A Strange Love

Chapter 8: Thought of you

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Why should we fight the feeling
Let's just live in the moment
Though it's infatuation
I'm good with that

Cause I'm in love with the thought of you
With the thought of you, with the thought of you
I'm in love with the thought of you
Not the things you do, but the thought of you
Girl, I'm in love with the thought of you, you, you
Girl, I'm in love with the thought of you, you, you
Love with the thought of you

-Justin Bieber

This chapter is what everyone thought of Bonnie and Caroline's news.


Elena's thoughts:

What did she just say? Did she just say that she is in love with Klaus? The man that took everything from Jenna to her blood, the man that took Stefan and made him not care. He made her life a living hell, he technology killed her and he was going to sacrifice her and Tyler. He was a monster and all he did was destroy and turn everything dark but yet she loved him. She noticed Caroline's change of attitude lately she was happy almost, who was she kidding she was downright ecstatic. She ignored all of Damon's snarky comments and practically skipped out of the door every time she got a text. I just always assumed it was Tyler, I never would have thought Klaus would make her fell that way. I just felt like crying, I hate him so much but my best friend is happy. She usually could take to Bonnie about this but Bonnie has been sneaking around with the hybrid douche's brother. Kol of all people she really didn't know much about Kol all she knew was they tried kill him and he was the deadliest of all of the family. He was implosive and full of himself he was basically Damon just older. Bonnie of all people was dating a vampire not just any vampire one of the oldest. All of her friends were falling deeper and deeper in that super natural family and all she could do was watch. Maybe its her fault, they are always there for her and maybe they did deserve to be happy. Since day one Bonnie and Caroline have been protecting her, Caroline even died for her. Could she get over the fact that maybe they are in love. All she knew right now is she wants to cry.


Stefan's thought:

Were they mad? Kol and Klaus really? Klaus took away his free will, he took away Elena. Kol literally killed Damon with a bat, they were evil they killed people. Well so did he and Damon but they weren't that bad were they? Bonnie and Caroline has did so much for them but, why couldn't they fall in love with people that didn't put them through so much. They made Damon turn Bonnie's mom did she forget that? He almost killed here on more than one account. Klaus was bad news, but Stefan did see the change in Klaus after he had been with Caroline and the look Klaus gives her. Its like the look I give Elena, pure love and protection. Stefan never told anyone this, but he knew that Klaus's love for Caroline was real when he risked his life to save her against Alaric. He could have left her there to die but didn't, he knew the love was real, but he could just imagine was this news was doing to Elena. It was probably tearing her apart, her best friends sleeping with the enemies and Tyler what about him he knew how it felt have the girl you love be in love with someone else. He almost lost Elena and that hurt like hell, that poor guy he must hate his life now.


Damon's thoughts:

That bastard he has stolen her, stolen what was suppose to be his. It felt like when he lost Elena, but more he felt like his life had no meaning like he had been hit by a truck carrying vervain. Like they had ripped his heart out and spit on it, Kol of all people. The mans been in a coffin for 100 years, what does he have that he doesn't. 'Bonnie you idiot' The voice in his head shouted and now he was starting to get pissed off. He wasn't going to sit back and watch his love slip through his fingers again. He was not going to compel, cry , and drink this pain away he was going to fight. This time Damon Salvatore will get the one he loves or is going to die trying, he will get Bonnie Bennet.


Tyler's thoughts:
I knew it that slut, she has been with him since the day I left. The whole I want to just be friends was just something she said so she wouldn't feel bad about herself. He was out breaking every bone in his Bonnie she was cuddled up with his sire. Why did he even care she was worthless, and he hope she got everything she deserve. He couldn't deny it ,it hurt like hell Caroline was the only girl he actually loved. She just betrayed him like that, sleeping with the man who had lied to her tried to kill her and now she is in love with him. He needed some air some space, maybe she is compeled. That's not true he could smell the vervain on her, ugh its stupid why him. Then there was Bonnie she was no better, I bet they all knew they are just making a big deal to make him seem like the ass. They have all came to terms with it that they are together they are all plotting against me that's it. I need to go this is all to much. I walk out of the boarding house and saw this beautiful girl, 'what better way to get over Caroline, then to get under another on. Old Tyler is back" he thought.

"Hey beautiful, are you lost?" Tyler said walking over to the girl.

"Can you tell me where the Salvatore boarding house is?" she spoke.

"Yea its right there, but you might not want to go there, there's a hybrid dick in there" he said she wouldn't know what a hybrid is he would just compel her later.

She flashed closer to him and grabbed him by the neck and dug her nails into it until she saw blood.

"That Hybrid dick is my brother, and I think its time for a family reunion." She said as she sunk her fangs into his neck until he passed out.

"ugh Hybrid blood is worse than werewolf blood" she said tossing him through the window.

"Im back she whispered"


That's was everyone's thoughts on the situation I might update tomorrow. I really don't know I'm back in school so I have a lot on my plate, but anyway I didn't tell you guys how everyone took the news and on the next chapter Damon will tell someone how he feels about Bonnie how will kol feel? Thanks for the reviews. REVIEW PLEASE!