This is Louisa's past. I thought I'd get it out so people can know where she's been and why she and Percy were separated at birth.

Loud knocking early in the morning woke Katie. She opened the door, leaving the chain on. There was no-one on the doorstep.

A soft whimpering caught her attention. Katie looked down and gasped. Wrapped in a soft blue blanket in a cardboard box was a new-born baby. Katie quickly took the chain off and scooped the baby up.

Katie looked up and down the street, feeling eyes on her. Directly across the street, concealed in an alleyway was the silhouette of a well-built man. Katie blinked and it was gone.

She looked back at the infant, noticing a small, folded piece of paper tucked into the wraps of the blanket. Carefully removing it and unfolding it, Katie read:

Her name is Louisa. Take good care of her.

Katie shot the streets another searching look, before taking Louisa inside.

Five years had passed.

Louisa had grown into a strong, independent young girl, with a heck of a violent streak. She struggled to get along nicely with the other children and if you upset her, you'll have bruises to prove it.

It took a lot of restraint and six doctor visits before Louisa was diagnosed with ADHD. The medication helped, causing a gradual decrease in Louisa's temper and violence. But that didn't mean she was a perfectly behaved girl.

When she started school, she refused to take the medication, insisting she didn't need it. She didn't sit still in class and she struggled with the work.

A week later she was diagnosed with dyslexia.

Katie heard screams coming from upstairs. Dropping the empty pan on the floor, she ran out the room and up the stairs as fast as she could. She entered the playroom to see most of the children, all of various ages, crowding around two children fighting.

It was Louisa and Jack.

The two had never got on. Jack, eight, insisted on aggravating Louisa, six in a few months.

Louisa had managed to floor Jack, who was lanky for his age.

"Take it back!" She shouted, punching him in the face. Katie ran forward and pulled the girl away. Louisa fought against her, trying to break free. "Lemme go!" She ordered.

Katie heard a distinct rumbling from in the walls. As she fought to restrain Louisa, she looked around as the walls started to crack and water seeped out. What the hell was going on?

Water exploded from the walls. In all the commotion- kids falling over each other, getting drenched to the skin- Louisa had escaped.

How she had escaped, bone dry, she wasn't sure. She knew she had caused the plumbing to play up and her gut still hurt from it.

For ten minutes, Louisa ran, a five year old on the loose. She stopped in an alley three blocks away, trying to catch her breath.

She sank to the floor. What was she supposed to do now? Go back?

No, do not return.

Louisa started, looking round, pressing her hands to her head. There wasn't anyone else in the alley, but she was as sure as hell that she had heard a man's familiar voice.

Familiar? How could it be familiar if she had never heard it before?

Go to the sea. You will know what to do.

A familiar strange voice was telling her to go the sea.


It is your way home.

"I don't have a home." Louisa's voice broke as tears threatened to spill.

You do. You just have to find and fight for it.

Louisa wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "Where's the sea?" She asked, looking around the alley. She saw the shadow of a man at the end. A gut feeling told her he was watching her. Louisa didn't take her eyes from him.

"You should know." The man said. And to Louisa's amazement, he melted into water and passed her as a sea breeze.

Sorry its drabbley! I'm working on it! :D