A/N (Rose): Hello everyone!

Sorry for the wait!

Wow, the last chapter... we've come a long, didn't we? I'm kind of nervous uploading it. I really, really hope that it will be to your taste. :)

This chapter was written both by Saenda and by me, so don't be surprise if the writing style changes throughout the chapter.

A special thanks to Carottal, A Tale Of Brothers, Miry-O-chan, Mictecacihuatl chan, Eliandre and Kaleiya.

Without further ado, have fun reading!

Chapter 18 : Legacy

It was such a relief when Flynn slid the door to Yuri's room open and saw his lover alive and well. The blonde's heart made a flip and stopped a mere second before it allowed itself to return to a normal beat, swelled with happiness. The Angel made it on time. Yuri was all right, Flynn could get him out of this hellish place so that they could run away together. He could save the Demon.

Thus the reason as to why he closed the door between them once he had pulled the long haired man outside. Flynn could hear the banging behind him, could hear the order to open up, but he would not listen. He told Yuri to run away, because there was no way the Angel would let his lover face both Schwann and his father. The blonde did not want his efforts in coming here to go to waste and he needed Yuri to be alive, more than anything.

Besides, the former captain knew his slim chance to take on the other two would be null if he had to look out for Yuri in the process. The blonde only had to remember them facing Alexei and Ryuku the day before – that had not gone well, after all. As much as they were each other's strength in battle, as much as they were each other's weakness. And right now, Flynn just knew that it would lean towards the latter.

"You disgusting manwhore. I knew he was only trying to protect you. You are as equally guilty in this matter as he is!" the general spat out with repugnance dripping from his voice.

Flynn regarded his enemy coolly as he drew his sword, preparing himself. He would not let them get to Yuri.

"I won't let you kill him," the Angel uttered with a sneer before launching at the brown haired Demon, the sword lowered at the former's side rising to meet Ryuku's.

They both struggled for a short moment in a battle of strength, attempting to make the other give out, but in the end, they ended up pushing each other away in a quick jump. A staring contest began between the two, death glares exchanged, yet soon, a smirk made its way on the general's lips and he lowered his guard.

"As much as I'd love to take care of you myself, there's another criminal who needs to be taken care of," he admitted, taking a few steps back.

Flynn's eyes widened at the words' meaning, but before he could say anything, Ryuku was already turning away.

"Schwann, I leave him to you. Make sure to hold him here until I return. I'll take care of that brat then." The captain merely nodded curtly as the general slid the door open.

"No! I won't let you get away!" the Angel cried out angrily, lashing at his lover's father.

However, half a dozen guards swarmed inside the room as soon as their superior left it, having heard the commotion. The blonde was soon circled and trapped, leaving him furious, blade in hand. There was no way in hell he was going down without a fight. He would get to Yuri in time and stop that madman from hurting his lover.

"Get out of my way!"

A fight ensued as Flynn struck towards a guard. He was strong, very strong. A few low-ranked soldiers would be nothing against him.

But instead of his sword colliding with his victim's, it found its way on top of Schwann's who easily parried, seriousness written all over his features. Flynn gritted his teeth, feeling a growl in the back of his throat. The captain's expression was unreadable, as though he was hiding everything he felt.

"Why are you doing this?!" the blonde demanded, tightening his hold on the hilt of his sword. "Isn't Yuri like a son to you? Don't you care at all that his father is out hunting him, out to kill him?!"

A flash of guilt and pain appeared in Schwann's eyes, but it was gone so soon that Flynn wondered if he imagined it.

"My relationship with Yuri is none of your business," the dark haired male stated with coldness.

It only irked the Angel more. The latter snarled, attacking again.

"Oh, it's my business all right. We're talking about the man I cherish the most. So I've got some news for you: Yuri considers you as a father, a role that his real father could never hope to obtain. Are you so ready to betray his love like that? Let Ryuku kill him?"

Anger now took hold of the captain's face as he fought back with more force. He was obviously outraged by the other's speech, by how the latter dared tried to understand his feelings when he understood nothing at all.

"Guards, seize him!" Schwann ordered and the soldiers who had been on standby at the moment, unsure as to what course of action to take since their superior was taking care of things, finally moved to grab the Angel's arms.

The former captain shook them off, parrying their weapons with his own, fighting back with rage and strength. He was not going to get captured when he needed to get to Yuri as soon as possible!

"Why is it so hard to understand?" Flynn demanded, anger shining powerfully in his irises. "He needs you, needs your help in this mess! Why can't you see that?!"

As he fought back the guards, the blonde suddenly felt two strong hands grabbing his forearms, bringing them behind his back in a tight grip. Flynn struggled violently, attempting to shake off Schwann to strike back, but not only was his sword removed by one of the guards, but he was also trussed up and forced to his knees.

"It is necessary that you stay right here," the higher ranked Demon stated in his detached voice, his grip still as tight as ever.

Unbelievable. Flynn remembered Yuri telling him that Schwann was a good, compassionate man, and the Angel also saw those traits in the man the first time he got to know him a little better. And yet, here that said man was, keeping a cold facade and not moving a single finger to help the one he supposedly considered his son.

"You're horrible," the former captain spat, hatred seeping through his veins.

Schwann simply ignored him, looking up at the underlings with his neutral facade.

"Thank you for your work. You can leave us now," he merely declared, receiving doubtful looks from the others.

"Are you certain, captain?" one of them asked somewhat timidly. "I mean, wouldn't it be best to take precautions and make sure that he is confined in here? Maybe even somewhere else, with a lot of surveillance? The general would not be happy if this prisoner were to escape."

The glare sent his way was enough to shut him up, however.

"Are you saying that I am unable to look after a prisoner, soldier?" the captain asked with a cold, irritated tone, making the guards freeze on spot, completely rigid.

"N-no, not at all. I apologize for my lack of respect, I did not mean it that way."

Schwann merely nodded curtly.

"Good. Now I asked you to leave us alone, so return to your posts immediately," he hissed.

This time, they did not ask twice before turning to the door and almost fleeing the room, not wanting to be scolded a second time.

Silence fell over the room, only broken by Flynn's grunt in his struggling, irritated to have been caught so easily. He could not afford to lose time, could not afford to waste a single minute in here when he knew Ryuku was bound to catch up with Yuri at some point or the other. Flynn needed to be by his lover's side, make sure that they went through this ordeal together.

"Let me go!" he snarled, struggling more violently against Schwann's hold. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because..." Schwann started softly, and Flynn suddenly felt something cold and slightly heavy being pushed into the palm of his hand.

He froze in shock.

"You managed to free yourself and grabbed my wakizashi hanging at my belt. Unfortunately, you knocked me out good and you were able to escape through the garden."

Schwann's hold loosened and the Angel quickly shook himself up, lowering his eyes to see he was indeed holding Schwann's short sword. Flynn turned around to face the captain, feeling wary. They stared at each other for a few short moments, the blonde cautious and the dark haired Demon saddened. The latter offered a melancholic smile, eyes shining with calmness over the matter.

Flynn finally understood that everything had been a setup. Schwann never intended to keep him here. He merely could not lose face in front of everyone, could not afford to be branded a traitor.

"Go," the captain prompted in a soft whisper and the Angel nodded, conveying apologies for his previous words and thanks for what the Demon was doing.

Then, without any other warnings, Flynn knocked the other man out cold, barely watching him fall limply on the floor as he ran outside the room, leaving the household quickly to chase after Yuri and Ryuku.

As he dashed towards the cavern, a million thoughts raced through his head, all of them reeling with panic. How was Yuri? Had Ryuku caught up with him? Flynn wished so hard that the general did not think to go to the cavern, but he did not want to get his hopes up. It was the most likely place for the two lovers to have promised each other to go.

