So this is my new little project for August. The plan is to update every single day for 3 weeks. I can't promise that the updates will be any good but I will attempt to stick to my schedule. This story is set during Lucas's time in Somalia. It will mainly be about Lucas, Ayani and Taylor but I might throw a few other familiar characters in.

Disclaimer: I don't own Terra Nova or any of the characters.


Ten year old Lucas Taylor stood outside the dormitories of the prestigious boarding school that he was due to attend. His brilliant mind and hard work had allowed him to accelerate his education, moving through the grades quickly, ensuring that he was ahead for his age and starting high school before the others his age.

Lucas looked up at the tall imposing building, instinctively tightening his grip on his mother's hand. He felt his father place a soothing hand on his shoulder and felt some of the nerves that currently plagued him fade away. Both Nathaniel and Ayani Taylor were proud of their son. As parents all they wanted was for their son to be happy, but they were thrilled that his intelligence was opening up doors for him. The boy had a bright future. While Ayani was happy for her son to pursue any career of his choice Commander Taylor was eager for his son to follow in his footsteps and join the military. However, Lucas had a passion for science and was eager to pursue a career in that field. Not that Lucas's future career was of the upmost importance though, he was only ten after all, there was plenty of time for all that.

Little Lucas glanced up at his mother, his eyes showing his anxiety. Ayani squeezed his hand, reassuring him as she gazed lovingly down at him. Lucas turned to look at his father who nodded at him with a smile, standing up straight in a military stance. Lucas straightened in response, squaring his shoulders and mimicking his father's posture, hoping that his actions would help him appear confident and like a younger version of his father, as if that alone could help him on this new journey.

With newfound confidence Lucas took a step forward alongside his parents, his right hand still grasping his mother's hand and his father's hand still on his shoulder, and together the Taylor family made their way into the building that would be Lucas' home for the next four years.

After an hour or so of tours of the school and meetings with teachers it was time for Ayani and Taylor to leave Lucas. They stood in the room that was to be Lucas's bedroom. Lucas's suitcases sat on the floor of his half of the shared room, ready to be unpacked to make the room more homely. The excitement of this new adventure was pushed to the side as in the wake of a goodbye and suddenly everything seemed more real.

Lucas turned towards his mother, willing himself to not cry. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, holding her close, remembering this feeling, knowing that he wouldn't be seeing his parents for a while. Ayani's hand came to rest on Lucas's head, knowing that she had to stay strong for her son. While she was going to miss her son while he was away, she knew that this was a great opportunity for him. He would get a much better education here than he would at the military base.

"I love you, sweetheart," she whispered which was followed by Lucas's reply of "I love you too."

While the goodbye between mother and son was something that neither wanted to end, it was soon time for them to part so that father and son could say their goodbyes before parting ways. Taylor brought Lucas into his arms for a hug. While it wasn't nearly as emotional as the hug that Lucas and Ayani had shared, it was special in their own way.

"You make me proud son," Taylor reminded before pulling away to look at his son.

"I will, dad," Lucas replied seriously. If there was one thing that Lucas took seriously it was promises that he and his father made. Lucas would make his father proud; he would make sure of it.

Soon it was time for Ayani and her husband to leave. Lucas watched as they left the room with promises to call and visit soon. While he was sad to see his parents leave he was excited to begin this next adventure. One thing was for sure, he would make his parents proud, both of them.