A/N: So, new fic for you Merlin fans out there! This is a collab with Sparrows Magician. Also, thanks to her beta (and I guess now mine) Josh4eva3 Go, please, check out both profiles, they both write awesome fics.

They stand there, the elder man and the younger, both frozen from the events that have just transpired. Merlin's having a very off day. He has done what she had said, he had journeyed to Camelot, just as his mother begged him too…and everything just happened to fall to pieces after that. The second he stepped foot in this city he saw an execution - an execution for magic no less. Now here he stands across from Gaius, after performing magic. Merlin wants to find a hole and promptly crawl inside of it. His mind runs back to the old woman.

An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth!...A son for a son…

The words prickle down Merlin's back, the scene playing over and over in the young man's mind. His mother's attempt to save her son just led him into the most hostile situation he has ever found himself. Gaius has been kind enough, once he realized who Merlin was, but still the situation is very tense, very awkward. The young man's only real salvation was the equally young woman he spotted at the execution. Her eyes were so sad, so remorseful, as if she was the one to throw down the axe. It was a moment, a breath, and Merlin felt more connected to this woman than he had to any others in all his years.

"You can put your stuff in that room up there. It will be your room." Gaius points to the back room.

Merlin's head shakes as the elder man throws him out of his daydream. He nods dumbly and goes to place his things in the room. When he returns Gaius is holding out a small bottle for him to take.

"Merlin, could you do me a favor - give this to Gregory? He's in the lower town, second house, left of the fleece post."

"Okay." Merlin agrees, and takes the bottle.

"I'll see you later."

It takes him only a few minutes to give Gregory the bottle of medicine and he starts to head back to Gaius's for lunch. He's so distracted he only half glances at the scene unfolding next to him.


Merlin turns slowly, his eyes becoming as wide as saucers. There she stands, the stunning woman from the window, the stranger who he felt so close too, who is now standing right in front of him. Though he imagined her smiling…instead she's glaring at a servant on the ground. He notices that her raven hair tumbles down her back, while her neck stretches up towards the heavens causing the sun to bounce of her luminescent cheeks, and her jade eyes narrowed toward the scared young man. She's wearing the same soft blue dress from before, hugging every inch of her delicately. Two guards stand five meters behind her, making sure she isn't going to be attacked from behind.

"What did I say about getting my dresses dirty?" The woman continues. "You dropped it in the mud."

"Because you tripped me." The servant replies, his head down in a dejected look.

"What was that?" The woman asks.

The boy blushes to the side, humiliated.

"That's what I thought. Now, take the dresses and put them by the door." She orders.

The servant holds the dress to the side, making sure to not dirty it further. She motions for one of the guards to hand her a dagger. While the boy's still walking, she throws it in his direction, her aim precise and powerful. The dagger rips through the clothes and buries itself in the wood in front of the servant, whose eyes turn wide at the danger he did not realize he was in.

"Oh, look what you did!" The women exclaimes, her laugher tumbling out of her like a sick joke." You ruined the dress." She gives a slight smirk.

"You ruined your dress."

Merlin couldn't handle women like her, the illusion of a kindred spirit dissipating so quickly. He moves forward and retrieves the dagger. He holds it in his hands while he walks towards her. He shakes his head, willing her beauty to not distract him. "That was dangerous. You shouldn't have done that."

She laughs a little harder. Her face contorts in a sarcastic sneer when she speaks. "And who might you be oh chivalrous knight? Defender of lowly servants?"

"I'm Merlin." He raises an eyebrow in her direction, his arms crossing. "And you must be...Miss Prattyface…"

"Ha! Look at you, all smart comebacks and nicknames."

She walks towards him, a smirk contorting her delicate face.

"You seem so high and mighty, Merlin. Is there any real bravado to back up your bold words?" She taunts.

"You have no idea…" Merlin shakes his head.

"I could take you apart in one blow." She sneers at him, her eyes becoming dark and menacing.

"I could take you apart in less than one." Merlin counters.

"I'd like to see you try." She replies loftily, her arms come up in a delicate manner, her fingers coaxing him forward.

