Hi! Just a few things to know first...

1. This is based on DBGT, but obviously it is not canon.

2. Pan is Goku and Chi-Chi's daughter

3. The rating will start of as 'T', but will progress to 'M'.

4. I am only saying this once- I own nothing Dragon Ball / Z / GT!

5. Enjoy!


Trunks- 21


Pan stared at the large ship in front of her. Her mind was still trying to process everything that had happened in just a few short days. Her father had turned into a child again, thanks to a wish on the Black-Star Dragon Balls, and apparently these Dragon Balls were far more dangerous than the Orange-Star ones. They didn't scatter across earth once wished on, they scattered across the whole galaxy. To make matters worse, the seven Black-Star Dragon Balls had to collected and brought back to the planet the wish had been made on within a year or else the planet would perish.

Goku volunteered himself without hesitation when he first heard the news. He was the one responsible for the Black-Star Dragon Balls being wished upon in the first place, and so he felt like it was up to him to fix it. Goten and Trunks were next volunteered, but by their mother's. Pan found it amusing to watch her brother trying to wiggle his way out of going, but she felt rather bad for Trunks. For the last three years he had been abroad, opening up Capsule Corp companies to expand the business. He would stay a while until the company was settled and then move on to the next one. He had only been home a week before this horrible incident had happened.

Pan let out a small sigh as she looked around the lab. She would pretty much be on her own in the upcoming year. The boys would be out in space, and even Bulla was away in East City, studying fashion. There was Marron and Gohan, but they were both in their newlywed phase and Pan didn't want to take away any of their alone time.

"Panny will miss me!" She turned to see Goten and Trunks walking up to her. "You'll miss me, won't you?" Goten asked.

"I'll miss Trunks more," Pan responded flatly.

"Rude!" Goten pouted.

Trunks snickered, "Goten, you know Panna has always liked me more."

Pan smiled at him fondly, a warm blush coming up to her cheeks. She had always had a little crush on the lavender-haired Saiyan and when he had left three years ago, she had been so sad. When news broke that he was finally coming home she had been so excited! But now he was set to go into space for a whole year and it would be another year she would have to wait.

"So this is some welcome home party, huh?" She teased Trunks.

He snorted, "yeah... and here I was expecting confetti and a cake."

Pan grinned shyly, "well, I'll make sure that we have just that when you guys return home."

Trunks smiled, "You are the best, Panna."

"Stop it, you two," Goten gave a low groan. "You two always flirt like this."

"W-we don't flirt!" Pan blurted out embarrassed. She glanced at Trunks worriedly and saw that his eyes were wide with what looked like shock and his tanned cheeks tinted a soft pink...

"Goten, Trunks!" Gohan called them, "I need you two to come here for a second, I got to tell you something about the ship!"

Pan sighed in relief... Without knowing it, Gohan had saved her from embarrassment.

"Coming!" Goten said, rushing off.

"Um... I'll see you before I leave," Trunks told Pan. "I'll make sure to say goodbye..."

"Okay..." Pan whispered with a nod. She watched as Trunks walked over to where her brothers were and let out another sigh.

Pan's eyes darted around the lab, and saw Bulma sitting at her desk, looking rather distressed. Quietly she walked over to the woman. "Bulma? Is everything okay?"

"Oh, Panny," she sighed when she saw the teen. "Yes, everything is fine, it's just that I can't find a flash drive to connect to my monitor. It'll allow me to contact the boys while they're in space... maybe I left it in the ship," she muttered under her breath as she raised up several loose papers from her messy desk. She had so many things thrown on it, Pan didn't know how she kept up with anything.

"Would you like for me to go look for it?" Pan volunteered.

"Oh, would you?" Bulma's eyes lit up. "That would be amazing, Pan!"

Pan smiled, "no problem!"

The ship was a lot bigger than Pan imagined it to be. The lower deck seemed to be a stronger department of sorts. Pan saw tons of boxes, with many different labels on it for parts all the way to clothes and toiletries. She hoped the boys would have plenty of things...

The second level of the ship was the living and control area. Pan found a modest bathroom, equipped with a shower-bath and, toilet and sink. There were also two rooms, one with a queen size bed and another with two full sized beds. Pan wondered where the boys would be sleeping... Her father and Goten snored like crazy, so she wouldn't blame Trunks if he declared the single bedroom as his. The living room was rather small, but it looked cozy with a couch and recliner in it and even a tv that came with a DVD player. The kitchen was a little bit bigger and Pan imagined there were all kinds of tools for cooking inside of it.

Pan's eyes widened as she entered the control room. The windows were massive and a screen took up over half of it. There were coordinates pulled up, but Pan had no clue to where it might be or how to even read it. Her eyes glanced down at the control panels and she let out a deep breath... There were so many buttons and knobs. Even the keyboard looked rather foreign.

"Come on, Pan, you've got to find that flash drive," she mumbled to herself. Her eyes searching the dashboard thoroughly, again and again. Each time, she found nothing... With a sigh she turned and glanced at the captains seat and gasped. There on the chair arm was the flash drive!

