A/N: I don't own Eric Northman or Tara Thorton. Just playing with them for a while.

Setting: Season 3. Disclaimer: Alan Ball and Charlaine Harris own this intriguing series.

4 a.m. by Melanie Fiona

Sitting here feeling kinda crazy
But not just any crazy
It's the kind you feel when you love somebody
And I know that my baby
Is calling somebody else baby
And I can't sit still
Look how gone it got me

Who knew that my heart could ever bruise
You see this scar here on my chest
I'm hurting and he don't even care

It's 4 AM and my lover won't answer
He's probably somewhere with a dancer
Sippin' champagne while I'm in his bed

It's 4 AM and I think I might lose it
This motherfucker thinking I'm stupid
He must have bumped his head
I only know it's 4 AM

Tara POV

I don't know who he thinks he is. I must have silly bitch written all on my forehead, staying at this dark ass house waiting like a lap dog for him to come home. It's another lonely ass night at Eric's house in Shreveport because that lying sneaky bastard is at Fangtasia as usual probably with that skank ass foreigner named Yvetta. I really want to go over there and slap the hell outta both of them. I wish to God that I did not love him. I wish that I thought he hung the moon, the stars and every other celestial thing. But I can't keep hurting like this. I've had enough of his shit so I'm about to hop into Lafayette's old car and I'm about to settle my shit once and for all.