Sabretooth walked down the streets of New York. He smiled sadistically; he had been patient. He had stalked his prey for the past three weeks, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He could already taste her, touch her soft coffee colored mocha skin. Feel her body writhing beneath his body and hear the one sound he had been searching for...

He stopped to sniff the air: Sandalwood, rain, and earth. He smiled, revealing his sharp canines. She was close by.


Ororo Munroe- aka, Storm- walked to the garden shop on 5th. She was surprised to see a familiar scruffy looking person there, but welcomed him in a warm embrace.

The person lifted her up and spun her once before putting her back down on her feet. "What are you doing here, Logan?" She asked, smiling. "We're not supposed to have lunch for another twenty minutes." She looked at her watch to make sure she had the right time.

"We are," Logan agreed, "but I wanted to surprise ya."

Storm smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "You're supposed to be at the resturant," Storm admonished teasingly. "We don't want to lose our reservations."

Logan smiled and kissed the top of her head. "See ya there, darlin'," he said as he walked away from her.

Storm turned to walk into the store to buy her fertilizer.


Walking out of the store, she walked toward the resturant with her bag of fertilizer in her hand. She was about five minutes away when someone jumped her from behind, snaking an arm around her waist and holding her firmly to their torso. "Shouldn't be walking alone," a deep gruff voice said behind her. "Never know what's goin' to happen."