LAST CHAPTER! I kinda knew this story would be shorter than the other ones I'm currently doing. The next story might be slightly longer. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did XD.
By the way, Aloli means grape. Review please!
Atem was found right outside Mana's room, hearing Mana scream bloody murder before panting hardly. He was beginning to grow impatient, waiting outside of the room for what seemed to be like hours on end. He could hear his mother giving Mana some advise on the delivery, the slaves making sure the bucket was right underneath Mana.
The scream was heard again, the sound of dripping liquid. Atem could only guess it was liquid or perhaps... No, he couldn't think that right now! Not on the most important day of his life! Atem erased that possibility out of his mind. There was no time to show weakness. The suspense was already killing half of his life.
"Here we go!" Atem could hear one of the slaves say, hearing a bigger splash. He, she, whatever it was, was finally out. "A newborn baby girl! Congratulations." So much for having an heir. Atem snorted, then decided maybe an in-law would fill the role... maybe. There was also taking Seth's suggestion about getting a harem. Though, there was still time for more children. Atem decided not to worry about anything.
"She's beautiful!" Mana cried joyfully before one of the slaves appeared from the curtain and faced Atem.
"It's a girl. You may enter if you wish," the slave said.
"Thank you," Atem responded before entering behind the curtain and found Mana on her bed with a white sheet over her, carrying a small bundle in her arms. Atem could hear little coos from the little small infant. Mana revealed the small bundle as a little dark-skinned face. It was wet with dark black hair and small puckered lips, opening her dark violet eyes. Her lips began making a popping sound with her saliva. "Hello, baby girl." Atem gently began to take a hold of the small bundle in his arms and this bundle became his world all together. In the end, it no longer mattered what gender this stranger was.
"We should give her a name, you know," Mana smirked.
"Whatever you decide is fine. Besides, I'm only good with boy names."
"No way!"
"You said whatever I decided was fine."
"Fine. What about Aloli?"
"I was drinking fresh wine from the grapes just picked when your water broke. I thought it would fit better. You can think of a better name if you don't-"
"No, I love it," Mana said, then showed a sleepish smile. She was very tired after her stressful day.
"Princess Aloli, fresh from the vines," Atem said in a hushed voice as the baby took her father's finger with one hand, staring right at it. Atem couldn't help, but smile.
"Princess Aloli?" Atsu smirked with folded arms, his wife by his side.
"I can name my child whatever I want and you can name your child-"
"Okay, okay. Just didn't expect you to name your first born a type of food."
"Whatever Yugi."
"Can I see my niece or are you going to have all the fun?" Atsu's wife asked.
"Sure Teana," Atem said, handing his daughter over to Teana, who began to coo the little child.
"I think she has your eyes, Yami," Atsu said with a smile.
"She does. She'll be the most beautiful princess in all of Egypt!"
"I don't know about that, though she is beautiful. Just remember that there's still the chance Seth or I will have a kid."
"Now there's an idea."
"What?" Atsu asked with cocked eyebrows.
"If you and Teana bring a son, we could-"
"Yami, don't you think that's a little too early for that!? Teana has only been pregnant just this month!"
"Just an idea."
Atsu sighed, rolling his eyes, "if it's a boy, we'll arrange them to be married. Happy?"
"Yes, yes I am."
"She's so adorable!" Teana cried happily, then gave the child back to Atem. "You will make a lovely father! You know, if my child is a boy, we could-"
"Teana, it's a bit too early for that," Atsu said calmly.
"There's no wrong in being wishful."
"Besides, it will only be eight more months before we see if your child is a boy or a girl. If it's a boy, we'll have wedding arrangements," Atem assured as Atsu sighed, then showing a palmface.
Atem looked at his daughter one last time, before giving her back to Mana, knowing that no matter what the future held, Egypt looked as bright as the sun.