Okay so this is the final chapter of this story, thanks for reading guys.

Chapter 4.

Watching as Henry went down the slide both JJ and Will cheered. Smiling widely JJ watched as Henry ran towards them.

"Again, again."

"Go on buddy, we'll be here watchin'" Will said smiling at his son.

As Henry ran around the park. He climbed up the steps leading to the monkey bars, watching carefully JJ stood under them waiting to catch Henry in case he fell. Looking at Will, she watched as he walked off to the corner answering his phone, looking back at Henry she watched as he took it swing by swing, when he reached the end, Jj grabbed his waist pulling him down, holding onto his hand, she looked back over at Will, seeing him yelling into his phone, running her hand through her hair, she bent down to Henry's level.

"Okay buddy what you wanna do now?"

"I hungry."

"Hungry huh! Well lets go grab daddy and get some food."


JJ let Henry run off in front of her, as she walked behind, grabbing her bag from next to the monkey bars. Henry ran into Will's leg wrapping his tiny arms around him, ruffling his son's hair Will, hung up the phone, looking forward at JJ.

"Everything okay?" she asked, looking right at him.

"Yeah, Nothin' to worry about…so what we doin' now?"


"Food huh…"

Will picked Henry up, placing him on his hip, taking hold of JJ's hand.

Walking out of Henry's room, JJ closed the door, walking through the hallway she ran her hands through her hair, seeing Will leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping on a beer. Jumping onto the counter, JJ picked up the bottle he had left her. Taking a large sip she bit down onto her bottom lip.

"So you gonna tell me what that phone call was earlier?"

Taking another sip of his beer, Will placed it down on the counter next to him, running his hands through his hair, he rested it onto his cheek.

"It was the head of the undercover agency."

"What did they want?"

"Me to go back into the field."

"You told them no right!"

"I did. And they weren't too happy about it"

"Yeah!" JJ said raising her eyebrow.


"Will, we talked about this!…your not going back into the undercover work."

"I know I ain't JJ!"

"Then what's the problem with it?"

"The Problem isn't with me, its with them losing me to be a detective."

JJ ran her hands through her hair, taking a deep breath.

"Do you want too…go back."

Will looked right at JJ, shaking his head, he could see the tears forming in her eyes, standing in front of her, he placed his hands onto her knees.

"JJ….As Much as love my job, I can't spend another day away from you and Henry….I've already missed out on so much and I don't wanna miss anything' else"

JJ took a deep breath, feeling a couple of tears slide down her cheeks, quickly wiping them away.

"Will.. I don't wanna push you away from your job."

"Your not. JJ….I love you and Henry way more than I love your job. And after last time….I don't wanna take anymore chances, I wanna be here with you. And I wanna be a detective here where I'm close to you."

"I love you, you know that."

"I love you too."

JJ smiled a little, resting her head against Will's.

"So you told them yet?"

"Yeah, I just called them back, they said the choice is mine, then I called the caption, and there's a head detective spot open and it's mine."

"That's great."

"Yeah…it also means, whenever I get a tooth case, the BAU are the first I'll call."

"mmm. Working with you does sound pretty good."

"Yeah….and we can meet up and go for lunch when your in town. And I can spend more time at home with Henry, working split shifts."

"That does sound good."


Will smiled, pressing his lips to JJ's , pulling away he kissed her neck, whispering in her ear.

"God I missed you, and can't wait to marry you."

"Yeah, about that…I sort of started planning it but…."

"Whatever wedding you want, were having."

JJ smiled widely, wrapping her arms around Will's neck. "I was hoping you were gonna say that."

"Yeah well, I can never say no to you. Ever."

JJ laughed a little, pecking Will's lips a couple of times.

"So when you start?"


"Well how about an earlier night?" JJ said raising her eyebrow biting down onto her lip.

"That sounds good."

Smiling, JJ wrapped her legs around Will's waist, feeling his arms tighten around her back as he carried her into the bedroom, dropping her onto the bed JJ let out a little scream.


Waking up the following morning, JJ switched off her alarm, burying her head under the covers, seconds later she felt Henry jumping on her, opening her eyes, she smiled ruffling her hand through Henry's hair.

"Mamma wake up."

"I'm awake baby."

"You work"

"Yeah baby, me going to work."

"You going away again?"

"Maybe buddy. But daddy will be here tonight after work."

"Okay, me miss you."

"I'll miss you too buddy, now go get dressed okay."

After JJ was ready, she walked into the kitchen, seeing Henry's Nanny.

"Morning Claire."

"Hey JJ….don't worry Henry and I will be fine, now both of you go. And remember to call later."

Leaving the apartment, JJ stopped in the parking lot looking at Will.

"If you get called out, call me when your back I'll pick you up."

JJ smiled, kissing Will on the lips, pulling away she placed her bag into the back seat, climbing into the passenger seat.

She was glad to have Will home, he really was everything to her, including Henry. She didn't realize how much she actually had missed him until he came home. But she knew she had him back for good, and she wasn't going to let him go ever. She would always go to many lengths to project her family, and no matter what they would always come first to her.



Thanks for reading everyone, hope you enjoyed it.