|Yep, it's one of THOSE fanfictions again~ This is Shadow here to tell you that I don't own Inuyasha (sadly) and that all characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi, plot and storyline belongs to me, ta-ta till' next time! =^^= |

Chapter one: song of change

Kagome was in a state of shock, actually, shock was putting it mildly, earlier this morning she had been relaxing and enjoying the early morning sun with her pack, and now she was in a cramped small crate being shipped off to lord-knows where. She gave out a yelp of indignation as the crate was jostled causing her paws to skid wildly on the hard metal surface.

Overall, the small black wolf was confused, angry and scared about her current predicament. She just couldn't understand how the humans that had practically raised her from puphood could have jabbed a tranquilizing needle into her rear and stuffed her mercilessly into a confining crate, it was just too much to comprehend! She raised a paw to scratch at the door of the crate, whining piteously. Let me out! she yapped, I want to go home now! But the men in the car calmly ignored her and continued driving down the bumpy road.

Kagome huffed angrily and sank to the bottom of the crate. I just hope wherever they're taking me is big! Anything would be better than this crate! She barked again, hoping the men had had a change of heart. They hadn't. Kagome put her muzzle on her front paws and sighed, Today was NOT turning out to be a good day.

As the truck continued to roll down the bumpy dirt road, Kagome raised a paw to bat at an offensive beam of sun that had decided to shine right into her eyes. She blinked in irritation, she had been dreaming of a fat juicy hare that had practically almost waltzed into her jaws, she blinked again and tried to adjust her eyes to the bright noonday sunlight. What she saw when her eyesight cleared left her speechless, the landscape that was flashing by was stunning, the early fall leaves on the trees were just beginning to turn crimson, staining the landscape a vivid orange color, and in the distance tall cliffs reached for the sky, wisps of clouds curling around their topmost peaks, concealing just how high up they reached. Kagome shook her head, and sat back on her haunches, awestruck. T-this is beautiful! I've never seen anything like this before!

The animal park where she had been raised was situated on the edge of a rocky mountain, perching precariously on the edge of a cliff. The only trees that grew there were dark small pine trees that latched into the ground, desperate for any nourishment that lurked in the rocky soil. She had lived there with her pack for as long as she could remember, never having to hunt or fear for her life, the humans protected and cared for her and her family, which made their current behaviour even more puzzling, she had never seen them act this way, and she wasn't sure that she liked it.

She shook her head again, trying to drive all suspicious thoughts from her head; The humans are my friends, they would never harm me! She turned her head back to the stunning landscape that was flashing by, her eyes widened as they passed a small lake, flocks of ducks and geese taking flight as the truck rolled by, and landing again when the car had gone a safe distance. Kagome tilted her head, she had never seen creatures like this before, this was all so new and strange to her and she had no idea how to react. She experimentally barked at the birds, causing them to momentarily flutter into the air, she laughed, and tried again, but much to her disappointment, the birds just gave her an angry stare and resumed their earlier activities.

As the hours passed, Kagome stood at the door of her crate, her tail wagging wildly at the scenery that passed, her blue-grey eyes bright with excitement. So when she felt the car slowly coming to a halt, she barked in excitement and scratched at the door of her crate vigorously. The car doors slammed shut, and she heard the heavy footsteps of the men who had driven her here. She squealed in protest when the men picked her crate up, causing her to lose her footing. She barked angrily from inside the cate, Watch what you're doing you half-brained twits! That hurt! her insults obviously had no effect on the men as they continued carrying her crate along a small forest trail.

"Can't wait till' hunting season comes along again Albert..." One of the men had struck up a conversation with his partner, Kagome pricked up her ears and tried to listen;

"You got that right Jeff, when winter comes around this pretty little thing'll be legal game!" 'Albert' tapped the side of her crate as he spoke. "Her pelt would fetch a pretty penny..."

Jeff chuckled in amusement, "Yeah, but what about the packs that live up here? No one's been able to trap so much as a single wolf since that mutt showed up, just catching one would pay for a months worth of rent!"

"You mean the white half-breed? I've hear that he's been causing trouble for the hunters out here."

"Yep, that dog's been a real problem, ever since he took over the pack, we haven't been able to snag a a single wolf. He's smarter than you think Albert, the local hunters say that when they're hunting wolf, it seems more like they're the ones being hunted."

Albert laughed and gave Jeff a good-natured punch on the shoulder, jostling the crate again, earning more insults from the irate she-wolf within. You worthless heaps of pink flesh and blubber! Stop jostling me around, I'm fragile cargo! She hissed, I should have NEVER let them stab me in the butt with that sharp thing! If I hadn't I'd still be back at home eating with Sota, Mom and gramps right now!