So if indeed the brown haired Demon managed to reach the other two's hideout, the Angel wished so very hard that Yuri had the presence of mind to run away and get the hell out of that place. Flynn getting his lover out of his home from an impending death was not for him to die at the hand of his father elsewhere.

He ran and he ran as fast as he could, straining his muscles to the most of their capacity without taking a single second to rest and breathe, despite the pain flaring in his legs and lungs. The prospect of Yuri being in danger was enough incentive for him to keep going. Flynn needed to be at the cavern as soon as possible.

And when he finally arrived, when he could at last slow his steps and take deeper puffs of air, it was caught in his throat the moment he stepped inside and was met with the most horrifying sight in his entire life. Before Flynn, on his knees and grabbed tightly by the hair, was the most bloodied Yuri the Angel had ever seen. Cuts and deep gashes everywhere, fresh blood still running free, the younger Demon was a mess and it was obvious he had exhausted all the fight he had in him.

The sight was too much for Flynn who made to move towards his lover, wanting to save him from that monster's grasp, but then said monster pulled his son up and pressed his sword against the latter's neck, making it impossible for the blonde to take one more step without taking the risk of ending Yuri's life.

He tried to start a fight. To fight so that he could have more time to think of a solution. He could not afford to lose Yuri now, not when the idiot was telling him to flee, of all things! There was no damn way Flynn would escape, leave his lover to die! And then he begged when he saw it would not give any results. Begged and screamed in hope that it would change something, even if a poisonous whisper told him otherwise in his heart.

But it was already too late. Flynn watched with horror as Ryuku's blade pierced Yuri's stomach, blood seeping from the latter's lips, a low gurgle stopping his voice, his body trembling violently. The Angel watched as his lover's body collapsed to the ground slowly, Ryuku releasing him the moment he pulled his wakizashi away.

Flynn watched with the violent shaking of his own body, frozen on the spot, but the moment Yuri's knees hit the ground, his feet were taking off in a dash before he could even process it.


Tears were welling up in his eyes and the blond barely realised he was moving his sword up before he crashed its hilt against the general's face, sending him flying to the ground with sheer force. Flynn did not even check if he would get up again, instead running to his fallen lover.

The former captain grabbed his lover in his arms and lifted him, carrying him further inside the cavern. He needed to make sure, make sure that Yuri was alive, breathing, and then he would escape and bring him to a doctor. Maybe even Lady Estellise. She always helped the hospital back at the capital. Yeah, she would... she would save him!

"Yuri! Yuri, please, answer me!" he pleaded as he laid the still body on the ground, blood still flowing dangerously.

Hands roamed on the deathly pale face, feeling its iciness, filling Flynn with panic as he muttered to himself repeated 'no's in a mantra, wishing so hard that it could not be true.

"Yuri, wake up! Please, please, wake up!" he tried once more, without any result.

Flynn quickly shook off the cloak he had been wearing since leaving the capital. He shakily cut a long strip of the cloth and tied it around the profusely bleeding wound in a desperate attempt to stop the flowing. His hand then frantically searched for a pulse, fingers trembling violently.

He found none.

"No... no, please... NO!" he yelled, tears now freely flowing down his cheeks, droplets falling on the cold and pale surface of Yuri's skin without the latter budging.

"Yuri, you can't do this, you can't die! Answer me, I'm begging you! Answer me!"

Despite his pleading, his lover did not move an inch, leaving only an icy void in the pit of Flynn's stomach. This was not possible. After everything he did, after how much he worked for this, Yuri should not have died! And even less this cruelly! Yuri needed to live, needed to open his eyes and smile that same cocky and annoying grin he usually threw Flynn, telling him he was alright.

But the seconds ticked by and nothing happened. A lump formed in the Angel's throat and he coughed, the unimaginable hurt invading his entire system.

"No..." he murmured in a cough, teeth gritted and face contorted in pure pain as hot tears kept rolling down his cheeks.

"No," he repeated, his hand now on Yuri's shoulder, shaking him gently in a vain hope.

"No!" Louder this time, furious, agonizing.


He screamed, holding Yuri tightly against him, finally letting his suffering completely loose. He yelled to the top of his lungs the one truth hitting him square in the stomach.

He failed. He failed in protecting his lover and, because of him, Yuri now lay lifeless beneath him.

Why? He never deserved this! The man always placed others above himself, always was ready to help, always made the worst sacrifices. And now he paid it with his life?! Fate was proving to be crueler that it should ever be, especially since the murderer still stood, alive and healthy.

At that very thought, Flynn turned his head towards said murderer with a killing intent so strong, it would have frightened that part of him that believed so much in justice. But that part was gone now, buried alongside his lover.

The Angel turned his head just in time to duck from the attack Ryuku tried to sneak on him. The former grabbed his sword then, jumping back and standing up in a fighting stance, murderous vibes shaking all over him. That man would not live another minute, not if Flynn had a say in it.

"Tch, I let my guard down, but I won't make the same mistake," the general stated, annoyance splayed on his face.

It was soon replaced by disgust.

"Why are you so down? I already told you, I'm going to finish off the both of you, so you'll be reunited with that wretch in hell. Not so bad an end. It is more kindness than you deserve," he mocked, readying his own stance.

That word again. Flynn's nose scrunched up in outright fury, snarling, while his hands clenched the hilt of his sword tighter. He loathed that word. That man was even insulting his son in death – but then, no, Flynn had to remind himself that that monster could not be related anymore as family; he never deserved to be called Yuri's father.

Without any warnings, the Angel lashed at his opponent in a rapid frenzy, colliding his blade with the other's. The general was shocked to realise that, despite his struggling to push the blonde back, he was actually being pushed back. The blonde's hold was strong, unwavering.

Flynn watched the determination and hate take a hold of Ryuku's expression, the latter putting more force in his hold. The former captain used this moment of distraction to rapidly remove his sword, duck from the blow and slashed at the general's side, blood oozing out from the unfortunately shallow wound.

With a chocked sound, the older man staggered away, staring at his enemy in shock. Soon, a dangerous growl left the general's lips and his eyes filled with fury.

Flynn knew he was being analysed from this moment forth, the Demon's eyes roaming on his form for any signs of weaknesses, but the Angel would give none. He was an icy stone whose stance divulged nothing but confidence and fury. He would make that monster pay, make him feel the pain he had inflicted on so many people, on Yuri.

The blonde was the first to attack once more, his blade colliding with Ryuku's again and again, driving them into a dance that forced the general to back a step each time they clashed. The surge of adrenaline was only increasing in Flynn's veins, fueled with the constant whispers of 'make him pay, kill him' in his head. A thirst of blood was growing with each blow he threw, wanting it to spill in compensation for every wound the long haired Demon received earlier.

Ryuku would not get out of this ordeal without finally suffering for the suffering he had caused.

The general shook with rage, his glare deathly as he put more force to his blows, unable to believe he could be bested by a mere brat.

"You wish to avenge him that badly... how sweet! But you can't hope to defeat me! You should accept the death I'm offering you. You'll be reunited with what you dare call a lover," he declared grimly, striking once more, swords clashing.

The blonde twitched at the words, almost wanting to snarl at them. It distracted him for a moment and the Demon took advantage of it. His blade cut through the Angel's side, drawing blood and a hiss from the latter's mouth.

Flynn's hands clasped the hilt of his sword tighter, ignoring his wound, his knuckles turning white. He would not lose to this man, could not lose to him. He would avenge Yuri. When he charged once more, it was with more ferociousness, eyes narrowed in deep concentration and displeasure at the sight of the still unfazed general. It was time for him to make despair appear on that hateful face.

He ran towards his opponent, his weapon crashing with the other's blade and twisting it over and over in a strong push before slamming the hilt of his sword in the brown haired man's stomach. The latter fell back with an 'oof', falling to the ground on one knee. He regained his standing position quickly, however, dodging the attack that came for his head.