"I would never strike a woman."

He turns around intent on walking away, but Morgana was always one to have the last word.

"Yes, good idea, walk away. When you get home I'm sure your mother will have your dress hemmed appropriately."

Merlin takes a deep breath, and sees a bucket to the side - and his foot might have just accidentally kicked the pail of water up and on to the irritating woman's dress. Morgana's eyes widen and as Merlin smirks to turn and walk away she grabs his arm and twists it behind his back, sending shooting pain up his limb.

"I'll have you imprisoned for that." She whispers, her breath warm against his ear.

"Who do you think you are? The King?" Merlin demanded, knowing he should just shut up.

"Oh, brave words for some weakling like you." Her face is less than an inch from his, her eyes piercing his.

"I'm his ward, Morgana."

And that's how Merlin ended up here…in a dungeon…surrounded by hay…well - he hopes its just hay…

Merlin! Merlin!

His eyes shoot open instantly. He looks around searching for the source.


He places his ear against the floor, listening, seeking out the voice.


He curls back into a ball, his body falling back into a restless sleep.


The young man's eyes shoot open at the sound of Gaius's voice. The guards unlocked the cell to allow the elder man to enter.

"What did you do?"


"Oh, never mind, luckily, I've managed to pull a few strings and get you out."

"Oh, thank you Gaius! I won't forget this!"

"But, there is one small price to pay."

A tomato squashes into Merlin's face. Then a cucumber explodes on the stocks Merlin was chained up to. The kids leave for a moment to get more food.

"Oh, wonderful…" Merlin mutters.

"Hello." A dark skinned girl walks up to him, a sympathetic look on her features.

"I'm Gwen. Lady Morgana's maid."

"Merlin. How's working for that royal prat? Looks like fun from what I saw the other day." Merlin says then continued with an irritated edge. "Does she throw sharp, dangerous objects at you too?"

"Uh, yeah…sorry." Gwen laughs weakly. "She's a bit of a bully sometimes."

Sometimes…" Merlin mutters, disbelievingly.

"It's been hard for her. She was taken in as Uther's ward when Gorlois, her father, died." Gwen explains, her hands wringing in front of her. "Though, a lot of people thought you were quite brave standing up to her, she can really be a bit nasty sometimes."

"Thank you." Gwen smiles at him.

"Of course."

"Oh, Gwen. You might want to move. My fans are back." Merlin says as he watches the kids return with more food. The maidservant sends him one last apologetic smile before she scampers away from the line of fire.

"That was disgusting." Merlin states as he walks into Gaius' chambers.

"Well, don't be an idiot next time." Gaius replies.

Merlin sits down, lunch in front of him. "She had it coming." He grabs his fork. "I could make her into an ant in one second." He shoves some food in his mouth, chewing viciously.

"Merlin! Magic is banned! You cannot turn Morgana into a pigeon-"

"Ant. So I can squash her."

"Merlin!" Gaius hits him over the head as he chastises the boy.

"Sorry." Merlin mumbles, not feeling sorry at all, his voice filled with food.

"Now, you can take this to Lady Helen. It will help her with her voice. She's singing tomorrow night." Gaius hands him a vial.

"And here."

He hands Merlin a piece of lemon pie, and both men exchange grateful looks.

"Lady Helen?" Merlin knocks on her door.

When she doesn't answer he walks in and places the vial on her dressing table. As he turns to leave he sees a few odd items sitting on her desk, his fingers running over the out-of-place objects. Why would a singer have a spell book and a voodoo doll?

"What are you doing, boy?"

Merlin's ears burn when he is addressed and he quickly whirls around. He gestures to the potion. "The court physician told me to bring it to you."

"I see."

The Lady Helen walks into the room as Merlin nearly runs out.

Merlin stumbles a little down the dirt road, trying to get away from the evil looks of Lady Helen. He admires the scenery as he explores the city. He stops short when his eyes land on Morgana and the two guards flanking her. He swiftly turns the other way.

"Oh, don't run away!" Morgana calls.

Merlin stops short. "From you?"

"No, from the wilderin, though I could definitely see your cowardice running away…" She mocks.

