Okay, I read a really touching story that kind of went between birdflash and spitfire and in the end Wally had to choose which one he wanted to be with. It kind of inspired this. I will say though, the ending I have planned… doesn't go along with who I would personally put with whom and why they should be a couple, but I'm putting those feelings aside because I really do think this ending will have more impact than what I would want to happen.

But, the ending is far away, so I've still got time.

I don't own YJ

He'd always had a crush on Wally… ALWAYS. From the first time Batman introduced him to the fastest kid alive he'd been hiding a secret about him deep in his heart. He hadn't known until they formed the team that it was a crush, but looking back on it he realized that's what it was. He was just too small and innocent back then to realize it.

It was the combination of a few things that made Dick realize his true feelings towards Wally. The first was the constant craving to be with him. Weather he was sitting in his room and thinking how much more fun it would be if he were there, or if they were put on different teams for missions, he had this weird feeling in his stomach that went away when Wally was there. It even became not enough just to be in the same room as him. He would always gravitate to Wally and end up next to him.

The second thing was the tug in his chest that he felt when Wally flirted with Megan and later Artemis. At one point he had to pretend Wally was flirting with him so he wouldn't burst into a rage of jealousy.

The third reason was that he always wished Wally would be the one to save him. Whenever he was captured he didn't just wish to be rescued, he wished it would be Wally to do it. He realized it's meaning when he started to wish Wally would save him when Wally was back in Central and he was being held hostage by the Joker in Gotham. He knew the distance was nothing for Wally, but it was obvious Wally wasn't coming.

The last reason was how he always seemed to train harder and spar better when Wally was watching. He didn't want Wally to think he was weak. He had to impress him every chance he got.

If he hadn't realized his feelings before, he would definitely know them now, because the way he suddenly felt hot and his mind cleared, not to mention the urge to fling himself forward onto his protector, was telling him that this was the person he wanted. They were so close. If Dick inhaled too deeply their chests would collide, that's how close they were.

"Whoa! Hey, Dick… you alright?"

"I… I- uh… yeah," he replied, blushing.

Wally glanced back at the large book case that had just fallen over, right where Dick had been standing. "Are you sure?" he asked as he looked into his face. "Wow, we are really pressed up against each other here, huh?"

Dick couldn't help but just stare into Wally's emerald green eyes as the red head continued to pin him to the wall, out of harm's way. "W- Wally? I, I- uh…"

"You want to know something?" Wally interrupted, "In about three seconds I'm going to make out with you, and after that I'm going to ask you to be my boyfriend. Is that alright, Boy Wonderful?"

"I- uh…"

"Great!" Wally said as he pushed his lips into Robin's.

And that is how this dreadful story of heartbreak, pain, suffering, and sacrifice begins.

There you go! Really, I hate this chapter for several reasons. The first being Wally seems WAY too impulsive to just suddenly kiss Dick out of the blue, but that's kinda one of the theams later on in the story; Wally just can't control himself. Another reason is the mood here is kind of happy when the rest of the story will be completely dark and angsty. Really, the whole point of this fic is that when Dick *spoilers* Wally with *spoilers* Dick *spoilers* and Wally *spoilers* but then Dick tries to *spoilers* and Wally has to *spoilers*… Uggh! Explaining why I don't like this chapter would be so much easier if you knew the plot.

Please review! The more you review, the more motivated I am to get the next chapter out.