Ryuku responded with a strike of his own to the blonde's neck, but the latter leaned back and avoided it by a hair. Flynn did, on the other hand, kick the older man on the shin, almost managing to make the general collapse a second time on his knee.

Ryuku grimaced with hatred, hiding his pain behind a mask of disgust.

"You and he are nothing but abominations. The only thing you both deserve is death, and even that is merciful enough. You cannot hope to survive, he is proof enough," he said with a cold, detached voice, to which Flynn snarled, already running towards his enemy.

Each words belittling Yuri only served to fuel his thirst for vengeance! He wanted that monster dead, dead, dead!

As he aimed for the general's chest, the latter stepped aside in time and kicked his opponent on the side. Flynn growled lowly, managing not to fall, instead twirling on his feet and charging once more, relentless. Their blades clashed, one time, two times, again and again, high in the air, low near the ground. They were equaling each other's strength.

Suddenly, quick as a snake, the Demon's weapon pierced the Angel's leg. The former captain cried out in pain, stepping back quickly, breathing harsh and ragged as he tried to get his mind to concentrate on his enemy instead of the pain. It was hard, however, considering the amount of blood he was losing from his wounds.

Thankfully, he did manage to inflict wounds of his own on the brown haired male, but the latter seemed less fazed by them than Flynn was. The former was wearing a darkly resolute expression, walking towards the blonde.

"I will finish you off right here, right now. I'm done playing with you," Ryuku stated, hand clutching hard at the hilt of his sword. "Though I must admit, I'm still impressed by how far you've managed to go. No matter what obstacle I threw at you, you always seemed to find a solution to take care of it."

The Angel's eyes widened slightly as realisation slowly made its way in his mind. The general seemed to notice, because his lips stretched into a dark smirk.

"You're catching on? I was the one to suggest that useless councillor to intercept the missives. I was the one to supply him with a katana of ours. I also was the one to tell Yeager to steal the supplies, but of course, you must have known that one already."

The anger simmering inside Flynn only boiled harder as all the frustration accumulating for the past year hit him full force. This monster was behind it all. He should not even be surprised!

The Demon's smirk fell, replaced by a look of disgust and annoyance.

"I was the one behind it all, but of course, you make sure none of it worked. You were nothing but a nuisance. Today, though, I will finally get rid of you! And without you standing in the way, I'll destroy this peace you strove to achieve!"

Then, without any warnings, he kicked the Angel on the chin, sending him flying on his back. Flynn scrambled to his feet immediately, avoiding the blade that would have pierced his chest if he had not. His own weapon met with the Demon's as the latter attacked him, the both struggling before they pulled away, only to lash at each other.

The encounters only had the blonde stepping back slowly from the other's strength. It seemed that despite Flynn's unshakable resolve, Ryuku was not about to admit defeat. He himself wanted what he called an abomination dead on the ground in a pool of blood.

In another attack, Flynn slashed the other man's arm. The general did not as much as wince, however, taking that opportunity to violently punch his opponent in the gut. The former captain grunted and coughed at the sheer impact, falling to his knees when the Demon removed his hand. Ryuku used that opportunity to disarm the blonde before kicking him in the chest, Flynn rolling away and colliding with the cavern's cold rocky surface.

Not only was he weaponless now, but he also was cornered.

He sat up, back to the rock, his defiant glare holding Ryuku's cold, deathly eyes. The older male chuckled darkly.

"Are you done now? How long are you planning on uselessly squirreling away?" he taunted, his sword viciously impaling the Angel's left arm.

The latter gritted his teeth in pain, shutting the scream that died to leave his lips. His gaze lowered and he froze when it fell on the sole form left in the cavern except for the two opponents.

The sight of Yuri's corpse sent bitterness and agony in the pit of Flynn's stomach, so much so that he did not realise the sword twisted in his arm, blood now oozing from his fresh wound.

"How could you even hope to defeat me? You haven't even been able to protect that disgrace over there."

Flynn's heart missed a beat, eyes never leaving his lover, but his body now shaking slightly in hatred.

"That is what you came here to do, is it not? A poor excuse of it, by the way. Not even arriving in time to save him from all the pain I indulged him with. I'm ashamed that he was carrying my name. So weak, so soft," Ryuku spat out with disgust.

"..." Flynn voiced so low that it was not even audible.

His eyes were hidden behind his golden strands now. Ryuku went on, unperturbed.

"You should've seen him trying so hard not to fight me, trying to convince me to spare his life. Such foolish sentiment. Pathetic! He deserved every wound he received," Ryuku stated with frightening coldness.

Flynn's body shook harder, eyes rising only slightly to land once more on Yuri.

"...o..." he voiced yet again.

The general ignored it. "He must have been wishing for you to come and save him, to free him from that pain. I could see it written all over his face. But the more I bled him for his crimes, the less you made to arrive."

"No..." Louder, this time.

"But when you actually showed yourself, the despair on his face... He realised you were already too late, that he was going to die anyway." The Demon uttered slowly, making sure that each word he was spewing was driving right home to Flynn's heart. "What do you think he really thought, seeing as you failed him? You were late and you couldn't even move a single finger to come to his rescue!"

Flynn's eyes widened in fury and he clenched his fists. "No..."

Ryuku leaned down, his mouth only inches away from the Angel's ear.

"You failed him. It is as simple as that." He whispered darkly before he straightened up and removed his sword from the other's arm, raising it above his head, aiming for Flynn's heart.

"Enough chatting," the former stated solemnly. "Time for you to join my son in hell."


Gaze overtaken by madness and rage, Flynn leaped up before the Demon could lower his weapon and lashed at the latter's throat, grabbing it while pushing the older man on the ground. Ryuku's head collided with the ground in a sickening crack. The blonde was just above the brown haired male, breathing ragged and eyes almost out of their sockets with how crazed he felt and looked.

One of his hands kept its tight hold against the general's throat, squeezing it, while his other reached for the wrist just below the hand still grabbing the sword. In a quick and precise motion, the bone was broken and Ryuku let out a cry of pain stiffened by the lack of air as he released his weapon.

By then, Flynn punched over and over again that damn monster's face, drawing blood from his nose and lips, and swelling his cheeks and eyes. At that rate, it would not take long before the Angel would finish his opponent off. However, he did not want things to end that way. Even if the general must be in a world of pain, it was not enough.

He inflicted so much to Yuri over the past that Flynn could simply not let the older Demon get away with so little. Instead, the blonde grabbed the sword lying further away and dragged it through the brown haired male's leg, listening to the cry it solicited.

"You will stop talking with such ill about Yuri," Flynn hissed furiously, hand still tightly clasped around the other's neck. "You're a monster. You killed your own son, your own flesh and blood! How could you make him suffer like that? Don't you have any heart at all?! Yuri loved you, even though you're a sick bastard who didn't deserve it! He loved you and you killed him! You made him suffer all his life! I will make sure you receive tenfold every wound that you inflicted on Yuri over the past before you depart!"

And the Angel would not be afraid to do it. It was definitely not how he would have acted formerly, but the fact that he lost a part of himself made it impossible for him to even care anymore. At this point, he would not even mind to be taken in custody for his crime. He did not have anyone waiting for him anymore, after all.

He drew blood and pierced skin, making wounds as he took small pleasures in the attempted-to-be-stiffened screams. And soon, very soon, the man would die by Flynn's hand, avenging Yuri in the process. Flynn never smiled or smirked during the process, but he knew it... satisfied him, somewhat. He just felt bitter about the fact that he could not do anything before... before...

He could not even bear to think it.

And just as he was about to deliver the finishing blow, sword lifted above the general's heart, the blonde heard a pained moan erupting softly inside the cavern. As he realised that it was not actually coming from the man under him, Flynn raised his head up in shock and saw the barest of movements coming from what he had been certain was his lover's corpse.