"Look, I've already called you a prat. I just didn't realize you were a royal one." Merlin replies as his teeth grind.

Morgana smirks at him, her long swift strides move to start circling him, reminding him of a hawk ready to pounce on its pray. "What a bold man you are. You know that you really can't talk to me like that, don't you?"

Merlin looks down at her and the lady smiles in spite of herself. He bows in a mocking fashion in her direction. "Forgive me, Milady."

"Ah, well you are not forgiven. In fact, I think I should teach you a lesson. I can take you apart in one blow."

"And as I've said before…I could take you apart in less than one. I just don't join in, in the abuse of helpless women."

He moves forward, his voice low and menacing. She snarls when he calls her helpless.


She holds her hand out for a sword, which she promptly throws at Merlin's feet.

"Such a big talker, so here you go, big man. Why don't you try your luck with a sword, instead of your fists?"

He takes his jacket off in a rush and Morgana can't help herself but laugh. He quickly picks up the sword when Morgana's own blade slashes at his head. He quickly moves his sword up and her sword sides off of his, leaving his left side exposed. She moves to cut at his vulnerable spot but he clumsily defects the blow. She spins around to hack at his head. His eyes go gold and he slows down time just enough to allow him to duck causing Morgana to falter and lose her balance. Quickly, Merlin pushes her back into the ground, his body pressing hers into the dirt.

"I beat you."Merlin says, proud of himself for winning even if he did use magic. Morgana's eyes become soft, like a wounded animal, her hand come up and over his arm that holds the blade. He feels her fingertips on his cheek and her sudden pull. His lips connect with hers and his eyes widen in sock. Her mouth is so…delicious, so fresh. He tries to refocus and to wrench away but her hand on his pale neck keeps him in place and the movement of her mouth sends his mind reeling. His sword falls from his hand and his mind goes numb. She senses his vulnerability and pushed him to the ground, grabbed the fallen sword and pointed it at him.

"Not so fast, boy." Morgana smirks in her triumph and watches as the guards come over dragging him up to haul him away to the dungeons again. "No, let him go. He may be a fool but he's a brave fool." She walks forward, her hand on his tunic, her eyes alluring, "I don't know what it is about you, Merlin, I guess I'll just have to keep my eye on you."

"Thanks?" Merlin says uncertainly.

"Don't get use to it." Morgana grins.

"I don't plan to."

He watches her walk away…and spends a moment too long staring at her bottom.

"What did you do this time?" Gaius demands as Merlin walks in.

"Got in a sword fight with her royal prattiness, won, got kissed, and then promptly lost." Merlin explains.



"Merlin, did you use magic to win?"

"Maybe…what does it matter?"

"Merlin! Magic is banned; you used magic in front of the King's ward! You used it for a stupid reason too!"

"It wasn't stupid! Besides…" Merlin bites his lip. "If I can't you magic then, I have nothing…and…I might as well die."

Merlin spins around, stomping up to his room, and slamming the door - the day had been far too long. It wasn't fair. He had stood up to a bully and got yelled at for it. He was just trying to do the right thing, to show the other presents that they don't have to put up with such treatment. So, he used magic to win, so what? If he couldn't use magic, he'd be nothing…the door creaks open. The bed bends as Gaius sits down next to Merlin.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you." Gaius apologizes. "I just want you to be safe and I don't think your mother would appreciate you getting killed your first day here."

"I'm sorry for getting in a fight." Merlin replies.

"It's okay. It was actually quite brave. Everyone knows Morgana's a bit of a stuck up snob but she's also amazing at combat and military."

"What happened to her?"

"Her father was killed and Uther took her in as his ward. She was really upset and took it out on others. Even when she mostly got over his death, she was seen as Uther's stuck-up ward." Gaius explains. "Now, I know you're going to hate me but I need you to give Morgana her sleeping draught."

"What? Why can't you?" Merlin groans.

"Because I need to get herbs then go see the King."

"She's going to kill me."

