Ianto's Pov

Suddenly there was a beeping noise and I quickly grabbed the device from my pocket feeling relieved, "Time for us to leave," I declared

Other Doctor looked up noticing the device he waved his sonic screwdriver at it, "That should get you back to your universe," he informed us.

Jack and I held onto the device and pressed the buttons and we clung to each other as we felt the familiar tugging sensation.

I sat up noticing the familiar Hub, the team looked relieved at the sight of us.

"You two where gone for ages!"

"We were so worried about you two!"

"Nice to see your not dead, Teaboy,"

I let out a relieved laugh finally glad I was home, back to where I belonged.

Finally finished, been under to much stress from studying and homework and exam prep and more studying, this is my first homework free weekend in months!