Final chapter! Took me so long! Thanks for the support, minna! Please support my other Durarara fics as well. ^^ I realized my mistakes but I'm too lazy to fix them now. Please forgive me!

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara! But a somewhat comeback yet ending fic… ;-;

Warnings: Yaoi, gore, horror, violence, and fancies!

Rain of Despair

"Is this something like the 'waking up one morning and realizing you love him already' thing in the movies?"

"Izaya… let us have a maiden's battle. For Shizuo's heart."

"It's about Shinjuku, Hasegawa-san. Are you, at least acquainted, to the Todo family?"

"Listen, boy. It appears that Rain has found new love… and she doesn't want you anymore because you're a coward. But I'm not letting her take Shizuo just because she wants him now. How about you try and take your love back?"

"Rain is really a bad girl. I hope you can forgive her… Izaya-kun."

Rain of Despair

One nightmare after another… and all I get are shaky legs…

Lying around the floor as he thinks about the events back in Hasegawa unit, Izaya stares blankly at the ceiling. Due to the injuries he sustained in battle, he is not able to move around for the next set of hours. However, Shizuo needs to go and do his job as Tom says… leaving the two of them separated yet again. And the brunet rethinks about the happenings again and again, he starts to grow anxious about the Father's possible possession of his beloved blond once more. Since Rain seems to quit protecting them, the semi-invisible ball has disappeared along with Izaya's trust on her. She wants Shizuo for herself… and Izaya wouldn't just let her lay her fingers on him just like that.

As the ticking sound of the clock drowns Izaya within his thoughts, suspicious movements begin to be seen within the house. The brunet closes his eyes and feels a strange atmosphere enveloping the area. He then waits for anything as he secretly readies himself for battle. Something seems to be afloat above him… a shadow creeping beyond his closed eyes. Soon, he rolls off his place before the fridge falls down to where his head could have been. Izaya sits up and witnesses a series of attacks by many things set afloat. He then smirks and dodges every appliance there is coming his way. But in a split second, he jerks in his place… finding himself still lying at the floor.

"What the fuck?" He sits up and holds his head, a bitter grin embracing his face, "Have my mind missed so much action?" He then sighs… and fling somewhere to see the fridge beginning to move around. The items that flew towards him in the 'dream' begin to move as well… and the sequence of attacks repeats yet again. However, the sudden shock of waking up comes with the patterns. Izaya gets up again and holds his face… hiding a smirk under his hands, "I see. This is how you make people kill themselves…" He then draws out his knives, "Huh…" He stands up and dodges the fridge and catches the chair afterwards… "RAIN TODO!"

"Izaya Orihara." The girl's voice calls him and he drops the chair… before assuming his normal intimidating pose with his knife, "Sorry, little girl. Stop talking me into that fucking trade because Shizu-chan belongs to me." The girl then shows herself by the open window and smiles, "I'm really sorry, Izaya. But I learned that if I really wanted something, I should get it no matter what it costs me." The brunet laughs out maniacally and as if drowning the girl in ridicule. He then stops to speak with his eyes turning sharp for the hardest glare, "Well, that is a true learning. However…" He assumes a much serious position, "I should teach you that not everything will go your way. It's like saying…" Izaya smirks bitterly, "Fuck off when it comes to Shizu-chan."

"…Then let's teach each other, Izaya. I hope you're ready to learn…" Her image starts to change as well, "The same thing!"

Rain of Despair

Rei Haruno —Sakura no Imooto

Final Chapter: Darkened Clouds

Tom whistles in curiosity as he finds Shizuo less violent than earlier days. Wondering if something bad or great is happening to the blond, the bespectacled guy in dreadlocks asks his bodyguard, "Hey, Shizuo. You don't seem to be yourself today." The bodyguard takes a deep breath and sighs as he exhales smoke from his cigarette, "I'm just… I just don't feel good. Izaya's condition worries me." The tan guy flinches as if struck with the impossible thought, "You're worried about Izaya?" The blond then twitches… finding it too late that his tongue has slipped. He then scratches his head, "Somewhat. There are disturbing things happening recently."