Gaius laughs. "Oh she won't kill you…she'll just send you to the stocks, ah - reminds me, I need lettuce…"

Merlin walks into her room, the vial clutched in his hand. His throat restricts, she's in the middle of changing. His eyes widen as he caught a glimpse of her soft creamy shoulders…oh God…


Merlin clears his throat quickly. Morgana peeks her head over the dressing screen.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh...um…Gaius sent me. I'm his new apprentice and ward."

"I see. Put the vial on the table opposite of my bed."

She orders, he obeys and he turns to leave but Morgana's voice calls him back.

"Oh, Merlin." Morgana's voice comes out like honey. "Gwen's not here at the moment. Would you mind helping me with some fastening?"

"Erm…that's not very appropriate…"

"Please Merlin…I need to get my dress on…"

Merlin gulps, sure his face is beet red. Seeing no way out of this order - and she did say please - he walks behind the screen. His eyes linger on her back, the loosened strings, her hair to one side, a few inches of the back of her neck exposed. Taking a deep breath, he places his hands on the ties. It took him a few moments to figure out what to do, and the five minutes he was behind her felt like an eternity. His fingers had been shaking the whole time and he has never felt more awkward in his life. He steps out from behind the screen.

"Anything else milady?"


Merlin turns to leave but an idea suddenly enters his thoughts.

"Wait, what was the point of that? Why didn't you just wait for your maid to come back?"

Morgana comes out from behind the screen and saunters up to him. She stands up on her tippy toes and leans into his ear, her fingers playing with the edge of his tunic, her hot breath ghosts over his skin making him shudder.

"I like to see you squirm."

"Morgana, why are you not joining us in the celebrations?"

Uther is advancing on Morgana as she stares out the window, his inquiry causing her to turn and face him.

"I just don't think chopping someone's head off is cause for celebration."

"Morgana, you threaten to kill and hurt people all the time. At least this man's death has a purpose. Just today I heard you attacked a peasant. What happened between you and that boy you got into a fight with? You're smarter than that."

"That was different. I didn't actually kill him, just roughed him up a bit. Sure, I help Arthur enforce laws but I don't kill people for a small crimes. So, Thomas Collins practiced magic. He didn't attack you or Camelot. He used it for healing!" Morgana retorted. "And there was nothing between me and 'that boy' as you call him. He's quite brave actually, first person to stand up to me in a long while. I could see him becoming a fine knight."

"This wasn't one of your stupid acts of bravery, to prove that you don't need protection?"


"Good, because I will be picking a bodyguard for you this week."

"Sire, no! I already told you that I don't want one! I can protect myself! I don't need anyone protecting me! Magic-"

"Magic is evil, all of it. Collins was probably biding his time to throw this city into chaos. I'm only trying to protect my kingdom."

"Well, you're doing a fine job!" Morgana replied sarcastically.

"How dare you! I am your guardian, you will respect me! Now, you will join me tomorrow night-"

"I told you, I want no part of it!"

"You will listen and obey me, as I am not just your guardian but your king. If you don't respect me, at least respect Camelot's finest singer."

Uther's cape flutters as he turns away from her and strides down the hall.

"The more brutal you are, the more enemies you'll create!" Morgana yells.

Uther ignores her.


Merlin's eyes snap open, he fists the sheets, I'm in bed, and the moonlight filters into the room. He had gone to bed straight after dinner, ignoring the celebration for the Great Purge. Who would want to celebrate chopping someone's head off? His long walk to his room and his fight with Morgana has tired him out. His eyes move to stare at the stars.


Merlin looks around, realizing that he is not imagining the voice. He quickly hops out of bed and sneaks out of his room. He follows the voice, chanting his name, which leads him down to the lower part of the castle. Once he gets rid of the guards, with magic, he cautiously walks down a dark dreary staircase

Eventually he emerges into a great, huge cave. In front of him is a large rock protruding from the ground.

"Merlin! Merlin!" The voice calls out again, so close, so near.

"Where are you?" Merlin called out.

A huge yellow, musty dragon bursts out from below him.

"I am here."

He stares at the great dragon in wonder, and he watches as the dragon scrutinizes him, his big eyes narrowing in Merlin's direction, his eyes sharp and wise.

