Disclaimer: Own a new cheese grater, not the X-Men.

You know who absolutely rocks for reviewing my story without fail? QTFics! Yeah, QTFics is awesome!

On to the story!

Wait! Wait! Wait! WAIT! By the way, there is some blood in this chapter. By some blood, I mean Kill Bill-type blood. And for those of you not familiar with Kill Bill, that's a lot of blood.

"What the fu ... " I allowed my voice to trail off as I saw a note sitting in the spot that Ororo had occupied a second before. With shaking hands, I unfolded it and held it up to the car light.

'Hello Logan,

I am sorry that it has come to this. It is urgent that you come see me at my school immediately. We have taken Ororo so we may protect her. You both are in grave danger.

Signed, Charles Xavier'

Xavier? The school? The one we were supposed to investigate? My mind was filled with questions. Where had Ororo gone? Wha -

Glass flew into my face as something landed on the windshield. I dived out of the car door as a clawed hand punched through the roof, puncturing the car seat where my head had been seconds ago.

I quickly pulled out my pistol, stuck the magazine in, and pulled the slide back. I looked up towards my car roof in time to see a figure jump from my car onto me, pinning me to the ground. A blonde man peered down at me, smirking.

He slowly placed his hand on my neck. He seemed to have claws, judging from the intense pain he caused when he tightened his grip slightly.

"Where is she?" he grunted in my face. His breath was absolutely horrifying.

"Get ... " I grunted. "Get a ... fucking Altoid." He shook me back and forth violently, slamming my head against the ground. His fingers started to squeeze and it felt like he had pierced my throat with nails. I felt blood running down the sides of my neck.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" he screamed into my face, his spit flying into my eyes.

I made a decision. "She's at the ..." As he leaned in for more information, I spat
into his face. He withdrew from my face quickly, wiping his eyes.

I quickly slammed him in the chest with both my hands and shot him three times; once in the hip, once in the arm, and once through his neck. Blood spattered across me as he went limp. I rose to my feet quickly.

Carefully, I nudged his body with my foot. No response. I kicked him, hard. No
response. I turned and started to walk away when suddenly a hand grabbed my foot. How the hell is he still alive? I turned to look at him, immediately noticing that his bleeding had stopped.

I pulled my foot out of his weak grip, stomped on the back of his neck and emptied the rest of my clip into the back of his skull, splattering the leg of my pants with his blood. There was a gaping hole in the back of his head, due to my four hollow-point rounds entering his skull.

I watched in satisfaction as more and more of his blood flowed out onto the ground and he twitched. Smiling, I watched as his arm gave one last, futile jerk - and kept jerking. I watched in amazement as his flesh literally began to fuse back together. He half rose on his arms, looked up at me, and then smiled.


Oh shit. I pressed the release on the handle of my gun to eject my magazine as I pulled another from the waistband of my belt. I pressed the magazine into my gun, pulling the hammer back with my thumb as I backed away from the man's body.

I heard the sound of sirens coming and knew I had to get out of there fast. I sent four bullets into his back, making him fall back against the ground, and emptied the rest of the clip into the back of his neck. I quickly ran to my car.

Stuffing my key into the ignition, I turned it quickly as I heard the sirens getting nearer. I drove quickly towards Fifth and Main, turning onto Fifth. I drove faster and faster, the needle of my speedometer reaching the 85 mark.

Taking one hand off the wheel, I thumbed the release button on my pistol's handle, ejecting the magazine. I opened my dashboard and pulled another from my stash, making sure it was filled with .6mm Incendiaries. Specially made bullets, they burst into flames with the hollow-points on the bullets collapsed.

I tucked my pistol into my belt, and reached under my seat to pull out an army-issue P90. I loaded it as I kept my eyes on the road. Yes, I keep a P90 in my car. Shut up.

I pulled up in front of the school's driveway, with had a gate. I jumped out of my car, shot the gate's electronic lock around ten times, and got back into my car. Alarms started to blare as I rammed my car through the now unlocked gate. As I drove towards the school, I realized that the "school" was just a big house. A really big house.