"Shizuo-san!" A heavy lump gets thrown at his back and another lump attaches itself at his waist. The Orihara twins then hum in delight as they squeeze the blonde lover of their elder brother. However, Shizuo tells them to get off and so they did. Mairu grins skyward at him again, "Neh, where's Iza-nii? I can't see him anywhere." Kururi agrees with her younger twin and then Shizuo scratches his head, "He's uhh… argh, you know that fucking flea loiters around a lot." The two girls look at each other and then Mairu points as his face, "Iza-nii's your boyfriend! You should know where he is!"


Tom's face starts to contain nothing but mere confusion due to the smaller girl's words. Being Shizuo, the blonde man picks up another post from the root and starts swinging it at the girls. Kururi runs off to a safer distance as Mairu performs cartwheels to avoid getting hit. The blonde man then throws the post towards Mairu who duly dodges the post. She then laughs out, "I'm really sorry for yelling it out loud, Shizuo-san. Chu~" Shizuo has another vein pop and he tries to calm down as their audience starts to multiply.

He pockets his hands and then walks away from the two girls, "I don't have time for you. Izaya wouldn't like to see you girls anyway… wherever he is." The older twin then joins the younger one and they run to catch up with Shizuo. Tom then decides to follow the blonde man as the two girls do. Shizuo then stops and glares at the two girls, "Could you stop following me?" The girls just grin at him and then Tom looks around, "Shizuo, how about you take your afternoon off? I think I will be able to manage without you and Izaya for today."

"…I'm really sorry, Tom-san." Shizuo says and then the guy with dreadlocks smiles at him. He then whispers at his bodyguard, "I don't really know what happened back in Hasegawa's unit but you two seem to have got to a lot of trouble. Why don't you just go and check up on Izaya-san for today?" The blond scratches his head again and thanks the guy as well as apologize to him again. However, Mairu and Kururi go in front of Tom and the younger one suggests, "We want to test out what Shizuo-san is doing! Can we go with you instead, Tom-san?" The guy with dreadlocks scratches his head and then he then just agrees to cut the encounter short.

Shizuo, ignoring Mairu and Kururi's little racket, walks off to go home and take care of Izaya instead. However… as he turns to an alley, the mysterious voice speaks once again, "Ke-ke-ke… you sure are handy at times, Shizuo Heiwajima." The blond stops walking and he exhales smoke from his cigarette again, "…That fucker's back." Wild laughter sounds within him and then the walls start to bleed… something that the Father is not able to do before, "Thank you for keeping my stupid whore away. Now shall we get back to business?"

His arms begin to tremble as the ghost Papa-san tries to take over his body again. He drops the cancer stick and tries to hold himself down as much as he could. There might be no other walls to trap him in such place… but it is pretty deserted to be a common walkway for people. The annoying laughter goes on and on as Shizuo runs around to hit himself against the things on the alley— subsequently hurting the ghost as well. He bangs his head against the wall which he shatters in one hit… causing his forehead bleed.

His golden eyes stare at the reflection of his face at the bleeding walls… staring through his image and to that man behind him. The man is laughing hard while ignoring all the wounds that are identical to Shizuo's. The ex-bartender pulls back a bit to stagger and then he pants in fatigue. "What's wrong, Shizuo? Finally letting me on that beautiful chick?" The blond tuts and then staggers along the path more… "Shit. My vision's… getting blurred again…"

Not from blood loss or dizziness… but the sheer layer of darkness that conquers his sight. The ghost is also trying to steal his body away and their internal fight makes his legs unstable more than before. Shizuo then ends up stumbling at the floor and he starts grasping at his body more… as the radiating pain intensifies and eats him up. He trudges along the alley… only to encounter such a very unfortunate girl around a corner.

"…? Heiwajima-san?" The blond twitches as he lifts his face to see the girl who is standing at a distance. Shizuo tries to straighten a bit and then he says, "Oh, shit. Why are you here again? Aren't you supposed to get away from me or something?" Anri then hums in cautiousness… with an arm hidden behind her. Shizuo grabs his head and he tries to walk away from her, "Stay away, it's dangerous." She twitches as she silently unsheathes Saika from her left arm, "H-Heiwajima-san?" The blond then groans as his headache worsens… soon, straightening after some loud breathing.

Anri then sighs and walks to him a bit, "Heiwajima-san… nope." She jumps back before getting into her stance as the man starts laughing out loud in victory, "You're not Heiwajima-san!" Shizuo— or the ghost Papa— flings his gaze at the girl and he grins maniacally as he grabs a nearby dumpster, "Ah, Anri-chan… we met again. Miyuki's gone and as well as this motherfucker… so I guess we can all play, can't we?" The girl tightens her grip and then the blond swings his weapon around, "AH! So strong! Lemme crush ya with everything that I've got!"

