Murder Mystery

Story Disclaimer: I don't own Night World in any aspects. This fic is just that- pure imagination of a fan. Not looking for a lawsuit, kthnx.

-Chapter One-

The Game: Thierry Descouedres is hosting a Murder Mystery Party. For the duration of this party, each of his guests will assume alternate identities, playing a character of their choosing. As they enter the party, each guest will be given an index card folded in half. On the inside will be one of three words: Killer, Detective, or Innocent. The person given the 'Killer' card will be playing the role of the murderer during a party. Vice versa for the 'Detective'. Anyone with an 'Innocent' card is viable to be killed by said murderer at any given time. Once murdered, they will be removed from the game. It is the Detective's job to stop the Killer before all party guests are dead.

Guest FAC:

Arrogant Ash: Wannabe rich guy. Likes "babes". Playaaaah.

Dashing David: Rich. Uptight. Germaphobe.

Deaf Delos: Streetwalker. No ears. Literally.

Environmentalist Eric: Green guy. Freaks over litter.

Gaoler Galen: Another guest's probation officer.

Gigantic Gillian: Obese. Food addiction. Anger management attendee.

Hazardous Hannah: Cautious. Extremely.

Impulsive Iliana: Says what comes to mind. Rapid talker.

Jealous James: 'Overly attached' boyfriend of another guest.

Jungle Jez: Hunts snipes. Lives in the Australian Outback.

Kleptomaniac Keller: Compulsive stealer. Likes money.

Lawmaker Lupe: Brains of the Party. In charge of Game.

Magician Maggie: The name says it all.

Marionette Mary-Lynette: Magician Maggie's star act.

Mustached Morgead: On probation. For heinous crimes of sorts.

Neutral Nilsson: Lawmaker Lupe's right hand man.

Phlegmatic Poppy: Unemotional. Dating Jealous James. Ish.

Quixotic Quinn: Idealistic. Suburban styled. Preppy.

Rapacious Rashel: Greedy. Teams with another guest for heists. Likes cash.

Thin-skinned Thea: Extremely insecure. Crybaby.

Tosspot Thierry: Drunkard. Reckless. Rich. Friends in high places.

Let the party begin.

Alreet. Author's note here naow. A few changes, no? Hope they're for the better. This story will be a bit more serious, probably more dramatic this time around. So, thanks to Evie for the motivation, and Breathe Carolina's beautiful music for entertaining me whilst writing. Check em out. Hot singers, girls. (;

Stay Creepy,
Firs Mate Lur