The Victorious gang are in District 12, and the iCarly gang are in District 9. The plot is basically like the book where 2 from each of the 12 districts will be picked making a total of 24 tributes for The Hunger Games, where they will fight to the death. In this story the Victorious gang does not know the iCarly gang. I put this under the Victorious section instead of crossover so more people could see it, I hope thats not a problem. I hope you like it. PLEASE REVIEW. Thanks (:

Tori's POV:

I awake in the small shack that I call home. It is very early in the morning. My mom, my Dad, and my Sister Trina were all asleep. Today was the day that everybody in District 12 dreaded. Today was the day of The Reaping. Yesterday me and my friends had agreed to meet outside the District 12 fences very early and hunt one last time together in case one of us was picked for The Huger Games. The Hunger Games is Where 2 Tributes each from the 12 Districts fight to the death, with the winner recieving a lot of money and a home in The Victors Village.

I get off my bed quietly, grab my Bow and Arrow, and walk out the door. I head toward the fence surrounding District 12, and crawled through the opening. Then I walk into the woods where I hunt a lot. I notice that I am the first one here so I put my Bow on the ground, and sit down with my back against a tree and wait for the others.

After about 10 minutes, I saw Beck and Jade making there way over too me. I really didn't get along with Jade that much, but I still considered us to be friends.

"Hey Tori." Beck said, as I stood up and gave him a hug. I then looked at Jade and decided against giving her a hug.

"Hey Jade." I said instead. Jade just kind of grunted in response. Jade had a tough exterior, but I could tell she was just as afraid as all of us are of being selected for The Hunger Games.

Cat came next, then Robbie, and finally Andre was the last of our group to show up. So now all of them were in the woods.

"Okay guys, just in case this is our last day all together let..." I began, but Andre interrupted me.

"Don't say that." He said seriously. Andre had experience in losing a loved one to The Hunger Games before. 4 Years ago his older sister got picked, and she died in The Hunger Games. Since then Andre had either become very mad or very sad whenever The Hunger Games were mentioned.

"I'm sorry Andre." I said. He didn't respond.

"Yeah, I'm sure that tomorrow, all of us will still be here, and we'll be hunting again." said Robbie trying to lighten the mood.

"Robbie is right, there are a lot of people in District 12." Beck said, and everybody looked at him. "None of us will be chosen."

"Yeah, so lets just not worry about it, and Hunt." Cat said. She was just as happy as ever. I often wondered if anything would make her sad.

They all grabbed there weapons and went deeper into the woods and began to hunt, but in the back of all there minds they were all praying that none of them would be reaped into The Hunger Games.


Carly's POV

My name is Carly Shay, and I live in District 9, I have an older brother named Spencer, and Two best friends named Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson, and today is the day of the reaping. I lay in my bed thinking about all the parents that are heartbroken every year as they watch there kids murdered on live television. My greatest fear in the world is being reaped into The Hunger Games.
There is a knock on our front door, and Spencer goes over to answer it. Sam walks through the door.

"Whats up Carls?" Sam asked as she sat down at the foot of my bed.

"I'm scared about today." I answered.

"Oh come on Carls, there are tons of people here. The odds of us being picked are very low." Sam said as if she was not worried at all.

"Yeah, Carly just don't worry about it right now." Spencer said. How could I not worry about it. My name is in The reaping, and if I am chosen, I will have to battle 23 other tributes in a fight to the death, and I am not a very skilled fighter. So yeah I'm a little worried.

"Where's the dork?" Sam asked after a while. I assume she was talking about Freddie.

"I don't know," I tell her. She seemed kind of dissapointed but recovered quickly.

"Well, lets hope his name is not picked, he would be pathetic in the games." Sam said. It sounded very harsh, but thats just how Sam was. When she was really scared she would make fun of the situation.

"Lets go find him." I say. I get up and get dressed, and Spencer, Sam, and I walk out the door. I notice all the Peace Keepers out where The Reaping will take place later. We walk over to the house Freddie shares with his Mom, and Sam knocks on the door. After a moment Freddie opens the door.

"Hey." Freddie said, as he opened the door wider to let the three of them in.

"Wheres your mother?" Spencer asked noticing that Freddie was the only one there.

"She was going crazy with worry earlier, because of The Reaping today." Freddie said giving a small smile. "So I asked her to go to the market and get some bread." he finished.

"Why is everyone so worried about us being picked, we haven't been picked yet, and this year will be no different." Sam said fast. Everybody looked at her suprised by her sudden outburst. Freddie slowly walked over to her.

"Its okay to be scared Sam." Freddie said putting his hands on her shoulder.

"I'm not scared of anything." Sam said pushing Freddie's hands off of her, and walking out of his house.

"Why is she like that?" Spencer said.

"Thats just how she is, when she's scared, she deny's it." Freddie said. Freddie was right because I had known Sam for a long time and thats exactly what she did.

"Should we go get her." Spencer asked. Freddie and I both shook our heads.

"No, she needs to be alone right now." Carly told Spencer.

Carly and Spencer sat down in a couple of Chairs, and talked with Freddie for a while, and then The TV Buzzed on, and there was some music, and than a message floated across the bottom saying "The Reapings will take place in 2 Hours".

A/N I hope this was good I'm a big Fan of Victorious, iCarly, and The Hunger Games, so I said why not combine the three. Next Chapter we will find out which people will be picked for The Hunger Games. PLEASE REVIEW