But... but no, he was pretty certain that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. Not only that, but he heard the moan a second time and, as he concentrated on it, realised that it was indeed Yuri's voice.

Without a single other thought about the general, Flynn shot up, ignoring the wound in his leg, and dashed to the younger Demon, taking the weak form in his arms and pressing him securely against his chest.

"Yuri? Yuri! Can you hear me?" he called out in panic, hope suddenly flickering in his chest.

Yuri was not dead! He was alive! Barely, mind you, but he was still breathing. How could this be? He was certain he did not feel any pulse earlier. Unless, of course, Flynn had been so frightened and panicked that he was unable to detect it properly. It made sense.

"Hang on, Yuri, please!" he begged, brushing a few strands off his lover's cold face.

Dread once more crept inside the Angel's veins as he realised that if he did not act soon, Yuri could very well die for good this time.

Flynn was so worried and concentrated on the long haired man that he almost did not hear Ryuku painfully stand up by putting his weight on his sword. Flynn whipped his head around and took in Ryuku's bloody sight. It was obvious the general had lost. He could barely stand on his feet. Yet he still wanted to fight?

Flynn clenched his teeth in fury as he squeezed Yuri protectively against his chest. His gaze met Ryuku's and what the Angel saw in those gray orbs confused him. The general's eyes weren't filled with hatred anymore, nor were they filled with anger or disgust. What Flynn thought he saw...

Was relief.

He could not be sure, however, as the emotion flickered out to be replaced by a silent resignation. Before Flynn could make sense of it, Ryuku was taking hold of his wakizashi hanging at his belt.

A second later, Flynn stared in shock as the general pierced his own stomach with his blade, dragging it from left to right, and back from right to left.

Stunned, Flynn turned his head away, trying to ignore what was occurring behind him. He knew a little about this ritual, having seen it from time to time on the battlefield whenever a Demon was defeated but not killed. Ryuku was killing himself, not wanting to live with the dishonor of having lost this fight.

There were no more sounds except the gurgle of blood flowing in the general's throat, and the thump of a body falling on the ground lifelessly. Flynn closed his eyes briefly, composing himself, before he regained control over himself and concentrated on the problem at hand; namely, getting Yuri out of this place and finding help for him as quickly as possible.

Thankfully, he was saved from the trouble as he heard footsteps coming from the exit leading to Paradis. He knew at that moment that his friends were finally arriving with help. Repede was the first to dash inside, arriving quickly at his masters' side, whining and barking loudly the minute he spotted his master on the verge of death. The other three Angels were drawn by the noise, Estellise bursting inside with a concerned look on her face.

"Flynn!" she called out.

She spotted him a few moments later and rushed towards him, Rita and Ioder following close behind. Tears of relief welled up to the corner of the former captain's eyes as he saw that help was finally here, while Estellise gasped in horror at the sight that welcomed her. She immediately crouched next to them, examining Yuri, searching for a pulse, breathing, and heartbeats.

Ioder and Rita both scanned the cavern as they were near enough the two wounded, making sure that no danger was lurking anymore, but when they saw the general's corpse lying further away, they both relaxed slightly and looked away in discomfort.

"Please, Lady Estellise, tell me we can still save him," Flynn pleaded with a voice filled with sorrow.

She looked up at him and smiled a little despite the seriousness written all over her face.

"If we hurry, he might still live. His pulse is weak and he barely breathes, but if we can bring him somewhere safe, I can take care of him."

Flynn wanted to cry with relief, a lone tear running down his cheek as he closed his eyes.

"You saved him Flynn. If you hadn't bandaged his wound like that, he would've bled to death."

"We can bring him to my home," Rita suddenly interjected, looking at the former knight and princess. "It's close by and should be safe enough."

Flynn nodded, knowing that she was right. Her house was barely a ten minutes walk from the cavern.

"Perfect," Estellise exclaimed with a strained smile.

She then turned her serious face towards her blonde friend.

"But before we do, I'll have to clean and stitch the wound you bandaged, otherwise it'll be dangerous to move him," she explained as she rummaged through the bag she brought, filled with medical supplies.

Trust the princess to be prepared to every eventuality.

"Lay him down so that I can work properly."

Just like an automate, Flynn executed himself and left only Yuri's head on his lap, caressing the Demon's hair gently to help soothe the pain, even if the long haired male was still unconscious. He did not dare watch the princess get to work, too scared to watch the extend of the damage, or even watch her pierce his lover's skin over and over, even if it was to help. The former captain was just too on edge for that.

"He was lucky. If Ryuku's sword had stabbed him an inch to the right, he would have bled out in minutes," Estelle commented shakily, snapping Flynn's attention back to her.

Her words had him thinking. Had it really been luck? Somehow, the ex-captain doubted it. Ryuku was a skilled warrior, and it should have been easy for him to aim for a fatal wound, even more so considering he had Yuri at his mercy. So why didn't he? Flynn remembered the flash of relief he had seen in the general's eyes seconds before his death. Could he have...

Flynn stopped his thoughts there. He couldn't go down that road, or else he risked going mad with the implications those questions arose. Besides, what would be the point? Ryuku was dead and Yuri was still in a critical state. Nothing would change that.

Repede laid near Yuri, providing warmth to the latter's cold skin, whining softly as he stared at Flynn in confirmation that the dark haired man would be fine. The blonde smiled sadly at the dog and petted his head in what he hoped to be a reassuring gesture. He needed to be strong and have confidence in Estellise. He knew she could save Yuri.

Footsteps suddenly echoed from the exit leading to Jigoku. Rita and Ioder, who had been walking around the cavern not too far from the other trio, froze in fighting stances, getting ready for who was coming their way. Yet, Ioder relaxed when they saw Judith darting inside, and he probed Rita to do the same. Flynn raised his head as well and felt relieved to see that the blue haired woman was all right, not certain how she would have fared after she helped Yuri out.

The Angel warrior froze a little, however, when he spotted Schwann a few steps back from Judith, he too harboring an expression of anxiety. The captain's worry only increased when he saw how badly hurt Yuri was.

Despite the fright for the young man he considered his son, Schwann's eyes travelled deeper inside the cavern, searching for what Flynn knew was Ryuku. And when the older man finally found what he was looking for, his face fell completely, despair and sadness taking over his features.

As strange is it may have sounded, Schwann obviously had cared for the general even if the latter had no deserved such concern.

Certainly thinking that there were already many people around Yuri, the captain made his way towards his dead superior. Flynn briefly followed him with his gaze, but was soon distracted as he heard a gasp of pain below him. He whipped his head to his lover and put his sole concentration on the latter from that point on, caressing the Demon's long hair and whispering sweet and soothing words in hope that it could help hold the pain, even if Yuri was unconscious.

"Shhh... it's okay, I'm here," he whispered.

The blonde was suddenly aware of Judith kneeling next to him, her eyes glued on her badly wounded friend.

"He's going to make it, isn't he?" she asked, her usual carefree demeanor gone.

She was still looking confident and strong, but there was a glint of worry in her red gaze, showing her deep concern.

Estellise nodded, not tearing her eyes away from her work.

"Yes. Once I'm finished with this wound, we'll be able to move him and I'll take proper care of him. He'll live. He has to," She was confident enough and both Judith and Flynn sighed in relief.

Of course, the former captain did hear the princess tell him just that earlier, but to hear it a second time was always more reassuring.

They remained quiet for the rest of her work, the silence only broken from time to time by Yuri's soft gasp and groans of pain, and by Flynn's soothing whispers. The blonde warrior did also move his head at some point as he heard footsteps leaving the cavern. With sadness he could not believe he was able to feel, he watched as Schwann left, Ryuku's corpse held in his arms tightly against him.


The Angel looked up and watched as Estellise finished bandaging Yuri's most serious wound.

