"Was it too much?" Blaine asks Kurt, who barely blinks in response. "It was too much." Blaine's whole body is humming with nerves. He can't believe he just sang a song in the middle of The Gap to Sebastian. He can't believe he actually went through with it. It was a good idea in his head, but now Blaine's starting to regret it. It was cheesy and totally not Sebastian—which was kind of the point—but Blaine had to do something. It was Valentine's Day for crying out loud. What better day to tell Sebastian he wants to get back together, on whatever terms he wants, than Valentine's Day?

When the bell over the door of The Gap opens up, Blaine feels his heart leap. Sebastian walks out with his chin towards his chest, hands buried deep in his jacket pockets. "Seb!" Blaine jumps to his feet. He hoped for a smile; a brilliant, beautiful smile. Instead, Sebastian turned around with his eyebrows scrunched together and his mouth hanging open with confusion, maybe even annoyance.

"What the hell was that, Blaine?" Sebastian scolds. Blaine's racing heart drops like an elevator.

"What?" Blaine tries to stay optimistic.
"I just started this job, Blaine," Sebastian points out. It's the first time Blaine remembers that small detail and right away he feels like crap. He knows what's coming, "Do you know how bad that made me look? I got fired."

Sebastian look so disappointed; not because he lost his job but in Blaine. That look kills. "Aw, Seb, I didn't even think…I'm so sorry," Blaine takes a step forward, but Sebastian moves away. He's words catch in his mouth when he feels eyes on them. He barely had to look to know it was Kurt sitting on the bench. Of course he's here, Sebastian thinks with a slight glare. He takes a step to the side, so his back is to Kurt and blocking Blaine from his view.

"I needed the money to pay for hospital pills, Blaine," Sebastian says in a harsh whisper.

"Dang it, I'm so—"
"Sorry, yeah I know," Sebastian huffs. He looks off to the side while shaking his head. Blaine feels like he's in trouble with a parent or something. He can't even look Sebastian in the eye. Nothing says 'Hey, I want you back' like getting him fired. "Why would you even think you can do that?"

"It's Valentine's Day," Blaine admits with a small, sad smile. Sebastian finally looks at him, confusion clouding his eyes. Blaine swallows again, dread taking over him, "I thought to I should do something special…you know…for you."

Realization hits Sebastian like a brick; well, he realized it the second he heard Blaine start singing in the store, but he really hoped it was all just a prank that the Warblers thought up to embarrass him.

"Damn it, I knew this would happen," Sebastian runs a hand down his face. "I knew the second you found out that you would…" a big lump catches in Blaine's throat; he's on the brink of tears right now. His eyes drop to just above Sebastian's shoulder; he feels like the biggest idiot in the world.

Sebastian sighs again before looking back at Blaine, "Look, Blaine, I—" the hurt look in Blaine's eyes makes Sebastian want to take it all back, but he can't. He pauses for a second while he rubs the back of his neck nervously, "These past few weeks have been great; they have," Sebastian admitted.

Blaine starts to smile with false hope. These past few weeks have been great; amazing even. Since everything is out in the open, Sebastian could finally be honest with Blaine and not have to hide anything. They've grown closer in these weeks, which now Sebastian almost wishes they hadn't so they wouldn't have to have this conversation right now. He didn't want Blaine to have the wrong idea.

"But—" Blaine feels his heart drop into his stomach and shatter into a million pieces, "—we're not back together," Sebastian's eyes are apologetic, but Blaine could hardly notice. All he notices is that Sebastian's rejecting him; again. It's one of the worst pains Blaine's ever felt.

"We never really were together," he points out sheepishly, his shoulders hunched to make himself as small as he could. Sebastian feels very exposed right now; like he's standing on a post in the middle of town with everyone glaring up at him with hatred. The tears in Blaine's eyes are killing him. "And I think it should stay that way,"

Lies! Sebastian fights himself. It's all lies; of course Sebastian doesn't want to reject Blaine. He wants to hold onto him and kiss him and never let him go for the rest of his life but his damn pride and selfishness is holding him back. You're doing this for him, Sebastian; he reminds himself.

Blaine looks off to the side to hide the tear rolling down his cheek. If his heart shattered, Sebastian's is right along with it. He wants to take it all back, erase everything he ever said and just admit that…no, don't think that…if you do, you'll never go through with this and Blaine will just end up even more hurt than he already is. Sebastian bits the inside of his cheek until he forced his wall back up.

Blaine starts nodding, whipping the tear away with his sleeve before sniffing and wrapping his arms around himself. He's blaming the cold but he really just needs to hold himself together. He's about to crumble to the ground at Sebastian's feet. "Right," Blaine sniffs again, swallowing the lump in his throat, "No, yeah, you're right. I wasn't thinking."

Seeing Blaine pretending to agree 'with' him is harder than Sebastian thought. All this was way harder than he thought. Why did Blaine have to find out? It ruined everything; they were doing just fine being friends before all this happened. Sebastian opens his mouth to speak but the words catch in his mouth when Blaine finally meets his eye; Blaine looks devastated…because of him. Blaine should never, ever, be hurt and for Sebastian to be the cause of it…he feels his chest tighten until he thinks it's about to burst. "Blaine, I…"

"Bas," Sebastian freezes while Blaine's eyes drop to the ground. Jeremiah. Sebastian hesitates to look over his shoulder; the older boy is walking out of the store, his hood up over his big curls, "I finished my shift early; let me drive you home," he insisted with a sympathetic look. He's not sure what to do.

