Chapter 9

It only took Allie a few minutes to brush her teeth after breakfast and when she was done she raced Kate down the stairs excited to go shopping with her Grams and Alexis.

Once they both got down stairs Rick smiled at Kate silently asking if everything was okay which Kate responded to with a nod.

"Right. Miss Allie, Miss Alexis. Are you both ready to shop til we drop?" exclaimed Martha as the two girls nodded "Let's go then" continued the red head as she gently grabbed Allie's hand.

"Remember to be good for Grams. Both of you. Allie, no running off or playing hide and seek or talking to strangers. Make sure you do what your asked" called Kate as the three walked out the door and on their adventure for the morning.

Once the trio had left the first thing Rick did was gently pull Kate towards him and brush his lips against hers "Mmmm, I've been wanting to do that all morning" he muttered against her lips.

"Me too" smiled Kate and it all went silent the two of them just standing there and looking at one another until Kate broke the silence.

"What am I going to do, Rick? Allie and I will have to go back to my place soon but I only have 1 room. CPS aren't going let me keep her. They are going to tell me I'm not prepared to be a mother or I don't have the right job or I don't have the money to raise a kid. What am I going to do? I can't lose her again" Kate broke down in Rick's arm as he tried to calm her.

"Ssssshhhhh Kate. You know what I think? They are going to see an extraordinary young woman who spends her time saving the world. You can stay here with Allie as long as you need. They will see someone who has so much support from friends and family, Mother Alexis and I. They will see a mother in love with her daughter and a daughter in love with her mother. Everything else, we'll figure out together. K?" replied Rick. He could see she was worried about everything and wished he could take it all away.

"Thank you Rick" Kate said kissing the writer "Thank you for everything. For being here. For including her and accepting everything that has happened. Just thank you" she said before kissing him deeply and pushing him towards the couch.

"Movie?" Kate asked once they were on the couch and she had removed her lips from his.

"What one? You can choose"

"Umm. Maybe Grease? I think I'm in the mood for cheesy 80s musical high school drama. And I need a laugh" Kate stated.

Rick moaned and kissed Kate's forehead "Grease it is. But I choose next". The writer removed himself from under Kate before finding and turning on the DVD and returning to his spot.

Kate sprawled out on top of the writer, them laying stomach to stomach, legs entangled and his arms hugging around her waist, it looked awkward but was comfortable.

As the movie went on the couple went from kissing, to singing along, to caressing and then back to more kissing. They laughed, they teased and laughed some more and fell asleep cuddled together. It was an enjoyable morning.

After waking up bur before Rick had a chance to choose his movie the 2 girls walked in followed by his mother and the doorman holding a lot of bags. Neither Kate or Rick had realized it was nearing 12:45, 15 minutes off there time to start heading to the park.

"You can put them over there, thanks Ed" Martha said and tipping the doorman.

"Oh my goodness" Kate expressed "For only being gone a few hours you 3 have done a lot of shopping. "Did you have fun baby girl?" Kate asked Allie picking her up as the little girl nodded her head vigorously.

"Grams bought Lexis and me heaps of things. We got toys and books and clothes and shoes and even pretty hair things for every coloured outfit. It was really fun. Wasn't it Lexis?"

"Yea it was" said the older girl quietly. Rick watched on trying to work out why his girl was so quiet. Normally she was 50 mile an hour after a shopping trip with her grams. He made a mental note to ask her but Kate beat him to it.

"Hey Lex. Why don't you and I go upstairs and sort your stuff out while dad plays with Allie before we go to the park? Hmm?"

"Okay" the red head smiled while Allie cheered out at the prospect of playing with Rick. Kate put her daughter down, who ran straight into Ricks legs, and ushered the young red head upstairs.


Hey my fabulous readers

I know this is extremely late but like everyone work and uni come first + I have been really addicted to other fics. 'A drop in the ocean' is a good one as well as 'ready to take the plunge' 'vice' and 'every book tells its own story'. Trust me there's more but to many to list. If you've read any good ones I may have missed send me a review or PM with its name and author - ill check it out. Hope you like this one :)