"Heiwajima-san! Wake up!" Anri screams as she dodges the thrown things… but she hesitates to go and cut Shizuo. She blocks and dodges whatever he throws at her… but she cannot just go and slash Shizuo. Doing so might turn him into another child… she thought so. But the now rabid man continues to hurl everything possible towards her… being so amused by the fight she puts up against him. She isn't an average girl… she produces a sword out of her own body. Somehow, the man feels in danger for this… but the fact that she doesn't want Shizuo to get hurt is being abused.

The wild man laughs out more and more as he overuses the body… not caring of its current limits. Shizuo has been through a lot in the series of days and his body does not have the proper time to even recuperate. Anri wishes to continue not hitting him; however, there are limits of her certainty to keep up with it. She begins attacking Shizuo's body and her cuts and slashes are causing wounds to the blond. The ghost Papa stares at him as she takes a deadly stance, "This is as far as you can go. Leave Heiwajima-san's body at once. I can cut through spirits, mind you."

"Do so, Anri-chan… let's see who is more willing to kill in here!" He charges head on without any weapon and the woman runs towards him as well. She then swings herself around to stab Shizuo… through his waist. The father then grins as he bleeds dark-colored blood from his mouth. He grabs her neck and tries to strangle her. The woman kicks him away to a close distance— shedding away her mercy as she aims for the neck, "I'm sorry, Heiwajima-san." She makes a full swing only to miss since someone must have pulled Shizuo away from her.

The girl jumps back as she sees who could have done so. The man groans at the pull and he opens his eyes to see his daughter standing nearby… "Ah, if it isn't the good-for-nothing Izaya." The brunet looks down at him and then he throws some knives at him to trap him at the ground for a while. He then goes to Anri as he arms himself with another knife, "Hahah, what do you think you're doing, Anri-chan?" She frowns at him and she gets en guard again, "I don't have a choice… Izaya Orihara."

"Fine. I'll deal with you first, I guess. I can't really stand monsters." Izaya gets on his stance as he challenges the nuisance of a woman that dared hurt his Shizu-chan with a fatal blow. Bullets might not work so well as well as Saika's love… but a serious slitting of his neck would be really fatal. However, before they can even start their own bout, the ghost Papa chooses to harm himself more as he forces his way out of the trap, "Hey! Get away from her, Izaya. She's mine!" But then he screams in pain as he starts holding himself down again…

"Argh… shit. I… Izaya…" The two twitch as they hear the blond speak and then Anri calls out, "Heiwajima-san!" However, the ghost roars out loud… regaining complete control over the tattered body. He then laughs out again and he grabs a post that he has thrown earlier, "Poor Shizuo. Still struggling to get his body back. I might just let him do so… but I'll leave the two of you slaughtered. How's that!?" The two change targets as they aim their arms at the annoying ghost… Izaya sighing, "Seems like I have to deal with you from the outside as Shizu-chan do it inside him."

"Saika can cut through the ghost. However, I might hurt Heiwajima-san as well. We need to pull the spirit out first—" Izaya laughs out as she speaks… the girl darting her glares at the brunet. The information broker then grins deviously, "Ah, I understand why you are trying to reach out to your non-existent human side. But let me get this straight. Anri-chan, it's not like I'll owe you something if you help." The girl then eyes back at the charging possessed man, "I know."

Rain of Despair

"Shizuo… Shizuo…"

A voice calls the blonde man and he opens his eyes to see nothing but a black void. He then looks around to find himself floating in such a wild place, "Huh? Where the fuck am I?" He then feels a presence behind him and so he turns to the girl that has been calling him. The girl smiles as he rouses from the fatal sleep and she goes to embrace the wincing blond, "Shizuo!"

"…Who are you?" He asks as he pulls on her collar to detach her but she stays at his chest despite the pull, "It's me! Rain!" The man twitches and then he tries to take her off, "Get off of me!" She then pulls back as he wants… only to turn into a beautiful maiden that is about his age. She then pulls on Shizuo for a kiss. But the blond uses an arm to push her off… "What do you think you are doing?"

