Louisa had been given a week to willingly go with Reyna and Jason to Camp Jupiter, otherwise they would make her. She waved it off with a scoff, a silent challenge. They could try, but it'll be their fault if she ended up with their blood on her hands.

On the third day, Harvey came round. Lizzy didn't know him, but was introduced. Harvey seemed nice, a powerless Superman. But she caught Louisa glaring at him and the odd glare he sent back. She didn't ask though. Harvey was taking Jessica out for dinner.

"Well, that's a surprise." Jessica smiled. She glanced at Louisa before looking at Lizzy. "This is a bit cheeky, but could you keep an eye on Lou for me?"

"I'd love to." Lizzy grinned.

"Ugh, I'm nearly twelve. I don't need a bloody baby-sitter."

"Oy, that bloody baby-sitter is your new sister. Shut up." Louisa smiled and Lizzy returned it. "Yeah, it's OK." Lizzy punched Louisa's arm in a friendly fashion. "We've got some catch-up to do, sis." Jessica smiled.

"Nothing about boys, clothes, hair, make-up or anything girly. She will kill you." Jessica advised.

"Really?" Lizzy glanced sidelong at Louisa curiously. "Right then- any good at Monopoly?" Louisa smirked.

"Prepare to be bankrupted." She teased.

"She cheats." Jessica said. "Lou, be good. Lizzy, make sure she's in bed by nine at the latest or she won't get up in the morning. Help yourself to food, but no pizza guys at eight o'clock, alright, Lou?"

"Yes…" Louisa said sweetly, looking innocent and angelic.

"I mean it." Jessica said, pointing at Louisa warningly. Jessica was trying for stern but her smile and the laugh in her tone didn't help. "Stay away from phones or anything electric. And no flooding the apartment."

"How many rules are there?" Lizzy laughed.

"With Lou- thousands."

"Rules were made to be broken." Louisa smiled.

"Tell me about it." Jessica sighed. She and Harvey left.

"Who is that guy?"

"Some pig-headed, two-faced git that's got Jessica wrapped around his little finger. Hate him."


"He's a son of Hecate as well."

"Hecate… don't know that one."

"Goddess of magic 'n' stuff."


"Ya need ta do ya research."

Louisa had warned her, but Lizzy was severely bankrupted in the first five rounds. That led to a rematch in which Lizzy kept her money to herself and the spare money away from Louisa. She made sure Louisa didn't change what was on the Chance or Community cards she got- strangely, she always got ones that meant the other player had to give her money. "The gods are on my side, obviously." She smirked.

"Oh, shut up. Ooh, it's my birthday and every player has to give me ten."

"What? There's a birthday card?" Lizzy showed her the card. Louisa frowned. It took a minute for her to decipher the letters. "No fair." She said, handing over the ten miserably. She didn't let go.

"Lou, you'll tear it."

"No, you'll tear it."

"Stop it." Lizzy reached across and dug her finger into the point between Louisa's neck and shoulder. Louisa squirmed, protesting and letting go of the Monopoly money.

"Ow!" Louisa threw the dice at Lizzy's head.

"Ow!" Lizzy mimicked, covering her forehead with her hand. "Oh, you little cow." Louisa stuck her tongue out cheekily. "That's it; I'm so kicking your butt big time on this game."

"Good luck." Louisa smirked.

If Monopoly could get violent, they had a very violent game. Louisa knocked over any hotels or houses Lizzy had on the places she had bought. Lizzy grabbed the lid and bonked Louisa on the head with it and then they ended up in a tickle fight. Lizzy won that one, using her height and weight against Louisa, pinning the demigod to the floor and tickling her until she couldn't breathe.

"You've made me lose my place." Lizzy huffed, moving back and pulling Louisa up into a sitting position.

"I won." Louisa breathed, smiling.

"No, I don't think so." Lizzy jumped up and grabbed Louisa by the upper arms, pulling her to her feet and making her walk.

"Where're we goin'?" Lizzy didn't answer. "Lizzy…" She warned. They went into the kitchen and Lizzy had Louisa sit in a chair at the table. She rummaged in a drawer for under a minute and triumphantly turned round with a roll of Duct-tape. "That ain't fair…" Louisa got up and made a bolt for it, but Lizzy caught her, placing a strip of Duct-tape over Louisa' mouth. "Mm!" Louisa protested. Lizzy quickly taped Louisa's wrists together and then taped her hands to the counter. Louisa struggled against the tape as Lizzy took a picture on her cell phone and texted it to Jessica.

Ta-da! She put with the picture.

Oh my gods, how did you do that?

Sheer skill :)

Wow… you can babysit more often.

I charge.

That's OK. Now let Lou free before the plumbing gets broken.

Plumbing gets broken?

You'll see.

Jessica had a point- the plumbing was kind of in Louisa's control, what with water running through it all. Water shot out of the drain in the sink and smacked Lizzy in the face. Louisa's eyes glinted devilishly.

"I am not letting you free now!" Another jet of water soaked Lizzy's T-shirt and she glared at Louisa. "If you can get out in five minutes, you can stay up for another ten minutes. If you can't you can go to bed ten minutes earlier." Louisa shook her head.

"Mmm-hmm-mm." She hummed.

"Sorry, what was that?" Lizzy smirked. Louisa stomped her foot in frustration and another stream of water shot out from the sink. "Will you stop that?!" Louisa shook her head defiantly and nodded at her hands. "You've got four minutes." Lizzy said, walking past Louisa. Louisa stuck her foot out at the last second and tripped Lizzy up. Lizzy staggered, but regained her balance. "I am slowly going off you."

"Mm-hmm-mm-mmm!" Louisa tried to say. Lizzy left, closing the door behind her.