"Stop being so superstitious Jeff, he's just a dumb animal, he can't think!"

You disgusting son-of-a-coyote! Dumb animal my ass! Just let me out of this crate and I'll show you just how dumb we wolves are! Kagome was furious now, and had started growling her displeasure. Finally the crate stopped jiggling and Kagome felt that she was on the ground again.She heard the men stretch and crack their knuckles, and a strange feeling of pent up excitement and suspence caused her fur to bristle slightly. Why are we here? She asked the men, Is this a new place with new people? She wagged her tail, pawing at the crate door again, whining slightly.

Jeff laughed, "Calm down girl, we're there now, you're gonna be free in just a sec..." She heard some rustling and clanking as the two men fiddled with her crate.

"Hope you survive out here, I wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to hunt you come winter, I've got a feeling you'd give us a pretty good run bitch!" Albert laughed loudly and was soon joined by Jeff. Kagome flattened her ears, she had the feeling that the men were laughing at her, and she didn't like it. Just let me out and THEN we'll see if you're still laughing! She growled in the back of her throat, these men weren't people she knew, and she didn't like them.

She heard something rattle, the men shuffled their feet as they each grabbed a latch. "On the count of three... Two... You ready Albert? ONE!"

The door to the crate slid open, and acting on instinct alone, Kagome bolted out, tail between her legs as she raced away from the two men and the crate. Suddenly, she stopped, her brain starting to work again, what was she doing? Why was she running? She shook her head in disgust and began to trot back to where the two men were standing, but they were gone! She immediatly began to circle the area, whining slightly; Where are you? Why did you leave?

She heard leaves crunch behind her, and she whirled around, hoping that it was the two men, her tail was wagging, but it wasn't a them, it wasn't even a human, it was another wolf.

By the way the stranger wolf held itself it was obviously a dominant alpha. It, no he was a large dark male wolf, he was black with a dark brown face and stripe down his back, his eyes glinted a dangerous red, a color that Kagome was now very sure that she didn't like. As Kagome tucked her tail between her legs, the other wolf , much to her displeasure, came closer. As he approached her, Kagome got a good whiff of his scent, and nearly gagged, he reeked of carrion and death, Kagome backed away, her tail still firmly tucked between her legs. She bared her fangs and growled at him, Leave me alone. When he continued his slow advance, she growled again, I-I mean it! L-leave me alone!

Feisty little female, I'm not here to hurt you, merely to give a warning, you are in my territory. At this, he flashed long, lethal looking fangs. No rogues are tolerated in my pack or my territory, so you could consider this an invitation of sorts... She shivered at his voice, it was oily and menacing. Normally I don't do this, but I can see that you are a strong young female, and our pack needs new bodies. He licked his lips hungrily as he began to circle her. Kagome tried to back away, ears flattened against her head. N-no thank you...

He ignored her and continued talking; I am Naraku, ruler of the marshes and lakeshore, I am the alpha male of my pack. Kagome shuddered, he was disgusting! He continued to circle her, his tail waving lazily. Now, please consider your answer carefully I am very persistant, and I want you in my pack. Kagome whined, she knew that this wolf was capable of fatally wounding or killing her, but she was repulsed by the idea of spending her life ruled by him.

Bracing her shaking legs, Kagome raised her head, fangs bared. I decline your offer, I wish to remain rogue! Naraku chuckled, as if he had anticipated her answer. You truly are a hot-blooded one, now I want you in my pack even more. His red eyes gleamed as he came closer. She growled at him, hoping that he wouldn't hear the tremble in her voice, he did. Your growl would be more menacing if your voice wasn't trembling... He chuckled, You amuse me, so I shall give you a choice on the matter, you may join my pack now, or you will have until the killing season comes to decide...

Kagome didn't pause to think, all she wanted to do was get away! I choose the second option! Her voice trembled, but she managed to stand her ground. Instinctively, she knew that this was not a wolf you could turn your back to. Naraku blinked once, his red eyes gleaming. Very well, but know this, you will be mine. No matter where you go or what you do, you will belong to me. Kagome backed away from him, tail darting between her trembling legs. Naraku licked his lips, So I can't have any other pack taking you away now can I? At his last words, he leapt towards her, jaws open and latched onto her.

Kagome gave a short howl of agony, Naraku had clamped down on her right hind leg, teeth tearing through muscle, flesh and bone. When he let go, she stumbled away from him, carefully keeping her weight off of her mangled paw. Now let's see how far you get little female... I look forward to seeing you, come killing season. As his body disappeared into the brush, the last thing she saw was his gleaming, red eyes.