
Hitman To Hitman

Summary: With an older brother as Decimo, Tsuna became the Dark Lion of Vongola. A ruthless assassin trained by the greatest himself, Reborn. But one stupid mistake has Tsuna running for his life, and into the arms of the man he fell in love with, Reborn. R27.

Chapter 6 – Let Chaos Begin

Tsuna stood in front of a gate. It was the gate that led to his home. He lowered his hoodie further, his eyes scanning the street. Cautiously he opened and entered. He could practically hear his heart beat as he got closer to the door. He rang the door bell and waited.

Maybe she's not home? Tsuna couldn't help but think. But he did tell her what time he's going to come. He was about to turn around and leave, until he heard sounds of almost like…a struggle?

His eyes widened and he kicked the door open. He entered the house and saw a simple house robber threatening his mother. Tsuna saw red. The thief didn't have time to react when a well aimed roundhouse kick crashed to the side of his skull. He slumped to the ground, unconscious, maybe in a coma.

Tsuna was breathing hard, trying to hold back his bloodlust of killing this moron in front of him. With a growl, he dialed 'Juusho' telling him if he could pick up some trash and to get rid of it. Juusho eagerly agreed and told Tsuna some of his men stationed in Namimori would pick it up, just leave it out in front.

Tsuna picked up the bastard that dare menaced his mother and without a care, threw him outside from the door, the thief hit the gate. Tsuna angrily panted until a gentle hand rested on his shoulder. Tsuna turned around and was met with a loving smile. He couldn't but give one in return.

Tsuna felt the safety of his mother's arms wrap around him. He did as well, resting his chin on top of her head.

"I missed you Tsu-kun."

"So did I Kaa-chan."

Tsuna couldn't help but think that his father was one lucky bastard. His mother was acting like if nothing happened. She was humming around the kitchen finishing lunch as he set the table. She laid the food on the table with a lovely smile. Tsuna could practically feel the happiness she was radiating.

"So Tsu-kun what happened?" She asked as she took a seat.

Tsuna knew this would be hard to explain, "Kaa-chan…I'm going back."

Tsuna could feel the pain as his heart clenched from the blank look on her face. When he died, he saw his mother spiraling into depression. He knew that she could possibly lead herself to death if he pretended to stay dead. He showed himself willingly to her. Of course she thought she was hallucinating, but after an explanation, she was furious. She slapped him across the face but then…she cried herself to sleep in his arms. She kept mumbling in her sleep that she couldn't protect her children.

As time went, Tsuna was sure to keep her updated and visit at least once month. Staying at home would be dangerous, and outright foolish. Though there was nothing Tsuna hid from her. He told her everything ever since the whole Mafia things began.

She knew that he was an assassin.

She knew about Vongola.

She wasn't in the dark.

Tsuna loved him mom dearly, he couldn't deny he was a momma's boy. But, it did hurt to tell his mom that he was returning back to the Mafia. Tsuna knew the chance Bermuda gave was once in a lifetime. It is nearly impossible to get out of the Mafia. Once you're in, you can't get out. The only way is to knock on deaths door. He was out, he got out. He now has a good life, a great one.

But now he has to go back.

Her expression was painful, "Why Tsu-kun? Why?"

One word was all, "Vendicare."

An odd silence filled the room. Tsuna's bangs covered his eyes. Nana bit her lip nervously. She knew what Bermuda did to her child. Though she was a bit saddened that Tsuna no longer had his Sky Flame, she had to hand it to Bermuda for not killing her Tsu-kun. But she knew Tsuna was hiding something.

"Tsu-kun what happened?"

Tsuna gave mournful sigh, "Bermuda is dead. Vendicare is now mine."

Nana's eyes widened, she understood it now. "Tsu-kun…You're the new boss of Vendicare?" She said breathlessly.

Tsuna gave a hesitant nod. What else is he suppose to do. Tsuna could see on his mom's face that her gears were turning at the speed of light. He better stop her now before she gets a weird idea.

"Kaa-chan…Reborn is my boyfriend."

Before Tsuna knew it, his mother's hands wrapped around his and she gave a delightful squeal. "Finally! I was wondering when you two were going to get together!"

Tsuna felt his face heat up, "So Tsu-kun was Reborn gentle or ro-"

"KAA-CHAN! What are you saying?!" Tsuna screamed. This explains the stash of yaoi I found in her closet when I was fourteen. Tsuna could see the twinkle in her eye, the same kind that Akemi gets.

"But Tsu-kun I need to know if he's hurting my baby boy." Nana elaborated.

Tsuna gave his mom a quizzical look, "You sure about that?"

Nana gives a giggle, "Let's eat Tsu-kun."

