This is finally - the last chapter. I never thought I would ever get this far! I'd have never made this story finish if it hadn't been for everyone viewing and reviewing this!

I'd like to thank everyone that read all the way through, whether they reviewed or not.

Especial thanks to readers who took time and left lovely reviews. Thank you sooo much! Your reviews brought a huge smile on my face whenever I read them:

The Liker: Thank you for saying my fic is great. You're great yourself *winks*

SilverShadowNinja: I'm glad that you liked it. I'm happy that you enjoyed what I wrote *smiles*

Angel Of Dark Heaven: I can't believe this story's ending *sobs* but you are right, everything has an end. Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed this fic and I hope you review this chapter as well.

Hibisha: Thank you so much for reviewing each and every chapter *hugs*

Kordy-Chan: My sister who likes to annoy me too much and yell at me every day to continue this fic. I updated like a good girl! Be proud of me! *giggles*

haifus itis VanilLazuli: Thank you sooo much for your review! I appreciate all my reviewers! And hope you enjoy this chapter *smiles*

Again, thanks to everyone who reviewed from chapter 1 to chapter 10



"Ugh, why can't I stop thinking about that idiot?" Suzuno said as she walked around in her room. She sighed; all she kept thinking about was him. Every time she closed her eyes she saw his face. Even at night she was dreaming about him.

She sighed again, throwing herself on the bed and staring up at the ceiling, "Now I'm lonely…again," she muttered, "why did you do this to me, Nagumo?" tears started forming in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away, "I miss you."

Six weeks had passed since her fight with the red-haired boy and she had been really lonely. She did not speak to anyone after that day, the only person she was speaking to was her father, that if he wasn't working.

Everything seemed to be back to how it was. She was lonely, she didn't have friends, and she was broken. Just like how her life was after her mother's death. Although her father started to spend more time with her, she needed someone to talk to when he was working. She needed a friend or two to cheer her up. She needed someone who really cares about her, a loyal friend that won't leave her.

Suzuno turned her head and looked at her alarm clock. It was 10:43 pm and her father won't be home till midnight.

"Maybe a walk will help me to stop thinking about him for a while..." she said to herself and got off of the bed, she grabbed her blue jacket and then she went out the door, "I have to stop thinking about him."

Suzuno walked around the streets of the city. She wasn't really sure of where she was going; she was too busy watching her own feet as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

'Nagumo…' she thought.

She shook her head, hoping to get him out of her mind, "ugh, why can't I get him out of my mind."

She let out a long sigh and looked up at the stars, "I loved you…I thought you loved me too…I still…love you."

Tear after tear started running down her eyes. She wiped her tears with her jacket's sleeve, but that just didn't make those tears stop.

'I-I can't cry here, not in front of other people,' she looked around, she was in a park but no one was there, 'that's good.'

She stood behind a tree, hiding her crying self. She stood there, crying for five minutes. It had been six week and she still cry whenever she remembered what happened. Why was she so weak? Why did she fall in love with that idiot?

Finally, she stopped crying and started walking back to her house, 'At least father is not home to see me like this.'

She was walking when she saw someone standing in front of her house, waiting for her. The boy in front of her stared at her, she stared back.

"Na-Nagumo?" she was shocked to see him here.

She looked him up and down. 'Eh? He hadn't changed at all,' she thought. 'Well, he had grown taller...and hotter,' She felt blood rushing to her cheeks. She quickly looked down at her shoes, "What are you doing here?" she asked

"We need to talk."

"We don't have anything to talk about," she looked at him, wanting to end the discussion, "I don't have anything to say to you."

Nagumo forced himself to keep eye contact. If she saw that he wasn't sure of himself, she won't listen to what he had to say.

"You don't have to say anything. Just listen to me. I wanted you to know the truth."

Suzuno sighed and looked away, "I already know the truth…you love Miyako. What's there more to know?" She felt no need to stay there any longer, so she started walking to her house.

Nagumo instantly felt a jolt of pain. He didn't want to go back to how things were, ignoring each other for the rest of their lives. He didn't care if Suzuno would love him anymore. He just wanted her to listen to him.


She stopped, but still facing the other way.

"Can we talk?" he asked her, scared of what her answer would be, "I really need to talk to you. If you listen to what I have to say, then I promise I will never bother you again. This is all I ask."

She sighed and turned to look at him, "make it quick, I have some work to get done."

"We have to talk about what happened six weeks ago," he said, and he could easily see the pain in her eyes, "I'm really sorry about what happened, Suzuno. It was Miyako's fault…she kissed me-"

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" she yelled, tears running down her cheeks. "If you're not going to tell me the truth, don't waste my time," She said.