"I'm finished. Let's go. The sooner we're at Rita's, the quicker I can get him treated fully."

Flynn nodded curtly before he carefully gathered his lover into his arms. He was cautious with each of his movements, making certain as to hurt the Demon as less as possible. It was already difficult hearing his labored breathing, he did not need to add more pain by being careless. He was also careful as he walked, trying not to put too much pressure in his wounded leg, and he felt Judith behind him, watching out for him and Yuri.

Without another glance behind them, the group left as quickly as Yuri's condition and Flynn's leg permitted, heading for the shack that was Rita's home.

A bright light painfully assaulted his eyes. He tried to open them, but the brightness hurt them too much for him to do so. He jogged his memory, but found it disturbingly empty. He couldn't remember anything. Where was he? What happened to him? Wasn't there something important he was supposed to be doing? Someone important to remember?

So many questions, and yet no answers.

He felt light, as if he was away from his own body. The feeling of weightlessness was... soothing, appeasing.

The light suddenly dwindled to a more comfortable level, which permit him to finally open his eyes.

Yuri's sight was met with a very familiar scenery, yet there was something really different about it that he somehow couldn't manage to pinpoint. He was home, standing in the middle of the garden, near his mother's favorite sitting place. Only the chirping of some birds broke the peaceful silence of the warm, sunny day.

Yuri let himself soak in the warm kiss of the sun on his skin for a moment, until his eyes were inexplicably drawn on the door leading to his mother's room.

As if they had a mind of their own, hi bare feet lightly padded towards the door, and when he stood in front of it, he silently slid it open.

Yuri stopped moving at the sight that greeted his unbelieving eyes.

His mother was lying on her futon, deeply asleep. Sitting at her side, a younger Ryuku was gently rocking a small baby covered in blankets, cradled in the crook of his arms.

And as he held his son in his arms, the most caring and soft smile graced the general's lips.

Yuri stood there for a long time, too stunned to move and unable to tear his gaze away from his father. At that sight, and without remembering why, Yuri felt a mix of longing, pain, betrayal and sadness make their way into his throbbing heart.

Why was he feeling this way? What was it that he felt he desperately needed to remember?

Once again, Yuri's feet brought him forward on their own. He slowly went to Ryuku's side and carefully sat at his next to him. Not once did Ryuku acknowledge his presence, which made the young Demon believe that his father couldn't see him somewhat.

The general's gaze was glued to the little child sleeping peacefully in his arms. That gray gaze that was usually so harsh and hateful was filled with nothing but gentleness and love.

The tendrils of Yuri's heart clenched painfully at that. He slowly lifted his hand towards his father's face, wanting to feel his skin under his fingers, wanting to know it was really him there, and not some figment of his imagination, some kind of illusion.

But just as his fingers were about to make contact, the entire room vanished into thin air, and Yuri found himself sitting into an unfamiliar living room.

The room was humbly furnished, but felt comfortable and welcoming. As he threw a look around, Yuri soon spotted movement coming from the other side of the open door leading to the bedroom.

There was a women in there, sitting at her vanity with her back to Yuri. He watched curiously as she slowly ran a brush through her long, dark grey hair.

She suddenly stopped her movements and turned her head around, her dark, familiar eyes looking at something other than Yuri.

A fond, loving smile graced her lips as the object of her staring walked into Yuri's line of view.


His father went to stand behind the woman. He gently pressed the woman's - Schwann's sister, Yuri realized - shoulders and dropped a loving kiss on the top of her head. And as Natsumi lovingly covered her lover's hand with her own delicate one, Yuri knew that he should feel outraged in behalf of his mother.

But he wasn't. He felt nothing else but understanding.

Understanding because he knew deep down, even though he forgot the reason, what it was like to love someone you shouldn't. To love so deeply that even though it was wrong, you couldn't possibly deviate from what your heart wanted, even if it destroyed you.

That kind of love had destroyed his father, just like it did Yuri.

Yuri was so lost in his thoughts that he startled when Ryuku suddenly turned his head around and his gray gaze bore directly in Yuri's.

Yuri missed a breath as he couldn't tear his gaze away from his father's and from what he could see burning in them.

So much sadness, anger, and resignation.

So much pain.

A stinging, burning pain suddenly shot in his abdomen, making him gasp in distress. Yuri quickly looked down and his eyes widened in panic when he saw a flower of blood expanding on his white kimono. What was this?! Where was this blood coming from? Why was there this agonizing pain burning him from the inside out?

Yuri frantically lifted his panicked eyes back on his father and gasped in horror at what he saw.

Ryuku's belly was covered with blood, and it was dripping on the floor.

Yuri's eyes met his father's again, but now he couldn't discern the emotions gleaming in them anymore.

"Father...?" Yuri whispered weakly, half-choking on the blood filling his mouth.

Ryuku weakly made his way to the door separating the living room and the bedroom.

He put a bloodied hand on the handle and stopped just in time to whisper back; "It's not your time yet, son."

Confusion washed over the young Demon's face, and before he could ask his father what he meant, Ryuku violently slid the door closed, plunging Yuri into darkness.

Yuri's eyes shot open and he gasped, the sudden light hitting his irises. He closed them tightly once more, whimpering. A headache was making its way and his breathing was hard and laborious. The air caught in his throat, making it almost impossible for him to either inhale or release it. Panic settled in the pit of his stomach as he felt pain shoot from his abdomen every time he so much as moved or, worse, tried to breathe, making it all the more difficult to do so.

A groan escaped his lips and he squirmed, hands grabbing the sheets below him tightly, his knuckles turning white under the effort. The panic was escalating and he wondered briefly if he was dying.

He then sensed a cold compress being placed on his forehead and eyes, covering them so that he could not see.

"Shh, Yuri," a gentle voice soothed, one he recognized immediately. "Breathe slower, relax. The pain will be more bearable if you do that."

The instructions were hard to follow, but the Demon tried nonetheless. He calmed his wildly beating heart and slowed his breathing to let it pass easier. Soon, he found himself relaxing and the air passed fluidly. The compress also helped ease the pain.

"Flynn?" he asked, turning his head in the direction he thought he heard the blond, voice weak.

"I'm right here," the latter answered gently.

The mattress dipped to his right and a hand reached for his hair.

"Go back to sleep, Yuri. You need all the rest you can get."

Despite wanting to protest, the dark haired male found he did not have the energy to do so. The hand also playing in his hair, combing the strands and massaging his scalp also helped tremendously to reduce his limbs into comfortable cotton. With a simple hum of agreement, Yuri fell into Morpheus' arms rather quickly, this time chasing after dreamless sleep.

When Yuri opened his eyes again, the pain felt like a distant throb and he was able to breathe comfortably. He also felt more aware and less as though his head was floating underwater.

Movement to his right made him turn towards the source and he spotted Flynn sitting on the floor, upper body lying on the mattress as he slept. His head was resting in the crook of his arms and one of his hands was linked with Yuri's. At the sight, a fond smile spread on the Demon's lips and he was well tempted to sit up in order to pry his lover awake, feeling as though it had been ages he had as much as spoken to the man.

Before he could put his plan into motion, however, he spotted Estelle out of the corner of his eyes, entering the room he was resting in. She noticed he was awake and smiled at him, coming to sit on the other side of the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked in a murmur so as to not wake Flynn.

She placed her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. She then proceeded to nod to herself in satisfaction, then moved to his free hand, verifying his pulse.

"Not so bad. I'm a little sore all over and I probably couldn't run a marathon or something, but overall, I've felt worse."

Estelle's smile grew. If Yuri was able to tease, then he couldn't be in such a bad condition.

"I'm glad to hear it. Your fever finally broke, so you should be fine." She smoothed a few strands out of his face and he sighed, returning his attention to the knight still sleeping soundly, unfazed by their low voices or small movements.

