SORRY! forgive me..I was on vacation..from now on I'll update often ..

My..eyes? I blinked a few times, still looking up at him. He slowed his running to a stop and placed me down on the ground. He stood there gawking at me. I quickly closed my eyes and began rubbing them roughly. Maybe what he was seeing was just the sunlight? They say sunlight can make your eyes change colors. I shook my head a bit and looked back at him, only his eyes got wider as they looked to mine. "Th-They keep flashing colors..."

"Bastard! You're seeing shit!" POP! I slammed my hands onto my head and staggered back a few steps. Ah! This fucking headache was getting worse.

"Lovino!" Antonio quickly caught me in his arms and lowered us both down to our knees. He gently caressed a hand into the back of my hair and brought my face against his chest. "It's okay Lovi, everything will be okay." His voice was shaking slightly. I know he's worried. I thought it was just headaches, but these hurt more than regular ones. These are a problem. Another ping of pain. I began digging my nails into the scalp of my head, drawing the slightest bit of blood. Antonio quickly stood up again scooping me into his arms.

"It's gonna be okay Lovi, I'm make sure you're Ok-" His voice cut off and everything went black.


A bright light shined through my eyelids. I scuntched my eyes together and rolled over, cuddling up with my pillow. I felt something soft and gently caress my cheek. I tightly closed my eyes then opened them, blinking a few times. I looked upand saw a tanned hand laid on my face. I looked away from the hand to quickly see where I was and realized the area of my room.

"Ah, good morning Lovi." I looked up to see Antonio sitting on the bed beside me smiling rather pathetically at me. It was sad, worried smile. "Are you feeling alright?"

My voice was raspy and I had mucus in my throat which made it hard to respond to him, so I stiffly nodded at him. My body hurt. My back kept sending strikes of pain out everytime I moved. My chest felt like it was clenching. My stomach was so empty I was getting cramps. I couldn't even move my legs and my knees were sore. I barely even remember what happened. My brain was POUNDING against my skull. I groaned slightly in pain. I heard Antoni sigh beside me.

"Lovino, I'm getting worried about you" I ignored his statement and forced out a change of subject.

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice sounded fucking horrible.

"It's 5 pm," Oh that's not so bad "On wednesday" WHAT? I've been passed out for like 2 days! Wait, why is Antonio still here anyways?

"Stupid Bastard, why are you here? Don't tell me you waited 2 days for me." As I looked at him, noticing a few more details I could tell he hadn't kept up with his appearence much. His hair was messy and all over the place. The shining luster in his beautiful green orbs faded to a dull light. He had horrible dark bags under his eyes. His skin was oily and he ranked of body oder. His body oder wasn't so bad though, almost like cinnimon. Oh god. I wanna hit myself so bad for just thinking that.

He laughed slightly. Not his usual 'FUSOSOSOI'MAFAGSOSOSO' laugh. It was more of a weak chuckle. One that sounded beaten down and broken. "How could I leave my Lovi alone like that? I was so worried I haven't even slept." The sad smile on his face faded into a desperate frown. "When you passed out in my arms you have no idea how I felt" He closed it eyes, taking a moment to get himself back together. "I didn't want to think the worst. Now that I think of it I feel stupid for not taking you to the hospital. I panicked and brought you back home. I was sobbing so hard your mother and brothers could barely understand what I was saying. Luckily Marcello seemed to understand a bit of it. He told me something like this ran in the family and that you would be fine. He insisted I just left you here to rest on your own, but I refused and stayed by your side. I had Gilbert bring over our assignments from school so I could look over you and protect you all day. If I had lost my Lovi I wouldn't know what to do." His face got serious and he looked at me. He took both my hands in his and the tone in his voice got stern. "I swear Lovino, I'll do anything to protect you and keep you safe"

My eyes widened and looked back into his. "Antonio," My voice was still raspy, but I couldn't help but whisper his name. I've never had someone care for me so much or want to protect me. it was becoming too much to take. His gaze on my softened slightly and he started to lean in, his eyes closing. I leaned back only a little bit, taken back by the sudden movement. Before I could register what was happening his dry lips were sculpting themselves onto mine.

He began wrapping his lips several times around my bottom lip, sucking and pulling gently, I tried to kiss back and return the favor the best I could, only I was never good at kissing. I never really did it with anyone. He sunk his teeth into my lip and I opened my mouth slightly to say something, only nothing came out. He took the opprotunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. I tried fighting for dominance but his tongue quickly won and began swirling around mine. He was so passionate yet caring with it. It made my heart beat faster and I soon felt myself becoming hotter. I felt an abrupt coldness press itself on my lower abdomen.

Antonio's hand snuck it's fingertips under the hem of my shirt, slowly sliding around to hold the small of my back. He sat me up and pulled me on his lap. I straddled his lap and ignored that pain my body that was screaming because when Antonio touched it the pain melted away under his gentlness. I arched my back leaning further into the kiss, pressing my chest against his. I had never done anything like this before, but it felt so natural. So right.

All of a sudden I flew back and hit my head on the window. I quickly sat back up and saw Marcello holding Antonio by the hair. His voice was in a dim growl. "Get out. Now."

Antonio hadn't dared to fight my brother. He flashed my an apologetic look and ran out of the room.

A minute of silence. Anger began boiling in the pit of my stomach. My brother, who I'm surely has done something with Peter, just pulled the only person who ever showed some love to me other than family. Did he hate to see me enjoying myself?! "Marcello!" he narrowed his eyes at me and I narrowed mine back. The yelling seemed to have cleared my voice a bit. "WHAT THE FUCK? It's not like her was raping me! Why'd you have to go and do something so stupid! I mean you make think I hate the guy, but I could have easily got him off me!"

He held his hand up to me to shut me up. "I know it was willing, but I can't allow this to happen. You are no longer to have contacts with Amtonio, Okay?" My brother, my sweet quiet brother, just denied me from seeing my um, let's say boyfriend. This is fucking ridiculous. I shook my head and let out a sigh.

"Marcello, are you jealous someone is stealing me from you? I'll always have time for you."

A kleenex box flew right past my head. My eyes widened to a red faced Marcello, heavily panting. "You are so fucking OBLIVIOUS! I don't care about him stealing you! No one cares about you! I'm afraid that you'll hurt us, you stupid bastard!" He sounded like,well, me. He acted like,well, me. This isn't right.

I sat there. In shock. No words needed to be said from me. Marcello's eyes got wide as he looked at me. His expression changed into remorse. He began shaking his head quickly. "L-Lovino, I didn't mean that." he quickly rushed over and hugged me. "Ve~! Lovi I'm sorry!" I went stiff. Ve?..This...This is getting out of hand.

Who has a guess to the plot? Any? :D I think it's kind of easy. ANYWAYS. I blushed when writing the tease sex scene. xD Sorry about ending it don't hate me. Anyways, yeah i was on vacation forgive me. Review please c: