Yes, this will be the last chapter of this story. I am doing a sequel so please check that out when the time comes.

This is basically a few weeks later; the chapter will be fairly short. Definitely not the seventeen pages like the last chapter.



Alright, now that that's out of the way let's all share a cry about the ending of this story :'(. I simply can't continue this story any longer it's time to move on.

Ha-ha ^^^^^^^^^ Melodrama.

It's been a good run and we've hit 293 reviews! You guys are awesome so please help me get to 300 at least! I am so happy! This is my most favorite, reviewed, rated and supported story and I hope the sequel will be almost as supported! I love you guys so much and thanks again.

Disclaimer: I do not own Austin&Ally.

Austin's P.O.V

We had just finished watching the reviews of the concert on T.V some of the reporters and fans had to most hilarious things to say. It had been two weeks since that concert and we were all spending a lot more time all together because Adam was leaving today. It was the last day of summer, I know depressing right?

We were sitting in the Dawson's living room on the couch, I had my arm around Ally and Trish and Dez were sitting close to each other, their arms almost touching but not quite and they didn't look disgusted like they usually do. I wonder what's going on there.

I didn't think about it too much.

Adam was sitting next to Ally and me on Ally's side. We laughed occasionally when they did fan interviews. Some were hilarious and hysterical, some were crying from happiness and others were so furious it was hilarious to. Though when the angry fans came around and were in a rage my arm would tighten around Ally's shoulder and she'd end up looking up at me. I'd just smile and shrug and we'd go back to laughing at the interviews.

At around three o'clock Ally looked at the clock and she and Adam sighed, "Come on Adam, time for you to go to the airport." She murmured glumly.

Adam nodded and we all stood, "I'll go call a cab." Trish murmured.

I followed Trish into the kitchen to get the phone, "Should I be laying low for this?" I asked her.

She looked up at me, "Yeah, and you're going to need to comfort Ally too. They are so, so, so close its emotional every time he leaves. It's sad actually, I'm glad Ally has you for this, this time. Every time he leaves she usually looks like someone just kicked her puppy… and then ran it over…. With a tractor." Trish said as she dialed the cab's number.

I looked out of the kitchen to the living room and saw Ally and Adam just standing there, both of them looking down and Dez just sitting there on his phone. I sighed, "I'm glad too." I murmured.

We walked back out into, "Cab's on its way." Trish said quietly.

Everyone just nodded I went over to Ally's side and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me tightly, reassuringly. Adam looked at me and smiled and nodded. I smiled back halfheartedly. I had a feeling the next few hours were going to be really emotional. I held Ally tighter at the thought.

It wasn't much later that we heard the cab honk outside. We all looked at each other before walking out to get in the cab.

The car ride there was silent.

I kept my arm around Ally and she rested into my side her eyes wide open and staring at nothing. I was getting worried, I was prepared to comfort her but how bad was she going to be?

"Austin, Ally remember you have that interview later today on Gotcha again alright?" Trish said to us and we both looked at her and nodded.

I had no idea a nod could be monotonous, but it was.

The remainder of the car ride was silent. When we did arrive at the airport we went and sat in the chairs by the waiting area where the plains boarded while Adam when to give his ticket and get his luggage through and everything. You know that whole annoying, process before the actual flight. When Adam arrived back over to us he wrapped his arm around Ally as well and I loosened my hold on her to give her and Adam some space. Ally shrunk in between the two of us.

"Flight 306 to California is now boarding." The dreaded words came through the speakers and my arm tightened on Ally as we all stood up.

Adam grabbed his carry-on bag before looking towards us and he and Ally hugged, "It's all right sis, I'll be back next summer and then I can stay with you guys here alright? Every thing's going to be fine Gator." Adam said into her shoulder.

She nodded, "Alright. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, it's your last year don't blow it by worrying about me." She whispered.

He laughed, "I'm always going to worry about you Gator. But you're in good hands here. I'll be back before you know it." He said.

Ally pulled back and wiped at her face, "Alright go, you're gonna miss your flight." She said chuckling breathlessly in between her sentence.

He nodded and hugged her again, "Bye lil sis. Take care of yourself, love you."

I saw her grip tighten, "I will, bye big bro. Love you too." She said before kissing his cheek and letting go.

He smiled and she punched him gently in the shoulder and I decided it was time I walked up to them, "Bye Adam, nice meeting you." I said.

He nodded, "Same to you Austin. And take care of my sister." He said.

I nodded and laughed, "Already on it." I said my grip tightening.

We all waved as he boarded the plane.

When he was out of sight I could see Ally was about to break down, I hugged her to me, "Come on, let's go home." I felt her nod against my chest.

I heard a sob break from her as we walked away and at that point I didn't care that we were in a crowded airport. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her out to the cab, her face hidden in my shoulder as she cried. I sat us down and Trish and Dez simply followed behind quietly. I told to cab to drop Trish and Dez off at Dez's house- they can play Zaliens or something- and I told him to drop Ally and me off at my house. I reached into Ally's pocket to get her cell phone and text Mr. Dawson and let him know we'd be at my house and Ally was kind of a mess.

When we got to my house I simply carried Ally up to my room, completely ignoring my parents. When we got to my room, I closed the door and locked it so no one could bug us. I sat us down on my bed and leaned against the headboard with her in my arms, shushing her cries and simply holding her and stroking her hair. When I noticed it wasn't working completely I was getting restless, desperate to try and make her feel better. I thought about it for a minute and figured she'd fall asleep and be ready for the interview in three hours and feel better if she got some rest.

I sighed and held her tightly to my chest and moved her in a position that might be more comfortable to sleep in but she was too busy crying to notice, luckily. I began murmuring the lyrics to an old lullaby my Grandma would sing to me when I was younger and upset. Ally's cries died down a little and then I began to sing the lyrics of a few songs we wrote together in her ear making her laugh quietly.

Okay, so maybe she wouldn't go to sleep but I could still think of a way to cheer her up. I nudged her shoulder and she laughed lightly before she began to sing with me, "Hey, I will always stay by your side forever, cause we're better together." We both sang quietly and I decided to switch the song quickly.

Ally followed along, "It's me, it's you. I know we're not the same but we do what we do. It's you, and it's me. Now who says that we have to agree? Cause I like, what I like." I broke off suddenly and Ally continued.

"And sometimes we collide."

I joined in quickly, "But it's me and it's you. I know we're not the same but we do what we do."

Ally switched it this time, "We're headed for the top we got it on lock. We'll make them say hey cause there's no stopping us when we hit, the same but different we're never gonna quick and we'll keep rocking, oh. There's no way I could make it without you, do it without you be here without you. It's not fun when you're doing it solo with you it's like whoa yeah and I know. I own this dream, cause I got you with me. There's no way I could make it without you do it without you be here without you." We finished softly.

I chuckled and started another one that wasn't one of our originals but said enough, "You got my heartbeat bumping and it's going insane, you got me jumping out of aeroplanes. And that's why I'm crazy it's true, crazy for you." I sang to her and she giggled and I kissed her forehead.

I saw my iPod in the doc next to us and knew it was on our playlist, which is all the songs we've written so I stood her up and hit play.

We didn't slow dance.

Not at all.

We started dancing around my room like crazy people, tripping and laughing and singing along to the lyrics and doing exaggerated moments and dance moves. I spun her until we both fell to the ground laughing at the end of the playlist.

Ally and I looked at each other before she snuggled into my side on the floor, "You really do know how to make me feel better, don't you Moon." She murmured with a laugh.

I laughed, "Yes, yes I do." I murmured and pecked her lips lightly when she looked up at me.

She laughed and then gasped, "Does my Dad know I'm here." She said in a panic about to sit up but I pulled her back down.

I chuckled, "Yes I text him when we were in the cab to let him know." I said.

"Oh… Okay." She said before relaxing against me again.

And then… My cell phone rang, "Hello?" I said irritated with whoever ruined our moment.

"Austin and Ally you guys have ten minutes to get to the Gotcha studio with Dez and I or you're going to be late!" Trish yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "We'll be there on time." I said before hanging up.

Ally was already on her feet, she looked in the mirror on my wall and groaned, "My face is a mess."

I laughed and stood up, "You looked fine." I said.

She gave me a look and I rolled my eyes, "But if you really think you look so terrible. And you are very, very wrong. My mom has some make-up in the bathroom." I said reluctantly.

She smiled and kissed my cheek before walking out and coming back out about three minutes later with simply just some cover-up, lip gloss and mascara on. When she walked out, let's just say I definitely ruined some of her lip gloss before we left.

She laughed and we took my parents car and drove to the studio in plenty of time to spare. Trish and Dez were waiting outside impatiently.

"See we're here." I said to Trish as we walked in.

Gilroy came out about ten seconds after we walked in, "Good you guys are here, I'll go introduce you and then you'll come out alright?" He said.

Ally and I just nodded.

When we got out there Gilroy just got straight done to business, "So, I hear you two now have a record deal with Jimmy Starr after your performance at the awards." He said.

Ally and I both nodded, "I had no idea they were going to get me up there. I was literally shoved on stage when the moment came." Ally said with a laugh.

I smiled at her new found confidence, "Yeah, we had that planned out ever since Adam told me she was writing a duet." I said with a smile.

Gilroy chuckled, "So it has finally happened. You really are dating?" Gilroy said.

Ally and I both laughed and I gripped her hand, "Yes, and honestly I never thought we would be anything more than friends but…" I started.

Ally cut me off, "Who are we to tell fate where to go?" She asked with a smile.

Gilroy laughed, "Who indeed. Now Austin has told me you have a little performance whipped up for us." He said.

Ally looked at me, "We do?" She asked.

"We do." I nodded.

"Huh." She said and we all laughed.

I chuckled and we got two microphones and walked center stage, "Follow my lead." I said to her and she nodded.




Yeah, Whoa

I'm walking on a thin line

And my hands are tied

Got nowhere to hide

I'm standing at a crossroads

Don't know where to go

Feeling so exposed

Yeah, I'm caught in between

Where I'm going and where I've been

But I know there's no turning back


It's like I'm balance on the edge

It's like I'm hanging by a thread

But I'm still gonna push ahead

So I tell myself

Yeah I tell myself

Don't look down

Down, down, down

Don't look down

Down, down, down

Don't look down

Down, down, down

Don't look down

Down, down, down

It'd be so easy just to run

It'd be so easy to just give up

But I'm not that girl

Who gon' turn my back

There's no turning back

No turning back

It's like I'm balanced on the edge

It's like I'm hanging by a thread

But I'm still gonna push ahead

So I tell myself

Yeah I tell myself

Don't look down (Note held for freakish amount of time)

Down, down, down

Don't look down

Down, down, down

Don't look down

Down, down, down

(Don't look down, don't look down)

Don't look down

Down, down, down

The crowd went wild when the music stopped and the song and show ended. Ally and I walked off the stage and hugged.

On the car ride home the only thought that went through my head was.

Where do we go from here?

You tell me! And that is it for Just Friends? Please check out the sequel when it is posted and review me ideas! Review, remember the goal is 300 and I love you guys so much!

Bye for now!