parents. A phoenix.The first thing that popped into Blaine's mind as he was swirling the pen around his mouth. He silenced the world around him and began sketching, starting off softly but progressively becoming more intimate and rough. The violent scribbles on the edge of the page soon formed a mess of raging flames, the tips jutting out at odd angles. Then he drew the phoenix, escaping the reach of the flames. As his lines became thicker and harsher, he also, unknowingly became louder with each line.

"BLAINE" his father yelled, "Cut it out with all that nonsensical scribbling, make yourself useful and do something productive"

"Like what? There's nothing to do in this car!" he sighed, dropping the notepad and pen into his lap.

Mrs Anderson craned her neck around to glare at the boy. "That is no way to talk to your father!" she snapped, "Apologise at once! It's about time that you learnt some manners"

"Sorry father" Blaine mumbled, he picked up the notepad in his lap and put it on the seat next to him. He never really understood why his father had bought such a big car, there was only the three of them, (or four when Cooper decided to come into the picture every once in a while) sure it showed off the Anderson wealth, but couldn't they have settled for a smaller one? Blaine scoped around the vehicle, there was absolutely nothing to do. He plucked his iPod from his pocket and checked the black screen; there was no sign of it coming back to life any time soon. He tapped his fingers on his legs, humming the tune of 'Teenage Dream' in his head. He was missing Warbler Practice for this family get-together and he knew where he'd rather be right now.

The traffic had only moved slightly forward, his father getting more and more impatient by the minute. Blaine glanced out of the window to his left, an elderly couple were in the car, the male passenger was fast asleep (or dead, Blaine added). Then Blaine looked to his right, and saw a family all laughing together over something, he couldn't help but to smile a little, he'd always wanted a family like this. The two parents were sitting at the front, holding hands. They were completely unfazed by the traffic. In the back there was a tall and quite lanky boy, he didn't look much older than Blaine but he was certainly more masculine, he looked rather intimidating yet dopey at the same time.

Next to him however, was the most elegant boy that Blaine had ever seen, his face was scrunched a little from concentrating on the sketchbook cradled in one arm so it could reach eye-level (it was adorable),his wispy brown hair was neatly coiffed (how did he do that?), it was a pleasant contrast to his milky white skin. Blaine could not spot a single blemish on his body, apart from a few freckles here and there but they were cute. This boy was stunning.

After staring at him for long enough, Blaine suddenly yanked the notepad from beside him, took the pen and scrawled out a simple message:

Hello :)

Now, all he needed to do was carefully get this boy's attention without his parents noticing. He held the notepad up to the window of his car and smiled, hoping that the other boy would see and respond to his message. Now all Blaine had to do was wait.