Tsuna could help but shake his head; his mom could be ditzy random women when she wanted to. Made him glad he was gay at sometimes.

Hayato took a long drag from his cigarette. Wishing that the chemicals in it would hurry up and kill him already. From the corner of his eye he see's Takeshi with a frown on his face and Ryohei with his eyes closed, exhausted from a mission he just returned from. Hayato released his breath, the gray smoke leaving his lungs. He couldn't blame them. Soon, a war would erupt.

"Why…" Hayato looked at Takeshi, who was struggling to say something "…why don't we stop him? I mean we're his guardians, shouldn't we be doing what's best for him?"

Hayato's eyes narrowed in pain, "You know why baka. He's over the edge, no matter what we do; no matter how hard we tried to help him get over Tsuna's death he blocked us all out. Juu- Decimo, at this point will either kill us if we intervene this war. And…we know we wouldn't fight back. Decimo is no longer Nowaki, he's Decimo."

"At least you're right on that stupid-dera." Lambo said as he closed the balcony door. Hayato ticked at the nickname but ignored it; he was too exhausted to argue.

"Crowding again herbivores."

Hayato could feel a migraine approaching, "First baka-hoshi then the skylark." Takeshi gave an uneasy laugh.

"Oh…didn't feel my presence?" Hayato groaned in frustration. Damn now the illusionist.

"Mukuro-sama?" Scratch that, make it two.

Hayato looked at his pack; it was empty when he needed a cigarette the most. He opened the door to the balcony, his eyes shaded. The others stilled as well, eyes shaded as well. They felt the sad but silent aura Gokudera released.

"We attack at sun down."

Tsuna returned to his apartment. Sadly he couldn't stay much longer with his mother as if he stayed too long, people would see his familiar face and wonder if he came back from the dead. He didn't want people to think they were hallucinating. Also Hibari had his prefects do a check around his mother's neighborhood, to make sure she was alright. Tsuna gritted his teeth at that; they were doing a pitiful job of it.

He locked the door behind him and once again made his way to the bedroom. He looked at the outfit on the bed and was glad at the adjustments made to it. As much as he liked the original style he wouldn't be able to fight in it properly. The collar of the cloak was too high; the sleeves went a bit over the wrist reaching his knuckles, and other problems.

Which was one of the reasons he went to see his mom. She was the only person he could trust with these clothes. Tsuna liked the touches she made. Though one thing worried Tsuna…

Bermuda's hat.

He knew if wore that hat, everyone will know Bermuda Von Veckenschtein is gone. But it was "too" Vendicare, the past one. He needed something that will make him stand out yet terrifying at the same time. But he didn't know what. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the ringtone of 'Lord of Chaos' play.

He answered it, "Reborn?"

'Hello silly-Tsuna.'

Tsuna rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile, "So are you coming to visit me this weekend or not?" He could hear silence, almost if it was hesitant.

'That's why I called. Sorry Tsuna, but I won't be able to come this week. Maybe next time.'

Tsuna couldn't hide his disappointment, "It's okay, I understand but why?" You better tell me why.

'Something with the...Deridere family. Nothing to worry about.'

Tsuna's intuition felt that lie but he played along, "If you say so. So how's everything going over there?" He could hear grunt noises of annoyance.

'Damn bastard acts like a demon sometimes.'

That's when it clicked in Tsuna's head. He knew what the hat was missing.


"Reborn let me call you later. Something came up." They said their goodbyes, which Reborn was curious what has gotten Tsuna's attention.

As Tsuna looked around the apartment for the materials he wanted he dialed Juusho. He placed the cell phone against his shoulder, as he went to the very small attic.

'What in the world do you want now damn brat?'

Tsuna shoved a small box out of the way; he got a blow torch and threw it out of the attic's entrance. "I know you have the info I need. What is going on with the Deridere family?" He found the black spray paint and sheets of metal. All of it was leftovers from Reborn's training.

'Eh?! Brat are you telling me you don't know what's going on?! I thought Fon would at least tell you!'

Tsuna felt the familiar sense go down his spine, "No, Fon wants me to stay out of the Underworld. Why what is going on?"

He heard a frustrated, 'Brat I don't know how much you know that has been going on, but your brother kinda lost it…he's waging war on the Deridere family.'

Tsuna lost his balance as he jumped out of the attic. "I never knew that. I asked my mother and she said that he was doing fine. I asked Fon and he said the same thing."

'It only gets worse brat…I'm not even sure if I should tell you if Fon is hiding this from you.'

Tsuna ticked, "The only reason Fon isn't telling me is because he believes that I deserve some happiness in my life. Since I've was an assassin for a majority of my life, like his student, he believes that I should remain in the dark. But I can't do that anymore!"