Rain gives him a broken look and then she cries, "Why? What's wrong with me, Shizuo? Can't I be someone that you would like? Am I not better than Izaya? He hasn't done anything much but to make you suffer! Isn't he the cause why you got involved with this? Loving him… will only hurt you." She then smiles and snuggles him tight, "Come with me, Shizuo. I will make you endlessly happy… I will never hurt you…"

"No. I don't want to go with you. You're just an ambitious little girl."

The ghost girl then twitches as she eyes differently at the blond, "I see. So that's all that keeps you from coming with me. Then what about Izaya? There's nothing good in staying with him. After everything, he will just dispose of you. You will lose your value to him. And he will kill you." The blond hissed a sigh and then he looked at the girl. "It doesn't matter. That's how our relationship works anyway. We try to kill each other and fail. One needs the other… gets helped… and then back to normal…"

Rain twitches as she listens through the blond, her eyes tearing at the almost broken look. Shizuo then feels another dark entity nearby, "…Though this would be the first time it will happen, I'm pretty sure that's how everything will work out. But don't misunderstand…" The girl stares at him, "I love that flea. I have my reasons… but it's too complicated to even lay all of them down." He smirks as the dark entity starts to move within sight, "So instead of trying to explain, I'll just prove it…"

The blond smirks bigger as the image of the father appears before them, Rain moving behind the blond. Shizuo called out with a mocking tone, "Oi, old bastard. How about you leave my body in peace now, huh?" The father laughs out and then Rain holds him from behind, "Shizuo-san, you seemed to have your energy back. Is it because of me?" The blond recalls his smirk and speaks with a kind smile, "Uh. Thanks for reminding me… that I have to go back to Izaya." The girl detaches herself from him and vanishes with an angry frown.

Papa then laughs out as he walks nearer to the blond, "Ah, Shizuo. Why don't we just have a deal and let me have your body? You hated your strength, didn't you? Why don't you just give it to me!?" Shizuo smirks back at him and begins walking around, cracking his knuckles, "Yeah, I didn't like it. But I need it to kick people's asses. People who didn't give a shit even if they already disturb other people's peace." The father laughs out again as he grows those vines that used to infest the blond's arm, "Don't you just wanted to hurt people just because you're stronger than them!?"

"No. I hate violence, jerk. You're stupid and it takes one to know one." The blond then readies his fist for some beating, "There's no way I would lend my pain-in-the-ass strength to anyone else. Raijin High was a mess back then. And I'm not really dreaming of seeing that again. This strength wouldn't even listen to me… what more to other people." He then charges towards the man and the father uses his vines to contain the blond, "Very well, then. I will kill you here and your body will be mine! I will crush that girl with your hands and I will drink all of her blood!"

"Don't turn me into something disgusting!" Shizuo breaks from the vines and gets near enough to deliver blows. He punches the father's face to the extent of having his hand go through the head. His eyes widen at the thing… but then the blood turns black and makes a dome to cover the both of them. Shizuo ends up in a dark dome with a dark liquid filling it in… the father ghost creeping towards him in such a monstrous form, "Shizuo!" The blond clicks his tongue and tries to hit the monster, only for it to endure every blow. He attacks the human with his vines and then Shizuo grabs one to be used as he pulls the father. He airs another powerful punch at the head, crushing it again.

The dome disappears and then he gets dropped from the height. He rubbed his sore butt and then the father is before him… the face and expression very different than earlier. He is staring at his hands and then resorts to looking at the blond, "Huh? I'm so sorry… I guess I was drinking again. Oh, Rain? Rain?" He vanishes with a light and then Shizuo takes a deep breath before staring at his hand with a smile, "…I'm not letting anyone else suffer because of this uncontrollable strength."

Rain of Despair

Izaya and Anri are on the ground, bruised and weakened by the unleashed potentialities of the blond's body. The father ghost laughs out as he holds up a dumpster to hit the two with, "Ahahaha, my good-for-nothing daughter… what would you say for your last–! Ugh!" He drops the dumpster and he holds himself down in utter pain. He then screams and groans… until the body collapses. Light embraces the body for a moment and then Izaya and Anri yell out for him, "Shizu-chan!" "Heiwajima-san!"

