Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated sooner. I was too busy reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Have yo read it? If you haven't you should, it's a really great book! Anyways here's another chapter for you guys. I hope you like it.


Percy's POV

It had been almost a month since we me and Annabeth first met at the bar. We had been hanging out a lot since our first date and were having a lot of fun. We were really coming along great. We finished each other sentences, had inside jokes, and had even met each other's friends already. But we weren't official yet. Right now we were just talking. And I was fine with that. It was obvious we both had feelings for each other with all the make out sessions how could it not have been. But I wanted to tell her how I truly felt. I wanted to tell her that I didn't just like her anymore but I loved her. Lately that's all I've been thinking about.

My phone buzzed as I sat at home alone watching some crime show. I had gotten a txt from Annabeth. Did I tell you we talk 24/7? Well we do.

To: Percy

From: Annabeth

Do you want to hang out tomorrow? I rented Saw five(:

I laughed, Annabeth would want to watch Saw five. She was the only girl I knew that enjoyed to watch movies like that… besides Thalia.

To: Annabeth

From: Percy

Sure I'll order the pizza(:

Tomorrow night is the night I thought to myself. Tomorrow I'm going to tell Annabeth that I love her. I just have to figure out how. I picked up my phone and called Travis Stoll. He was one of the only guys I knew that had a really good relationship with a girl. Him and Katie had been together since high school. They were a perfect couple I guess you could say.

Ring. Ring. Ring.


"Hey Travis it's Percy."

"Oh what's up bro? You need me to steal something for you? Pull a prank on someone?"

"Um no. Not this time I actually need your advice on women."

"Women?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah I figured since you and Katie have been dating for so long you might be able to help me out on how to say I love you."

"Dude of course I'll help you. I'll not only help you, I'll reinvent you." He joked.


"I don't know. It was a line from a movie and I wanted to use it."

"Oh okay… well can I just go over to your apartment tonight to talk to you about it?"

"Sure. See you then."

I hung up the phone. I walked to Travis's and Katie's apartment. When I got to their apartment Katie wasn't there. Travis had said it was girls night. I nodded understandingly.

"So who are you trying to tell I love you to anyways?" he asked as he handed me a beer.

"Remember that bartender I met?"

He choked on his beer and yelled "Her!"

"Yea her. Why what's the matter with that?"

"Percy you haven't even know her for more than a month. Are you sure you're really in love with her?"

"Yes I'm sure. And why should it matter how long we've known each other?" Travis looked at me like as if I had grown 5 heads.

"Because Percy it takes time to fall in love. You have to really get to know the person. I didn't tell Katie I loved her until a 7 months into the relationship. There's no need to rush love."

I thought about what Travis said. Was it crazy for me to think I was in love with Annabeth already? She was sweet and funny. I never got bored talking to her. I felt like I had known her forever. I couldn't imagine life without her. But he was right. I mean we weren't even official yet. I laughed Travis's speech off even though I had a thousand thoughts racing through my head. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

We dropped the conversation and watched the football game. About 15 minutes before the game ended Katie burst in the door. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were red and puffy, and her dress looked like it was on backwards. That must have been a fun girls night out I thought.

"Travis!" She screamed as she through her hands wildly in the air. "I missed you SO much!" she stumbled towards Travis who was sitting on the couch still looking at Katie's appearance. She jumped onto his lap and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. He laughed as he kissed her back.

She turned her head towards me and her eyes opened wide. "Percy! You're here!" She tried to give me a fist bump but she missed my hand. I laughed and gave her a quick hug.

"You're drunk Katie." He laughed as she got up and did a little dance in front of the TV. She looked like she was trying to imitate Michael Jacksons moon walk dance. But her dance was cut off when she backed into the coffee table. Travis jumped up and caught her before she could fall. He stifled a laughed as he took her to the room and laid her in bed. He came back out like nothing had happened.

"Katie can get a bit crazy when she's drunk." He laughed as he sat down on the couch.

"Yea I can tell." I smiled.

We finished watching the game and said our goodbyes.

Even though Katie's drunk behavior put me in a slightly better mood I was still confused as ever. Did I love Annabeth? I was sure I did before I visited Travis.

I decided to wait to tell Annabeth I loved her. I wanted to be sure I truly did. I walked to my apartment and crashed on my bed. I had done too much thinking today. I felt like my brain needed a massage. But as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Hope you enjoyed as always! Remember to Review, Favorite, and follow.(: Peace out girl scouts!