Juusho sighed, 'You sure you're willing to give up this freedom brat? You won't get a second chance.' He said mournfully.

Tsuna walked to his bedroom and gave his reflection a hard stare. He would always put his life second, the others first. And from the sound of it, things are becoming worse and it was his fault.

"Please tell me…if there is something I can do…let me…please." Tsuna could hear the cracks in his voice. His guilt, his shame, will never go away. It only grows each day.

'Brat…your brother wants the Tri-Ni-Set…'

Tsuna released a choked gasp, finding it harder to breathe. Tears started to form from the corner of his eyes, thinking in what in God's name made his brother do something so insane. He was about to scream at Juusho, about to ask why… when the next few words shredded his heart like glass.

'To bring you back to life brat…'

Tsuna hanged up on Juusho, his reflection showing the droplets that fell down his face. His shaking hand drops the cell phone. Both hands trembled as he reached to cover his face. A shriek erupted in his throat.

It was his fault. He led his brother to his destruction. He was a monster, living in this luxury while his brother became lost in madness. Though he had a chance to fix it.

Not as Tsuna, but it was a chance none the less.

He wiped his tears, now it wasn't the time to cry. He had no time to waste.

Let me make it time…

Reborn couldn't believe the battlefield in front of him. It was one-sided. Vongola was brutal, vicious even. He could see the cold, blank attacks of the guardians. Reborn lowered his fedora. Option one or option two? But if it came down to him, he would choose to protect Tsuna at any cost. He heard the cackle laugh of Nowaki, appearing from a curtain of flames. The flames looked darker.

Reborn decided it was now time to show himself. But he saw sometimes black come from the Sky. The Sky itself turned to a dark gray. It looked like fast wisp of black as it crashed into the center of the battle field, gaining the attention of everyone.

A leather gloved hand ordered the black like wisps to move. Reborn's eyes widened, that was no black wisp.

It was the Flame of Night.

It was a black he never seen. A doubled button suit with silver buttons. The pants were similar to skinny jeans though being slacks but not so tight. The boots reminded him of Jagers of Vindice. Black spiky hair and those dark charcoal eyes. What made Reborn's eyes narrow was the hat, it was Bermuda's. But it had one slightly added detail…

It had a metal plate against the rim. A new style, an odd one, for someone of Vindice to wear. Also this Vendicare looked young, like not an ex-Arcobaleno young. The face was bandaged except the eyes.

Overall, it was a good look, but one question kept ringing in Reborn's head, Where is Bermuda? Reborn stepped to the field, hearing the gasps as he walked towards this new person.

"Sawada Nowaki of Vongola." Reborn paused his walking at the thunderous voice. It was strong, firm, with a hint of cruelty.

Nowaki gave a devilish smile. "Oh~ what's this? I thought all Vendicare were, I don't know, extinct?" He teased.

Tsuna didn't even flinch; though no one knew it was him he continued his statement.

"Sawada Nowaki of Vongola, I've come here to deliver the last sentiment of Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Everyone, everyone, stopped and listened. All in the Underworld knew of the Dark Lion, especially his fall. Leone Scuro reputation sky rocketed of being a top assassin after they found out he eliminated all Vendicare, but Bermuda. Each Vendicare was on equal level of that of an Arcobaleno, and for one man to take all of them down was jaw-dropping. It spoke of the unknown strength that Leone Scuro had always kept secretly.

Nowaki eyes filled with rage, "What do you know?" He growled out.

Tsuna merely pulled his hand out of his pocket and threw something at Nowaki, who caught with ease. Nowaki stared at with pain; it was a small charm for a necklace he gave to Tsuna. He thought it was gone.

"How did you get this?" Nowaki questioned quietly.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi wanted you remember him in peace. He intuitively felt this would occur and only wished for me to present this when it was time. So cease this war." Tsuna lied. He never knew this was going to happen. Though if that charm didn't bring sense to Nowaki, he knew that nothing would.

This was his only chance.

Reborn could no longer stay silent, "Who are you?!"

Tsuna's eyes laid firm, "The last Vendicare…and boss."

Reborn's eyes widened when the dots connected together. There was no way that Bermuda was…"Are you telling me that Bermuda is…"

Tsuna whipped out a chain, "Correct. Bermuda Von Veckenschtein is dead. I am the new leader of Vendicare…Nero Notte."

Author Note: I'm super sorry. I have been going through so much shit, that I don't feel like talking about.

But the constant reviews have me going, so much that have made me so HAPPY! Like crying happy (actually cried)! Thank you all for all the favoriting, following, reviewing!