A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this chapter in a while. If, in the future, I feel like challenging myself, I will extend this, but that is a big maybe and a long future.

-A month after becoming badass, sexy superheroes ("WE ARE NOT SUPERHEROES!- Sherlock")-

John sat on the couch, holding the paper open with one hand, cup of tea in the other. John raised the cup to his lips, eyes skimming down the page. Then suddenly-


The cup of tea flew across the room, and smashed into the wall.

"I'm bored, John, bored, bored, bored,"

"Doesn't mean you can send my cup of tea flying across the room! Damnit Sherlock, sometimes I wish you didn't get these powers,"

The great consulting detective (and now superhero) scoffed.

"What?" John sat back, crossing his arms.

"You call them powers?"

"It's what they are, aren't they?"

"John, how many times do I have to tell you all? We don't have powers, and we are not superheroes," He spat out the words, pulling a face as if they disgusted him.

"And yet, you come out every night in a costume and fight crime," John picked up the paper that he'd dropped when the tea when flying, and opened it dramatically, "I see how that works,"

Sherlock pouted, and mumbled, "It's not a costume, it's a disguise to protect my identity and stop even more press coming to our door step,"

John raised his eyebrows, "Oh right,"

Sherlock pulled a face, and suddenly the phone began to ring. John peered over the top of the paper, and watched Sherlock pick up his phone.

"Hello? Yes? Now? Yeah, sure….oh right, we'll be quick," Sherlock hung up.

"Who was that?"

"Pilot," Sherlock said seriously.

"Pilot? Oh right Lestrade," John paused, "You called him Pilot. That means…"

Sherlock nodded, "We need to go and kick ass,"


Trigger, Supernaut, Pilot, Girl M and Ghost stood on top of the roof top.

"This is so cliché," Trigger (Sherlock) shook his head when he saw everyone. He was wearing his costume, which consisted of a black top hat, a black trench coat, black shirt and black trouser, and, of course, black shoes. (According to Sherlock, when questioned by John, the black was so it would be harder to see him at night.)

"Oh, shut up, Sher-Trigger," Pilot (Lestrade) said. Everyone was still getting used to calling each other by their superhero names. He wore an outfit similar to Captain America's, however, it had a more…pilot theme to it, completed with old-style pilot googles that he sat on his forehead.

"Boys, stop being so childish, we're on duty," Girl M (Molly) placed her hands on her hips, giving them a look a mother would give to her disobedient sons. She wore black leggings, and a low cut red top, with a golden belt and gold chains hanging from one part, onto her hip, and connecting again at the back. She wore a fake-leather jacket with no zips or buttons, and fingerless gloves similar to her red top and golden belt. Finally, she wore a black eye mask quite like Robin's of the Green Lanterns.

"Thank you Molly," Ghost (Mycroft) said. He didn't really do anything that wonderful with his costume, as he still looked much like he did on a regular basis. He still had his umbrella, but the suit was a bit different so it was easier to move about in, and he had a mask like Girl M's on.

"Why did you call us out, Pilot?" Supernaut (John) finally asked. John was wearing something similar to Batman's outfit, minus the cape and extravagant mask. Again, his mask was like Girl M's and Ghost's.

"Ah yes, it's just a typical shop burglary, but we've not had anything for a while and I figured you'd want to stretch your legs," Pilot explained. They all nodded in agreement, and set off.

Girl M, Pilot and Ghost flew above, will Supernaut conjured up a force field and he and Trigger travelled on it (Trigger moved it with his mind).

They reached the shop, and Trigger and Supernaut jumped off the force field, and the others landed.

"You two check inside with me," Trigger pointed to Supernaut and Pilot, "And you two check around the building," He pointed to Girl M and Ghost.

They nodded, and split up.

Trigger, Pilot and Supernaut slipped into the building through the broken window. The shop wasn't that big, so they'd scaled it in a few minutes.

Trigger pushed the button on the cams in the sleeve of his trench coat (Everyone had been given one so they could communicate). He spoke to Ghost.

"Nothing, they've gone,"

Ghost replied two seconds later, "We've got 'em. Only two, ones fainted and the other's one has bolted. Not worth going after, kinda disappointing,"

Ten minutes later, they'd returned to the rooftop, all feeling pretty let down.

"May as well go home boys, nothing is going on," Pilot said.

"And girl," Girl M whispered under her breath.

Another voice joined the conversation, "Nothing going on? There's always something going on,"

They turned, and a figure stood at the other side of the building.

"Who are you?" Trigger demanded. The figure stepped out from the shadows.

"Moriarty!" Supernaut hissed.

"It's me, the one and the only," He held out his arms and smiled, "Miss me?"


A/N: Okay, I underestimated how long the chapter would end up, so it'll probably end up being a three shot, four shot at the most. Keep cool!