"He looks like crap," Yuri commented, checking the blond carefully this time.

The latter had dark rings under his eyes and both of his hands were bandaged. Despite that, his face was peaceful as he slept, surely at ease that the Demon was all right.

Estelle chuckled, nodding. "Well, it's no wonder as he both took care of you, staying by your side as much as he could, and helped getting rid of unwanted attention outside. I think it's the first time in days I really see him sleeping so soundly. He must have been too exhausted to keep going, otherwise he would have been awake."

Yuri frowned slightly as he watched his lover more intently. Suddenly, to his memory came back bits and pieces of what happened in the cavern before he lost consciousness. His fight against his father, being stabbed and left for dead...

"Estelle, what happened?" he asked hesitantly, turning back to her.

He almost feared to ask, but he had to know. He still remembered his dream, still remembered seeing all that blood staining his father's clothes... "My father, he stabbed me, but…"

Estelle watched him for a while, pondering on her answer before she spoke; "I don't know much of the details, because I wasn't there when it happened and Flynn refuses to talk about it, but when we arrived, he had saved you and your father..."

The princess did not dare finish, turning her glance sideways, but it was enough for the dark haired male to understand. Plopping his head back on the pillow so that he would stare at the ceiling, Yuri heaved a long sigh. He was... uncertain as to what he truly felt. That man had been supposed to be his father, the one to take care of him, but none of that really happened in all of his life.

Even though he should feel relieved that Ryuku was dead, a part of him was in pain at the news. Yuri had never been able to shake the hold his father had on his life, after all. He had never stopped wanting to earn his love and attention. Love and hate weren't so different in the end.

It was so pathetic he wanted to cry.

But not now. Now was not the time. He still had too many unanswered questions, the first of which he really needed an answer to. He couldn't bear it if Flynn was forced to...

"Was it Flynn?"

He was scared to ask the question, but it left his lips nonetheless without him being able to hold it back. Despite his uneasiness to hear the answer, he turned his head back to Estelle, but he saw in her gaze that she had no idea. She did not utter a single word either, proving that she feared the same conclusion as he.

Yuri nodded, and stayed silent as he let Estelle continue speaking softly.

"When I arrived, I managed to give you first aid. Then, we brought you to Rita's house, since it was close by. You were still not out of the woods yet. It's been six days since then. It's been quiet out there since yesterday, but before that, Flynn and Repede had to get rid of unwanted attention several times. Both Angels and Demons are looking for you both," Her voice was saddened though she kept a soft smile on her lips, tinged with melancholy.

"I see. Where are the others?" Yuri asked without missing a beat, worried for the well-being of his friends.

If something happened to any of them because they were protecting him...

"As soon as you were out of immediate danger, Ioder went straight back to the capital, as did Judith to Jigoku. They didn't want to raise any more suspicion than they already did. Repede is standing watch outside. As for Rita, she's in the kitchen," Estelle supplied softly.

Yuri frowned, worry taking over his features as he spoke; "What about you? You should have gone back to the capital with Ioder. The King..."

Guilt showed up on the princess' face and her hands bunched up the fabric of the sheets beneath her.

"I know, he must be worried sick about me, but I couldn't leave until I knew for sure you wouldn't need my help anymore," she said with guilt and regret for her father in her voice.

As much as Yuri wanted for Estelle to go back to the castle where should would be safer, he was very glad for her help. If it wasn't for her, he would have died. There was no doubt about it.

Yuri extended his free hand and squeezed Estelle's.

"Thank you, Estelle. Really," Yuri said with a soft, tired smile.

It earned him a bright smile in return.

"You're welcome," Estelle replied in earnest.

Soft shuffling had them both turn their heads towards Flynn, who was slowly straightening up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yuri...?" Flynn spoke with confusion, as if he didn't believe Yuri was really awake.

Yuri smiled softly at his lover.

"Hi," he greeted simply, and the lone word was enough to pull Flynn into acute awareness.

Blue eyes roamed over his form, and soon Yuri could see relief shining in them.

Sensing that they needed some alone time, Estelle freed her hand from Yuri's and stood up.

"I'm going to go see what Rita is up too. Just call if you need anything," the young princess announced with a soft smile.

Flynn returned her smile with obvious gratitude. "Thank you, lady Estellise."

Estelle nodded in return and left the room, leaving the two lovers alone. Flynn's gaze returned on Yuri and the worry there was obvious. Flynn was looking at him as if he expected Yuri to collapse again.

"Flynn, stop looking at me like that. I'm fine, really," the Demon said with a hint of exasperation.

If anything, the Angel's expression turned even more sad and worried.

"But..." the ex-captain began but he was quickly cut out by his dark-haired lover.

"I'm here, I'm alive... We're both alive. It's all that matters," Yuri said as he squeezed Flynn's hand tightly in his weak hand.

Flynn watched him in silence for several seconds. He then sighed shakily and stiffly rose from the floor to sit on the bed. With his free hand, the Angel softly cupped Yuri's cheek and leaned in until their lips melted in a soft, careful kiss.

Yuri could feel so much emotions coming from his lover by that simple touch; the fear, the worry, the sadness, the guilt, but above all, the love.

He had missed this. It felt like it had been forever since they could share such a loving, quiet moment.

The kiss ended too quickly for Yuri's liking, but if he was being honest with himself, even that was taking its toll on him. He felt so weak...

Flynn leaned his forehead against Yuri's and he closed his eyes. As he did so, Yuri felt all the tension coiled inside Flynn leave him in an exhale.

"Don't ever do this to me again, you hear me? I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, and it came so close. At one point, I was sure you were lost to me," the blond-haired Angel whispered with so much pain that it wrenched Yuri's heart in a painful vice.

He had done it again, didn't he? Once more, he had hurt Flynn badly, even if it was unintentional.

"I know... I'm sorry," Yuri answered simply, knowing that nothing he would say would change what happened.

Flynn pulled back until their eyes could meet. Remorseful ebony clashed with saddened blue. Flynn's warm hand caressed Yuri's black strands.

"Hush, it's not your fault," the Angel replied quietly.

Yuri nodded weakly and he watched his lover silently for a while. As he looked at Flynn's exhausted and tortured features, a question he was still hesitant to ask formed it's way at the front of his mind. No matter how much he loathed the possible answer, he had to ask.

So he did, with much more hesitation than he would have liked.

"Flynn, I have to ask... My father... did you...?"

He couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence, but Flynn understood it anyway. To Yuri's relief, Flynn slowly shook his head.

"No. I was about to when I realized you were still alive. I went to your side, and before I could go and finish the job, your father killed himself," Flynn explained sadly.

Yuri closed his eyes, feeling a mix of sadness and relief at the news. So his father had taken his own life, having lost the fight and his honour at the same time. It was... better that way. He would have never stopped coming after them. At least Flynn didn't have to live with the burden of killing Yuri's father.

"I see. I'm... glad that you didn't have to do it. It's better this way..." Yuri said as he opened his eyes to look at his lover.

He smiled wearily to try and show Flynn that he had nothing to blame himself for. There was nothing he could have done. Ryuku had been beyond salvation.

However, Yuri could see in Flynn's eyes that something had shattered in him. A part of him had been taken away during his confrontation with Ryuku, and it broke Yuri's heart to see that.

The Angel must have seen the pain shining in Yuri's grey eyes for he asked in a gentle tone; "Yuri, do you... want to talk about it? About Ryuku?"

"No. Maybe someday, but not now," Yuri replied wearily.

Whatever happened between Flynn and Ryuku, Yuri wasn't ready to hear it. He wouldn't be able to handle it in is weakened emotional state.

The Angel leaned in to drop a gentle kiss on Yuri's forehead. In normal circumstances, Yuri would have protested against the cheesiness of that gesture, but not today. Not when he needed Flynn's closeness, comfort and love.