As I pulled my car to a stop, a redhead woman came running towards my car. A man wearing a sort of red visor quickly followed her.

"Stop!" yelled the woman. The man started advancing towards me, popping his knuckles.

"I'd stop there if I were you, buddy." I said to him, and he snorted.

"Or what?" he kept moving forward. Big mistake. I was pissed now.

I smoothly turned towards him and shot him through his ankle, and he fell to the ground as if his legs had disappeared.

The woman covered her mouth and tried to run forward to him. I quickly let go of my P90 with one hand and pulled out my pistol. I pointed it squarely at her head and gave her a look that plainly said, 'I'm pissed now, so don't try anything.'. After around ten seconds, I motioned her towards the man with my pistol. She quickly ran to his side, pulled off his shirt, and used it to apply pressure to his ankle.

I kept walking towards the door of the mansion, tucking my pistol back into my belt. Trying the door, I quickly realized it was locked. I backed up about a pace and gave it a kick that broke the door off of its top hinges. Somehow, it still wouldn't open. I kicked it again. It flew off its hinges and slammed into the floor.

Stepping over it, I reloaded my P90 and looked around. I was standing in a fairly large room with expensive leather couches and a huge-ass TV hanging on one wall. I walked to the couch, kicked it, and moved on to the TV. I sent three bullets through the screen.

Suddenly I heard a screen and turned around. Sitting on a couch behind me were two teenagers.

"Get behind me, Rogue!" yelled the boy.

"We're on a couch, dumbass!" yelled the girl, Rogue, but tried to squeeze behind him anyway. I pointed my P90 at the ground and raised my left hand off of it. I raised my hand, palm forward, in the universal "stop" sign.

Crazy kidnappers or not, I wouldn't shoot kids. "I won't hurt you." I said, looking into their eyes. "I just need my partner back."

Rogue peered out from behind the boy, and said, "Your partner?" I nodded.

"Yeah, a blue thing from this school kidnapped her. I just - " My voice was cut off as a large blue furry thing leaped onto me. He roared in my face, then turned and yelled for the kids to run. They did so without questioning. I raised my hands and put them on either side of his face.

I struggled with him, pushing him halfway off me. He tried to punch me, but I moved my head just in time. His fist smashed through the floor and my eyes widened. If that punch had hit my face, I would have died. He tried to punch me again, but I grabbed his wrist and...

Ororo. Dead. Blood spattered everywhere. She was lying in a heap on the floor. Blood oozed out of her mouth as she twitched weakly.

Ororo. Hanging by her neck from a rope. Her back was broken, and someone had cut off both of her arms.

Ororo. Drowning slowly. I watched her eyes widen as she sunk beneath the surface of the water.

Ororo. Her throat slit, her unseeing eyes looking at me accusingly.

Ororo. Half of her body gone, powder burns across her face.

Ororo. Stabbed through the heart.



Oro... Ro.

The strange man lying under Beast went limp and started shuddering. Beast got up and turned to see Jean with her hands up to her head. "What did you do?" he asked.

"Showed him images of his partner, like she was dying." responded Jean.

"Was that... completely necessary?" asked Beast, wincing. From his reaction, Logan clearly loved her.

"He shot Scott," replied Jean. Suddenly Beast's sympathy for Logan completely dissipated. He felt like walking over and finishing the fucker, actually. "My god, Jean! Is he okay?"

"Yes," replied Jean. "He was shot through the ankle."

Logan could hear them talking faintly. He heard them muttering about ankles. All he saw, however, was Ororo. Her laughing face. How her lips looked after he kissed them. How beautiful she was when she blushed. And he would never see her again. All because of these people. These people killed her.

Logan's knuckles began to itch. He roared and imagined how it would feel to kill these people. That was the last thing he remembered for quite a while.

A/N: Thank you for waiting so patiently for this chapter. I had to improvise in the middle when I accidentally deleted half the story and had to rewrite it.

By the way, it is illegal to own high-caliber weapons privately in some states, so I don't reccomend pulling a 'Logan' and stashing a P90 in your car.

Incendiary bullets may or may not exist.
