A/N: Yo! Thought I'd pump another little NarutoxFairy Tail oneshot out in the midst of my updating frenzy. Hope you enjoy it! And so, without further adue, I pressent to you...


"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

~Cana Alberona (slightly innebriated at the time of the quote)


Cana Alberona was drunk.

Tipsy really.

Now, Cana she found this quite strange, because she never, ever got drunk. She could drink for days and days on end, and not once would she feel the aftereffects of the booze, nor would she wake up with even the slightest of hangovers. Tonight was different. Tonight, Cana, was deliberately getting herself sloshed. Tonight, after learning only hours earlier she would once more be taking part in an S-Class exam. The very same exam she'd failed four times before, while Mirajane, Erza and Laxus had all passed with flying colors.

But that wasn't the reason for her inebriated state. The real reason she'd chosen the drink was because of her father. Gildarts Clive. It was because of him that she'd come to Fairy Tail after her mother died. Because of him-his fault!-that she became a mage, that she subjected herself to hellish training and ridiculous jobs on a daily basis. Because she hadn't told him yet. Hadn't told him she was his daughter. Cana had tried to tell him many times, and each time she failed. Finally, she'd sworn to tell him once she made S-Class. Only...she never did. She'd failed again and again and AGAIN, and now well, she was almost certain she'd fail. Too many of these failures had accumulated in he rmind to allow her to think otherwise. Hence the drinking herself to death.

In her mind, Cana reasoned if she was too drunk to attend to attend the exam they wouldn't bother to care if she didn't show up. If she didn't show up then she couldn't fail now, could she? It seemed like such a sound argument at the time, when she'd been sober. Now, only a few barrels in, the idea was beginning to seem more and more unlikely. Ten empty barrels lay discarded beneath her stool at her feet and she felt only slightly tipsy. To make matters the bar was beginning to run low. Within hours-minutes if she kept up the grueling pace-there would be no more alchohol.

"Is this seat taken?"

Cana looked up blearily, the room blurring as someone claimed the seat beside her. Blue eyes met brown and brown was the first to drift away as the mage managed a half-hearted wave. She tried to say something to be eloquent, but her mouth-and her considerably high blood-alchohol level-betrayed her once more.


"Thanks." the stool creaked as someone settled into it.

"D'n mention it." She caught a glance at him-for he was emphatically male-out of the corner of her eye. Not half-bad looking, this guy. She half-expected him to cringe back from the copious amounts of whiskey on her breath, however, to cringe away from the amount of booze she'd drank. Instead, he smiled and leaned acoss the counter towards her.

"I'd offer you a drink but it looks like you've already cleared the place out." He shot a sympathetic look at the bartender and slid some cash across the counter, affording Cana the rare opportunity to size this newcomer up without him noticing. The first thing she noticed was his smile, and from there, her interest only piqued.

He was handsome enough, she supposed. Blond hair, blue eyes, whiskered cheeks, a spiral shaped scar tracng the length of his jaw, spinning round and round and round...she got dizzy just by looking at it. And then he threw her for another loop; because there was the matter of his attire. The young man wore extravagant colors, white slacks complete with an orange sleeveless vest, giving her ample view of his chiseled chest and the tattoo in full view of his shoulder. Her eyes lingered on the former a tad longer than they should have before they finally noticed the mark.

"Whuzzat?" She asked, pointing at his shoulder.

"Hmm?" The blond blinked before he followed her gaze, indicating the tattoo adjourning his left shoulder and most of his collarbone. "You mean this?" The tattoo, presented the profile of a great tiger, baring its massive fangs in defiance. She'd never seen the mark before and even in her drunk stupor, she couldn't help but be curious about it.

"This is the mark of Sabertooth." the blond grinned.

"Saber...Sabertooth?" She slurred. "Neva...hurd a' it?"

"Its my guild, if you must know." A grimace of self castigation. "We're not very big yet, but one of these days...we'll become the biggest guild in all of Fiore! A touch of pride entered his words, but he might as well have been speaking a different language, because Cana was no longer listening.

"Ha!" The card mage snorted, covering her mouth with one hand in an attempt to stifle a drunken giggle. "Big! You said you weren't big!"

The blonde's eye twitched.

"Oi, oi...

"Oi! Cana mimicked him, unable to help herself.

"You're bloody hammered aren't you?"

"'M not!" Cana hiccuped. "You...You shaddap!" Shit. She really was, wasn't she? Perhaps she'd drunk too much after all. Had the room always been swaying this way? The mage extended his arm with a grin, and it was with very little hesitation that she found herself clasping it and shaking his armin turn.

"Uzumaki." The mage introduced himself with a grin. "Uzumaki Naruto."

"Cana Alberona." She grinned back, marvelling at the feel of his muscles beneath her fingertips. Damn but the guy knew how to work out. She let her fingers linger a touch longer than they should when he released her arm deicately trailing them across his bicep

If the mage recognized her name, if he noticed her subtle flirtation, then he did precious litle to show, either. His eyes however, drifted toward her exposed stomach, where the symbol of her guild was proudly displayed in all its glory. She was just about to comment on that, on his wandering gaze when the blond laughed.

