In this story Gazel is not an orphan. And I will be using Burn and Gazel's last names (Nagumo and Suzuno).



Nagumo was waiting for Suzuno's answer. His cheeks were red and his heart was beating fast. Suzuno didn't look up from her book at him. Everyone in the classroom, including the teacher, was watching with interest. They were waiting for Suzuno's answer.

After a while she looked up at Nagumo. He felt his face getting warmer, and his heart beating faster.

"Guess what? I'm not interested," she said rudely, then she looked again at her book. "I'm not interested in a guy who apparently doesn't care enough about his education and barely passes his courses every year. Why would I go out with a loser?"

Nagumo was in chock; Suzuno had insulted him. The rest of the class was silent.

"What the hell did you just say?" he clenched his fists angrily.

Suzuno didn't bother to look up at him, "you are an idiot who lacks intelligence. Maybe you should look for a girl in the level of your intelligence. I am not what you are looking for."


Suzuno smiled evilly and looked at him, "why did you asked me out? I'm a bitch, right?"

Nagumo looked at the ground. He felt his face burning up, "I... I... I love you." He looked again at her, "I love you, Suzuno."

Suzuno felt a small blush climb to her cheeks. She looked again at her book and tried to sound cold, "Well, Nagumo Haruya, I don't feel the same. We are only classmates. And if you want the truth, I don't like you at all. So, just go away."

"Why do you have to be so stupid? You know what? You think you are so intelligent, but you are not. I don't like the way you act like you are the smartest girl in school. I'm a smart person too."

"5×5… what is the answer?" she asked without looking at him, like if she knew he was not able to answer.

"That is easy," he said proudly. "It is… umm… I think… maybe…" he started counting on his fingers, "26!" he said happily.

Everyone burst out laughing. Nagumo's cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.

Suzuno bit her lip, trying not to laugh. His cheeks turned even redder, she was just so damn cute.

Nagumo turned and went back to his seat slamming both palms on the table.

"Ouch, dude, you got rejected," said Hiroto.

"SHUT UP! IT IS YOUR FAULT!" shouted Nagumo.

"What? My fault? I didn't do anything."

"You told me to ask her out. I was stupid when I listened to YOU."

"It is not my fault she doesn't like you."

Nagumo threw a death glare at his friends, while they all laughed out loud.

Nagumo's POV

I can't believe she rejected me like that. She made fun of me. She insulted me. Now everyone in school will talk about it. Everyone was laughing at me. I sat and rested my head on my arms, hiding my face. I can't believe she rejected me. I know I'm not as smart as her, but I'm not that stupid too. She was just so mean.

Why did she say that?

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"Thanks, Hiroto. Now, Nagumo, can you please read the next paragraph for us?"

I opened my eyes slowly when I heard my name. I lifted my head up from my arms. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Nagumo Haruya!"

"Oh, shit! I'm in class," I stood and opened my history book. Fuck, which page should I read? "Atsuishi, help me," I whispered.

"Page eighty nine," Atsuishi whispered to me.

Everyone was laughing. I felt stupid. What will Suzuno think of me now?

The teacher walked to me and hit me on the head with her book, "you should sleep early today. Stop staying up late at night."

They all laughed again.

I looked at Suzuno. She smirked and looked again at her book, "idiot."

I looked at the ground, I felt ashamed. How can I get her love now?

"Sit, but do not sleep in class again. Atsuishi, please read the next paragraph," the teacher said as she walked back to the front of the class.

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Normal POV

(After school)

Nagumo entered his room and slammed the door shut. He threw his bag on the floor and then he kicked it to the wall, "how could she do this to me?"

He went to his bed and covered his face with his pillow.

Then, the door opened and Netsuha walked in. "Is everything okay, Nagumo?" he asked, closing the door behind him.

"Fuck off," Nagumo said sharply.

"Well, this is my room too," Netsuha went to his bed and sat on it (A/N: they share the same room)

He looked at Nagumo who was still hiding his face under his pillow. He had never seen him like this before, "umm, wanna play soccer?" he asked.

"No," Nagumo tried to keep his voice low and cool.

"You are hungry? Let's go t…"

"No," he interrupted.

"Soooo, wa…"

"I SAID NO!" Nagumo yelled. He turned his body to the other side, making his back facing Netsuha.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I was just trying t…"

"Shut up, Netsuha. Just… just leave me alone."

Netsuha sigh and lay on his bed, "Don't think too much about her. She is a nerd. Just forget her."

"I can't… I love her. She's not as cold and heartless as she seems," he said plaintively.

Netsuha sigh and sat, "Well, there is always hope. Maybe she will love you one day."

Nagumo sat and looked at his friend, "Yeah, you're right! I know we would be together, maybe not today, not tomorrow, but someday." He smiled, "I will never give up. It is my goal to make her fall for me. And no matter what, I won't stop loving her."

Nagumo thought for a moment because there was a question in his mind, which he found important to be answered, "Netsuha, 5×5… what is the answer?"

So, how was it? Don't hesitate to Review. It makes me soooo happy!

Thank you so much for reading, really appreciate it.