"Suzuno, please believe me. You have to. I'm telling you the truth."

"No. I'm done hearing your excuses. Now go back to your precious little Miyako."

"Nothing happened between us, I swear!"

"Do you honestly believe I would listen to you now? You're lying to me! Well now you can have her, but I don't want you anywhere near me!"

"Suzuno, please, you're my number one. You will always be."

"I don't believe you. I bet you two have done tons of romantic things together."

"No!" he cried, "Suzuno, I have feelings for you. I mean it. If I've done or said anything to upset you, I'm sorry."

Suzuno didn't say anything, she just kept looking down.

"I know you don't share the same feelings for me, but I'm glad I told you though" he said, "I'm sorry for trying to force you to love me."

Suzuno took a good look at him, studying him, trying to see if he was messing with her. She looked at his eyes, and there was so much pain in them that broke her heart. All of a sudden, she felt weak.

"Suzuno? Say something, please."

Suzuno just stared at him, tears running down her cheeks. 'How could I have thought those terrible things about him?'

"Suzuno? Are you okay?"

"Nagumo!" she yelled, throwing herself into Nagumo's arms, hugging him. She was crying, but for a different reason this time.

Nagumo blinked, he was surprised by her action. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her, feeling nervous. He didn't want to do or say anything that would make her angry. They had just become friends and he did not want to ruin their friendship again.

"So…you forgive me?" he asked

"Yes!" she gave her best smile.

He smiled and hugged her tighter, "but you know, I'm not giving up on you. I still love you very much and I'll keep on waiting for you and I don't care how long it takes," then he let go of her, "I have to go now. I will see ya tomorrow."

Suzuno felt her face burning up as she watched him walking away. She covered her mouth with her left hand, hiding her smile. She couldn't resist the urge anymore, she wanted to tell him.

"W-wait, Nagumo."

Nagumo turned to look at her, "yeah?"

"W-well...I want to tell you something," she said, still blushing.

"Eh, what is it?"

"I love you too," she said, blushing tomato red.

Nagumo's eyes widened, shocked at what she heard. He couldn't explain the amazing feeling he felt when he heard those words.

Suzuno walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I love you," she whispered. She leaned forward and kissed his soft lips. Nagumo's eyes widened and a deep blush spread across his cheeks. He couldn't believe what Suzuno was doing, but then he felt himself relaxing, he closed his eyes and started kissing back. He moved his hand to Suzuno's hair, trying to pull her closer as he pressed his mouth against hers a little harder.

Suzuno gasped in surprise when she felt his tongue licked her lower lip before slipping in to explore her mouth. And it felt incredible. His mouth was warm and soft, she felt as if her insides were melting. She kissed him harder, moving her mouth slightly and letting him trace her lips with his tongue. She quickly moved her own tongue against Nagumo's and then they moved on to suck on the other's lips.

After a minute or so, she pulled away, gasping for air. They gazed into each other's eyes. Nagumo had his arms wrapped around her waist, and Suzuno was holding his shoulders. Nagumo looked so confused, yet happy.

"Suzuno-" he tried to speak, but she cut him off, placing her index finger on his lips.

"Hush. Don't ruin the moment," she said and gave him a soft gentle kiss, "I can't believe I almost lost you," she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

Nagumo blushed but hugged back, "S-Suzuno, where is your dad?"

"At work," she said, still resting her head on his shoulder, "don't worry, he is fine with everything, I think he understands us now."

Nagumo smiled and nodded.

"I want you to promise me something, Nagumo."

"Whatever you want me to," he said with a smile.

"Promise me…" she hesitates for a moment, "…promise me that you will never leave me…that you will always stay by my side," she said and looked down.

Nagumo placed his finger under her chin, leading her head up to look at him. Her eyes looked hurt; as if her heart had been beaten up.

"I promise," he said and pressed his lips gently against hers.

His action caused her to blush, "thank you," she said shyly.

"You look cute when you blush," he teased.

"Don't point it out! It's embarrassing," Suzuno flushed a little, and then moved forward, "umm, Nagumo, I have not told you my answer yet."

"Eh, answer for what?"

Suzuno blushed and then nodded happily, "I would be happy to be your girlfriend."

And it is finally the end! Hope you liked it. And I sincerely hope that you had fun with this story ^_^

Sorry, this chapter wasn't good enough. I did something stupid that made my write it again. I didn't want you guys to wait for another two weeks, so I wrote this quickly. The old one was better than this, but I didn't remember what I wrote in it since it was a long time ago. I'm really sorry -_-

I'm thinking of writing another chapter to make it up to you. So, what do you guys think?