"You should go," Blaine says as if reading his mind. Sebastian couldn't be more shocked. Blaine's biting into his lip, his arms tighter around himself than before. Sebastian gasps a little when Blaine nods, "It's okay."

Sebastian's about to explain about Jeremiah when he remembers what just happened; he doesn't need to explain anything when he just turned down Blaine, no matter if the assumption does hurt him. Sebastian nods back, hunching his shoulders more and putting on a smile as he starts to back away, "So we're good then?" Blaine's eyes widened; Sebastian could see anger start to build up in them. No, we are not good, Blaine yells to himself. He's about to really say that when Sebastian takes it one step further, "Still friends, right?"

Friends? Friends! Blaine feels like throwing up. He nods through the pain and puts on the shakiest, most fake smile, "Of course we're friends."

"Good." Sebastian looks over his shoulder at Jeremiah, who's waiting and nods behind him as if asking if they are going. Sebastian sends Blaine a wave and walks away; it isn't until his back is turned to Blaine that he lets out the most painful breath he's ever felt. His stomach untightens for a second before contracting and he feels like doubling over in tears; how could he do that to Blaine?

Jeremiah frowns when Sebastian makes it to his side, "You okay?" Sebastian doesn't say anything; he just grabs a hold of Jeremiah's shoulder and rushes them further away. "Who is that?" he asks, looking at Blaine from over his shoulder as they hit the curb. Sebastian doesn't dare look back.

"No one," he shook his head with his eyes closed. He blinks away the tears, straightens up his shoulders and shoves his hands into his pockets. Sebastian meets Jeremiah's eye with a tight, smug smile like his usual confident one. "So, drink?"

Jeremiah can tell it's all just an act now; Sebastian is too normal after what he just saw. So the older boy wraps an arm around his shoulders and nods with a smile, "On me."

"Damn right it is."

Blaine has himself curled around a tub of ice cream, practically clinging to it for dear life as he eats over-filled spoon fulls of it. His face is still damp from tears, his lungs still trying to calm down after his hysterical break down once he got to his dorm room. Jeff had been there with Nick, pretending not to be waiting for Blaine to get back to see what happened after The Gap-Attack. The second Blaine saw his friends he burst out crying.

"I'll get the movies," Nick had said, getting up to get them from his room.
"I'll get the ice cream." Jeff added. While they did this, Blaine collapsed onto his bed and hugged onto his pillow. He never felt more broken. That was an hour ago and he feels no better.

"I can't believe I made it all up in my head," Blaine sobbed with a mouthful of cookie-dough ice cream. Jeff reached up from his spot on the ground to grab Blaine's wrist supportively.

"You know you didn't, Blaine."
"Then why?" Blaine complained, dropping the spoon into the bin. Nick stood up on his knees to focus on his friend more while Blaine whipped his cheek of old tears and swallowed the freezing cold food before letting out a gasping breath, "Why'd he do that?"

"He's just…being Sebastian," Nick knew that didn't help but that was that. "He thinks he's protecting you."

"Oh, yeah, he's doing a great job of it." Blaine says sarcastically, fishing back into the tub for the spoon.

"Okay, I think you're done with the ice cream," Nick intervened, grabbing the tub and getting up to put it away. Blaine protested but Jeff shaking his head stopped him from fighting his friend. "You're an ice-cream-o-holic."

Blaine just sniffed. The three boys fall silent of a while while Blaine tries to calm down. He leans back against his head board and sighs with his eyes closed, "What am I supposed to do?"

"Come on buddy," Nick patted Blaine's leg. He picked the remote up from by his foot and smiled, "Let's pop in Dark Knight."

"No thanks," Blaine curled up deeper into his bed, turning on his side. "I wanna sleep."

Nick and Jeff shared a worried look. They were about to disagree when they noticed that he had already fallen asleep. At least he wasn't a wreck anymore for a while. With a nod towards the door, Nick grabbed his things and Jeff followed him out.

Once the door was closed gently, Nick sighed. This was tiring, "Hey Nick?"


Jeff looked over at his best friend with a deep frown, "Did Seb break Blaine's heart?"

The question was out of the blue and innocent; it was like being asked by a kid. Nick had never considered Sebastian and Blaine's relationship to be that serious; they never even went out. Just fooled around and acted all couple-y without the relationship. But seeing Blaine in there and seeing how upset Sebastian has been these past few months, Nick's perspective has changed.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think he did buddy." As they walked to Nick's dorm, he made himself promise that he wouldn't be mad at Sebastian once he gets back; he knows that his roommate didn't want to hurt Blaine and it probably killed him just as much.

There's only one thing Nick knows for certain; Sebastian and Blaine will never be over.

A/N: I know, I know, it took forever. And it probably sucked too; I apologize to both. I've been super busy with school and the holidays and everything but I wanted to post this before Valentine's Day actually happened. Now that I think about it, I'm mad they never had a New Years Eve episode of Glee. That would be interesting.

Basically everything in Silly Love Songs is the same after that; Kurt admits he likes Blaine. Blaine admits he's never had a boyfriend before—you can imagine that he mentions Sebastian somewhere in there—and they agree to sing at BreadStix. What episode is next?