"Found it!" She gave a cheer of victory as she picked it up and looked it over.

"Hey!" A loud voice startled her and she jumped back, running into the dashboard. Her arm flew back behind her to study herself and she pressed a button without realizing it.

"Goten!" Pan glared at her brother as he walked into the control room with Trunks and their father trailing behind him. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"What are you doing in here, Panny?" Goku asked curiously.

"I was getting this for Bulma," she held up the flash drive. "She said she needed it so she could-"

Suddenly, the ship gave a rather heavy jerk and everyone let out a loud huff as they were thrown to the side. Pan stumbled and fell down to the ground.

"What's happening?" She mumbled.

Trunks rushed over to her, helping her up before glancing at the screen and his eyes widened. "Oh no..."

"What's going on?" Goten yelled as the ship began to shake even more than before.

"Buckle up!" Trunks ordered, leading Pan to a seat behind the captains chair. "The ships about to blast off!"

"What?!" She yelped, her eyes wide and her moments frantic as she buckled herself in.

"How is that possible?!" Goten asked, getting in the seat next to Pan as Trunks took the captains seat and grabbed the steering wheel.

Pan's heart was racing as she grabbed the arms to her chair. It was her fault... she must have pushed a button when Goten has scared her! Now what was going to happen?

"H-H-Hey, T-Trunks!" Goku yelled over the heavy shaking of the ship. "I-I d-I-I-I-dn't think w-we we're-e suppose to b-bla-ast off yet!"

Trunks just let out a hum, as of agreeing with Goku before the ship gave its heaviest jerk yet and it was as if the gravity had been turned off for a split second as all of the Saiyans were suddenly lifted from their seats before they came crashing back down. There was a heavy pull, making them glued to their seats for second seconds before it relaxed.

Everyone was panting as the ship finally calmed down. Pan's whole body was shaking from adrenaline and she wasn't sure if she could walk at the moment. Slowly, she glanced up and gasped loudly at the sight before her.

"Oh my stars..."

They were in space. Galaxies laid out before them and if was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Goku was the first to unbuckle from his seat behind Pan and Goten and rushed up front to where Trunks was seated. "Wow! We really are in space!"

Slowly, Trunks turned in his seat and looked at Goten and Pan. His eyes were wide, and a little worried.

"What just happened..." Goten mumbled.

"I think... I think I accidentally pressed the launch button," Pan admitted quietly.

"What?!" Goten's eyes widened as he looked at his sister. "Why did you do that?"

"Well you scared me!" She shot back.

"What were you even doing in here?!"

"I told you! I was looking for this for Bulma!" She held up the flash drive. "She needed it so she could communicate with you guys."

Trunks blinked slowly, "Okay... this is fine," he said calmly.

"Fine?!" Goten asked, sounding as if he didn't believe him.

"I'm sure Trunks has a way to fix this," Goku piped up.

"Yes," the lavender-haired Saiyan nodded. "My mom set the controls in the ship so we wouldn't be able to come back for at least six months, but as long as I have the over-drive key, then I can turn it around. We can take Panna home, get the flash drive to my mom and say goodbye to everyone before we really leave for this mission."

He turned back around, his eyes searching the dashboard. Goten unbuckled from his spot and went to help look as well. Slowly, Pan did the same... The dashboard looked just as it had when Pan was looking for the flash drive.

"Where is it?" Trunks said, looking at the dashboard frantically.

"What's it look like?" Goten asked.

"It looks like a regular key. It's just red."

Pan gasped, her mind suddenly remembering something and the boys turned to look at her. Slowly, she looked at Trunks. "Does it have a label on that says GT on it...?"

Trunks nodded slowly, "Yes..."

"It's on Bulma's desk," Pan said in a weak voice. "I saw it when she lifted some of her papers..."

Trunks let out a small breath, his eyes wide. "That woman and her damn messy papers," he muttered.

"So... What does that mean?" Goten asked slowly. "If there's no overdrive key?"

"It means..." Trunks began as he took a deep breath. "That Panna has no choice but to come with us as we look for the Black-Star Dragon Balls. There's no way I can turn this ship around until after at least six months have passed."

Pan let out a gasp in shock. She would be on this mission too? Hadn't she just been thinking about how lonely she would be? And now, she was getting to be apart of a space mission. Quietly, she let out a small giggle before it turned into laughter.

Goten blinked at her, "the hell..."

Before anything else could be said or done, the ship started shaking, just like it had done before it blasted off into space. Quickly, Pan caught herself on Trunks' chair as he scanned the screen with wide eyes.

"What's happening?" Goku asked, holding onto the dashboard.

"We blasted off without proper set up!" Trunks said above the loud shaking. "Get to your seats and buckle up! Hold on tight because we're going to have to crash land on a nearby planet!"

Pan stumbled back to the seat she had previously sat in and buckled up quickly. Beside her, Goten did the same and together they held their breaths and their seats nervously, as they watched Trunks steer the shaking ship into an atmosphere of an unknown planet.