A/N: This is my first ever Lost Hero fanfic so please no flames. I do not own the Percy Jackson in anyway, just my OCS. This fanfic is rated M for drug abuse and heavy swearing. Please read and review, Maiden of the Heavens (MOTH)

Chapter One

As a Daughter of Apollo, she was talented at music. To be more specific, only two instruments, the lyre and the harp. But right now, she stared out her bedroom window, watching as rain trickled down the pane, and thunder lightly rumbled above. She sighed and pressed the tips of her fingers into her shut eyelids, hoping, hoping, the pain would just go away. But of course it didn't, as always the pain only intensified, as another vision rocked her mind to the core. Leaving her body to tremble in agony, as she gasped for breath and with blind eyes groped around for the orange bottle that sat on her nightstand.

She could hear the pills rattling; she almost had them within her grasp. One large white pill, the size of a quarter, and she would be in bliss. Away from all the agony. It was just another stupid vision; sometimes they weren't all that horrible, end-of-the-world type visions. This was one just plain dumb.

Just as she had popped the cap off the bottle, she heard her little sister scream. Her nine-year-old half-sister, screaming at the top of her lungs, and just because the dog had gotten at the last piece of her birthday cake. What a damn tragedy… she ignored Aella's wailing and her mother trying to calm her. The Daughter of Apollo slipped the pill a little past her tongue, and chugged it down with a bottle of water. She pulled her black and grey striped beanie over her chocolate-brown eyes, which matched her chocolate brown hair, and jammed the dark green ear buds of her cherry-red IPod into her ears. Abandon All Ships blared against her ear-drums, and surged through her veins, as the pain killers began to pull her under, the warm feeling of happiness flooded through her body as began to slip away from the world.

She felt someone grip her hand, and call her name. "Cassandra, you shouldn't do this. You're killing yourself."

Funny, the Daughter of Apollo thought, as the voice was able to get in past the punk music. It sounded like her father. The one who had given her IPod on her fourteenth birthday, and her lyre, on her eighth birthday. But she did not care if she was dying, it was better than being in constant agony. Her sister's cries of despair were finally dissipating to giggles. She didn't care, all she wanted was to get through this Summer of Hell, and back to where she belonged.

Camp Jupiter.

He was there, he was there again, surrounded by mist. He had messy black hair that looked like he had just gotten out of bed in the morning, and intense black eyes. Was he supposed to be glaring at her? All she could see in his eyes was pain and maybe fear. He was trying to hide it, put on a big brave man-face, but she could see past it, he was just as scared as anyone when it came to monsters. Monsters were something to fear. A roar blasted through her ears…he looked like he was running toward her, sword raised, to protect her? Protect her from what? She was about to turn when the roar blasted her again and made her ears ring …

Cassandra sat upright, gasping for air, as it filled her lungs. Damn it. She automatically pulled her short sword out from under her pillow and crept toward her bedroom door. The roaring continued. She slowly opened her door, ready to face the monster in her smoke grey nightshirt and pale blue night shorts. With her sword raised, she headed toward the banister and peered down toward the living room below.


It was just her sister's dumb dinosaur special. Aella kept rewinding the scene to see the tyrannosaurus rex roar in rage. Cassandra sighed, and sheathed her sword, she ran a hand through her slightly choppy neck-length hair, and practically stumbled down the stairs. She fumbled under the couch cushion for the remote, while Aella sat on the ocean grey floor, eating a bowl of popcorn. Cassandra finally found the remote and jammed the volume button down to zero.

Her little sister turned around and glared at her, but Cassandra turned and their mother. She had her chocolate brown hair knotted back in a bun, her steel grey eyes tired.

"Why would you let her play it so damn loud?" she mumbled, ignoring Aella as she stuck her tongue out at her.

She also ignored her younger sibling when she tattled on her for saying, "a bad word" and to put a quarter in the swear jar. The Daughter of Apollo rolled her eyes, and promptly told her sister, "Grow the hell up, Aella."

Her sister went to pelt her with a handful of popcorn, but Cassandra had escaped to the kitchen. She stood in the light of the refrigerator and grabbed the jug of chocolate milk. She poured herself a glass and sipped at it, as her mother came in, and began putting the dinner dishes in the sink.

Diane looked at her sixteen-year-old daughter with worried eyes. "Are they getting worse?" she asked as she pressed a hand to Cassandra's thin cheek.

Cassandra shrugged, why should her mother care? She had her perfect little second daughter Aella, to fall back on, when she became a total fuckup.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll be out of your hair in a few weeks and then you and Rory will have your perfect little family back."

Without another word, she put her empty glass in the sink and wiped the milk mustache away with the back of her hand. She trudged up the stairs, to see Rory peering out from behind the bedroom door, a baseball bat in hand. His fire-red hair stuck up on all ends, and Cassandra barely held back a laugh.

"There are no monsters. Just Aella's stupid movie." She said to comfort the exhausted mortal businessman who was only in panda boxers.

The Daughter of Apollo put her sword back under her pillow, and felt for her longbow and arrows under the bed. She took off her beanie; put her ear buds back in her ears, and fell back to sleep, still very much drugged and pain-free.

The sound of Abandon All Ships once again resounding in her ears, while she dreamed.