"It's okay, I understand. But I'm here if you want to, someday, alright?" Flynn said once they could look each other in the eye again.

Yuri nodded slowly and his gaze grew anxious.

"So what now? What do we do, Flynn?" the Demon asked wearily.

Flynn sighed before answering swiftly; "Well, for now, we wait. We get you on your feet, and by then, hopefully we'll have some news on what's happening in both countries. Judith will get back as soon as she can, and so will Ioder, though I don't think he'll be able to sneak out of the castle that easily. In any case, there's no use in making a move before we know what we're dealing with."

Even thought Yuri was loathed to admit it, Flynn was right. As long as he was feeling so weak, unable to get out of bed, there was nothing they could do but hide out here and wait.

He hated waiting with a passion.

"Yeah, you're right..." Yuri admitted and closed his eyes as a wave of tiredness washed over him.

He felt more and more exhausted with every passing second.

Flynn seemed to notice since he soon spoke up as his hand resumed caressing Yuri's dark strands; "Go back to sleep, Yuri. You're exhausted. I'll stay here with you, okay?"

Yuri reluctantly nodded and slowly let himself sink back into the mattress. When he closed his eyes, it wasn't long before sleep reclaimed him again.

It took four more days for Yuri to feel better enough to get out of bed, against Flynn's vehement protests. He couldn't take it anymore, being confined to bed. Though his situation wasn't really better; he was forbidden to leave Rita's small shack. Flynn didn't want him to go wandering off. It was too dangerous outside as they still found some undesirables wandering around sometimes.

Yuri would have normally ignored Flynn's advice and did as he wanted anyway, but he remembered how worried Flynn still was about him and begrudgingly stayed put. He had put Flynn through enough lately.

So that afternoon found Flynn, Yuri, Rita and Estelle sitting at the kitchen table, playing a game of dice. Repede was taking guard outside and there was silence inside the shack as the four friends were deeply focused on the game.

Repede's sudden barking had them all jump slightly and four pair of eyes turned to the door. As Repede kept on barking, Flynn stood up and silently made his way to the door, where he carefully peeked outside the window.

Yuri was about to get up and join his lover when the ex-captain suddenly opened the door slightly ajar, just enough to let someone covered in a black coat slip inside.

The newcomer quickly shed the concealing hood away to reveal a cascade of lovely blue hair and shining purple eyes.

"I see someone is feeling better," Judith said with a small smile as she spotted Yuri sitting at the table.

"Judy!" Yuri exclaimed with unconcealed relief and joy.

He met his friend halfway, and to his surprise, Judith embraced him tightly. This was really not a customary thing for her to do, so this was enough for Yuri to understand how worried Judith had been for him.

So instead of teasing her about it, Yuri gladly returned the embrace.

When she let go of Yuri, Judith greeted her other three friends. They invited her to join them in the small kitchen, where Flynn gave up his seat for her considering Rita was cruelly lacking in seating arrangements.

It was hardly surprising though, considering she never used to have so many people at her home.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner. I was put under much surveillance due to my close relationship with Yuri and it took me a while to figure out how to sneak by it," Judith explained.

"What news do you bring from Jigoku?" Flynn asked worriedly from his place leaning against the counter.

The look Judith threw them was answer enough on its own even before she spoke; "Not very good news, I'm afraid. The recent situation with Yuri's "affair", his desertion and Ryuku's death has shaken up the country. The Demons want compensation for the general's death. They blame it on you, Flynn. Riots are threatening to break out on the borders, and it's all we ambassadors can do to keep the bloodshed from happening. Peace has never been more fragile than it is now, and if it wasn't for Schwann filling in for Ryuku's place as general, trying to keep it standing, I'm certain it would be nothing more but a memory by now..."

Yuri's ears perked up at that.

"Schwann is the new general?" he asked, thinking he didn't hear right.

Judith nodded gravely.

"Yes. Though he does not seem happy about the new promotion. In fact, I've never seen him look so sad and tired," she said, her eyes saddening at the mention of the newly appointed general.

Yuri sighed, remembering how Flynn told him that Schwann had been the one bringing Ryuku's dead body back to the capital. The body of the man he loved. Yuri couldn't begin to imagine what Schwann must be going through. And having to run the country in Ryuku's place on top of it...

"Well, he is mourning more than any of us right now, it's hardly surprising," Yuri revealed quietly.

At the three pair of confused eyes staring at him - Judith seemed to have caught on - Yuri explained himself; "He lost the man he loved."

Shock replaced the confusion on his friends and lover's face.

"Oh," Estelle simply said, reflecting the others loss of words at the unbelievable news.

What was there to say anyway? That it was unthinkable for Schwann to have loved Ryuku? Yet, he did. And Yuri understood. He understood where it came from. Yuri remembered his dream; he remembered how he imagined his father had looked like in the past, based on Schwann's memories. It wasn't unthinkable for someone like Schwann to have fallen in love with such a man.

As if sensing Yuri's thoughts derailing in far-away ground, Flynn went to stand behind Yuri and his hands were a solid and warm weight on the Demon's shoulders. Yuri squeezed one of his lover's hands in silent affection.

Their attention was soon back on Judith as she talked on a serious tone, her gaze locked on Flynn and Yuri; "Anyway, until things settle down, and that peace is strengthened, I don't think it would be wise for both of you to show your faces anywhere. Unfortunately, it could take weeks, months, maybe even years... Even then, with what you are accused with, I... would be surprised if the people will stop wanting you both punished badly for that."

Judith's words had Yuri's heart sink in his chest. He had figured as much, but hearing it out loud, it was... it was depressing. He couldn't... he couldn't even put words on what he felt. By the sudden tightening of Flynn's fingers on his shoulders, Yuri figured Flynn was pretty much in the same turmoil, as were Rita, judging by her darkly serious expression and Estelle, by the anxiety painted on her features.

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring better news," Judith said sadly.

Flynn answered gently before Yuri could do it; "It's okay, it's not your fault. Thank you for taking the risk of coming here to inform us of the situation."

Judith nodded with a small, sad smile. Then, she seemed to suddenly remember something. She grabbed the bag she had brought with her and began to unlace it.

"Oh, before I forget, I picked up these the other day when returning to Jigoku via the cavern."

Yuri frowned, curious as to what she had brought with her. A few seconds later, the bag was off and Yuri's eyes widened in a mix of emotions as they landed on a pair of katanas.

His own, as well as his father's.

He had thought... he had thought he had lost his sword for good. It had been his companion during his fight for peace, a reminder of what Flynn and he had accomplished.

And his father's sword... even though it was by this very sword that Yuri almost lost his life, it was a reminder of all the trials he had faced and survived, a reminder of the man that no matter how badly he had treated Yuri, had still given him life.

It was a reminder not to forget.

"Thank you, Judy," Yuri said as he gently, almost reverently, took the offered katanas.

"You're welcome," his blue-haired friend said in return, that sad smile still painting her lips.

Yuri stood outside a few feet away from Rita's shack. Repede was curled up at his feet, eyes open and aware. It was cold and dark outside, and Yuri was distractedly rubbing his arms to get warmer. As he watched his breath create puffs of smoke in the cold, his thoughts kept whirling around in his head.

He couldn't get his conversation with Flynn out of his head, the conversation they had in private after the discussion with Judith. He had tried getting some sleep, but his mind refused to rest.

He was so torn up. Would they be doing the right thing...? Was it the only way...?

As lost in thoughts as he was, Yuri almost didn't hear the door open and close behind his back. The identity of the one having stepped outside was made clear to him when strong arms gently circled his thin waist and a warm body pressed close behind him.

"You should come back inside. You'll catch a cold out here," Flynn whispered near Yuri's ear.

Yuri's hands came up to squeeze Flynn's tightly. He exhaled a nervous breath.