They get up slowly from the ground to get to him but then a dark blob hits Anri. Izaya's eyes follow the action as the blob slams the bespectacled girl to a wall, Anri groaning before losing consciousness. She gets locked in place and then a voice calls Izaya's attention from Shizuo's direction, "Izaya." The raven turns to her and he smirks upon wiping blood off his mouth, "Rain Todo? I never thought you can grow older in a matter of minutes. Puberty did a good job on you, too." The girl smiles a bit and spreads her arms to make everything bleed and be covered in blood, "Izaya, I'm taking Shizuo-san… whether you like it or not."

The raven twitches and then she giggles as they hear Shizuo come to. He holds his head in pain and sees himself above the dark goo, "What the hell…?" He then looks before him to see Rain and Izaya, "Izaya! I'm–!" The blood goo wraps around him and makes it impossible for him to move, "Shit! What is this!?" Rain turns to him and clasps her hands on her chest, "Shizuo-san! That's my love for you! Just so you wait and we will be happy! I have to dispose of a certain man–"

"Keh, get this thing off of me! It's disgusting!" Shizuo ignores the girl and he tries to break away from the goo. Rain freezes and her face changes, leading Izaya to make a bitter grin, "Mah, mah, Shizu-chan. So you are capable of really breaking hearts, huh." The black goo then covers the blond more and the Rain turns to Izaya, "Izaya… let the Maiden's battle begin! I'll show you… you don't deserve someone like Shizuo! He must be in denial for now… but soon… soon, he'll love me back!"

"Did it occur to you that it will only happen…" Though in pain, Izaya still manages to pull off his arrogant, ridiculing stance and smirk, flicking the blade of his knife, "Because I'm already dead? And mind you, Rain. I'm not dying." The girl then screams in utter agony and the ground wobbles as deformed people rise from the goo. The raven bitterly smiles as he gets attacked by those things. However, cutting them is futile and Izaya has to exert more force in kicking them away from him. He gasps as one gets a hold of his foot and pulls him to the ground. The zombie-looking things grab and pull on the raven as they make their agonizing deep cries. Rain is there laughing maniacally, "Give up and die, Izaya!"

Shizuo watches in horror as he sees the zombie folks dig on the raven… making him explode in anger. He is able to break out form the blood goo and runs to kick the folks away from his love, "Izaya!" Rain then twitches as she watches the blond and she yells, "Shizuo-san! It's not going to be worth it! Leave him alone! Be with me! I will make you happy and–!" The folks get thrown and Shizuo now carries the coughing raven, "…Sorry. I am in my happiest. Just give it to someone else more deserving…"

Izaya gets down but is still leaning on the blond for support, "Ah, you're making it sound like I'm not much of prize, Shizu-chan." The raven breaks off from the blond and staggers towards the girl, walking on the folks that almost ripped him earlier. He still has his ridiculing smirk on as he speaks with the ghost girl, "Shizu-chan isn't something normal people can handle… but he sure demeans himself of what he deserves because he's a protozoan. On the contrary, I don't care what I do and don't deserve. All I wanted is… to get what I wanted. Shizuo Heiwajima included."

"You. Are. Evil." Rain whispers as she screams again for the folks to revive– only to have Izaya strike at her chest. The blond can't help but to frown… but he has to let the raven do it. The girl groans in pain and the raven crashes her to the ground, embedding the knife deeper. "I let you escape earlier… and I'm not letting you escape now. I don't want you to cause more trouble to me and my humans. I don't want anyone to disturb me and my Shizu-chan again. Goodbye, Rain. Why don't you just go back to Kagiri-kun and be happy? He was just a child… and you expect him to face death without fear."

"Ka… Kagiri is a coward… he… never stands up to anyone… but Shizuo-san is…" She whispers as she starts to cry in pain as the knife digs deeper and deeper. She then holds the hilt and screams as she makes the blood goo make a dome with her and Izaya inside. Shizuo yells for the raven's name but Izaya doesn't budge as the light from everything diminishes…

"Neh, neh. I'll let you in a secret." Chuckling. "Shizu-chan is also a coward… you can't just see it, Rain. He's scared of his own strength and he does nothing to even tame it. He acts on its urges most of the time even though he doesn't like violence. Isn't that what Kagiri-kun used to do? Letting your father beat the both of you to death and never does anything against it? That night your father killed you… he ran away in fear. Not in fear of being killed by your father… but by the fact that he couldn't save you. The two of them are the same. Wouldn't you agree?"

