I don't own Glee, obviously..
"Hey Kurt, Sam's here!" Dad called from upstairs.
"Send him down!" I called back. A few moment later Sam stomped down my stairs. "Hey. How ya doin?" I asked setting my magazine down.
"Okay. My parents are still pissed about the stripper thing. I honestly don't see their issue. I'm 18 for god's sake." He collapsed on my bed face first. "Huph muph meruph mmmb..."
"I beg your pardon?" I laughed.
"I loved doing it." He turned his head. "I loved it a lot. I still do it sometimes in my basement." He trailed off, staring at the pole that held my ceiling up. "When my parents leave the house, I actually turn the music on outside of headphones."
"I'll be right back. Want something to eat or drink?" I stood up and made my way to the stairs.
"Soda would be awesome. And something salty maybe..." He sat up.
I came back down a few minutes later with a six pack of Sprite* and a bag of chips. "So my dad understands the dancing thing. He said I had full rights of door locking, he wouldn't come down anyways. If you want to dance you can. I'm not trying to hit on you, just so you know." I sat the snacks down and tossed Sam a sprite.
"Really? I can?" He smiled so big it was as if I had just told him I was giving him a free litter of puppies. "Thank you so much Kurt!" He jumped up and threw his arms around me.
"No problem." I sat down and he pulled out his iPhone*, he started searching through it but then tossed it to me.
"Since you are letting me do this, what song should I do? I have Spotify* so I can do any song. Actually, here just pick something up beat and hit play."
"Okay..." I thought for a minute and then decided on a song.
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
Sam's eyes lit up. "Love this song!"
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,
He started singing along as he worked his way up and down the pole. Damn. Sam made One Direction hot. Don't ge me wrong Liam is super fine, but Sam is just making them all sexy.
Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful
Sam could sing and dance at the same time. So. Fucking. Hot. The song ended and he did one final twist thing on the pole. "Thank you, Kurt. That felt good." He sat on the floor against the end of my bed. "So there's a reason why I asked if I could come chill tonight."
"And that reason is?" I asked, sipping my drink.
"As you know I just turned 18...and you're turning 18 in two weeks..." He started. He took a deep breath and continued. "I'm a Dom, Kurt. And I went to the office thing yesterday. Why didn't you tell anyone you were a Sub?" He asked me.
"I didn't want Karofsky finding out...He would've claimed me. I had them hide my file from him, and if I would've told anyone, he would have somehow found out, even if I only told like Cedes..." I trailed off. "Wait. Are you saying what I think you're saying? I thought you were straight?"
He laughed. "Bi actually. But, Kurt I think I might be in love with you...and what better way for a Sub and Dom than to actually enjoy each others company anyways?"
Two weeks later I find myself standing outside of Sam's new- my new- house. I didn't realize how long I'd been standing there thinking until Sam cleared his throat. I blushed and walked up the steps. "Sorry." I mumbled.
"Your room is upstairs on the left. I won't make you sleep in my bed until you're ready." He went into the kitchen. "Want food?"
I nod, but then realize he isn't in the room or looking at me. "Yea sure. Thank you." I remember to add at the last second.
"We will go over rules when you come back down okay sweetie?" He wasn't asking if it was okay with me. He was just being polite.
I took my stuff upstairs and headed back down. "Where do you want me to sit?" I asked, unsure of how this worked. My dad was sub and I don't remember where he sat.
"For now, across from me at the table." He set down two plates, one had cheese on it, the other held crackers. "I remember your dad making this for us growing up."
"Me too. I miss that." I sat down after Sam did.
"So the rules. I already stated that I won't make you sleep in my room until you're ready. Another thing is, you must always call me Master or Sir. When we have guests over, you will either sit on the floor at my feet or on my lap. After this conversation, you will sit at my feet when we sit down for anything. When we have company, you must tap my knee or hand before you can speak." He picked up a piece of cheese and ate it. "I don't have a collar for you right now, but I will order one. You may pick it out." I smiled big at that. "Unless I tell you otherwise, you have to crawl when we have company. You do not have to get a job if you don't want to. I can provide for both of us. I get off work at six most nights. I will text you if otherwise. I want you kneeling by the door when I get home. The only exception being if I give you permission to not. There will be punishments if you are bad, but I will never go into the abusive dom mode." He picked up more cheese, before putting it into his mouth he asked, "Questions?"
"Only one. May I pick out my collar now?" I asked smiling.
"Of course. The computer is open to the site. Go pick one out. I have it set so you can't see the prices, so pick out whichever you want." He shoved the cheese in his mouth and went into the kitchen again.
I sat at the computer. I must've been there for an hour before I found the perfect one. It was black with a blue tint and had red stitching. "I found the one I like, Master." I said. I moved off the chair and sat on the floor. "Will you order it please?"
"Sure sweetie." He sat down and typed in the information needed, clicked a few times, typed some more then looked down at me. "It's on it's way." He pushed my bangs back. "Would you like to do anything?" He asked.
I thought for a minute. He probably didn't mean a board game or something like that. "Will you kiss me, Master?"
Let me know how you like it. If you like it let me know. I will continue if you guys like it.
*I don't own these.