A/N: Here we go—the epilogue! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read and review this story. It really does mean the world to me and your reviews make my day.

I don't know when I'll post another fic again since I started high school this year and I'll probably be busier. But I definitely had a blast writing and editing this story over the summer, and I'm glad I'm able to share it with you all. :) Again, thank you so much for your kind words and support, and I hope you enjoy this last chapter!

"Joseph Alverado..."

Kurt fidgeted in his seat between Rachel and Mr. Anderson as McKinley High's dean called out names. Good thing Blaine's last name started with an A, he thought; at least he didn't have to pay attention to the rest of the ceremony save for seeing his other friends walk the stage.

"Blaine Anderson."

He and Blaine's family shot up from their chairs and applauded obnoxiously, clapping and hollering for a lot longer than they were probably supposed to. They were too happy to care. Snapping pictures on his phone, Kurt watched Blaine walk across the stage to retrieve his diploma. He was third in his class; not only was he accepted to the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, but he'd gotten a full ride to the school. Everyone was so incredibly proud of him.

When Blaine was back in his seat, he looked to his family and Kurt in the crowd. His parents waved, Kurt gave him a thumbs up, and Blaine blew them all a kiss.

After the ceremony, Blaine met up with them outside of the school. Kurt let him hug his parents before kissing him and throwing his arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. "Congratulations, honey," he said in his ear. "I'm so proud of you."

Blaine thanked him and put his arm around Kurt's waist, pulling him close. He took a few minutes to say goodbye to his friends (who promised to stay in touch) before Kurt, Rachel, his parents, and he all packed into the Anderson's van to go to a celebratory dinner at Blaine's favorite restaurant.

"Wait!" Kurt said before they went inside the building. "Open your present first." He opened the trunk of the car to reveal a big, long, poorly-wrapped gift. "Sorry, it was kind of hard to wrap." He shoved it towards Blaine, who then began to peel back the paper. As he tore it off and peeked at what was underneath it, what must have been the world's largest smile spread across his face. He ripped the rest of the wrapping paper off like a five-year old on Christmas morning to show an acoustic guitar, looking almost exactly like his old one. It had taken Kurt months to save up the money for it, taking a small amount out of his paycheck for it each week.

"Oh my God, Kurt!" He put the guitar down in the trunk to wrap his arms around Kurt's waist and spin him around. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course," Kurt said. "It's nothing. As long as you don't go selling this one for another engagement ring," he teased.

"Never." Not caring that his parents were just two feet away, he kissed Kurt hard on the lips, leaving him flustered and out of breath. When he collected himself, he practically had to pry the guitar's neck from Blaine's fingers so they could go inside and eat.

Six days later, Kurt and Blaine stood in the same airport they'd stood in nearly a year ago. This time, however, it was different. There was no need for heavyhearted goodbyes or promises to call every day. Today, Blaine lugged a suitcase of his own behind him, as did Finn.

Kurt couldn't stop smiling. He'd been waiting for this day for almost two years, and it was finally here. Blaine was moving to New York with him. They were going to live in their first apartment together. There would be no more long-distance or loneliness; from this day forward, Blaine would be the last thing Kurt would see before he fell asleep, and the first thing he'd see when he woke up.

Before he knew it, their plane was boarding. He let go of Blaine's hand for literally the first time in an hour so he could say goodbye to his parents who, like Burt and Carole had done last summer, were going to be visiting them before school started. Kurt went to stand off to the side with Finn and Rachel, and Blaine joined them a few moments later, taking Kurt's hand again. Together the four of them boarded the plane that would take them hundreds of miles away from the small town of Lima, Ohio, and as it took off, not one of them looked back.