"…Are you trying to talk me out of this? I am not… I will not leave without Shizuo-san."

"Eh? Really? I think negotiating with you is probably too late now. It's not like I have forgiven you for everything that your little curse had made us go through either." Strike. "It's time to remain dead, Rain. Being heart-broken is a normal thing for humans to go through. You can just go back home and heal. It's not like you'll be able to feel the pain when you're dead after all."

"… Shi…"

"There's a lot to see in the world of the living, young girl. But what you're looking for is only found in the afterlife. Oh, you'll find Shizu-chan there someday… but it won't be so soon so you have to wait."

"…How could you speak of your beloved dying?"

"Because that's how our relationship works. I get rid of Shizu-chan when I don't need him… and I cuddle near when I do. We don't have a choice, that's how it is. No one else can play those roles but the two of us. But don't get me wrong… I really love Shizu-chan to the fullest now. It's a little hard to explain why, though. There are things that it's only actions that count, anyway…"

"If I ask Shizuo-san… would he say the same?"

"I don't have an idea. That protozoan is really unpredictable at times. But hearing him say the same will make me happy~"

"…" Light engulfs the place and Izaya now swims in a place almost filled with black goo. Rain, back in her little girl form, floats before him and she speaks, "I wish I could put up more of a fight. But I think I understand everything now." She smiles and vanishes, "…Thank you."

The dome breaks and disintegrates as well as the goo all over them. Izaya is now sitting on the floor and then Shizuo walks towards him, "Izaya!" The raven turns to him and smiles… "I guess it's all over now. She's gone." Shizuo nods and sits down beside the raven, soon leaning on the other in pain and fatigue, "…Finally."

"So… want to kill me again?"

"…That can wait."

Rain of Despair

The raven yawns as he swivels around his chair in his office. Izaya then stares out at the glass window and observes the night lights of the city. His sisters are softly snoring on the couch where they fell asleep an hour ago… with Namie putting on a blanket above them. She then goes to Izaya, "I couldn't believe you weren't able to attend to a lot these days. Did you purposely take a vacation?"

"Hm? A vacation? You can say so." Izaya shortly answers and then his phone beeps on the table. He reaches out for it with the secretary watching him intently. It is a message from Shizuo… [Anri's awake. She doesn't remember anything about the ghost.] The raven smiles and messages him back in a hasty manner to prevent Namie from reading the message. [I see. I guess you can leave now then.]

"I don't understand what really happened those days back… but it seems things have changed." The secretary leaves with a smile as she fetches her things, "I'm leaving. See you tomorrow, Izaya." He then waves out, saying 'Good work' as she gets out of the room. The raven swirls around again and stares at the moon… "Uh, a lot has changed. There are things that aren't here before…" He then gets up and leaves his house minutes after Namie did, venturing somewhere.

He ends up at a park nearby Raira General Hospital where a certain blond is waiting for him. Shizuo blows off the smoke before the raven sits down beside him, "How's your work? Your clients back?" Izaya hums a satisfactory one and he only leans against the blond's shoulder. The night breeze blows on their faces and then Shizuo looks down at the raven next to him. The blond inhales smoke again from his cigarette and blows off, "Izaya. People will die if they see us together like this…"

"Are you disgusted?"


The raven then straightens and stands up to stretch. He then pockets his hands and speaks as he stares off at a distance, "I guess there are things that should never happen in the first place." Shizuo then gets up and drops his cigarette, squashing it dead with his foot. "Everything can happen. It only matters when people noticed it did."

"Hahah, that's some good words from a keen, dumb protozoan like you, Shizu-chan." The blond then retorts at the information broker, "What was that!?" Izaya then walks backwards from the other male, his ridiculing smirk and eyes on his face, "Well, there might be things that happen secretly… but there are always things that should always happen." He then flashes the blade before Shizuo, "What do you think, Shizu-chan?"

Shizuo then sighs with a smirk, "If you're referring to your death… yes it is!" He then suddenly grabs the bench and swings it around to hit the raven. The raven manages to dodge most of the hits until he gets near enough to the blond. Shizuo twitches as Izaya gets to a cutting stance… only to reach out a hand to touch his face. Izaya smiles at him again, closing in for a kiss…


"I lost the power to fight back against love. Might as well adore it while it's here."

"Uh. Let's do that."

End of Rain of Despair

Thank you for reading and patronizing this story. :)