"Flynn... I... It's the only way, isn't it? There's nothing else?" Yuri let out the doubts that were eating him inside.

"No. It's that, or death for the both of us," Flynn answered without missing a beat, voice filled with resolve.

Yuri closed his eyes and lowered his head as he whispered quietly; "I feel like... like we're abandoning everyone, abandoning the promise we made to each other when we were young. Like we went so far for nothing..."

Flynn suddenly let go of Yuri and circled him until they were facing each other. Yuri's eyes filled with doubt met Flynn's firm ones. The Demon could read nothing but fierce determination in them as the Angel gently cupped Yuri's freezing face between his hands.

"Hey, listen to me. We didn't fail. We wanted to achieve peace, to create a world where people could live freely without the threat of war and death. We might not be there to see it flourish, but we left behind a legacy," Flynn said with passion, both his words and eyes ensnaring Yuri.

"Lady Estellise, Ioder, Rita, Judith, Schwann... they are all inhabited by the same ideals as us. We brought peace, but they will make sure it will stay standing. We have to believe in them," Flynn finished, blue eyes shining with so much conviction that it managed to kill every last flicker of doubt that nestled inside Yuri.

The Demon closed his eyes as he let himself soak in the warm, secure touch of his lover.

"I believe in them. I do," Yuri said quietly as he opened his eyes again, letting Flynn see he was telling the truth.

And when Flynn leaned in, letting their lips melt against each other, Yuri's heart and mind were set, the last once of hesitation gone with the wind.

"Are you sure about this? You can stay here for a while, I don't mind. It's not like I sleep in my bed most of the time," Rita said, worry taking over her features.

Beside her, Judith and Estelle were silent, but the princess seemed on the verge of tears. The three girls were standing in front of Flynn, Yuri and Repede. The two lovers had put on black coats and were carrying bags full with as much supplies as Rita could give them. Their swords were hanging from their belts. Repede was sitting between them patiently.

"No, Rita. We can't keep putting you in danger like that. As long as we are here, you're not safe," Flynn argued softly, a sad smile on his lips.

"Can't you at least wait for Ioder to come back with news from Paradis?" Judith asked, not showing any trace of emotions.

Yuri shook his head and replied; "We can't afford to wait anymore. Besides, if he's not here yet, it's probably because he won't be able to come. And I sincerely doubt he'll bring better news than you did, what with Estelle missing and all."

"It's for the best," Flynn added, and a tense silence followed his words.

A silence that was soon broken by soft sobs. Yuri looked at Estelle to see fresh tears roll down the pink-haired girl's cheeks.

"Estelle..." Yuri breathed out, expression softening with sadness at the view.

Estelle visibly tried to contain her tears, but it was beyond her.

"It's not fair... You did nothing wrong, you don't deserve this," the princess said shakily between her tears.

Yuri dropped his bag and stepped towards Estelle. He gently grabbed her shoulders.

"Hey, Estelle, look at me," the Demon gently demanded.

Estelle reluctantly did, and it pained Yuri to see such sadness in her eyes. He never intended to make her so sad, but he guessed it was inevitable. They had no choice. They couldn't sit around and do nothing.

"It's not that bad, okay? I mean, we're together. We have each other. We'll be fine," Yuri said comfortingly as he motioned to Flynn and Repede with his head.

"And it doesn't mean this will last forever. We'll send Repede to Judy occasionally to keep track on the situation between Paradis and Jigoku, and if it gets better, we'll come back," Yuri finished, gently wiping away at the crystal tears.

"But going into exile, out there... there's nothing out there. It's all devastated, you'll starve to death," Estelle argued, her lips trembling at the sole idea of her two friends going away into the devastated wilderness not touched by either Angels or Demons.

"We don't know that. Think about the cavern. There might be other places like it. We find them, it might help Rita in her research to revive our world. The countries are vast, it's very likely that there are still a lot of places uncovered out there," Flynn explained, his gentle smile trying to bring some small comfort to the upset young girl.

"As for food, Repede is a pretty good hunter, and if nothing, Flynn and I are pretty resourceful. We'll get by. Don't worry about us," Yuri added, and it seemed to finally do the trick as Estelle nodded and her tears stopped.

Rita folded her arms and frowned as she muttered; "I still think that I should come with you. If you find other places like the cavern, you'll need me anyway..."

Flynn shook his head, his expression resolute as he said; "No. We don't even know if we'll stumble over such places. It's merely a guess. And if we do, how much time will we have exposed you to danger out there for nothing? You'll be more useful here continuing your research safely. We'll send Repede for you if we need you."

Rita didn't argue, but it was clear she was still not convinced by their decision to leave her behind.

Still holding onto Estelle, Yuri threw a look at his lover, and Flynn took it as his cue to continue talking; "This is the only thing we can do. We can't do anything to help matters with the fragile peace but trust the King, Schwann and all of you to do the right thing. But what we can do is help Rita try to revive this world. We have to do this."

Silence filled Rita's shack then. Yuri looked at their friends and saw on each of their faces a mix of understanding and sadness.

They all understood that Flynn and Yuri needed to do this, even if it meant having to possibly never see them again. The sole thought was paining Yuri. How he wished they could stay here with all their friends.

And with Schwann, and Karol... he didn't even get to say goodbye to them. Yuri would regret it for the rest of his days...

Yuri threw a look at Flynn and saw in his eyes that his lover was in the same emotional turmoil.

At least... at least they would have each other. It was more than they could say two weeks ago.

Judith took a sudden step forward and smiled softly, though her smile didn't reach her saddened eyes.

"We understand. Just, keep in touch alright? We'll all be worried sick about you," the blue-haired girl said with a surprisingly steady voice.

Yuri smiled back at her as he spoke softly; "Yeah, we will."

It was time. They had to go now before it became too difficult to do so. Yuri slowly let go of Estelle and stepped back until he was besides his lover.

"Well, we're off. Stay safe, everyone," Flynn said softly.

"That's our line!" Rita said on an offended tone, but it was clear she was trying to hide her emotions.

Before Yuri could see her move, he suddenly had his arms full of a pink-haired princess. Estelle hugged him tightly and Yuri didn't hesitate to return the embrace.

"I'll miss you both," Estelle whispered sadly.

"We will too," Yuri whispered back.

He watched as Estelle gave Flynn a hug too. After they parted, Yuri looked at Judy, to see her smiling at them, eyes shining with emotion. She nodded to them, saying her goodbye in her own way.

Yuri pushed down the rising emotions that threatened to break out. Now was not the time. They needed to go now, and he preferred to do it with all his dignity. Yuri grabbed his bag and when he straightened up, his gaze met Flynn's.

And as he looked into those wonderful blue irises, he knew with certitude that everything would be okay.

They had gone through so much, achieved things no one thought possible, cheated death one time too many, and nothing had separated them. All the sadness they felt, all the desperation, all the sorrows they had seen, it didn't break them. Because they still had each other. And Yuri knew... as long as they would be together, they would be okay.

It was all they needed, all that they ever needed.

After a last heartfelt goodbye, it was with joined hands and sad smiles that they left their friends behind to walk into the unknown, Repede at their feet.

A/N (Rose): So... the end? Not exactly! ;) An additional scene popped up in mind and so there will be a short, very short epilogue concerning another character other than Flynn and Yuri. I'll hope you'll stay tuned for it. :)

I don't know about you, but I like bittersweet endings, the kind that is balanced between happiness ever-after and major sob-fests. Yuri and Flynn are together in the end, but they lost so much along the way... We couldn't see this story end any other way. I hope this ending satisfies you. :)

I wanted to say a big, big thank you for all your wonderful support. The love that has been given to this fic is just... surreal, incredible! I'm very honored to have made this journey with you. :)

Take care everyone! I'll see you for the last time in the epilogue! It shouldn't take too long to be posted!