"So tell me Cana, what's a pretty young fairy like you doing in a place like this?"

"Getting sloshed 's what." Her tongue slipped. "I have a test tomorrow...so I'm drinking till I fall over!"

Naruto laughed and the gesture was warm as lava glow. Or perhaps that was the alcohol in her belly.

"I'll drink to that." he said.

"You should!" Cana shouted with a laugh of her own, wobbling only slightly as she raised what was left of her barrel in answerment. "C'mon! Drink with me!"

"I don't think I'd be able to keep up with you...

"You gotta at least try!"

Naruto chuckled.

"My magic doesn't react well when I'm drunk."

"What kinda magic do you use anyway?" She asked.

Blue eyes twinkled mischeviously in the dimly lit bar.

"Now that would be telling."

"Can't you at least give me a hint?"

"I could."

When he refused to elaborate, Cana pouted.


Naruto laughed, exposing sharpened fangs.

"I didn't say I would."

Cana blinked. Didn't Natsu have teeth like that? This guy...he could possibly be another...nah. In her inebriation she gave the matter no thought. None at all. She'd come here to get hammered, not to ask his life story and all that prissy bullshit. The thought still nagged at her, though. Just what sort of magic did he wield...

They chatted amicably with one another for a few minutes before the blond ordered a drink of his own-whiskey on the rocks with a shot of vodka. Cana couldn't help but be impressed at his choice; his was a drink of an experienced drinker. Not some first time fruity beverage. He slammed it back against his lips and drained it in a single shot, gasping as the alchohol warmed his belly. He ordered another, and another, and slid it across the counter at her while taking the first for himself. She caught it with a deft hand that defied her drunkeness.

The blond shot her an appraising glance as he raised his glass.

"This has a little bit of everything in it." He warned her. "Think you can handle all of that?"

"Just watch me!" She knocked it back in a single motion, drinking the burning fluid. A few moments later, the room began to swim. Add to that the already significant effects of her own intoxication, and not even her legendary resistance to alchohol could save Cana Alberona from what was to come. She'd simply had too much booze and now, with the potent vodka swirling through her systerm, round and round and round, she'd lost any chance of emerging from the bar in any form of sobriety.

"You okay?" A blurry Naruto asked.

"Heeeeeeeey," She laughed, hiccuping. "This stuff's great!" Before he could protest she snatched his shot glass away from him and downed it as well. Now Naruto looked really blurry. So did the rest of the room. Those people were blurry, he was blurry...hehehehe...everything was blurry! And maybe it was just the booze talking, but he was starting...to look pretty damn handsome, just sitting there. She barely even registered those silly words of his as she scooted her stool toward him.

"This stuff 's good." She slurred. "Reeeallly good...

"I'm afraid you won't think the same come morning, Alber—"

He was cut off as her mouth struck his, her lips connecting with his ferociously.

Perhaps it was the alcohol. Perhaps it was her ego regaining its former stature. Perhaps it was his one hand on the back of her neck, pulling her mouth closer to his, while the other started undoing her belt. Whatever the reason, Cana Alberona forgot about tomorrow's exam completely as Naruto grabbed hold of her and she him underneath his white slacks.

His gasp of surprise certainly did not dissuade her either...

Cana awoke the next morning to satin sheets and one hell of a hangover. The room swam before her vision, tossed about by tides of nausea. Her tongue felt thick and woolen which was no surprise, gven the amount of alchohol she'd consumed. Her head felt like...well, like Master Makarov's titan form had stomped on it rolled over. Only then did she see the clock. Well past afternoon. The boat was long since gone. The mission to get herself shit-faced drunk had been a success after all. So why did she feel a sudden surge of dread? It wasn't like she was letting anyone down-except herself-by not taking the exam. There was always an next year for her. Sighing she sat up, the sheets falling from her form. Only then did she realize she was naked. Shit. Fuck. Shit. She hated hangovers. Hated them!

She clutched at herself in disbelief, shaking her head to clear the spots from her eyes. Warm sunlight shone through the curtains, peeking around the blue drapes, exposing a series of hickies on left breast. Despite that and the fact that this certainly wasn't her first time, the cadre mage flushed. Fuck. Oh, fuckity fuck. She'd gone and slept with Naruto, hadn't she? She'd gone and had a one night stand even after swearing off any sort of physical relationship a year after losing her virginity to Gray. She'd woke the next morning to find he stripping friend gone, without so much as a word of goodbye. Things had been awkward ever since, and now, she had gone and done the same thing, only to wake up alone. Again. Stupid. Stupid girl! She berated herelf as she struggled to rise, searching for her garments amongst the pristine sheets of the bed. sworn off having a again, after the

"Oh, you're awake."

Cana froze as Naruto rounded the corner, clad in an orange bathrobe. She might've found it funny, were it not for the realization that she'd slept with a complete and total stranger. A damned sexy stranger. The longer she gave the matter thought, the less she came to care about that, however. Becuse he was still here. He hadn't left her. Hell, he'd given her the excuse she needed to skimp out on the exam! Tears-tears!-stung at her eyes and she dashed them with the back of a hand without a second thought.

