The Sacrifice
So here is another Remus/Hermione. Time-travel with a twist! It's another short one, shouldn't be more than 9 or 10 chapters.
Heads up: So basically, everything happened that you read about in HP. The only difference is that whatever happened in HBP is compiled with OOTP, so HPDH happened in 6th year instead of 7th. Other than that, everything is the same.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
The Dimidium
"Avada Kadevra!" Antonin Dolohov shouted. Hermione dodged the curse and shot a cutting hex at the Death Eater, which missed him by an inch. For the second time in a row, Dolohov Avadaed Hermione. He missed her, again. The very last time, Theodore Nott Sr. grabbed a hold of Hermione, and Dolohov shot the third and final time. Meanwhile, Kingsley Shaklebolt was shooting a spell at Rosier. The Avada sent by Dolohov hit the Expelliarmus sent by Kingsley. It formed a swirling blue and purple light that headed Hermione's way. When it hit, she felt her body shake. The last thing she remembered seeing was the stars.
When Hermione opened her eyes, she was in the courtyard of Hogwarts, in the same place where she remembered getting hit by the mixing spells. She rubbed her head and groggily looked around. The courtyard was free of wreckage. That's impossible, Hermione thought. And where is everyone?
In response, a large bell-like sound rang throughout the grounds. Kids flooded the area. Hermione stood. She was about to ask someone what had happened, when she realized that no one had seen her. She walked towards a Ravenclaw and said, "Excuse me, but can you tell me what the date is?" The boy ignored her. Hmmm… Hermione thought. She repeated her question. The boy stood and walked straight through her.
This, of course, startled Hermione. I can't be a ghost, she touched her arm, I mean, I can feel myself. I can't be a ghost. I'm not transparent. How did he do that? Even if I was a ghost, he would be able to hear me.
Hermione heard a familiar voice. Harry. Hermione turned to see her best friend bursting through the front doors. He was strutting, which was something that Harry never did, with his arm wrapped around Ginny's waist. That's odd. What happened to Luna?
"Everyone!" Harry shouted. "Lily Evans, the most beautiful Head Girl that Hogwarts has ever had the privilege of having, has agreed to be the one and only James Potter's girlfriend!"
Lily Evans? James Potter? This is odd. Hermione noticed 3 boys following the couple. One had an air of confidence. The next was a definite follower. The 3rd bore his eyes straight into Hermione.
The boy with sandy blond hair in the 40's style congratulated his friends and excused himself. "Congrats Lily, James. I'll see you later." The courtyard started to clear after that. Hermione retreated to a bench and sat. Remus walked up to her and said, "You aren't a student. If you aren't a student or Professor, you aren't allowed on the grounds of Hogwarts."
"Excuse me, but what is the date?"
"September 2nd."
"And the year?"
"1977. Are you alright?" he noticed the blood on her face and clothes. "You look as if you've been through a lot."
"You wouldn't believe. Now, was that James Potter and Lily Evans?" the boy nodded. "So that means that the 3 other boys… you are Remus Lupin. Aren't you?"
The boy was alarmed, "How did you know that?"
"Sit." He did so. "I was in a fight with Death Eaters. Part of the castle just collapsed. A good friend of mine was crushed under the rubble. Many of my friends died. I know that you think I'm crazy, but this is what happened. A Death Eater Avadaed me while another held me. An Auror's Expelliarmus hit the Avada, and the effect was sent towards me. Usually what happens is Priori Incantatem, but that isn't what happened. The day that I left was May 2nd, 1997. I have no idea what is going on. I am a Hogwarts student. You need to help me. Watch what happens when I try to talk to someone," Hermione stood and walked up to a Hufflepuff girl and tapped her on the shoulder. Hermione could feel the girl, but the girl couldn't feel her. "Excuse me." The girl didn't move a muscle. Hermione returned to Remus. "See."
Remus was hardly breathing. "Let's see Professor Dumbledore." As they headed to the Headmaster's office, Remus looked over the girl. She definitely wasn't a ghost. She wasn't transparent, and she could sit on solid things, like benches. Not only was she not a ghost, but she was beautiful. The girl had on dark blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a pink-ish zip-up. She had on gold high-tops. Her honey curls were in a bun, but several strands slipped out and fell on her face. Every time she took a step, they bounced back and hit her cheeks. Her toffee eyes glistened. Her skin was flawless. Her flat stomach led to curvy hips and long legs. She wore little make-up—only her trademark gold eye-liner, a touch of mascara, and a bit of lip gloss. Blood was smeared on her cheek, her lip was cut, and her tank-top was splattered with crimson liquid that Remus guessed to be more blood. Beautiful.
Hermione stole many glances at Remus. She could sense his stares, and she only hoped that he couldn't sense hers. The boy was looking clean and cut in his tidy Hogwarts uniform. His hair was perfectly combed and flipped up at the front, somewhat like Tom Riddle's had once been, only the color of sand. His eyes were as blue as the sky. Hermione could see Remus's muscles through his shirt, and he towered above her height of 5'6", standing at 6'2".
When they reached the gargoyle, Remus said, "Sugar Quills." They were granted entrance. Remus knocked on the door. When it opened, they came upon the smiling face of Albus Dumbledore.
"Come in, my boy." Remus sat. "What brings you here? Lemon Drop."
"No, thank you. I was wondering about ghosts."
"Well… sort of. Let's say that, hypothetically, there is a person that cannot be heard or seen by anyone except 1 other person. When they touch things or people, they are not felt, but can feel."
"Ah, you have found a dimidium!"
"A what?"
"A dimidium. If you were to, hypothetically, find someone who is half-ghost, it is called a 'dimidium.' This generally happens when someone is caught inside of a Priori Incantatem spell, or when someone is hit with two Avadas at the same time, and one of the casters, and only one, is a friend."
"Why, sir, can only one person hear or see them, then?"
"That person is special to them, whether they know it or not."
"So what can a dimidium do?"
"Well, I honestly don't know much about the matter. There are a few books in the restricted section that you might want to take a look at. Madam Pince will let you in if you ask."
"Thank you, Professor." He walked out of the room. Hermione floated through the door. It felt silly, like walking through gelatin.