"How small you are for such a great destiny."

"Why, what do you mean? What destiny?"

"Your gift of magic, it is not a surprise that you are so powerful for one so young. It was given to you for a reason." The dragon clarifies.

"There is a reason." Merlin says, almost to himself in wonder.

"Morgana, is the once and future Queen of Camelot who will unite the land of Albion. Yet, she faces many threats from friend and foe alike."

"Wait, Morgana is Uther's ward, not his daughter."

"Perhaps, but she will be the greatest Queen Camelot has ever known."

"Great...that's helpful... and this has to do with me...how?" Merlin asks, confused.

"Everything. Without you Morgana will never succeed. Without you, Albion will never be united. You are two sides of the same coin."

"No, you've got this wrong. There must be another Morgana because this one is a fool. She's mean. She's rude. She's annoying. You've got this wrong! Seriously, if anyone wants to kill her, I'd give them a hand. She's an utter prat!"

The dragon chuckles, his lips curl in a dark smile.

"None of can choose our destiny, and likewise none of us can change it."

"But Morgana doesn't care for the common man…"

"Perhaps, it's your destiny to change that." With those words, the dragon flies away.

"Wait, I need to know more!" Merlin yells as the dragon flies away.

"Wonderful, you call me, give me some cryptic message about Morgana being my destiny and then fly off. And I don't even know your name." Merlin mutters as he walks out of the dungeon.

"Merlin!"Gaius yells, barging into his ward's room. He takes in the clothes and books on the floor."Oi! Have you seen the state of this room?"

"It just happens." Merlin replies sleepily.

"By magic? Yes, well, clean it up without magic!" Gaius replies. "We have a festival tonight. Lady Helen is singing. You need to work. Get up! And give this to Arthur. He's in the room on the opposite side of Morgana's. Poor man has a cold. Uther doesn't want it to get worse."

Gaius hands Merlin a vial then leaves the room - but not before throwing a shirt at Merlin's face.

"Arthur." Merlin knocks on his door.


Merlin nudges open the door. A fair-haired man with blue eyes reclines in a chair going over a piece of parchment.

"The court physician told me to give him this."

Merlin shows him the vial.

"Ah, yes. Who are you?"

"I'm his ward and apprentice." Merlin replies.

The man rolls his eyes.

"Your name. For example, I am Arthur Pendragon, son of King Uther Pendragon."

"Oh sorry, I'm Merlin."

"Oh, you're the guy who got in a fight with Morgana." Arthur says blandly.

"Glad I got a reputation so easily." Merlin mutters.

"You don't look like much of fighter. Kinda... lanky... thin." Arthur continues.

"Thanks." Merlin rolls his eyes.

"You beat her."

"Sort of."

"Tell me about it. I'm stuck in this castle because of this blasted cold. Father won't let me do much. He's afraid I'll get sicker."

"Well, she was being annoying-"

"That's not surprising. I've had to live with her." Arthur chuckles.

"Ah, well. I insulted her and there might have been a bucket of water that accidentally fell on her dress so she threw me in the dungeons. Then I met her again, insulted her some more, so she challenged me to a sword fight, I won, she kissed me-"

"She what?" Arthur's eyes widen.

"Yeah, I have no clue either."

"That's so Morgana."

"Yeah, then she won the duel."


Arthur puts his feet on the table to make himself more comfortable.

"Well, go, I suppose you have a feast to prepare the castle for."

Merlin smiles; who knew the prince would be nicer than the ward? How odd indeed.

The feast is already in full swing when she enters. Merlin can't help himself; his jaw drops. She's wearing a tight haltered red burgundy dress, a thick gold band of leaves that accent her tight stomach, her hair up and away from her body showing off her long neck and naked shoulders. Merlin can feel his temperature rising again…she's really is enticing.

"She looks great, doesn't she?" Gwen asks as she walks up to him.

"Yeah, for a prat."

His hand comes up to his scarf, pulling at the material in hopes to alleviate the consuming pressure inside of him.

"Don't be mean." Gwen chastises."Some people are born to rule."

"Her and Arthur?" Merlin asked, suddenly very interested.

Morgana is the once and future Queen of Camelot, after all.

"No, I don't think so. But it's going to happen. I know it is. Every man falls in love with her."

"That is until she punches them in the face." Merlin mutters.

"Merlin, she's not that bad. She can be quite mean sometimes but...it's not because she's evil."

"Then why? I'm not understanding why she has to be such an-"

"We have enjoyed 20 years of peace. It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasure. Tonight we celebrate with music and dancing and it is my personal pleasure to introduce the Lady Helen of Mora!" Uther announces as the crowd clapped and cheered.

Her voice is a high soprano, her hands moving to the music as she sings. It is beautiful. Merlin watches as people's head's slowly being to droop, their eyes shutting and heads hitting the tables in front of him. Soon even Morgana, Arthur, and Uther were sleeping in their seats. Her voice gets even more powerful as she draws a dagger, aiming for the prince.

It takes not a moment's hesitation for Merlin to stop her with the chandelier, the looks of horror crosses the noble's features as they realize the peril they were just in. With her final breath, Mary Collin's screams towards the royalty. "Uther Pendragon! You will feel my pain!" Merlin did not have time to think; he just reacts.

Arthur and him are staring at one another, Merlin's magic having unknowingly saving the young prince. Arthur smiles at him, shocked by the bravery, stupidity, that the lad showed. Merlin chances a glance at Morgana, her eyes wide and lips trembling as she sees courage he just displayed.

"You saved my boy's life." Uther says. "A debt must be repaid."

"Really. You don't have to." Merlin replies, scratching his neck.

"No, you will be rewarded." Uther said determined. "You will be Arthur's new manservant!"

Arthur looks neutral, now standing by Merlin. Merlin seems like an okay guy. And his manservant now is a complete idiot. He makes jokes about brass. Uther grabs Merlin's arm and brings him close.

"As you all know, I've also been looking for someone to protect my young ward, I believe this man is the one for the job. Your act of bravery is unparalleled I believe you will be able to serve as her bodyguard. That is, when you are not serving my son. Ah, what a great feast indeed!"

Morgana eyes widen at the news. First, the fact that he could save her wasn't even comprehendible. Second, she didn't need a bodyguard. She could defend herself. Third, she didn't even like the guy or know him.

"Uther!" Morgana exclaimed in annoyance.

He ignored her and addressed the young man again.

"Thank you...Marlow?"

"It's Merlin."

The young man sighs. Great, so now I'm Morgana's bodyguard, what did I do to deserve this? Guard her from what? She was completely capable of defending herself as she had so kindly shown him.

"Merlin, you are now part of the royal household."

Uther claps Merlin on the back as the crowd started cheering. Arthur claps his arm on the other side, grinning like a fool.

"Have fun, Merlin."

Merlin and Morgana's eyes meet. Her face was impassive. She looks at him with annoyance, plotting some new way to bully him - or is she happy? He can never tell with her smirks. He quickly looks away…staring at her deep jade eyes could…well…he doesn't want to think about that.

Merlin stares at a candle on his table his face soft and almost happy, his eyes shift up as Gaius enters.

"Seems like you're a hero." His voice is light and caring as he says those words.

"Hard to believe."

"Not really. I knew it the moment I met you. You saved my life. "The elder man's eye brow raises in amusement and he is received with a soft smile from the younger man.

"That was magic."

"And it seems we've found a purpose or use for it. You saved Arthur's life and apparently Uther thinks you're so heroic that he has you protecting his most beloved ward."

"Gaius-" Merlin tried to butt in.

"Maybe that's its purpose. To protect people."

Merlin nodded, pursing his lips. "My destiny…"

"Here. This book was mine, but I don't think I'll be needing it as much as you." Gaius says, handing him a thick, leather bound book. Merlin opens the pages and his eyes widen. There were spells, potions. Magic.

"This is a book of magic, Gaius."

"That's why you must keep it hidden." Gaius replies, with a small grin.

"I'll study every word." Merlin gives him a hug.

"Thank you."

"Well…it is your destiny…"