"Good morning." She said lamely, sheepishly, feeling silly for almost crying in front of him. Kami, she felt so awkward.

Naruto displayed no such awkwardness.

"Wow." He whistled, suddenly, softly.

"W-What?" Cana clutched at the sheets, drew them closer to herself. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." Narut shook his head, only for a dazzling grin to blossom across his face. "I'd just forgotten how damned beautiful you were without your clothes on, that's all."

Behind Cana's pale skin, the slow flushing of her face looked almost like a growing forest fire, and she seemed literally unable to catch her breath. She tugged up the sheets just to hide her eyes, just so she wouldn't have to to look at those smoldering blue orbs. Oh wow. He was smooth, this guy. Fighting her and hitting on her at the same time? She'd never met a man capable of both before. Of holding his own against her while at the same time respecting her as a woman. She burned beneath his gaze, color rising in her cheeks, red as a rose.

Damnitall he's making me warm!

But was he really worth missing the exam?

Hell yes he is!

A tiny voice in Cana's head reminded her of her promise to Lucy but she shrieked at it and it retreated into a corner, cowering. Despair filled her again, dark clouds blurring and warping her vision until the room seemed at the bottom of a stormy red sea. She shoved it aside and focused upon the man standing before her, drinking in every aspect of him and her surroundings She could hear the shower running in the hall, could see that towel wrapped around his exposed neck; the mark of Sabretooth standing out stark and proud upon his collarbone, baring its fangs at Cana. Glaring at her. Accusing her of treason.

Is it so wrong to want to enjoy myself?


She blinked, pushing her sorrow away.

"Don't you have that shitty ass exam of yours to take?" The blond said so simply she'd have sworn he was raised on foul language. Cana stole another glance at the clock, considered it, decided otherwise. She really did not have it in her to get out bed, hung over as she was. Instead, she shook her head.

"Not anymore."

"Well...shit." the blond shrugged. "Sorry if I made you miss it."

"Don't be."

But Naruto persisted.

"I still feel like shit for making you miss something that important." His eyes lit up as a thought occurred to him. "At least let me make you breakfast in bed." She caught a glimpse of his magic just then-as he flicked an eager glance toward the kitchen of his apartment and clapped his hands. The lights snapped on, one by one, various appliances flaring to life and cabinets wresting themselves open. Some sort of telikentic magic, then? She shook her head, dismissing it as nonsense. He probably had a lacrima in the house somewhere. That's not the point! Her mind hissed, reminding her of his gracious gesture. The point is he offered to make you the best freakin' breakfast in bed you'd ever had!

Aw, she thought to herself, smiling. He's sweet. Might as well enjoy him...

Cana gave the blond a coy smile and beckoned him back to the bed. Back to her, as her hands made swift work of the sheets, lowering them just enough to expose the smooth skin of her left shoulder and breast and a gorgeous body beneath. She could be awfully tempting when she wanted to.

"Why don't you come over here and make it up to me personally, handsome?" she purred.

Naruto blinked, eyes narrowing in amusement.

"Well now, I wouldn't be a gentlmen if I refused now, would I?" He stepped toward her but instead of discarding the robe, he extended his hand to her. Not knowing what to expect, what else to do, Cana accepted his hand and allowed herself to be led from the bed. The sound of running water grew loud in her ears, drowning out all else. By the time she realized what he intended, he'd already slipped the robe from his shoulders a second too soon, revealing precisely his intent.

The shower was still runnng.

"Ladies first." He gestured grandly, helping her into the shower stall as though she were stepping into a carriage. This time, Cana did laugh, releasing all of her pent up stress and anxiety as he stepped into the shower behind her, his lips findng the sweet spot of her neck. Her knees turned to jelly, as he drew the curtain closed behind them. It was then and there as Naruto took her by the hand and led her into bliss, as he made love to her for the second time in less than twenty-four hours that, Cana Alberona made up her mind. Screw the exam. What did one day matter, anyway? Besides, as of right now, right here, right now...

She f***ing loved hangovers.

A/N: Aaaaaaaaaand there you go! My onesho for NarutoxCana that I never got around to writing! IT IS NOW WRITTEN! Sorry. Been spazzy playing Fallout and Dead Space and getting the absolute CRAP scared out of me. As a final note, this takes place before the seven year timeskip, when Sabretooth was a small-time guild, hence the reason Cana initially reacted with confusion. Anywho off to work now. AGAIN. Hopefully I'll be able to read your reviews and respond to them in a timely fashion once I get back tonight, so...

Would you kindly review? Let me know if I should continue? With Cana missing the boat, and by definition the exam, she's got seven years to grow up and explore her relationship with Naruto. He might be part of a small guild now, but we all know what Sabertooth is like, so if and I mean IF this continues, theirs going to be some drama on both sides...and much hilarity when the gang does come back to possibly find Cana married and...possibly with child...XD
